HB 0601 2003
6          The Committee on Local Government & Veterans' Affairs recommends
7    the following:
9          Committee Substitute
10          Remove the entire bill and insert:
11 A bill to be entitled
12          An act relating to the Cape Canaveral Hospital District,
13    Brevard County; providing legislative intent; codifying,
14    amending, and reenacting special acts relating to the
15    district; providing minimum charter requirements in
16    accordance with s. 189.404(3), F.S.; authorizing an
17    exchange of submerged lands under specified conditions;
18    declaring public purpose; approving any authorized
19    permitted activities; authorizing the district to prepare
20    a public facilities report and enact regulations to
21    implement such report; deeming the public facilities
22    report to be consistent with the City of Cocoa Beach’s
23    charter provisions and comprehensive plan regulating
24    height, density, and fill of submerged lands provided
25    specified state law standards are satisfied; providing
26    severability; providing applicability; providing for
27    liberal construction; repealing chapters 59-1121, 61-1903,
28    65-1290, 69-861, 75-332, 81-345, and 86-426, Laws of
29    Florida; providing an effective date.
31          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
33          Section 1. Pursuant to section 189.429, Florida Statutes,
34    this act constitutes the codification of all special acts
35    relating to the Cape Canaveral Hospital District, an independent
36    special tax district. It is the intent of the Legislature in
37    enacting this law to provide a single, comprehensive special act
38    charter for the District, including all current legislative
39    authority granted to the District by its several legislative
40    enactments and any additional authority granted by this act. It
41    is further the intent of this act to preserve all District
42    authority in addition to any authority contained in general law.
43          Section 2. Chapters 59-1121, 61-1903, 65-1290, 69-861, 75-
44    332, 81-345, and 86-426, Laws of Florida, are codified,
45    reenacted, amended, and repealed as herein provided.
46          Section 3. The Cape Canaveral Hospital District is re-
47    created, and the charter for such District is re-created and
48    reenacted to read:
49          Section 1. An independent special tax district is hereby
50    created and incorporated and shall be known as "the Cape
51    Canaveral Hospital District” in Brevard County. The Cape
52    Canaveral Hospital District shall support the health and welfare
53    of all those in the District’s boundaries and the surrounding
54    communities by providing health care facilities and services to
55    all those in need regardless of ability to pay. The Cape
56    Canaveral Hospital District is created for the purpose of
57    planning, building, constructing, repairing, fixing, equipping,
58    furnishing, supplying, operating, maintaining, and leasing a
59    hospital and related facilities, and to fund, support, organize,
60    and participate in such other health care related projects as
61    authorized by the Board. The District shall embrace and include
62    that part of Brevard County bounded and described as:
64          Those lands bounded on the north by the north line
65    of Section 14 and the north line, produced west, of
66    Section 15, Township 24 South, Range 37 East; on
67    the west by the west boundary of the Banana River;
68    on the south by a line parallel to and 988.6 feet
69    south of the north line, produced west, of Section
70    35, Township 25 South, Range 37 East; and on the
71    east by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
73          Section 2. All references herein to the Hospital District
74    mean the Cape Canaveral Hospital District; all references herein
75    to the Board mean the Cape Canaveral Hospital District Board;
76    all references herein to the Hospital mean the Cape Canaveral
77    Hospital; and all references to the Hospital Board mean the
78    Board of Trustees of Cape Canaveral Hospital, Inc.
79          Section 3. The governing authority or body of the Hospital
80    District shall be known as the Cape Canaveral Hospital District
81    Board and the Board shall constitute a body politic and a body
82    corporate; it shall have perpetual existence; it shall adopt and
83    use a common seal and may alter the same; it may contract and be
84    contracted with; and it may sue and be sued in its corporate
85    name.
86          Section 4(A). So long as the Cape Canaveral Hospital
87    District Board has direct responsibility for the operation and
88    management of the hospital facility, and does not lease the
89    hospital facility to a not-for-profit corporation, the Board
90    shall have the following additional powers:
91          (1) To acquire by grant, purchase, lease, devise, gift,
92    bequest, or condemnation, or in any other manner, real or
93    personal property, or any estate or interest therein, within or
94    without the Hospital District, which by resolution the Board
95    shall determine to be necessary for the purposes of the Hospital
96    District, said determination to be conclusive, except in case of
97    fraud or gross abuse of discretion; and to improve, maintain,
98    sell, lease, mortgage, or otherwise encumber the same, any part
99    thereof, or any interest therein upon such terms and conditions
100    as the Board shall fix and determine, and said determination
101    shall be deemed conclusive, except in case of fraud or gross
102    abuse of discretion.
103          (2) To plan, build, construct, repair, fix, purchase,
104    sell, mortgage, encumber, furnish, equip, supply, operate,
105    manage, maintain, and conduct a hospital and any facilities,
106    buildings, schools, and structures related to and customarily
107    used, conducted, or operated in conjunction with a hospital or
108    the provision of health care related services; however, in no
109    event shall the Board sell the hospital facilities without first
110    receiving the approval by a majority vote of the duly qualified
111    electors who reside within the Hospital District and who vote in
112    the election. Prior to any such sale, the qualified electors who
113    reside within the District shall by affirmative vote consent to
114    such sale of the hospital facilities, which consent must also
115    approve the terms and conditions of the sale and the disposition
116    of the sale proceeds. The vote on this issue may be received at
117    a general or special election to be held within the Hospital
118    District which shall not be called until notice thereof has been
119    published in a newspaper of general circulation within the
120    Hospital District once a week for 4 consecutive weeks prior to
121    the week during which the general or special election will be
122    held. If a majority of the electors who vote in the general or
123    special election shall vote in favor of the sale of the hospital
124    facilities and if they shall approve the terms and conditions of
125    the sale, the Board shall have the authority to consummate the
126    sale upon the terms and conditions thus approved by the
127    electors. In the event that the duly qualified electors shall
128    not ratify and approve the sale along with its terms and
129    conditions, the Board shall not have the authority to consummate
130    the sale of the hospital facilities.
