ENROLLED HB 0581, Engrossed 1 2003 Legislature
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to the Madison County Hospital District;
3    providing for codification of special laws regarding the
4    district; providing that the district is an independent
5    special district; providing legislative intent; codifying,
6    amending, and reenacting the district's special acts;
7    providing for applicability of ch. 189, F.S., and other
8    general laws; providing a district charter; providing for
9    severability; repealing all prior special acts related to
10    the district; providing an effective date.
12          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14          Section 1. Pursuant to section 189.429, Florida Statutes,
15    this act constitutes the codification of all special acts
16    relating to the Madison County Hospital District. It is the
17    intent of the Legislature to provide a single, comprehensive
18    special act charter for the district, including all current
19    legislative authority granted to the district by its several
20    legislative enactments, and to conform the district’s charter to
21    chapter 189, Florida Statutes, the Uniform Special District
22    Accountability Act of 1989, and other provisions of general law.
23          Section 2. Chapters 24673 (1947), 26688 (1951), 27689
24    (1951), 27690 (1951), 65-1867, 67-1658, 67-1659, 69-1273, 70-
25    790, 70-791, and 82-320, Laws of Florida, relating to the
26    Madison County Hospital District, are codified, reenacted,
27    amended, and repealed as herein provided.
28          Section 3. The charter for the Madison County Hospital
29    District is re-created and reenacted to read:
31 Preamble
32          The district is organized, established, and exists for all
33    purposes set forth in this act and chapter 189, Florida
34    Statutes, as they may be amended from time to time.
36 Nature of District
37          The district is an independent special district of the
38    state and Madison County pursuant to this act and chapter 189,
39    Florida statutes, as amended, and a public body both corporate
40    and politic. The district shall not be an agency for the
41    purposes of chapter 120, Florida Statutes, the Administrative
42    Procedure Act. The district shall enjoy all the protections of
43    sovereign immunity and section 768.28, Florida Statutes.
45 Name
46          The name of the district shall be the "Madison County
47    Health and Hospital District."
49 Boundaries
50          The boundaries of the district shall be coterminous with
51    the boundaries of Madison County, as such county's boundaries
52    are set forth at section 7.40, Florida Statutes, as amended, as
53    according to s. 1, Art. VIII of the State Constitution.
55 Purpose
56          Section 1. The district is organized and exists for the
57    single and special purpose of providing within its boundaries
58    public health care services, with special power and authority,
59    including, but not limited to, so long as not inconsistent with
60    its purpose under this act, the provision of a public hospital
61    and other health care facilities, which may include, but not be
62    limited to, a geriatric center and a nursing home. The district
63    shall have the power and authority to institute, build, erect,
64    enlarge, operate, and maintain the systems, facilities, and
65    services needed for the above purpose, including especially
66    service to any medically underserved elderly or residents of
67    rural areas. The district shall additionally have the power to
68    provide the above services and facilities outside the boundaries
69    of the district when otherwise allowed by law and determined by
70    the board to be in the best interest of the district.
71          Section 2. The district exercises a proper public purpose,
72    an essential government function of the state and the county,
73    and shall have all power and authority necessary to carry out
74    the purpose of this act, including, without limitation, all
75    powers authorized by law to hospital districts, facilities, and
76    authorities, and shall have and operate under the powers of a
77    body corporate and politic, including such general and special
78    powers and duties as are provided herein and as may be otherwise
79    provided and amended from time to time by the Legislature.
81 Governing Board
82          Section 1. The district shall be governed by a seven-
83    member board known as the Madison County Health and Hospital
84    Board.
85          Section 2. The members of the board shall be electors of
86    Madison County and shall serve without compensation, except for
87    the payment of expenses as otherwise provided by law.
88          Section 3. The board members shall be appointed by the
89    Governor to serve staggered terms of 4 years. Each member shall
90    serve until his or her successor is appointed. A member may be
91    removed from office as provided by law. Members appointed to
92    fulfill an unexpired term of a member upon the death,
93    disqualification, resignation, or inability of any member to
94    serve shall only serve the remainder of a term with a new
95    appointment made thereafter.
