HB 0509 2003
6          The Committee on Natural Resources recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
10 A bill to be entitled
11          An act relating to agricultural fertilizers; amending s.
12    576.045, F.S.; providing that nitrogen and phosphorus
13    contamination are water quality issues; including surface
14    water in the types of waters in which residues are found;
15    including a fee for fertilizer that contains phosphorus;
16    revising purposes for use of collected fees; providing for
17    implementation of interim measures, best-management
18    practices, or other measures for compliance with state
19    water quality standards relating to application of
20    fertilizers containing nitrogen or phosphorus; providing
21    that adopted rules are consistent with provisions of s.
22    403.067(7)(d), F.S.; revising dates for expiration of
23    certain provisions; providing an effective date.
25          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
27          Section 1. Section 576.045, Florida Statutes, is amended
28    to read:
29          576.045 Nitrogen and phosphorusNitrate; findings and
30    intent; fees; purpose; best-management practices; waiver of
31    liability; compliance; rules; report;exclusions; expiration.--
32          (1) FINDINGS AND INTENT.--
33          (a) The Legislature finds that nitrogen and phosphorus
34    nitrate residues have been found in groundwater, surface water,
35    and drinking water in various areas throughout the state at
36    levels in excess of established water quality standards. The
37    Legislature further finds that some fertilization management
38    practices could be a source of suchnitratecontamination.
39          (b) It is the intent of the Legislature to improve
40    fertilization managementfertilizer-managementpractices as soon
41    as practicable in a way that protects the state's water
42    resources and preserves a viable agricultural industry. This
43    goal is to be accomplished through research concerning best-
44    management practices and education and incentives for the
45    agricultural industry and other major users of fertilizer.
46          (2) FEES.--
47          (a) In addition to the fees imposed under ss. 576.021 and
48    576.041, the following supplemental fees shall be collected and
49    paid by licensees for the sole purpose of implementing this
50    section:
51          1. One hundred dollars for each license to distribute
52    fertilizer.
53          2. One hundred dollars for each of the first five
54    specialty fertilizer registrations and $25 for each registration
55    after the first five.
56          3. Fifty cents per ton for all fertilizer that contains
57    nitrogen or phosphorusand that is sold in this state.
58          (b) All fees paid to the department under this section are
59    due and payable at the same time and in the same manner as the
60    fees specified in ss. 576.021 and 576.041 and are subject to all
61    provisions contained in those sections.
62          (c) All fees paid under this section must be deposited
63    into the General Inspection Trust Fund and are exempt from the
64    provisions of s. 215.20. These funds are to be appropriated
65    annually to the department and allocated according to a
66    memorandum of understanding between the department and the
67    Department of Environmental Protection to be adopted by October
68    1, 1994. The allocation of indirect costs to these funds by any
69    state agency is specifically prohibited.
70          (3) PURPOSE.--The funds collected pursuant to subsection
71    (2) must be used by the department for the sole purpose of:
72          (a) Research, development, demonstration, and
73    implementation of suitable interim measures, best-management
74    practices, or other measures used to achieve state water quality
75    standards for nitrogen and phosphorus criteria. Implementation
76    of interim measures, best-management practices, and other
77    measures may include cost-sharing grants, technical assistance,
78    implementation tracking, and conservation leases or other
79    agreements for water quality improvement.Contracting, where
80    appropriate, with the Institute of Food and Agricultural
81    Sciences at the University of Florida and the College of
82    Engineering, Science, Technology, and Agriculture at Florida
83    Agricultural and Mechanical University to conduct research
84    relating to best-management practices designed to prevent
85    nitrates from fertilizers or other soil-applied nutritional
86    materials from entering groundwater at levels in excess of state
87    water quality standards. Such contracts must be for fixed
88    periods of time and must require interim reports concerning the
89    progress of the research.
90          (b) Approving, adopting, publishing, and distributing
91    interim measures, best-management practices, or other measures.
92    In the process of developing, approving, and adopting interim
93    measures, best-management practices, or other measures,the
94    department shall consult with the Department of Environmental
95    Protection, the Department of Health, the water management
96    districts, environmental groups, the fertilizer industry, and
97    representatives from the affected farming groups.
98          (c) Reimbursing the Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund for
99    costs incurred by the Department of Environmental Protection for
100    costs incurred that are associated with:
101          1. Monitoring and verifying the effectiveness of the
102    interim measures, best-management practices, or other measures
103    approved and adopted under subsection (6)paragraph (b)at
104    representative sites. The Department of Environmental Protection
105    shall use best professional judgment in making its initial
106    determination of the effectiveness of interim measures, best-
107    management practices, or other measures.
108          2. Sampling, analysis, and restoration of potable water
109    supplies, pursuant to s. 376.307, found to contain levels of
110    nitrate in excess of state water quality standards, which excess
111    is determined to be the result of the application of fertilizers
112    or other soil-applied nutritional materials containing nitrogen.