131          (3) To adopt all rules and regulations necessary for the
132    orderly, proper, and efficient operation of the Hospital,
133    including rules regulating the admission thereto and treatment
134    of patients of all classes, including charity patients who may
135    apply for admission to the Hospital and who shall be citizens of
136    the State of Florida and residents of the Hospital District; and
137    rules regulating the fees and charges to be made for the
138    admission and treatment therein of all other patients.
139          (4) To establish a medical staff of the hospital, herein
140    referred to as the medical staff, and to establish and designate
141    professional and other qualifications for membership, term of
142    membership, classes of membership, and types of privileges to be
143    exercised by members of the medical staff. The Board shall have
144    the power to appoint, remove, suspend, and otherwise regulate
145    members of the medical staff; to establish and designate
146    procedures to be followed by applicants for staff membership,
147    changes of class of membership, changes in types of privileges
148    to be exercised by members of the medical staff, and renewal of
149    membership on the medical staff; and to set forth such
150    procedures as shall seem fit and proper to the Board in the
151    bylaws of the Board and of the medical staff. The Board shall
152    request the advice of the medical staff on all applications for
153    membership on the medical staff, including advice on the class
154    of membership to be given to the applicants and the types of
155    privileges to be exercised by the applicants, renewal of
156    membership on the medical staff, changes in classes of
157    membership, and changes in privileges to be exercised by members
158    of the medical staff; however, such advice shall not be binding
159    on the Board and the final decision on such matters shall be
160    made by the Board. The Board shall provide in its bylaws and in
161    the medical staff bylaws procedures to be followed by such
162    applicants who may be aggrieved by any decisions of the medical
163    staff regarding its advice to the Board.
164          (5) To contract with individuals, partnerships, limited
165    liability companies, corporations, municipalities, political
166    subdivisions, agencies, or districts of the State of Florida,
167    the United States of America, or any of the several States
168    thereof, and any other country of the world and any political
169    subdivision thereof.
170          (6) To determine the sum or amount of money, over and
171    above and in addition to anticipated income and receipts to be
172    paid by the patients who will be treated in the Hospital, which
173    will be required during the ensuing fiscal year to pay and
174    satisfy all anticipated obligations and expenses to be incurred
175    by the Hospital during the said ensuing fiscal year in the
176    performance of the functions and purposes authorized under this
177    act, including debt service on any bonds which may be issued
178    hereunder; subject to the provision that the sum estimated by
179    the Board to be required to pay and satisfy the expenses of the
180    Hospital for all purposes, other than debt service on any bonds
181    which may have been issued hereunder, for said fiscal year shall
182    not exceed the amount which would be realized from a tax of 1
183    mill upon all real and personal property, less all such property
184    exempted from taxation by the Florida Constitution or the
185    Statutes of the State of Florida, located within the Hospital
186    District; and further subject to the provision that the sum
187    estimated by the Board to be required to pay and satisfy all
188    obligations and expenses incurred by the Hospital for all
189    purposes, including debt service on any bonds which may have
190    been issued by the Hospital District hereunder, shall not exceed
191    the amount which would be realized from a tax of 2 1/4 mills
192    upon all real and personal property, less all such property
193    exempt from taxation by the Florida Constitution or the Statutes
194    of the State of Florida, located within the Hospital District.
195    Such determination shall be made by resolution of the Board and
196    it shall be the duty of the President and the Secretary of the
197    Board to certify to the Board of County Commissioners of Brevard
198    County the total sum which the Board believes and estimates will
199    be required during the ensuing fiscal year to pay and satisfy
200    all expenses of the Hospital, except debt service on any bonds
201    which may have been issued hereunder, and the sum which the
202    Board believes and anticipates will be required for debt service
203    on said bonds, in the event that any bonds have been issued and
204    sold hereunder by the Hospital District.
205          The Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, upon
206    being furnished a certified copy of the resolution of the Board,
207    shall levy the necessary millage against all real and personal
208    property, less all such property exempt from taxation by the
209    Florida Constitution or the Statutes of the State of Florida,
210    situated within the Hospital District, required to raise such
211    amount, provided such millage shall not exceed 1 mill for all
212    expenses of the Hospital other than debt service on any bonds
213    which may have been issued and sold hereunder and shall not
214    exceed 2 1/4 mills for all obligations and expenses of the
215    Hospital including debt service on any such bonds. The certified
216    copy of the resolution of the Board shall be filed with the
217    Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County not less than 10
218    days prior to the time fixed by law for the levy of general
219    county taxes, and all taxes so levied by the Board of County
220    Commissioners of Brevard County for the Board shall be collected
221    by the Tax Collector of Brevard County and paid over to the
222    Board.
223          (7) To appoint, comply, hire, and discharge such agents,
224    employees, servants, or other employees, including attorneys,
225    accountants, architects, administrators, and other nonmedical
226    professional agents or employees, as may be required to carry
227    out the purposes of this act; to prescribe their duties,
228    authority, and responsibilities; and to fix their salaries,
229    wages, or compensation.
230          (8) To designate a depository or depositories for the
231    funds of the Board and to establish by resolution of the Board
232    the method and authority under which such funds may be withdrawn
233    from such depository or depositories, provided, however, that
234    any officer of the Board or any agent or employee thereof, who
235    shall be authorized to sign checks, drafts, orders, or warrants
236    on any account of the Board, shall first execute a bond in favor
237    of the Board in a penal sum of $25,000 with a surety company
238    authorized to do business in the State of Florida. The aforesaid
239    bonds shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the
240    duties of such officers, agents, or employees and shall be
241    approved by the remaining members of the Board, and the premiums
242    on all such bonds shall be paid by the Board.