96          Section 4. Each board member shall give bond as a county
97    official, conditioned to discharge the duties of his or her
98    office faithfully and to account for all public moneys and
99    property coming into his or her possession. The district shall
100    pay the costs of such bond.
101          Section 5. The board shall elect one of its members as
102    chair, who shall preside at the meetings of the board and
103    exercise such additional powers of the board as delegated to the
104    chair by rule. The board shall also elect one of its members as
105    vice chair to serve as chair in the absence or inability to
106    serve of the chair and exercise such additional powers of the
107    board as delegated to the vice chair by rule. The chair and
108    vice chair shall serve at the pleasure of the board.
109          Section 6. The board shall hold regular meetings no less
110    often than monthly and special meetings as often as necessary.
111    The board shall keep minutes of its meetings. The board shall
112    make its meetings, minutes of meetings, and records open to the
113    public as required by general law.
114          Section 7. A majority of the board shall constitute a
115    quorum. A majority of the members present shall be necessary
116    for action by the board. For the enactment of district rules,
117    the board must follow the regular or emergency enactment
118    procedure for the adoption of county ordinances, pursuant to
119    general law, and for the enactment of resolutions, the board
120    must follow the enactment requirements for the adoption of
121    county resolutions, pursuant to general law. The board's rules
122    and resolutions do not have to be filed with the clerk of the
123    circuit court or the Secretary of State. The board and the
124    district shall be bound by the board's rules to the same extent
125    as a county is bound by its ordinances. The board and the
126    district shall be bound by the board's resolutions to the same
127    extent that a county is bound by its governing board's
128    resolutions.
130 Powers and Duties
131          Section 1. In furtherance of the district's purpose under
132    this act and its purposes under chapter 189, Florida Statutes,
133    the board shall have all right, power, and authority, subject to
134    all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, to carry on the
135    governmental and proprietary business of the district. This
136    power includes the power:
137          (a) To organize itself into a working body, adopt
138    reasonable rules relating to parliamentary procedure, and adopt
139    and use a seal and authorize the use of a facsimile thereof.
140          (b) To institute, erect, build, extend, enlarge, equip,
141    operate, maintain, renovate, and reconstruct a public hospital.
142          (c) To institute, erect, build, extend, enlarge, equip,
143    operate, maintain, renovate, and reconstruct other health care
144    facilities, which may include, but not be limited to, a
145    geriatrics center and a nursing home, in conjunction with or
146    separate from the public hospital.
147          (d) To engage in any public health or public hospital
148    program with any public health or hospital agency created by law
149    relating to or being beneficial to the health and hospital
150    facilities and conditions of Madison County.
151          (e) To accept donations, gifts, contributions, and grants
152    from any source including state, federal, and local agencies and
153    any person, firm, or corporation.
154          (f) To spend all moneys received for district purposes.
155          (g) To employ, discharge, and compensate at its pleasure
156    personnel and adopt a personnel plan.
157          (h) To employ or enter into independent contractor
158    arrangements with, at the discretion of the board, professionals
159    and others and fix the compensation thereof.
160          (i) To enter into interlocal agreements under section
161    163.01, Florida Statutes, as amended.
162          (j) Specifically, to cooperate informally, or pursuant to
163    a formally negotiated and executed agreement, with the medical
164    college of the Florida State University or any other Florida
165    medical college as it relates to the provision of primary care
166    for any medically underserved rural or elderly segments of the
167    population who could benefit from any applicable system,
168    facility, service program, or center to be provided by the
169    district in carrying out its purpose, so long as pursuant to law
170    and subject to agreement from the medical college at the Florida
171    State University or any other Florida medical college, including
172    under the auspices of any applicable local, state, or federal
173    program or financing, including any applicable grants, loans, or
174    appropriations.
175          (k) To sue and be sued in the name of the district and to
176    make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or
177    convenient to exercise its powers.
178          (l) To borrow money and to issue bonds, certificates,
179    warrants, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness subject to
180    use of an identified lawful source of revenue, now or later
181    provided, to amortize or pay back any loans, bond certificates,
182    warrants, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness. The
183    district may issue bonds in the same manner and with the same
184    powers and duties as health facilities authorities pursuant to
185    part III of chapter 154, Florida Statutes. All such bonds
186    issued by the district shall be governed by part III of chapter
187    154, Florida Statutes, in all respects.
