HB 0417 2003
6          The Committee on Health Care recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
10 A bill to be entitled
11          An act relating to human immunodeficiency virus; amending
12    s. 381.0046, F.S.; increasing the number of HIV and AIDS
13    minority coordinators within the Department of Health;
14    requiring the department to expand its HIV/AIDS prevention
15    efforts in Florida's minority communities and establish
16    linkage programs for HIV-positive inmates prior to their
17    release from county jail or state prison; deleting
18    obsolete provisions; providing an effective date.
20          WHEREAS, HIV/AIDS is one of the state's most critical
21    public health challenges, with Florida having the third highest
22    number of AIDS cases in the nation and the second highest number
23    of pediatric AIDS cases, and
24          WHEREAS, minorities, primarily blacks and Hispanics, now
25    constitute 61 percent of the more than 83,000 adult and
26    pediatric AIDS cases reported in Florida since the epidemic
27    began in 1981, and
28          WHEREAS, the HIV/AIDS epidemic has disproportionately
29    affected Florida's minority communities, and
30          WHEREAS, the total medical and related lifetime costs for a
31    patient infected with HIV may reach $175,000 or more, and
32          WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that sustained,
33    comprehensive prevention efforts can have a substantial impact
34    on slowing the course of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and
35          WHEREAS, the Legislature intends to decrease the number of
36    deaths of minorities due to HIV/AIDS by increasing public
37    awareness, increasing early detection and treatment of HIV/AIDS
38    in the state's minority communities, and increasing the
39    coordination of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment efforts in the
40    state's minority communities, and
41          WHEREAS, the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the state's county
42    jails and state prisons exceeds the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in
43    the general population, and
44          WHEREAS, recent advances in treatment for HIV/AIDS can
45    potentially reduce the number of opportunistic infections and
46    associated medical costs and delay the onset of death due to the
47    disease, and
48          WHEREAS, referral to appropriate medical and social
49    services upon the release of an inmate can play a crucial role
50    in treatment, care, and secondary prevention efforts, and
51          WHEREAS, the Legislature authorized the creation of the
52    Minority HIV and AIDS Task Force to provide recommendations on
53    strategies to strengthen HIV/AIDS prevention, early
54    intervention, and treatment efforts in Florida's minority
55    communities, NOW, THEREFORE,
57          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
59          Section 1. Section 381.0046, Florida Statutes, is amended
60    to read:
61          381.0046 Statewide HIV and AIDS prevention campaign.--
62          (1) The Department of Health shall develop and implement a
63    statewide HIV and AIDS prevention campaign that is directed
64    towards minorities who are at risk of HIV infection. The
65    campaign shall include television, radio, and outdoor
66    advertising; public service announcements; and peer-to-peer
67    outreach. Each campaign message and concept shall be evaluated
68    with members of the target group to ensure its effectiveness.
69    The campaign shall provide information on the risk of HIV and
70    AIDS infection and strategies to follow for prevention, early
71    detection, and treatment. The campaign shall use culturally
72    sensitive literature and educational materials and promote the
73    development of individual skills for behavior modification. The
74    campaign shall be expanded to include prevention information
75    specifically targeted to Florida's Hispanic and Haitian
76    communities.
77          (2) The Department of Health shall establish eightfour
78    positions within the department for HIV and AIDS regional
79    minority coordinators and one position for a statewide HIV and
80    AIDS minority coordinator. The coordinators shall facilitate
81    statewide efforts to implement and coordinate HIV and AIDS
82    prevention and treatment programs. The statewide coordinator
83    shall report directly to the chief of the Bureau of HIV and AIDS
84    within the Department of Health.
85          (3) The Department of Health shall provide HIV/AIDS
86    outreach programs in Florida's minority communities to identify
87    persons infected with HIV/AIDS. These programs shall address
88    real and perceived barriers to HIV testing among Florida's
89    minority populations.The Department of Health shall, with
90    assistance from the Minority HIV and AIDS Task Force and the
91    statewide coordinator, plan and conduct a statewide Black
92    Leadership Conference on HIV and AIDS by January 2000. The
93    conference shall provide workshops for minority organizations in
94    building skills and improving an organization's capacity to
95    conduct HIV and AIDS prevention and treatment programs.
96          (4) The department shall provide a program to ensure that
97    HIV-positive persons are linked with prevention, care, and
98    support services. This program shall be provided in a culturally
99    sensitive manner to promote prevention among persons who are HIV
100    positive and increase the acceptance and delivery of care and
101    support services in high-risk communities.
102          (5) The department shall expand testing programs for HIV,
103    sexually transmissible diseases, and hepatitis in local county
104    jails. The department shall establish programs for HIV-positive
105    county jail and state prison inmates to ensure coordination and
106    linkage to treatment and secondary prevention messages upon
107    their release.
108          (6) To promote HIV testing among minority persons who are
109    at risk of infection, the department shall expand its HIV
110    counseling, testing, and referral services to include additional
111    Orasure testing.
112          (7) These minority programs shall be consistent with the
113    findings and recommendations of the Minority HIV and AIDS Task
114    Force, the HIV/AIDS Comprehensive Prevention Plan, and the
115    recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and
116    Prevention.
117          Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.