243          (9) To designate by resolution a fiscal year for the
244    Hospital District and to change the same from time to time.
245          (10) To issue bonds of the Hospital District to finance
246    the planning, purchase, lease, construction, furnishing, and
247    equipping of any buildings, facilities, or land therefor, which
248    the Board is authorized to purchase, lease, build, construct,
249    and operate, which bonds may be payable from the taxes herein
250    authorized, and for the payment of which the full faith and
251    credit of the Hospital District may be pledged, in an amount
252    never to exceed 20 percent of the total assessed valuation or
253    market valuation, whichever is greater, as determined by Brevard
254    County, of all taxable property within the limits of the
255    Hospital District. Such bonds shall be signed in the name of the
256    Hospital District by the President of the Board, shall be
257    attested by the Secretary of the Board, shall be under the seal
258    of the Hospital District, may bear interest coupons to be signed
259    with the facsimile signature of the Secretary of the Board, and
260    may be of such denominations as shall be determined by the
261    Hospital Board. Said bonds may bear interest at a rate to be
262    fixed by the Board; however, said rate of interest shall not
263    exceed that provided by general law and shall be payable either
264    annually or semiannually. Said bonds shall be due not more than
265    40 years from the date thereof.
266          Prior to the issuance of any such bonds, the Board shall by
267    resolution authorize the issuance of the same, fixing the
268    aggregate amount of the proposed issue, the denomination, the
269    rate of interest, the purpose for which the moneys derived
270    therefrom shall be expended, and the maturity of the bonds
271    either in serial form or all to mature at a fixed date, and
272    shall provide for and create a sinking fund to pay the principal
273    and interest of the said bonds as the same shall mature. The
274    bonds may be sold by the Board at public sale, or sealed bids,
275    after advertisement for sale at least once a week for 3
276    consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in Brevard County
277    having a general circulation in the Hospital District, or
278    advertisement of the said sale may, at the option of the Board,
279    be published once a week for 2 consecutive weeks in a financial
280    paper published in the City of New York. If the bonds are not
281    sold after either of such advertisements, the bonds may be sold
282    at private sale at any time after the date advertised for the
283    reception of the sealed bids; however, no bonds shall be sold
284    for less than 95 percent of the par value thereof, with accrued
285    interest, and no private sale of the bonds shall be made at a
286    price lower than the best sealed bid received therefor.
287          All bonds issued and sold by the Hospital District under
288    the provisions of this act, or under the laws of the State of
289    Florida, shall be, constitute, and have all of the qualities and
290    incidents of negotiable instruments under the law merchant and
291    the Negotiable Instrument Law of the State of Florida; shall be
292    incontestable in the hands of bona fide purchasers or holders
293    for value; and shall not be invalid because of any irregularity
294    or defect in the proceedings for the issue and sale thereof.
295          No general obligation bonds for the payment of which the
296    full faith and credit of the Hospital District shall be pledged
297    or obligated shall be issued and sold, unless the issuance of
298    the same shall have been approved by the majority of the votes
299    cast in a freeholders’ election in which a majority of the
300    freeholders who are qualified electors residing within the
301    Hospital District shall participate and said election shall be
302    held in the manner provided by the Florida Constitution and
303    applicable Statutes of the State of Florida relating to the
304    calling and holding of freeholders' elections for the approval
305    of the issuance of bonds by special tax districts.
306          The payment of any general obligation bonds, including
307    interest thereon, issued and sold by the Hospital District shall
308    be secured by a first lien against the taxes to be levied by the
309    Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County as authorized by
310    this act to the extent that such taxes may be required to pay
311    such interest and principal, and the Board shall certify to the
312    Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County each year, as
313    herein provided, such sums as may be required for debt service
314    on said bonds and to pay the interest and principal thereon, and
315    the Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County shall levy
316    such taxes, within the limits specified in this act, as will be
317    required for said debt service on said bonds.
318          (11)(a) To provide by resolution at one time or from time
319    to time for the issuance of Revenue Certificates of the Hospital
320    District for the purpose of paying all or a part of the cost of
321    acquisition, construction, planning, leasing, repairing,
322    extensions to, additions, equipping, and reconstruction of any
323    hospital buildings and facilities of the Hospital District. The
324    Certificates of each issue shall be dated, shall bear interest
325    at a rate to be fixed by the Board, however, said rate of
326    interest shall not exceed that provided by general law, shall
327    mature at such time or times, not exceeding 40 years from their
328    date or dates, as may be determined by the Board, and may be
329    made redeemable before maturity, at the option of the Board, at
330    such price or prices and under such terms and conditions as may
331    be fixed by the Board prior to the issuance of the Certificates.
