HB 0561 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to protective injunctions; providing a
3    popular name; amending s. 784.046, F.S.; defining the term
4    "sexual violence"; providing for a cause of action for an
5    injunction for protection in cases of sexual violence;
6    providing for a petition to be filed on the victim's own
7    behalf or on behalf of a minor child under certain
8    circumstances; requiring that the sexual violence be
9    reported to a law enforcement agency and that the person
10    filing the petition cooperate in any investigation;
11    providing for a petition to be filed against a respondent
12    who was sentenced to imprisonment for the sexual violence
13    and who has been or will be released; prohibiting the
14    assessment of filing fees for a petition for protection
15    against repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating
16    violence; providing for the Office of the State Courts
17    Administrator to reimburse the clerks of the court for
18    filing fees, subject to legislative appropriation;
19    providing requirements for a petition for protection
20    against sexual violence; specifying the period of effect
21    for an ex parte temporary injunction against a respondent
22    released from incarceration; providing requirements for
23    serving an injunction; redesignating the Domestic, Dating,
24    and Repeat Violence Injunction Statewide Verification
25    System as the Domestic, Dating, Sexual, and Repeat
26    Violence Injunction Statewide Verification System;
27    requiring notice to the sheriff and law enforcement
28    agencies; providing an effective date.
30          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
32          Section 1. Popular name.--This act shall be known as "The
33    Victim's Freedom Act."
34          Section 2. Section 784.046, Florida Statutes, is amended
35    to read:
36          784.046 Action by victim of repeat violence, sexual
37    violence,or dating violence for protective injunction; powers
38    and duties of court and clerk of court; filing and form of
39    petition; notice and hearing; temporary injunction; issuance;
40    statewide verification system; enforcement.--
41          (1) As used in this section, the term:
42          (a) "Violence" means any assault, aggravated assault,
43    battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery,
44    stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, or false
45    imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical
46    injury or death, by a person against any other person.
47          (b) "Repeat violence" means two incidents of violence or
48    stalking committed by the respondent, one of which must have
49    been within 6 months of the filing of the petition, which are
50    directed against the petitioner or the petitioner's immediate
51    family member.
52          (c) "Sexual violence" means any one incident of:
53          1. Sexual battery, as defined in chapter 794;
54          2. A lewd or lascivious act, as defined in chapter 800,
55    committed upon or in the presence of a person younger than 16
56    years of age;
57          3. Luring or enticing a child, as described in chapter
58    787;
59          4. Sexual performance by a child, as described in chapter
60    827; or
61          5. Any other forcible felony wherein a sexual act is
62    committed or attempted,
64          regardless of whether criminal charges based on the incident
65    were filed, reduced, or dismissed by the state attorney.
66          (d)(c)"Dating violence" means violence between
67    individuals who have or have had a continuing and significant
68    relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. The existence of
69    such a relationship shall be determined based on the
70    consideration of the following factors:
71          1. A dating relationship must have existed within the past
72    6 months;
73          2. The nature of the relationship must have been
74    characterized by the expectation of affection or sexual
75    involvement between the parties; and
76          3. The frequency and type of interaction between the
77    persons involved in the relationship must have included that the
78    persons have been involved over time and on a continuous basis
79    during the course of the relationship.
81          The term does not include violence in a casual acquaintanceship
82    or violence between individuals who only have engaged in
83    ordinary fraternization in a business or social context.
84          (2) There is created a cause of action for an injunction
85    for protection in cases of repeat violence, andthere is created
86    a separate cause of action for an injunction for protection in
87    cases of dating violence, and there is created a separate cause
88    of action for an injunction for protection in cases of sexual
89    violence.
90          (a) Any person who is the victim of repeat violence or the
91    parent or legal guardian of any minor child who is living at
92    home and who seeks an injunction for protection against repeat
93    violence on behalf of the minor child has standing in the
94    circuit court to file a sworn petition for an injunction for
95    protection against repeat violence.
96          (b) Any person who is the victim of dating violence and
97    has reasonable cause to believe he or she is in imminent danger
98    of becoming the victim of another act of dating violence, or any
99    person who has reasonable cause to believe he or she is in
100    imminent danger of becoming the victim of an act of dating
101    violence, or the parent or legal guardian of any minor child who
102    is living at home and who seeks an injunction for protection
103    against dating violence on behalf of that minor child, has
104    standing in the circuit court to file a sworn petition for an
105    injunction for protection against dating violence.
