HB 0571 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to governmental reorganization;
3    transferring the school readiness services system within
4    the Agency for Workforce Innovation to the Executive
5    Office of the Governor; transferring the responsibilities
6    for regulating and licensing child care facilities from
7    the Department of Children and Family Services to the
8    Department of Business and Professional Regulation;
9    providing legislative intent with respect to funding
10    school readiness and prekindergarten programs; amending
11    ss. 411.01 and 411.0105, F.S., relating to the Florida
12    Partnership for School Readiness, the Early Learning
13    Opportunities Act, and the Even Start Family Literacy
14    Programs; conforming provisions to changes made by the
15    act; amending s. 402.302, F.S.; revising definitions;
16    amending s. 402.3025, F.S.; requiring the Department of
17    Education to adopt a uniform curriculum for children in
18    child care programs; requiring standards and curriculum
19    for promoting reading readiness; requiring a program of
20    literacy assistance for parents of preschool children;
21    providing legislative intent with respect to funding
22    programs for preschool children; amending s. 402.30501,
23    F.S.; authorizing the Department of Education to modify
24    certain child care courses; amending s. 402.3115, F.S.;
25    requiring the Department of Business and Professional
26    Regulation to work with local governmental agencies to
27    eliminate duplicative inspections of child care
28    facilities; providing an effective date.
30          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
32          Section 1. (1) The school readiness services system
33    provided under s. 20.50(2)(c), Florida Statutes, is transferred
34    from the Agency for Workforce Innovation to the Executive Office
35    of the Governor by a type two transfer, as provided in s.
36    20.06(2), Florida Statutes.
37          (2) The regulation and licensure of child care facilities
38    under ss. 402.301-402.319, Florida Statutes, is transferred from
39    the Department of Children and Family Services to the Department
40    of Business and Professional Regulation by a type two transfer,
41    as provided in s. 20.06(2), Florida Statutes.
42          Section 2. It is the intent of the Legislature that:
43          (1) The school readiness program that serves children from
44    birth to 4 years of age shall develop a unified funding formula
45    that considers all available funds that can be funneled into a
46    single funding stream.
47          (2) The prekindergarten program that serves children who
48    are 4 years of age shall receive allocations of state funds
49    based on an equitable funding formula that is based on the
50    number of children served.
51          Section 3. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4), paragraphs (b)
52    and (c) of subsection (9), and subsection (10) of section
53    411.01, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
54          411.01 Florida Partnership for School Readiness; school
55    readiness coalitions.--
57          (a) The Florida Partnership for School Readiness was
58    created to fulfill three major purposes: to administer school
59    readiness program services that help parents prepare eligible
60    children for school; to coordinate the provision of school
61    readiness services on a full-day, full-year, full-choice basis
62    to the extent possible in order to enable parents to work and be
63    financially self-sufficient; and to establish a uniform
64    screening instrument to be implemented by the Department of
65    Education and administered by the school districts upon entry
66    into kindergarten to assess the readiness for school of all
67    children. Readiness for kindergarten is the outcome measure of
68    the success of each school readiness program that receives state
69    or federal funds. The partnership is assigned to the Executive
70    Office of the GovernorAgency for Workforce Innovationfor
71    administrative purposes.
73          (b) Notwithstanding s. 20.50:
74          1. The Executive Office of the GovernorAgency for
75    Workforce Innovationshall administer school readiness funds,
76    plans, and policies pursuant to the contract with the Florida
77    Partnership for School Readiness and shall prepare and submit a
78    unified budget request for the school readiness program in
79    accordance with chapter 216.
80          2. All instructions to local school readiness coalitions
81    shall emanate from the Executive Office of the GovernorAgency
82    for Workforce Innovationpursuant to policies of the
83    Legislature, plans of the Florida Partnership for School
84    Readiness, and the contract between the Florida Partnership for
85    School Readiness and the Executive Office of the Governor
86    agency.
87          (c) The Executive Office of the GovernorAgency for
88    Workforce Innovationshall prepare a plan that provides for the
89    distribution and expenditure of all state and federal school
90    readiness funds for children participating in public or private
91    school readiness programs based upon an equity and performance
92    funding formula. The plan shall be submitted to the Governor and
93    the Legislative Budget Commission. Upon approval, the
94    Legislative Budget Commission shall authorize the transfer of
95    funds to the Executive Office of the GovernorAgency for
96    Workforce Innovationfor distribution in accordance with the
97    provisions of the formula.