332    The Board shall determine the form of the Certificates,
333    including any interest coupons to be attached thereto, and the
334    manner of execution of the Certificates and coupons to be
335    attached thereto, and shall fix the denomination or
336    denominations of the Certificates and the place or places of
337    payment of principal and interest, which may be at any bank or
338    trust company within or without the State. In case any officer
339    whose signature or a facsimile of whose signature shall appear
340    on any certificates or coupons shall cease to be such officer
341    before the delivery of such Certificates, such signature or such
342    facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all
343    purposes the same as if he or she had remained in office until
344    such delivery. All Certificates issued under the provisions of
345    this act shall have and are hereby declared to have all the
346    qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments under the
347    negotiable instruments laws of the State. The Certificates may
348    be issued in coupon or in registered form, or both, as the Board
349    may determine, and provisions may be made for the registration
350    of any coupon Certificates as to principal alone and also as to
351    both principal and interest and for the reconversion into coupon
352    Certificates of any Certificates registered as to both principal
353    and interest. The issuance of such Certificates shall not be
354    subject to any limitations or conditions contained in any other
355    law, and the Board may sell such Certificates in such manner and
356    for such price as it may determine to be for the best interest
357    of the Board, but no such sale shall be made at a price so low
358    as to require the payment of interest on the money received
359    therefor which shall exceed that provided by general law,
360    computed with relation to the absolute maturity of the
361    Certificates in accordance with standard tables of certificate
362    values, excluding, however, from such computations the amount of
363    any premium to be paid on redemption of any Certificates prior
364    to maturity. Prior to the preparation of definitive
365    Certificates, the Board may, under like restrictions, issue
366    interim receipts or temporary Certificates with or without
367    coupons, exchangeable for definitive Certificates when such
368    Certificates have been executed and are available for delivery.
369    The Board may also provide for the replacement of any
370    Certificates which shall be mutilated, destroyed, or lost.
371          (b) Certificates may be issued under the provisions of
372    this act without obtaining the consent of any commission, board,
373    bureau, or agency of the State or County and without any other
374    proceedings or the happening of any other condition or thing
375    than those proceedings, conditions, or things which are
376    specifically required by this act.
377          (c) The proceeds of the Certificates shall be used solely
378    for the payment of the cost of the hospital facilities for which
379    such Certificates shall have been authorized and shall be
380    disbursed in the manner provided in the resolution or in the
381    Trust Agreement authorizing the issuance of such Certificates.
382    If the proceeds of the Certificates of any issue shall exceed
383    the amount required for the purpose for which the same shall
384    have been issued, the surplus shall be set aside and used only
385    for the payment of the cost of additional projects or for the
386    payment of the principal of and interest on such Certificates.
387    In the event that the actual cost of the project exceeds the
388    estimated cost, the Board may issue additional Certificates to
389    cover the deficiency, subject to the same restrictions as
390    required for the original issue.
391          (d) Revenue Certificates issued under the provisions of
392    this act may be payable from the revenue derived from the
393    operation of any hospital facility or combination of hospital
394    facilities of the Hospital District under the supervision,
395    operation, and control of the Hospital Board and from any other
396    funds legally available therefor. The issuance of such Revenue
397    Certificates shall not directly, indirectly, or contingently
398    obligate the State, the Board, or the Hospital District to levy
399    any ad valorem taxes or to make any appropriations for their
400    payment or for the operation and maintenance of the hospital
401    facilities of the Hospital District.
402          (e) The Board shall not convey or mortgage any hospital
403    facility or any part thereof as security for the payment of the
404    Revenue Certificates.
405          (f) In the discretion of the Board, each or any issue of
406    such Revenue Certificates may be secured by a Trust Agreement by
407    and between the Hospital District and a corporate trustee, which
408    may be any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust
409    company within or without the State. Such Trust Agreement may
410    pledge or assign the revenues to be received by the Board. The
411    resolution providing for the issuance of Revenue Certificates or
412    such Trust Agreement may contain such provisions for protecting
413    and enforcing the rights and remedies of the Certificate holders
414    as may be reasonable, proper, and not in violation of law,
415    including covenants setting forth the duties of the Board in
416    relation to the acquisition, construction, improvement,
417    maintenance, operation, repair, equipping, and insurance of the
418    hospital facilities, and the custody, safeguarding, and
419    application of all moneys. It shall be lawful for any bank or
420    trust company incorporated under the laws of this State to act
421    as such depository and to furnish such indemnifying certificates
422    or to pledge such securities as may be required by the Board.
423    Such resolution or such Trust Agreement may restrict the
424    individual right of action by Certificate holders as is
425    customary in Trust Agreements securing certificates or
426    debentures of corporations. In addition to the foregoing, such
427    resolution or such Trust Agreement may contain such other
428    provisions as the Board may deem reasonable and proper for the
429    security of the Certificate holders. Except as otherwise
430    provided in this act, the Board may provide, by resolution or by
431    Trust Agreement, for the payment of the proceeds of the sale of
432    the Revenue Certificates and the revenues of the facilities to
433    such officer, board, or depository as it may determine for the
434    custody thereof, and for the method of disbursement thereof,
435    with such safeguards and restrictions as it may determine. All
436    expenses incurred in carrying out such Trust Agreement may be
437    treated as a part of the cost of operation of the facilities
438    affected by such Trust Agreement.
439          (g) The resolution or Trust Agreement providing for the
440    issuance of the Revenue Certificates may also contain such
441    limitations upon the issuance of additional Revenue Certificates
442    as the Hospital District may deem proper, and such additional
443    Certificates shall be issued under such restriction or
444    limitations as may be prescribed by such resolution or Trust
445    Agreement.
446          (h) The Board is hereby authorized to provide by
447    resolution for the issuance of Refunding Revenue Certificates
448    for the purpose of refunding any Revenue Certificates,
449    respectively, then outstanding and issued under the provisions
450    of this act. The Board is further authorized to provide by
451    resolution for the issuance of Revenue Certificates for the
452    combined purpose of (1) paying the cost of any acquisition,
453    construction, planning, leasing, extension to, addition,
454    improving, equipping, or reconstruction of a facility or
455    facilities of the Hospital District, and (2) refunding Revenue
456    Certificates of the Hospital District which shall theretofore
457    have been issued under the provisions of this act and shall then
458    be outstanding. The issuance of such obligations, the maturities
459    and other details thereof, the right and remedies of the holders
460    thereof, and the rights, powers, privileges, duties, and
461    obligations of the Hospital District with respect to the same
462    shall be governed by the foregoing provisions of this act
463    insofar as the same may be applicable.
