HB 0403 2003
6          The Committee on Local Government & Veterans' Affairs recommends
7    the following:
9          Committee Substitute
10          Remove the entire bill and insert:
11 A bill to be entitled
12          An act relating to libraries; creating s. 257.193, F.S.;
13    establishing Community Libraries In Caring grants to
14    assist libraries in specified rural communities; providing
15    criteria for eligibility; providing for administration by
16    the Division of Library and Information Services;
17    providing an appropriation; providing an effective date.
19          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21          Section 1. Section 257.193, Florida Statutes, is created
22    to read:
23          257.193 Community Libraries In Caring grants.--The purpose
24    of a Community Libraries In Caring grant is to assist libraries
25    in rural communities, as defined in ss. 288.0656(2)(b) and
26    288.06561, to strengthen their collections and services, improve
27    literacy in the community, and improve the economic viability of
28    the community. A library may apply for a grant of up to $10,000.
29    In order to be eligible for a grant, a library must show local
30    or other support which shall include cash, in-kind, or other
31    forms of assistance. The Division of Library and Information
32    Services of the Department of State shall administer the grant,
33    develop rules that establish the application procedures and
34    criteria for the review of grant applications and grant awards,
35    and facilitate the exchange of ideas and services to foster the
36    purposes of the grant.
37          Section 2. There is appropriated from the General Revenue
38    Fund to the Department of State the sum of $100,000 for the
39    purpose of funding rural communities, as defined in ss.
40    288.0656(2)(b) and 288.06561, Florida Statutes, for the cost of
41    implementing the Community Libraries In Caring grant, created by
42    s. 257.193, Florida Statutes.
43          Section 3. This act shall take effect October 1, 2003.