106          (c) A person who is the victim of sexual violence or the
107    parent or legal guardian of a minor child who is living at home
108    who is the victim of sexual violence has standing in the circuit
109    court to file a sworn petition for an injunction for protection
110    against sexual violence on his or her own behalf or on behalf of
111    the minor child if:
112          1. The person has reported the sexual violence to a law
113    enforcement agency and is cooperating in any criminal proceeding
114    against the respondent, regardless of whether criminal charges
115    based on the sexual violence have been filed, reduced, or
116    dismissed by the state attorney; or
117          2. The respondent who committed the sexual violence
118    against the victim or minor child was sentenced to a term of
119    imprisonment in state prison for the sexual violence and the
120    respondent's term of imprisonment has expired or is due to
121    expire within 90 days following the date the petition is filed.
122          (d)(c)AThiscause of action for an injunction may be
123    sought whether or not any other petition, complaint, or cause of
124    action is currently available or pending between the parties.
125          (e)(d)AThis cause of action for an injunction doesshall
126    not require that the petitioner be represented by an attorney.
127          (3)(a) The clerk of the court shall provide a copy of this
128    section, simplified forms, and clerical assistance for the
129    preparation and filing of such a petition by any person who is
130    not represented by counsel.
131          (b) Notwithstanding any other law, the clerk of the court
132    may not assess a fee for filing a petition for protection
133    against repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating violence.
134    However, subject to legislative appropriation, the clerk of the
135    court may, each quarter, submit to the Office of the State
136    Courts Administrator a certified request for reimbursement for
137    petitions for protection issued by the court under this section
138    at the rate of $40 per petition. The request for reimbursement
139    shall be submitted in the form and manner prescribed by the
140    Office of the State Courts Administrator. From this
141    reimbursement, the clerk shall pay the law enforcement agency
142    serving the injunction the fee requested by the law enforcement
143    agency; however, this fee may not exceed $20.In the event the
144    person desiring to file for an injunction pursuant to this
145    section does not have sufficient funds with which to pay filing
146    fees to the clerk of the court or service fees to the sheriff or
147    law enforcement agency and signs an affidavit so stating, the
148    fees shall be waived by the clerk of the court or the sheriff or
149    law enforcement agency to the extent necessary to process the
150    petition and serve the injunction, subject to a subsequent order
151    of the court relative to the payment of such fees.
152          (c) No bond shall be required by the court for the entry
153    of an injunction.
154          (d) The clerk of the court shall provide the petitioner
155    with a certified copy of any injunction for protection against
156    repeat violence, sexual violence,or dating violence entered by
157    the court.
158          (4)(a) The sworn petition shall allege the incidents of
159    repeat violence, sexual violence,or dating violence and shall
160    include the specific facts and circumstances thatwhichform the
161    basis upon which relief is sought. With respect to a minor child
162    who is living at home, the parent or legal guardian of the minor
163    child must have been an eyewitness to, or have direct physical
164    evidence or affidavits from eyewitnesses of, the specific facts
165    and circumstances which form the basis upon which relief is
166    sought.
167          (b) The sworn petition mustshallbe in substantially the
168    following form:
172          Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared
173    Petitioner ...(Name)..., who has been sworn and says that the
174    following statements are true:
176          1. Petitioner resides at ...(address)...
177          2. Respondent resides at ...(address)...
178          3.a. Petitioner has suffered repeat violence as
179    demonstrated by the fact that the respondent has:
180          ...(enumerate incidents of violence)...
182 .............................
183 .............................
184 .............................
186          b. Petitioner has suffered sexual violence as demonstrated
187    by the fact that the respondent has: (enumerate incident of
188    violence and attach incident report by law enforcement agency or
189    notice of inmate release.)
191 .............................
192 .............................
193 .............................
195          c.b.Petitioner is a victim of dating violence and has
196    reasonable cause to believe that he or she is in imminent danger
197    of becoming the victim of another act of dating violence or has
198    reasonable cause to believe that he or she is in imminent danger
199    of becoming a victim of dating violence, as demonstrated by the
200    fact that the respondent has: ...(list the specific incident or
201    incidents of violence and describe the length of time of the
202    relationship, whether it has been in existence during the last 6
203    months, the nature of the relationship of a romantic or intimate
204    nature, the frequency and type of interaction, and any other
205    facts that characterize the relationship.)...