464          (12) To provide a retirement program for the Hospital
465    District’s employees who become covered by the program, to
466    establish qualifications for coverage under the program, to pay
467    part of the cost of such program, to contract with any insurance
468    company licensed to do business in Florida for the establishment
469    and operation of the program, to charge its covered employees
470    for the employees’ share of the cost of the program, and to take
471    such other action as may be necessary to establish and operate
472    the retirement program. Said Board shall have the power to
473    withdraw, by resolution, from the State and County Officers and
474    Employees’ Retirement System as established by chapter 122,
475    Florida Statutes, and this provision shall specifically amend
476    section 122.061, Florida Statutes, insofar as the section
477    prohibits the withdrawal of the Cape Canaveral Hospital
478    employees from the retirement system. In the event that the
479    Board shall adopt a resolution by which the employees of the
480    Hospital District shall be withdrawn from the State and County
481    Officers and Employees’ Retirement System, such withdrawal shall
482    become effective on July 1 following the adoption of the
483    resolution, and the Board shall send a certified copy of the
484    resolution to the Chief Financial Officer of the State.
485    Beginning on July 1 following the adoption of the resolution,
486    the Hospital District shall not be required to contribute to the
487    State and County Officers and Employees’ Retirement System.
488          Section 4(B). In the event that the Board no longer has
489    responsibility for operation and management of Cape Canaveral
490    Hospital by heretofore or hereafter leasing the hospital
491    facilities to a not-for-profit corporation, so long as such
492    lease remains in force and effect, the Board shall not have the
493    powers contained in section 4(A) hereof but shall have the
494    following additional powers:
495          (1) To acquire by grant, purchase, lease, devise, gift,
496    bequest, or condemnation, or in any other manner, real or
497    personal property, or any estate or interest therein, within or
498    without the Hospital District, which by resolution the Board
499    shall determine to be necessary for the purposes of the Hospital
500    District, said determination to be conclusive, except in case of
501    fraud or gross abuse of discretion; and to improve, maintain,
502    sell, lease, mortgage, or otherwise encumber the same, any part
503    thereof, or any interest therein upon such terms and conditions
504    as the Board shall fix and determine, and said determination
505    shall be deemed conclusive, except in case of fraud or gross
506    abuse of discretion.
507          (2) To contract with individuals, partnerships, limited
508    liability companies, corporations, municipalities, political
509    subdivisions, agencies, or districts of the State of Florida,
510    the United States of America, or any of the several States
511    thereof, and any other country of the world and any political
512    subdivision thereof.
513          (3) To determine the sum or amount of money, over and
514    above and in addition to anticipated income and receipts to be
515    paid by the patients who will be treated in the Hospital, which
516    will be required during the ensuing fiscal year to pay and
517    satisfy all anticipated obligations and expenses to be incurred
518    by the Hospital during the said ensuing fiscal year in the
519    performance of the functions and purposes authorized under this
520    act, including debt service on any bonds which may be issued
521    hereunder; subject to the provision that the sum estimated by
522    the Board to be required to pay and satisfy the expenses of the
523    Hospital for all purposes, other than debt service on any bonds
524    which may have been issued hereunder, for said fiscal year shall
525    not exceed the amount which would be realized from a tax of 1
526    mill upon all real and personal property, less all such property
527    exempted from taxation by the Florida Constitution or the
528    Statutes of the State of Florida, located within the Hospital
529    District; and further subject to the provision that the sum
530    estimated by the Board to be required to pay and satisfy all
531    obligations and expenses incurred by the Hospital for all
532    purposes, including debt service on any bonds which may have
533    been issued by the Hospital District hereunder, shall not exceed
534    the amount which would be realized from a tax of 2 1/4 mills
535    upon all real and personal property, less all such property
536    exempt from taxation by the Florida Constitution or the Statutes
537    of the State of Florida, located within the Hospital District.
538    Such determination shall be made by resolution of the Board and
539    it shall be the duty of the President and the Secretary of the
540    Board to certify to the Board of County Commissioners of Brevard
541    County the total sum which the Board believes and estimates will
542    be required during the ensuing fiscal year to pay and satisfy
543    all expenses of the Hospital, except debt service on any bonds
544    which may have been issued hereunder, and the sum which the
545    Board believes and anticipates will be required for debt service
546    on said bonds, in the event that any bonds have been issued and
547    sold hereunder by the Hospital District.
548          The Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, upon
549    being furnished a certified copy of the resolution of the Board,
550    shall levy the necessary millage against all real and personal
551    property, less all such property exempt from taxation by the
552    Florida Constitution or the Statutes of the State of Florida,
553    situated within the Hospital District, required to raise such
554    amount, provided such millage shall not exceed 1 mill for all
555    expenses of the Hospital other than debt service on any bonds
556    which may have been issued and sold hereunder and shall not
557    exceed 2 1/4 mills for all obligations and expenses of the
558    Hospital including debt service on any such bonds. The certified
559    copy of the resolution of the Board shall be filed with the
560    Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County not less than 10
561    days prior to the time fixed by law for the levy of general
562    county taxes, and all taxes so levied by the Board of County
563    Commissioners of Brevard County for the Board shall be collected
564    by the Tax Collector of Brevard County and paid over to the
565    Board.
566          (4) To designate a depository or depositories for the
567    funds of the Board and to establish by resolution of the Board
568    the method and authority under which such funds may be withdrawn
569    from such depository or depositories, provided, however, that
570    any officer of the Board or any agent or employee thereof, who
571    shall be authorized to sign checks, drafts, orders, or warrants
572    on any account of the Board, shall first execute a bond in favor
573    of the Board in a penal sum of $25,000 with a surety company
574    authorized to do business in the State of Florida. The aforesaid
575    bonds shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the
576    duties of such officers, agents, or employees and shall be
577    approved by the remaining members of the Board, and the premiums
578    on all such bonds shall be paid by the Board.
