HJR 0563 2003
1 House Joint Resolution
2          A joint resolution proposing the creation of Section 22 of
3    Article X of the State Constitution to provide a cap on
4    noneconomic damages in tort cases, to provide for court
5    supervision of share of damages actually paid to
6    claimants, and to provide a fair share rule for payment of
7    damages.
9          Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11          That the creation of Section 22 of Article X of the State
12    Constitution set forth below is agreed to and shall be submitted
13    to the electors of Florida for approval or rejection at the
14    general election to be held in November 2004:
17          SECTION 22. Cap on noneconomic damages; court supervision
18    of share of damages actually paid to claimants; fair share
19    rule.--
20          (a) Pursuant to general law, noneconomic damages in tort
21    cases shall be limited to $250,000, which amount may be adjusted
22    on an annual basis to reflect inflation. The provisions of this
23    section shall not be deemed as a denial of access to courts as
24    set forth in Section 21 of Article I.
25          (b) In any lawsuit, the court shall supervise the
26    arrangements for payment of damages to protect against conflicts
27    of interest that may have the effect of reducing the amount of
28    damages awarded that are actually paid to claimants. In
29    particular, in any lawsuit in which the attorney for a party
30    claims a financial stake in the outcome by virtue of a
31    contingent fee, the court shall have the power to restrict the
32    payment of a claimant’s damage recovery to such attorney and to
33    redirect such damages to the claimant based upon the interests
34    of justice and principles of equity. In no event shall the
35    total of all contingent fees for representing all claimants in a
36    lawsuit exceed the following limits:
37          (1) Forty percent of the first $50,000 recovered by the
38    claimant or claimants.
39          (2) Thirty-three and one third percent of the next $50,000
40    recovered by the claimant or claimants.
41          (3) Twenty-five percent of the next $500,000 recovered by
42    the claimant or claimants.
43          (4) Fifteen percent of any amount by which the recovery of
44    the claimant or claimants is in excess of $600,000.
45          (c) The limitations in subsection (b) shall apply whether
46    the recovery is by judgment, settlement, mediation, arbitration,
47    or any other form of dispute resolution. In a lawsuit involving
48    a minor or incompetent person, a court retains the authority to
49    authorize or approve a fee that is less than the maximum
50    permitted under this section.
51          (d) In any lawsuit, each party shall be liable for that
52    party’s several share of any damages only and not for the share
53    of any other person. Each party shall be liable only for the
54    amount of damages allocated to such party in direct proportion
55    to such party’s percentage of responsibility. A separate
56    judgment shall be rendered against each such party for the
57    amount allocated to such party. For the purposes of this
58    subsection, the trier of fact shall determine the proportion of
59    responsibility of each party for the claimant’s harm.
60          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the title and substance of the
61    amendment proposed herein shall appear on the ballot as follows:
64          Proposes the creation of Section 22 of Article X of the
65    State Constitution to provide a limitation of $250,000 on
66    noneconomic damages in tort cases, which amount may be annually
67    adjusted for inflation as provided by general law. Proposes
68    that the court shall supervise the arrangements for payment of
69    damages to protect against conflicts of interest that may have
70    the effect of reducing the amount of damages awarded that are
71    actually paid to claimants. Proposes a limitation on the total
72    of all contingent fees for representing all claimants in a
73    lawsuit and provides that such limits shall apply whether the
74    recovery is by judgment, settlement, mediation, arbitration, or
75    any other form of dispute resolution. Proposes that in any
76    lawsuit, each party shall be liable for that party’s several
77    share of any damages only and not for the share of any other
78    person.