207 .............................
208 .............................
209 .............................
211          4. Petitioner genuinely fears repeat violence by the
212    respondent.
213          5. Petitioner seeks: an immediate injunction against the
214    respondent, enjoining him or her from committing any further
215    acts of violence; an injunction enjoining the respondent from
216    committing any further acts of violence; and an injunction
217    providing any terms the court deems necessary for the protection
218    of the petitioner and the petitioner's immediate family,
219    including any injunctions or directives to law enforcement
220    agencies.
221          (5) Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall set a
222    hearing to be held at the earliest possible time. The respondent
223    shall be personally served with a copy of the petition, notice
224    of hearing, and temporary injunction, if any, prior to the
225    hearing.
226          (6)(a) When it appears to the court that an immediate and
227    present danger of violence exists, the court may grant a
228    temporary injunction which may be granted in an ex parte
229    hearing, pending a full hearing, and may grant such relief as
230    the court deems proper, including an injunction enjoining the
231    respondent from committing any acts of violence.
232          (b) In a hearing ex parte for the purpose of obtaining
233    such temporary injunction, no evidence other than the verified
234    pleading or affidavit shall be used as evidence, unless the
235    respondent appears at the hearing or has received reasonable
236    notice of the hearing.
237          (c) Any such ex parte temporary injunction shall be
238    effective for a fixed period not to exceed 15 days. However, an
239    ex parte temporary injunction granted under subparagraph
240    (2)(c)2. is effective for 15 days following the date the
241    respondent is released from incarceration.A full hearing, as
242    provided by this section, shall be set for a date no later than
243    the date when the temporary injunction ceases to be effective.
244    The court may grant a continuance of the ex parte injunction and
245    the full hearing before or during a hearing, for good cause
246    shown by any party.
247          (7) Upon notice and hearing, the court may grant such
248    relief as the court deems proper, including an injunction:
249          (a) Enjoining the respondent from committing any acts of
250    violence.
251          (b) Ordering such other relief as the court deems
252    necessary for the protection of the petitioner, including
253    injunctions or directives to law enforcement agencies, as
254    provided in this section.
255          (c) The terms of the injunction shall remain in full force
256    and effect until modified or dissolved. Either party may move at
257    any time to modify or dissolve the injunction. Such relief may
258    be granted in addition to other civil or criminal remedies.
259          (d) A temporary or final judgment on injunction for
260    protection against repeat violence, sexual violence,or dating
261    violence entered pursuant to this section shall, on its face,
262    indicate that:
263          1. The injunction is valid and enforceable in all counties
264    of the State of Florida.
265          2. Law enforcement officers may use their arrest powers
266    pursuant to s. 901.15(6) to enforce the terms of the injunction.
267          3. The court had jurisdiction over the parties and matter
268    under the laws of Florida and that reasonable notice and
269    opportunity to be heard was given to the person against whom the
270    order is sought sufficient to protect that person's right to due
271    process.
272          4. The date that the respondent was served with the
273    temporary or final order, if obtainable.
274          (8)(a)1. The clerk of the court shall furnish a copy of
275    the petition, notice of hearing, and temporary injunction, if
276    any, to the sheriff or a law enforcement agency of the county
277    where the respondent resides or can be found, who shall serve it
278    upon the respondent as soon thereafter as possible on any day of
279    the week and at any time of the day or night. The clerk of the
280    court shall be responsible for furnishing to the sheriff such
281    information on the respondent's physical description and
282    location as is required by the department to comply with the
283    verification procedures set forth in this section.
284    Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the
285    chief judge of each circuit, in consultation with the
286    appropriate sheriff, may authorize a law enforcement agency
287    within the chief judge's jurisdiction to effect this type of
288    service and to receive a portion of the service fee. No person
289    shall be authorized or permitted to serve or execute an
290    injunction issued under this section unless the person is a law
291    enforcement officer as defined in chapter 943.