188          (m) To apply for and use grants or loans of money or other
189    property from the United States, the state, a unit of general
190    purpose local government, or any person for any district
191    purpose; to enter into agreements required in connection
192    therewith; and to hold, use, and dispose of such moneys or
193    property for the district purpose in accordance with the terms
194    of the gift, grant, loan, or agreement relating thereto.
195          (n) To adopt rules, resolutions, and orders, which may be
196    necessary to fulfill the purposes of the district; to set the
197    powers, duties, and functions of the board and officers and
198    employees of the district; and to conduct of the business of the
199    district. In the absence of any rule or resolution to the
200    contrary, the board shall be presumed to have the power to act.
201          (o) To maintain executive management at such place or
202    places as the board may designate within the county.
203          (p) To hold, control, and acquire by donation, purchase,
204    or condemnation or dispose of any interest in real or personal
205    property.
206          (q) To lease, as lessor or lessee, real and personal
207    property to or from any person, firm, corporation, association,
208    or federal, state, or local government any property or facility.
209          (r) To raise by user charges or fees amounts of money
210    which are necessary for the conduct of the district activities
211    and services and to enforce their receipt and collection in a
212    manner prescribed by resolution not inconsistent with law.
213    However, nothing herein shall be construed to require the
214    district to charge a fee for all district activities and
215    services it provides.
216          (s) To exercise within or beyond the district the right
217    and power of eminent domain, including the power to take
218    possession and title in advance of the entry of final judgment,
219    pursuant to the provisions of chapters 73 and 74, Florida
220    Statutes, over any property, or interest therein, except for
221    municipal, county, state, and federal property. The board may,
222    by resolution, authorize the acquisition of any interest in real
223    or personal property for any district use or purpose designated
224    in such resolution.
225          (t) To supply services to the indigent without charge or
226    fee.
227          (u) To invest moneys received by the district as is
228    permitted by law or as provided in any resolution adopted by the
229    board.
230          (v) To procure necessary insurance or to self-insure.
231          (w) To establish such independent entities or affiliated
232    entities, whether in the form of a not-for-profit corporation or
233    other legal entity, for such purposes as the board considers
234    necessary or appropriate to carry out its projects or to
235    administer projects or funds.
236          (x) To provide or participate in health-care-related
237    education through formal or informal programs.
238          (y) To contract with a not-for-profit corporation, which
239    may be incorporated by the district or the board, for the
240    operation, management, and maintenance of the district's
241    facilities of whatsoever kind and nature through one or more
242    agreements, with the term thereof and conditions and covenants
243    contained therein made at the discretion of the board, except
244    that the contract must provide as follows:
245          (1) That the corporation's articles of incorporation and
246    bylaws are subject to the approval of the board.
247          (2) That the corporation shall become qualified under
248    section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
249    amended, or any other subsection of section 501(c) as approved
250    by the board, prior to the effective date of the contract.
251          (3) For the orderly transition of the district's
252    facilities' operation and maintenance to the corporation.
253          (4) For the orderly transfer of employees from board
254    employment to corporate employment.
255          (5) For the prompt return of the operation of the district
256    facilities from the corporation in the event of termination or
257    dissolution of the corporation.
258          (6) That the district is not responsible for the debts or
259    other obligations of the corporation.
260          (7) That the corporation and the district shall not
261    commingle any of their funds in any account maintained by either
262    of them, other than the payment of the rent and administrative
263    fees.
264          (8) That except as otherwise provided by law, the
265    corporation shall not, except as a member of the public,
266    participate in the decision making process of the district.
267          (z) Any such contracts with not-for-profit corporations
268    may provide, among other things, as follows:
269          (1) That the corporation is primarily acting as an
270    instrumentality or agency of the district and is thus entitled
271    to all the protections of sovereign immunity and section 768.28,
272    Florida Statutes.
273          (2) That the members of the board shall be the directors
274    of the corporation.
275          (aa) To exercise all of the powers necessary, convenient,
276    incidental, or proper in connection with any of the powers,
277    duties, or authority authorized by this act to implement its
278    purpose.