579          (5) To designate by resolution a fiscal year for the
580    Hospital District and to change the same from time to time.
581          (6) To issue bonds of the Hospital District to finance the
582    planning, purchase, lease, construction, furnishing, and
583    equipping of any buildings, facilities, or land therefor, which
584    the Board is authorized to purchase, lease, build, construct,
585    and operate, which bonds may be payable from the taxes herein
586    authorized, and for the payment of which the full faith and
587    credit of the Hospital District may be pledged, in an amount
588    never to exceed 20 percent of the total assessed valuation or
589    market valuation, whichever is greater, as determined by Brevard
590    County, of all taxable property within the limits of the
591    Hospital District. Such bonds shall be signed in the name of the
592    Hospital District by the President of the Board, shall be
593    attested by the Secretary of the Board, shall be under the seal
594    of the Hospital District, may bear interest coupons to be signed
595    with the facsimile signature of the Secretary of the Board, and
596    may be of such denominations as shall be determined by the
597    Hospital Board. Said bonds may bear interest at a rate to be
598    fixed by the Board; however, said rate of interest shall not
599    exceed that provided by general law and shall be payable either
600    annually or semiannually. Said bonds shall be due not more than
601    40 years from the date thereof.
602          Prior to the issuance of any such bonds, the Board shall by
603    resolution authorize the issuance of the same, fixing the
604    aggregate amount of the proposed issue, the denomination, the
605    rate of interest, the purpose for which the moneys derived
606    therefrom shall be expended, and the maturity of the bonds,
607    either in serial form or all to mature at a fixed date, and
608    shall provide for and create a sinking fund to pay the principal
609    and interest of the said bonds as the same shall mature. The
610    bonds may be sold by the Board at public sale, or sealed bids,
611    after advertisement for sale at least once a week for 3
612    consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in Brevard County
613    having a general circulation in the Hospital District, or
614    advertisement of the said sale may, at the option of the Board,
615    be published once a week for 2 consecutive weeks in a financial
616    paper published in the City of New York. If the bonds are not
617    sold after either of such advertisements, the bonds may be sold
618    at private sale at any time after the date advertised for the
619    reception of the sealed bids; however, no bonds shall be sold
620    for less than 95 percent of the par value thereof, with accrued
621    interest, and no private sale of the bonds shall be made at a
622    price lower than the best sealed bid received therefor.
623          All bonds issued and sold by the Hospital District under
624    the provisions of this act, or under the laws of the State of
625    Florida, shall be, constitute, and have all of the qualities and
626    incidents of negotiable instruments under the law merchant and
627    the Negotiable Instrument Law of the State of Florida; shall be
628    incontestable in the hands of bona fide purchasers or holders
629    for value; and shall not be invalid because of any irregularity
630    or defect in the proceedings for the issue and sale thereof.
631          No general obligation bonds for the payment of which the
632    full faith and credit of the Hospital District shall be pledged
633    or obligated shall be issued and sold, unless the issuance of
634    the same shall have been approved by the majority of the votes
635    cast in a freeholders’ election in which a majority of the
636    freeholders who are qualified electors residing within the
637    Hospital District shall participate and said election shall be
638    held in the manner provided by the Florida Constitution and
639    applicable Statutes of the State of Florida relating to the
640    calling and holding of freeholders' elections for the approval
641    of the issuance of bonds by special tax districts.
642          The payment of any general obligation bonds, including
643    interest thereon, issued and sold by the Hospital District shall
644    be secured by a first lien against the taxes to be levied by the
645    Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County as authorized by
646    this act to the extent that such taxes may be required to pay
647    such interest and principal, and the Board shall certify to the
648    Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County each year, as
649    herein provided, such sums as may be required for debt service
650    on said bonds and to pay the interest and principal thereon, and
651    the Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County shall levy
652    such taxes, within the limits specified in this act, as will be
653    required for said debt service on said bonds.
654          (7) To provide by resolution at one time or from time to
655    time for the issuance of Revenue Certificates of the Hospital
656    District for the purpose of paying all or a part of the cost of
657    acquisition, construction, planning, leasing, repairing,
658    extensions to, additions, equipping, and reconstruction of any
659    hospital buildings and facilities of the Hospital District. The
660    Certificates of each issue shall be dated, shall bear interest
661    at a rate to be fixed by the Board, however, said rate of
662    interest shall not exceed that provided by general law, shall
663    mature at such time or times, not exceeding 40 years from their
664    date or dates, as may be determined by the Board, and may be
665    made redeemable before maturity, at the option of the Board, at
666    such price or prices and under such terms and conditions as may
667    be fixed by the Board prior to the issuance of the Certificates.