292          2. If the respondent is in the custody of the Department
293    of Corrections and the petition for an injunction has been filed
294    as provided in subparagraph (2)(c)2., the clerk of the court
295    shall furnish a copy of the petition, notice of hearing, and
296    temporary injunction, if any, to the Department of Corrections
297    and copies shall be served upon the respondent as soon
298    thereafter as possible on any day of the week and at any time of
299    the day or night. The petition, notice of hearing, or temporary
300    injunction may be served in a state prison by a correctional
301    officer as defined in chapter 943. If the respondent in custody
302    is not served before his or her release, a copy of the petition,
303    notice of hearing, and temporary injunction, if any, shall be
304    forwarded to the sheriff of the county specified in the
305    respondent's release plan for service as provided in
306    subparagraph 1.
307          3.2.When an injunction is issued, if the petitioner
308    requests the assistance of a law enforcement agency, the court
309    may order that an officer from the appropriate law enforcement
310    agency accompany the petitioner and assist in the execution or
311    service of the injunction. A law enforcement officer shall
312    accept a copy of an injunction for protection against repeat
313    violence, sexual violence,or dating violence, certified by the
314    clerk of the court, from the petitioner and immediately serve it
315    upon a respondent who has been located but not yet served.
316          (b) There shall be created a Domestic, Dating, Sexual,and
317    Repeat Violence Injunction Statewide Verification System within
318    the Department of Law Enforcement. The department shall
319    establish, implement, and maintain a statewide communication
320    system capable of electronically transmitting information to and
321    between criminal justice agencies relating to domestic violence
322    injunctions, dating violence injunctions, sexual violence
323    injunctions,and repeat violence injunctions issued by the
324    courts throughout the state. Such information must include, but
325    is not limited to, information as to the existence and status of
326    any injunction for verification purposes.
327          (c)1. Within 24 hours after the court issues an injunction
328    for protection against repeat violence, sexual violence,or
329    dating violence or changes or vacates an injunction for
330    protection against repeat violence, sexual violence,or dating
331    violence, the clerk of the court must forward a copy of the
332    injunction to the sheriff with jurisdiction over the residence
333    of the petitioner.
334          2. Within 24 hours after service of process of an
335    injunction for protection against repeat violence, sexual
336    violence,or dating violence upon a respondent, the law
337    enforcement officer must forward the written proof of service of
338    process to the sheriff with jurisdiction over the residence of
339    the petitioner.
340          3. Within 24 hours after the sheriff receives a certified
341    copy of the injunction for protection against repeat violence,
342    sexual violence,or dating violence, the sheriff must make
343    information relating to the injunction available to other law
344    enforcement agencies by electronically transmitting such
345    information to the department.
346          4. Within 24 hours after the sheriff or other law
347    enforcement officer has made service upon the respondent and the
348    sheriff has been so notified, the sheriff must make information
349    relating to the service available to other law enforcement
350    agencies by electronically transmitting such information to the
351    department.
352          5. Within 24 hours after an injunction for protection
353    against repeat violence, sexual violence,or dating violence is
354    lifted, terminated, or otherwise rendered no longer effective by
355    ruling of the court, the clerk of the court must notify the
356    sheriff or local law enforcement agency receiving original
357    notification of the injunction as provided in subparagraph 2.
358    That agency shall, within 24 hours after receiving such
359    notification from the clerk of the court, notify the department
360    of such action of the court.
361          (9)(a) The court shall enforce, through a civil or
362    criminal contempt proceeding, a violation of an injunction for
363    protection. The court may enforce the respondent's compliance
364    with the injunction by imposing a monetary assessment. The clerk
365    of the court shall collect and receive such assessments. On a
366    monthly basis, the clerk shall transfer the moneys collected
367    pursuant to this paragraph to the State Treasury for deposit in
368    the Crimes Compensation Trust Fund established in s. 960.21.
369          (b) If the respondent is arrested by a law enforcement
370    officer under s. 901.15(10) for committing an act of repeat
371    violence, sexual violence, or dating violence in violation of an
372    a repeat or dating violenceinjunction for protection, the
373    respondent shall be held in custody until brought before the
374    court as expeditiously as possible for the purpose of enforcing
375    the injunction and for admittance to bail in accordance with
376    chapter 903 and the applicable rules of criminal procedure,
377    pending a hearing.
378          (10) The petitioner or the respondent may move the court
379    to modify or dissolve an injunction at any time.
380          (11) A law enforcement officer acting in good faith under
381    this section and the officer's employing agency shall be immune
382    from all liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise be
383    incurred or imposed by reason of the officer's or agency's
384    actions in carrying out the provisions of this section.
385          Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.