279          (bb) To exercise all the powers necessary, convenient,
280    incidental, or proper in connection with any of the general or
281    special powers, duties, and obligations, including any special
282    powers referenced in other articles in this act, in order to
283    implement the purpose of the district.
284          Section 2. The provisions of this law shall be construed
285    liberally in order to carry out its purpose effectively. Any of
286    the enumerated powers herein shall not be construed as a
287    limitation against any remaining powers but shall be construed
288    as cumulative.
290 Finance, Budget, and Tax
291          Section 1. The budgets, operating funds, and records of
292    the district shall be segregated and kept separate from the
293    budgets, operating funds, and records of the public hospital and
294    any nursing home or geriatrics center operated by the district.
295          Section 2. The board shall retain all the fees and charges
296    for services rendered by it as part of its operating funds, and
297    such fees and charges shall be anticipated from year to year in
298    making up its budget.
299          Section 3. The board shall prepare an itemized budget for
300    the ensuing fiscal year for the operation and cost of the
301    district's programs as provided by law.
302          Section 4. In order to fund the purpose of the district,
303    the Board of County Commissioners of Madison County shall pay
304    over to the board the first $12,500 that may be allocated to and
305    received by Madison County pursuant to chapter 550, Florida
306    Statutes, the Florida Pari-mutuel Wagering Act, and acts
307    supplementary and amendatory thereto.
308          Section 5. In order to fund the purpose of the district,
309    the Board of County Commissioners of Madison County and the
310    governing body of any municipality located wholly or partially
311    within the district may:
312          (a) Appropriate and pay over to the district funds from
313    its general fund or restricted funds which may be otherwise used
314    for such expenditure, with or without requiring that such funds
315    be repaid.
316          (b) Borrow money and issue bonds, certificates, warrants,
317    notes, or other evidence of indebtedness subject to use of an
318    identified lawful source of revenue, now or later provided, to
319    amortize or pay back any loans, bond certificates, warrants,
320    notes, or other evidences of indebtedness to provide funding to
321    the district.
322          (c) Apply for and use grants or loans of money or other
323    property from the United States, the state, a unit of general
324    purpose local government, or any person; enter into agreements
325    required in connection therewith; and hold, use, and dispose of
326    such moneys or property for the district purpose in accordance
327    with the terms of the gift, grant, loan, or agreement relating
328    thereto to provide funding to the district.
329          (d) Provide any personnel, service, equipment, facility,
330    or property, real or personal, to the district, with or without
331    charge to the district.
332          (e) Initiate any program of the board by appropriating
333    necessary funds for the board until the necessary funds for the
334    board shall be obtained.
335          Section 6. The accounts and records of the district shall
336    be audited as provided by law.
338 Liens for Collection of Charges
339          Section 1. The district, as well as any not-for-profit
340    corporation contracting with the district for the operation,
341    management, and maintenance of the district's facilities, shall
342    be entitled to a lien for all reasonable charges incurred for
343    hospital care, treatment, and maintenance of ill or injured
344    persons upon any and all causes of action, suits, claims,
345    counterclaims, and demands accruing to such persons or the legal
346    representatives of such persons, and upon all judgments,
347    settlements, and settlement agreements rendered or entered into
348    by virtue thereof, on account of illness or injuries giving rise
349    to such causes of actions, suits, claims, counterclaims,
350    demands, judgments, settlements, or settlement agreements and
351    which necessitate or shall have necessitated such hospital care,
352    treatment, and maintenance.
353          Section 2. In order to perfect such a lien, the executive
354    office or agent of the hospital, before any such person shall
355    have been discharged from said hospital or within 45 days after
356    such discharge, shall file in the office of the Clerk of the
357    Circuit Court of Madison County a verified claim in writing
358    setting forth the name and address of such patient, as it shall
359    appear on the records of said hospital, the name and location of
360    said hospital, the name and address of the executive office or
361    agent of said hospital, the dates of admission to and discharge
362    of such patient therefrom, the amount claimed to be due for such
363    hospital care, treatment, and maintenance, and, to the best
364    knowledge of the person signing such claim, the names and
365    address of all persons, firms, or corporations who may be
366    claimed by such ill or injured person, or by the legal
367    representative of such person, to be liable on account of such
368    illness or injuries. At the same time that such claim is filed
369    with the clerk of the circuit court, a copy thereof shall be
370    sent by regular United States mail to the ill or injured person,
371    to his or her attorney, if known, and to all persons, firms, or
372    corporations named in such claim. The filing and mailing of
373    such claim in accordance with this section shall be notice
374    thereof to all persons, firms, or corporations who may be liable
375    on account of such illness or injuries, whether or not they are
376    named in such claim or lien, and whether or not a copy of such
377    claim shall have been received by them.