98          (10) SCHOOL READINESS UNIFORM SCREENING.--The Department
99    of Education shall implement a school readiness uniform
100    screening, including a pilot program during the 2001-2002 school
101    year, to validate the system recommended by the Florida
102    Partnership for School Readiness as part of a comprehensive
103    evaluation design. Beginning with the 2002-2003 school year, the
104    department shall require that all school districts administer
105    the school readiness uniform screening to each kindergarten
106    student in the district school system upon the student's entry
107    into kindergarten. Children who enter public school for the
108    first time in first grade must undergo a uniform screening
109    adopted for use in first grade. The department shall incorporate
110    school readiness data into the K-20 data warehouse for
111    longitudinal tracking. Notwithstanding s. 1002.22, the
112    department shall provide the partnership and the Executive
113    Office of the GovernorAgency for Workforce Innovationwith
114    complete and full access to kindergarten uniform screening data
115    at the student, school, district, and state levels in a format
116    that will enable the partnership and the Executive Office of the
117    Governoragencyto prepare reports needed by state policymakers
118    and local school readiness coalitions to access progress toward
119    school readiness goals and provide input for continuous
120    improvement of local school readiness services and programs.
121          Section 4. Section 411.0105, Florida Statutes, is amended
122    to read:
123          411.0105 Early Learning Opportunities Act and Even Start
124    Family Literacy Programs; lead agency.--For purposes of
125    administration of the Early Learning Opportunities Act and the
126    Even Start Family Literacy Programs, pursuant to Pub. L. No.
127    106-554, the Executive Office of the GovernorAgency for
128    Workforce Innovationis designated as the lead agency and must
129    comply with lead agency responsibilities pursuant to federal
130    law.
131          Section 5. Subsections (4) and (14) of section 402.302,
132    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
133          402.302 Definitions.--
134          (4) "Department" means the Department of Business and
135    Professional RegulationChildren and Family Services.
136          (14) "Secretary" means the Secretary of Business and
137    Professional RegulationChildren and Family Services.
138          Section 6. Paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection (1) of
139    section 402.3025, Florida Statutes, are amended, and paragraph
140    (e) is added to that subsection, to read:
141          402.3025 Public and nonpublic schools.--For the purposes
142    of ss. 402.301-402.319, the following shall apply:
143          (1) PUBLIC SCHOOLS.--
144          (c) The DepartmentState Boardof Education shall adopt
145    rules to implement this subsection, including a uniform
146    curriculumstandards for programs in subparagraphs (a)2. and 3.,
147    which takes into accountrecognizethe vulnerability of children
148    under 5 years of age and make special provisions to ensure their
149    health and safety. Such rules shall include, but not be limited
150    to, facilities,personnel staffing and qualifications,
151    transportation, and health and safety practices. In preparing
152    such rules, the Commissioner of Education shall review the
153    standards already existing in the state and the recommendations
154    of appropriate professional and accreditation agencies.
155          (d) The Department of Education shall monitor and enforce
156    monitoring and enforcement ofcompliance with age-appropriate
157    standards established by rule of the State Board of Education
158    shall be the responsibility of the Department of Education. The
159    rules shall provide age-appropriate standards and a curriculum
160    for promoting early childhood preparation for reading. The
161    curriculum shall provide for activities that nurture development
162    stages and foster brain development so that a child is ready to
163    learn to read and is able to read at or above grade level after
164    reaching grade one.
165          (e) The Department of Education shall adopt rules for a
166    program to offer literacy assistance to parents of preschool
167    children. The program shall be designed to increase parents'
168    training for and involvement in their children's preschool
169    education and to provide family literacy activities.
170          Section 7. It is the intent of the Legislature that the
171    funds allocated for child care and school readiness in birth-to-
172    4-year-old programs be combined whenever possible.
173          Section 8. Section 402.30501, Florida Statutes, is amended
174    to read:
175          402.30501 Modification of introductory child care course
176    for community college credit authorized.--The Department of
177    EducationChildren and Family Servicesmay modify the 40-clock-
178    hour introductory course in child care under s. 402.305 or s.
179    402.3131 to meet the requirements of articulating the course to
180    community college credit. Any modification must continue to
181    provide that the course satisfies the requirements of s.
182    402.305(2)(d).
183          Section 9. Section 402.3115, Florida Statutes, is amended
184    to read:
185          402.3115 Elimination of duplicative and unnecessary
186    inspections; abbreviated inspections.--The Department of
187    Business and Professional RegulationChildren and Family
188    Servicesand local governmental agencies that license child care
189    facilities shall develop and implement a plan to eliminate
190    duplicative and unnecessary inspections of child care
191    facilities. In addition, the department and the local
192    governmental agencies shall develop and implement an abbreviated
193    inspection plan for child care facilities that have had no Class
194    1 or Class 2 deficiencies, as defined by rule, for at least 2
195    consecutive years. The abbreviated inspection must include those
196    elements identified by the department and the local governmental
197    agencies as being key indicators of whether the child care
198    facility continues to provide quality care and programming.
199          Section 10. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.