114          This subsection must be implemented through a memorandum of
115    understanding between the department and the Department of
116    Environmental Protection to be adopted by October 1, 1994.
117          (4) WAIVER OF LIABILITY.--Notwithstanding any provision of
118    law, the Department of Environmental Protection is not
119    authorized to institute proceedings against any person under the
120    provisions of s. 376.307(5) to recover any costs or damages
121    associated with nitrogen or phosphorusnitratecontamination of
122    groundwater or surface water, or the evaluation, assessment, or
123    remediation of suchnitrate contamination of groundwater or
124    surface water, including sampling, analysis, and restoration of
125    potable water supplies, where the nitratecontamination of
126    groundwater or surface wateris determined to be the result of
127    the application of fertilizers or other soil-applied nutritional
128    materials containing nitrogen or phosphorus, provided the
129    property owner or leaseholder:
130          (a)1. Provides the department with a notice of intent to
131    implement applicable interim measures,best-management
132    practices, or other measures adopted by the department which
133    practices or measures have been verified by the Department of
134    Environmental Protection to be effective; and
135          2. Implements applicable interim measures,best-management
136    practices, or other measuresas soon as practicable according to
137    rules adopted by the department or no longer applies fertilizers
138    or other soil-applied nutritional materials containing nitrogen
139    or phosphorus; orand
140          3. Implements practicable interim measures identified and
141    adopted by the department which can be implemented immediately
142    or according to rules adopted by the department; or
143          (b) No longer applies fertilizers or other soil-applied
144    nutritional materials containing nitrogen or phosphorusas of
145    the effective date of this section.
146          (5) COMPLIANCE.--If the property owner or leaseholder
147    implements interim measures, best-management practices, or other
148    measures adopted by the department which practices or measures
149    thathave been verified by the Department of Environmental
150    Protection to be effective at representative sitesand complies
151    with the following, there is a presumption of compliance with
152    state waternitrate groundwater quality standards for such
153    criteria with respect to the application of fertilizers or other
154    soil-applied nutritional materials containing nitrogen or
155    phosphorus:
156          (a)1. Provides the department with a notice of intent to
157    implement applicable interim measures,best-management
158    practices, or other measures adopted by the department; and
159          2. Implements applicable interim measures,best-management
160    practices, or other measuresas soon as practicable according to
161    rules adopted by the department or no longer applies fertilizers
162    or other soil-applied nutritional materials containing nitrogen
163    or phosphorus; orand
164          3. Implements practicable interim measures identified and
165    adopted by the department which can be implemented immediately
166    or according to rules adopted by the department; or
167          (b) No longer applies fertilizers or other soil-applied
168    nutritional materials containing nitrogen or phosphorusas of
169    the effective date of this section.
170          (6) RULEMAKING.--
171          (a)The department, in consultation with the Department of
172    Environmental Protection, the Department of Health, the water
173    management districts, environmental groups, the fertilizer
174    industry, and representatives from the affected farming groups,
175    shall adopt rules to:
176          (a)1. Specify the requirements of interim measures,best-
177    management practices, or other measuresto be implemented by
178    property owners and leaseholders.
179          (b)2.Establish procedures for property owners and
180    leaseholders to submit the notice of intent to implement and
181    comply with interim measures, best-management practices, or
182    other measures.
183          (c)3. Establish schedules for implementation of interim
184    measures, best-management practices, or other measuresand of
185    interim measures that can be taken prior to adoption of best-
186    management practices.
187          (d)4.Establish a system to assure the implementation of
188    best-management practices, including recordkeeping requirements.
189          (b) Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection shall become
190    effective pursuant to the applicable provisions of chapter 120,
191    but must be submitted to the President of the Senate and the
192    Speaker of the House of Representatives for review by the
193    Legislature. The rules shall be referred to the appropriate
194    committees of substance and scheduled for review during the
195    first available regular session following adoption. Except as
196    otherwise provided by operation of law, such rules shall remain
197    in effect until rejected or modified by act of the Legislature.
198          (7) OTHER PROVISIONS.--
199          (a) This section does not limit the authority of the
200    Department of Environmental Protection to regulate discharges
201    associated with the commercial feeding of livestock and poultry
202    defined in chapter 585, including that of dairy farm and egg
203    production operations, or the disposal of sludge, residuals, or
204    septage. This paragraph does not grant additional authority to
205    regulate these discharges.
206          (b) This section does not limit federally delegated
207    regulatory authority.
208          (c) The Department of Environmental Protection may adopt
209    rules to establish criteria for dairy farms which provide
210    reasonable assurance that state nitrate groundwater quality
211    standards will not be violated and which, provided such criteria
212    are met, shall prohibit the Department of Environmental
213    Protection from instituting proceedings against any dairy farmer
214    under the provisions of s. 376.307(5) and shall provide a
215    presumption of compliance with safe nitrate groundwater quality
216    standards.
217          (d) This section, except for subsection (2), does not
218    apply to the manufacture, mixing, or blending of fertilizer,
219    including fertilizer containing sludge, residuals, or septage.
220          (8) EXPIRATION OF PROVISIONS.--Subsections (1), (2), (3),
221    (4), and (6) expire on December 31, 20122003. Subsections (5)
222    and (7) expire on December 31, 20172008.
223          Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.