HB 0599 2003
6          The Committee on Finance & Tax recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
11 A bill to be entitled
12          An act relating to the East Lake Tarpon Special Fire
13    Control District, Pinellas County; amending sections 3(2)
14    and 11 of section 1 of chapter 2000-477, Laws of Florida;
15    providing authority of the district with respect to land
16    that is annexed by a municipality or other fire control
17    district; providing for collection and payment of fire
18    services taxes or assessments by such municipality or
19    other district; providing for future repeal of the
20    amendments made by the act; providing effective dates.
22          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
24          Section 1. Subsection (2) of section 3 of section 1 of
25    chapter 2000-477, Laws of Florida, is amended to read:
26          Section 3. Formation; boundaries.--
27          (2) Any lands within a municipality included in the
28    boundaries of the District, as described herein, shall be
29    excluded from the District and its jurisdiction. If any area,
30    tract, or parcel of land within the boundaries of the District
31    shall hereafter become annexed to a municipality, such area,
32    tract, or parcel of land shall be excluded from the District
33    effective the next January 1 following such annexation by a
34    municipality; however, the District shall continue to provide
35    services to the annexed area pursuant to section 11.
36          Section 2. Section 11 of section 1 of chapter 2000-477,
37    Laws of Florida, is amended to read:
38          Section 11. Annexation of territories by municipalities
39    or other fire control districts.--Notwithstanding chapter 171,
40    Florida Statutes, or any other applicable law or ordinance, if
41    any municipality or other fire control district annexes land
42    within the District, the District shall continue as the sole
43    taxing, enforcing, and service-providing authority for District
44    purposes in the annexed land. However, any municipality or
45    other fire control district that annexes such land may collect
46    the applicable assessment or tax for fire services and pay the
47    District for such services at the District's annually adopted
48    standard rate. If an annexing municipality or other fire
49    control district pays the district for the provision of fire
50    control services in an annexed area, the District may not
51    collect a tax or assessment in that area.For the purposes and
52    requirements of this Act, after the annexation by a
53    municipality of any unincorporated area within the East Lake
54    Tarpon Special Fire Control District, the annexed area shall be
55    treated as lying within the corporate boundaries of the
56    annexing municipality, and shall not be subject to a levy of
57    the ad valorem tax which is authorized by this Act.
58          Section 3. Effective December 31, 2007, subsection (2) of
59    section 3 of section 1 of chapter 2000-477, Laws of Florida, as
60    amended by this act, is amended to read:
61          Section 3. Formation; boundaries.--
62          (2) Any lands within a municipality included in the
63    boundaries of the District, as described herein, shall be
64    excluded from the District and its jurisdiction. If any area,
65    tract, or parcel of land within the boundaries of the District
66    shall hereafter become annexed to a municipality, such area,
67    tract, or parcel of land shall be excluded from the District
68    effective the next January 1 following such annexation by a
69    municipality; however, the District shall continue to provide
70    services to the annexed area pursuant to section 11.
71          Section 4. Effective December 31, 2007, section 11 of
72    section 1 of chapter 2000-477, Laws of Florida, as amended by
73    this act, is amended to read:
74          Section 11. Annexation of territories by municipalities
75    or other fire control districts.--For the purposes and
76    requirements of this Act, after the annexation by a
77    municipality of any unincorporated area within the East Lake
78    Tarpon Special Fire Control District, the annexed area shall be
79    treated as lying within the corporate boundaries of the
80    annexing municipality, and shall not be subject to a levy of
81    the ad valorem tax which is authorized by this Act.
82    Notwithstanding chapter 171, Florida Statutes, or any other
83    applicable law or ordinance, if any municipality or other fire
84    control district annexes land within the District, the District
85    shall continue as the sole taxing, enforcing, and service-
86    providing authority for District purposes in the annexed land.
87    However, any municipality or other fire control district that
88    annexes such land may collect the applicable assessment or tax
89    for fire services and pay the District for such services at the
90    District's annually adopted standard rate.
91          Section 5. Except as otherwise provided herein, this act
92    shall take effect January 1, 2004.