HB 0477 2003
6          The Committee on Judiciary recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
10 A bill to be entitled
11          An act relating to rental agreements; amending s. 83.682,
12    F.S.; removing provisions requiring the payment of
13    liquidated damages to the landlord under certain
14    circumstances upon termination of a rental agreement;
15    amending s. 83.67, F.S.; prohibiting a landlord from
16    discriminating against a member of the United States Armed
17    Forces in offering a dwelling unit for rent; creating s.
18    83.575, F.S.; providing that a rental agreement having a
19    specific duration may require the tenant to give notice
20    before vacating the premises; limiting the maximum amount
21    of required notice; providing for liquidated damages in
22    specified circumstances; providing tenant liability for
23    paying additional rent in specified circumstances;
24    providing an effective date.
26          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
28          Section 1. Section 83.682, Florida Statutes, is amended to
29    read:
30          83.682 Termination of rental agreement by a member of the
31    United States Armed Forces.--
32          (1)(a) Any member of the United States Armed Forces who is
33    required to move pursuant to permanent change of station orders
34    to depart 35 miles or more from the location of a rental
35    premises or who is prematurely or involuntarily discharged or
36    released from active duty with the United States Armed Forces
37    may terminate his or her rental agreement by providing the
38    landlord with a written notice of termination to be effective on
39    the date stated in the notice that is at least 30 days after the
40    landlord's receipt of the notice. The notice to the landlord
41    must be accompanied by either a copy of the official military
42    orders or a written verification signed by the member's
43    commanding officer.
44          (b) In the event a member of the United States Armed
45    Forces dies during active duty, an adult member of his or her
46    immediate family may terminate the member's rental agreement by
47    providing the landlord with a written notice of termination to
48    be effective on the date stated in the notice that is at least
49    30 days after the landlord's receipt of the notice. The notice
50    to the landlord must be accompanied by either a copy of the
51    official military orders or a written verification signed by the
52    member's Commanding Officer.
53          (2) Upon termination of a rental agreement under this
54    section, the tenant is liable for the rent due under the rental
55    agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination
56    payable at such time as would have otherwise been required by
57    the terms of the rental agreement. The tenant is not liable for
58    any other rent or damages due to the early termination of the
59    tenancy except the liquidated damages provided in this section.
60    If a tenant terminates the rental agreement pursuant to this
61    section 14 or more days prior to occupancy, no damages or
62    penalties of any kind are due.
63          (3) In consideration of early termination of the rental
64    agreement, the tenant is liable to the landlord for liquidated
65    damages provided the tenant has completed less than 9 months of
66    the tenancy and the landlord has suffered actual damages due to
67    loss of the tenancy. The liquidated damages must be no greater
68    than 1 month's rent if the tenant has completed less than 6
69    months of the tenancy as of the effective date of termination,
70    or one-half of 1 month's rent if the tenant has completed at
71    least 6 but not less than 9 months of the tenancy as of the
72    effective date of termination.
73          (3)(4)The provisions of this section may not be waived or
74    modified by the agreement of the parties under any
75    circumstances.
76          Section 2. Section 83.67, Florida Statutes, is amended to
77    read:
78          83.67 Prohibited practices.--
79          (1) No landlord of any dwelling unit governed by this part
80    shall cause, directly or indirectly, the termination or
81    interruption of any utility service furnished the tenant,
82    including, but not limited to, water, heat, light, electricity,
83    gas, elevator, garbage collection, or refrigeration, whether or
84    not the utility service is under the control of, or payment is
85    made by, the landlord.
86          (2) No landlord of any dwelling unit governed by this part
87    shall prevent the tenant from gaining reasonable access to the
88    dwelling unit by any means, including, but not limited to,
89    changing the locks or using any bootlock or similar device.
90          (3) No landlord of any dwelling unit governed by this part
91    shall discriminate against a member of the United States Armed
92    Forces in offering a dwelling unit for rent or in any of the
93    terms of the rental agreement.
94          (4)(3)No landlord of any dwelling unit governed by this
95    part shall remove the outside doors, locks, roof, walls, or
96    windows of the unit except for purposes of maintenance, repair,
97    or replacement; nor shall the landlord remove the tenant's
98    personal property from the dwelling unit unless said action is
99    taken after surrender, abandonment, or a lawful eviction. If
100    provided in the rental agreement or a written agreement separate
101    from the rental agreement, upon surrender or abandonment by the
102    tenant, the landlord is not required to comply with s. 715.104
103    and is not liable or responsible for storage or disposition of
104    the tenant's personal property; if provided in the rental
105    agreement there must be printed or clearly stamped on such
106    rental agreement a legend in substantially the following form:
113          For the purposes of this section, abandonment shall be as set
114    forth in s. 83.59(3)(c).
115          (5)(4)A landlord who violates the provisions of this
116    section shall be liable to the tenant for actual and
117    consequential damages or 3 months' rent, whichever is greater,
118    and costs, including attorney's fees. Subsequent or repeated
119    violations which are not contemporaneous with the initial
120    violation shall be subject to separate awards of damages.
121          (6)(5)A violation of this section shall constitute
122    irreparable harm for the purposes of injunctive relief.
123          (7)(6)The remedies provided by this section are not
124    exclusive and shall not preclude the tenant from pursuing any
125    other remedy at law or equity which the tenant may have.
126          Section 3. Section 83.575, Florida Statutes, is created to
127    read:
128          83.575 Termination of tenancy with specific duration.--
129          (1) A rental agreement with a specific duration may
130    contain a provision requiring the tenant to notify the landlord
131    before vacating the premises at the end of the rental agreement;
132    however, a rental agreement may not require more than 60 days’
133    notice before vacating the premises.
134          (2) A rental agreement may provide that if a tenant fails
135    to give the required notice before vacating the premises at the
136    end of the rental agreement, the tenant may be liable for
137    liquidated damages as specified in the rental agreement.
138          (3) If the tenant remains on the premises with the
139    permission of the landlord after the rental agreement has
140    terminated and fails to give notice required under s. 83.57(3),
141    the tenant is liable to the landlord for an additional 1 month’s
142    rent.
143          Section 4. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.