668    The Board shall determine the form of the Certificates,
669    including any interest coupons to be attached thereto, and the
670    manner of execution of the Certificates and coupons to be
671    attached thereto, and shall fix the denomination or
672    denominations of the Certificates and the place or places of
673    payment of principal and interest, which may be at any bank or
674    trust company within or without the State. In case any officer
675    whose signature or a facsimile of whose signature shall appear
676    on any certificates or coupons shall cease to be such officer
677    before the delivery of such Certificates, such signature or such
678    facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all
679    purposes the same as if he or she had remained in office until
680    such delivery. All Certificates issued under the provisions of
681    this act shall have and are hereby declared to have all the
682    qualities and incidents of negotiable instruments under the
683    negotiable instruments laws of the State. The Certificates may
684    be issued in coupon or in registered form, or both, as the Board
685    may determine, and provisions may be made for the registration
686    of any coupon Certificates as to principal alone and also as to
687    both principal and interest and for the reconversion into coupon
688    Certificates of any Certificates registered as to both principal
689    and interest. The issuance of such Certificates shall not be
690    subject to any limitations or conditions contained in any other
691    law, and the Board may sell such Certificates in such manner and
692    for such price as it may determine to be for the best interest
693    of the Board, but no such sale shall be made at a price so low
694    as to require the payment of interest on the money received
695    therefor which shall exceed that provided by general law,
696    computed with relation to the absolute maturity of the
697    Certificates in accordance with standard tables of certificate
698    values, excluding, however, from such computations the amount of
699    any premium to be paid on redemption of any Certificates prior
700    to maturity. Prior to the preparation of definitive
701    Certificates, the Board may, under like restrictions, issue
702    interim receipts or temporary Certificates with or without
703    coupons, exchangeable for definitive Certificates when such
704    Certificates have been executed and are available for delivery.
705    The Board may also provide for the replacement of any
706    Certificates which shall be mutilated, destroyed, or lost.
707          Certificates may be issued under the provisions of this act
708    without obtaining the consent of any commission, board, bureau,
709    or agency of the State or County and without any other
710    proceedings or the happening of any other condition or thing
711    than those proceedings, conditions, or things which are
712    specifically required by this act.
713          The proceeds of the Certificates shall be used solely for
714    the payment of the cost of the hospital facilities for which
715    such Certificates shall have been authorized and shall be
716    disbursed in the manner provided in the resolution or in the
717    Trust Agreement authorizing the issuance of such Certificates.
718    If the proceeds of the Certificates of any issue shall exceed
719    the amount required for the purpose for which the same shall
720    have been issued, the surplus shall be set aside and used only
721    for the payment of the cost of additional projects or for the
722    payment of the principal of and interest on such Certificates.
723    In the event that the actual cost of the project exceeds the
724    estimated cost, the Board may issue additional Certificates to
725    cover the deficiency, subject to the same restrictions as
726    required for the original issue.
727          Revenue Certificates issued under the provisions of this
728    act may be payable from the revenue derived from the operation
729    of any hospital facility or combination of hospital facilities
730    of the Hospital District under the supervision, operation, and
731    control of the Hospital Board and from any other funds legally
732    available therefor. The issuance of such Revenue Certificates
733    shall not directly, indirectly, or contingently obligate the
734    State, the Board, or the Hospital District to levy any ad
735    valorem taxes or to make any appropriations for their payment or
736    for the operation and maintenance of the hospital facilities of
737    the Hospital District.
738          The Board shall not convey or mortgage any hospital
739    facility or any part thereof as security for the payment of the
740    Revenue Certificates.
741          In the discretion of the Board, each or any issue of such
742    Revenue Certificates may be secured by a Trust Agreement by and
743    between the Hospital District and a corporate trustee, which may
744    be any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust
745    company within or without the State. Such Trust Agreement may
746    pledge or assign the revenues to be received by the Board. The
747    resolution providing for the issuance of Revenue Certificates or
748    such Trust Agreement may contain such provisions for protecting
749    and enforcing the rights and remedies of the Certificate holders
750    as may be reasonable, proper, and not in violation of law,
751    including covenants setting forth the duties of the Board in
752    relation to the acquisition, construction, improvement,
753    maintenance, operation, repair, equipping, and insurance of the
754    hospital facilities, and the custody, safeguarding, and
755    application of all moneys. It shall be lawful for any bank or
756    trust company incorporated under the laws of this State to act
757    as such depository and to furnish such indemnifying certificates
758    or to pledge such securities as may be required by the Board.
759    Such resolution or such Trust Agreement may restrict the
760    individual right of action by Certificate holders as is
761    customary in Trust Agreements securing certificates or
762    debentures of corporations. In addition to the foregoing, such
763    resolution or such Trust Agreement may contain such other
764    provisions as the Board may deem reasonable and proper for the
765    security of the Certificate holders. Except as otherwise
766    provided in this act, the Board may provide, by resolution or by
767    Trust Agreement, for the payment of the proceeds of the sale of
768    the Revenue Certificates and the revenues of the facilities to
769    such officer, board, or depository as it may determine for the
770    custody thereof, and for the method of disbursement thereof,
771    with such safeguards and restrictions as it may determine. All
772    expenses incurred in carrying out such Trust Agreement may be
773    treated as a part of the cost of operation of the facilities
774    affected by such Trust Agreement.
775          The resolution or Trust Agreement providing for the
776    issuance of the Revenue Certificates may also contain such
777    limitations upon the issuance of additional Revenue Certificates
778    as the Hospital District may deem proper, and such additional
779    Certificates shall be issued under such restriction or
780    limitations as may be prescribed by such resolution or Trust
781    Agreement.
782          The Board is hereby authorized to provide by resolution for
783    the issuance of Refunding Revenue Certificates for the purpose
784    of refunding any Revenue Certificates, respectively, then
785    outstanding and issued under the provisions of this act. The
786    Board is further authorized to provide by resolution for the
787    issuance of Revenue Certificates for the combined purpose of(1)
788    paying the cost of any acquisition, construction, planning,
789    leasing, extension to, addition, improving, equipping, or
790    reconstruction of a facility or facilities of the Hospital
791    District, and (2) refunding Revenue Certificates of the Hospital
792    District which shall theretofore have been issued under the
793    provisions of this act and shall then be outstanding. The
794    issuance of such obligations, the maturities and other details
795    thereof, the right and remedies of the holders thereof, and the
796    rights, powers, privileges, duties, and obligations of the
797    Hospital District with respect to the same shall be governed by
798    the foregoing provisions of this act insofar as the same may be
799    applicable.
800          Section 5. The governing authority of the Hospital
801    District is hereby created and designated as the Cape Canaveral
802    Hospital District Board, and it shall consist of 12 members,
803    each of whom shall be a qualified elector residing within the
804    Hospital District.
805          Section 6. Each member of the Board shall serve for a term
806    of 4 years or until his or her successor has been appointed and
807    qualified. Each member shall serve without compensation. In the
808    event that the Board shall heretofore or hereafter lease the
809    hospital facilities to a nonprofit corporation, the members of
810    the Board of Directors or Trustees of such nonprofit corporation
811    shall also serve on a voluntary basis without compensation.
