HB 0539 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to assessments for the Florida Birth-
3    Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan; amending s.
4    766.314, F.S.; providing that assessments shall not be
5    required for children born in a family practice teaching
6    hospital; updating terminology; providing for retroactive
7    application; providing an effective date.
9          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11          Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section
12    766.314, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsection (7) of
13    said section is reenacted for the purpose of incorporating a
14    reference to subsection (4) of said section, to read:
15          766.314 Assessments; plan of operation.--
16          (4) The following persons and entities shall pay into the
17    association an initial assessment in accordance with the plan of
18    operation:
19          (a) On or before October 1, 1988, each hospital licensed
20    under chapter 395 shall pay an initial assessment of $50 per
21    infant delivered in the hospital during the prior calendar year,
22    as reported to the Agency for Health Care Administration;
23    provided, however, that a hospital owned or operated by the
24    state or a county, special taxing district, or other political
25    subdivision of the state shall not be required to pay the
26    initial assessment or any assessment required by subsection (5).
27    The term "infant delivered" includes live births and not
28    stillbirths, but the term does not include infants delivered by
29    employees or agents of the former Board of Regents, the Board of
30    Governors, or the board of trustees of a state universityor
31    those born in a teaching hospital as defined in s. 408.07 or a
32    family practice teaching hospital as defined in s. 395.806. The
33    initial assessment and any assessment imposed pursuant to
34    subsection (5) may not include any infant born to a charity
35    patient (as defined by rule of the Agency for Health Care
36    Administration) or born to a patient for whom the hospital
37    receives Medicaid reimbursement, if the sum of the annual
38    charges for charity patients plus the annual Medicaid
39    contractuals of the hospital exceeds 10 percent of the total
40    annual gross operating revenues of the hospital. The hospital is
41    responsible for documenting, to the satisfaction of the
42    association, the exclusion of any birth from the computation of
43    the assessment. Upon demonstration of financial need by a
44    hospital, the association may provide for installment payments
45    of assessments.
46          (7)(a) The Department of Insurance shall undertake an
47    actuarial investigation of the requirements of the plan based on
48    the plan's experience in the first year of operation and any
49    additional relevant information, including without limitation
50    the assets and liabilities of the plan. Pursuant to such
51    investigation, the Department of Insurance shall establish the
52    rate of contribution of the entities listed in paragraph (5)(c)
53    for the tax year beginning January 1, 1990. Following the
54    initial valuation, the Department of Insurance shall cause an
55    actuarial valuation to be made of the assets and liabilities of
56    the plan no less frequently than biennially. Pursuant to the
57    results of such valuations, the Department of Insurance shall
58    prepare a statement as to the contribution rate applicable to
59    the entities listed in paragraph (5)(c). However, at no time
60    shall the rate be greater than 0.25 percent of net direct
61    premiums written.
62          (b) If the Department of Insurance finds that the plan
63    cannot be maintained on an actuarially sound basis based on the
64    assessments and appropriations listed in subsections (4) and
65    (5), the department shall increase the assessments specified in
66    subsection (4) on a proportional basis as needed.
67          Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law
68    and those provisions eliminating assessments for children born
69    in a family practice teaching hospital shall be given
70    retroactive application to July 1, 1997.