378          Section 3. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Madison
379    County shall endorse on such claim the date and hour of filing
380    and shall record such claim in the official records of Madison
381    County. He or she shall be paid by the claimant as his or her
382    fee for such filing and recording of each claim the same fee as
383    provided for filing and recording other instruments under the
384    recording laws.
385          Section 4. No release or satisfaction of any action, suit,
386    claim, counterclaim, demand, judgment, settlement, or settlement
387    agreement shall be valid or effectual as against such lien
388    unless such lienholder shall join therein or execute a release
389    of such lien. Any acceptance of a release or satisfaction of
390    any such cause of action, suit, claim, counterclaim, demand, or
391    judgment and any settlement of any of the foregoing in the
392    absence of a release of satisfaction of the lien referred to in
393    this act shall prima facie constitute an impairment of such
394    lien, and the lienholder shall be entitled to an action at law
395    for damages on account of such impairment and in such action may
396    recover from the one accepting such release or satisfaction or
397    making such settlement the reasonable cost of such hospital
398    care, treatment, and maintenance. Satisfaction of any judgment
399    rendered in favor of the lienholder in any such action shall
400    operate as a satisfaction of the lien. Any action by the
401    lienholder may be brought and maintained in any court of
402    competent jurisdiction in or for Madison County. If the
403    lienholder shall prevail in such action, the lienholder shall be
404    entitled to recover from the defendant, in addition to costs
405    otherwise allowed by law, reasonable attorney's fees, suit
406    money, costs, and expenses incident to the matter.
407          Section 5. The provisions of this act shall not be
408    applicable to accidents or injuries within the purview of the
409    workers' compensation laws of this state.
411 Ownership of Property
412          Section 1. Ownership of all property, real or personal,
413    previously owned by the governmental entities created or
414    controlled by chapters 24673 (1947), 27689 (1951), 65-1867, 67-
415    1658, 67-1659, 69-1273, 70-790, 70-791, and 82-320, Laws of
416    Florida, shall hereby be vested in the district.
417          Section 2. The district is specifically declared to own
418    fee simple title to the following described real property in
419    Madison County: The West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Northwest
420    1/4, and the West 1/2 of East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of
421    Northwest 1/4, all of Section 28, Township 1 North, Range 9
422    East; Lot 74 and the South 25 feet of Lot 73 of Block 11, of the
423    Town of Madison, Florida, (now City of Madison), Florida, and
424    also: a parcel or strip of land 10 feet X 1124.97 feet in size
425    located between north Duval Street and Lot 74 and the South 24
426    feet of Lot 73, running along and adjacent to the east border of
427    said lots, in Block 11 of the City of Madison, Madison County,
428    Florida, containing 1,249.70 square feet, more or less; All of
429    Block 12 of the Town of Madison (now City of Madison) Florida;
430    and Lots 77 and 78 of Block 11 of the Town of Madison (now City
431    of Madison) Florida
432          Section 3. This Article shall not be construed to affect
433    any rights of ownership of property, real or personal, held by
434    nongovernmental entities.
436 Severability
437          The provisions of this charter are declared severable, and
438    if any provision hereof be found invalid, such invalidity shall
439    not affect the remaining provisions, which shall be deemed
440    amended to the smallest degree necessary in order to continue in
441    full force and effect consistent with legislative intent and the
442    district's purposes under this act and chapter 189, Florida
443    Statutes.
444          Section 4. Chapters 24673 (1947), 26688 (1951), 27689
445    (1951), 27690 (1951), 65-1867, 67-1658, 67-1659, 69-1273, 70-
446    790, 70-791, and 82-320, Laws of Florida, are repealed.
447          Section 5. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.