812    After October 1, 1989, no more than 1/2 of the members of the
813    Board shall also serve as members of the Board of Directors or
814    Trustees of any Lessee nonprofit corporation.
815          Section 7. The Governor of the State of Florida shall
816    appoint the successors to the Board upon expiration of the term
817    of office of each member or upon the death, resignation, or
818    removal of a member of the Board. Any member appointed to fill a
819    vacancy on the Board caused by the death, resignation, or
820    removal of a member shall serve for the balance of the term of
821    office of the member whom he or she succeeded.
822          Section 8. The Board shall elect from its own members a
823    chair, vice chair, secretary, and treasurer, each of whom shall
824    serve for a term of 1 year or until his or her successor has
825    been elected and has qualified. The officers shall be elected
826    each year at the organizational meeting of the Board. If any
827    officer of the Board does not complete his or her term of
828    office, his or her successor shall be elected by the Board, and
829    any successor so elected shall serve the remainder of the term
830    of the succeeded officer. The duties, responsibilities,
831    authorities, and privileges of each of the officers of the Board
832    shall be stated in the Board bylaws.
833          Section 9. Seven members of the Board shall constitute a
834    quorum of the Board for the purpose of conducting business and
835    exercising its powers, and action may be taken by the Board only
836    upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the
837    Board then serving.
838          Section 10. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held
839    annually at a time to be designated by the Board by resolution,
840    and at such other times as may be established by the Board, by
841    resolution thereof, in the event that the Board deems it
842    advisable to hold additional regular meetings. Special meetings
843    of the Board shall be held upon the call of the President of the
844    Board, or in his or her absence the Vice President of the Board,
845    or upon the written request of a majority of the members of the
846    Board, provided that at least 48 hours’ written notice of any
847    special meeting is given to each member of the Board; however,
848    any meeting shall be considered to have been duly called if at
849    least 10 members of the Board waive written notice of the
850    meeting.
851          Section 11. The Board shall keep accurate minutes of its
852    meetings and proceedings, and the minutes shall be open to
853    public inspection at all reasonable times at the premises or
854    office of the Hospital District.
855          Section 12. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the
856    public and conducted in accordance with applicable law. All
857    meetings of the Board shall be held within the Hospital
858    District. In the event that the Board shall heretofore or
859    hereafter lease the hospital facilities to a nonprofit
860    corporation, the Board of Directors or Trustees of the nonprofit
861    corporation shall be obligated to hold their regular and special
862    meetings in such a manner so that they will be open to the
863    public; however, they shall have the right to go into executive
864    session in order to discuss and resolve the following issues:
865    (a) employee issues, (b) medical staff issues, including
866    disciplinary actions, (c) property acquisitions, (d) strategic
867    planning, and (e) pending or threatened litigation.
868          Section 13. The Hospital and any related facilities
869    constructed, equipped, operated, and maintained under this act
870    will be for the preservation of public health, for the public
871    good, and for the use of the public of said district, and the
872    building, equipping, operation, construction, and maintenance of
873    such Hospital and related facilities authorized by this act
874    within such district is hereby found and declared to be for the
875    preservation of the public health and for the use and welfare of
876    the said Hospital District and the inhabitants thereof. Any
877    equal exchange of submerged lands made by the Board of Trustees
878    of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund for submerged lands
879    within the same water body as the submerged lands previously
880    conveyed by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement
881    Trust Fund to the Hospital District is authorized and is deemed
882    to be in the public interest so long as the purpose is
883    consistent with this section and chapters 253 and 373, Florida
884    Statutes. Those activities for which permits are issued to the
885    Hospital District pursuant to chapter 373, Florida Statutes, are
886    deemed necessary to enhance the quality of the public health and
887    are hereby authorized.
888          Section 14. The Legislature recognizes that the Hospital
889    District provides health care facilities and services to
890    individuals within the jurisdiction of multiple local
891    governments and that it is in the public interest for the Board
892    to engage in planning for the Hospital District in order to most
893    efficiently provide such health care facilities and services.
894    The Board is therefore authorized, pursuant to chapter 189,
895    Florida Statutes, to prepare a comprehensive Public Facilities
896    Report for the use of the lands, resources, and waters conveyed
897    to it by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust
898    Fund, to participate in such planning with other public agencies
899    as authorized by chapter 189, Florida Statutes, to enter into
900    interlocal agreements, and to enact such regulations as are
901    necessary to implement said Public Facilities Report. Further,
902    upon adoption of said Public Facilities Report by the Board in
903    accordance with the procedures and requirements of this act and
904    chapter 189, Florida Statutes, all development within the
905    boundaries of the lands conveyed to the Hospital District by the
906    Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund must be
907    consistent with said Public Facilities Report. The height,
908    density, or intensity of any construction or reconstruction of
909    facilities and filling of submerged lands required for facility
910    construction or reconstruction pursuant to the Public Facilities
911    Report shall be in compliance with applicable provisions of the
912    Agency for Health Care Administration contained within chapter
913    59A, Florida Administrative Code, chapter 4 of the Florida
914    Building Code, chapters 253 and 373, Florida Statutes, and all
915    provisions of the City of Cocoa Beach Charter and land
916    development regulations other than height, density, or intensity
917    and filling submerged lands. Provided the foregoing conditions
918    are satisfied, the district’s Public Facilities Report shall be
919    deemed in compliance with section 189.4155, Florida Statutes,
920    the City of Cocoa Beach Charter, Comprehensive Plan, and
921    applicable land development regulations.
922          Section 15. The provisions of this act shall be liberally
923    construed in order to effectively carry out the purposes of this
924    act in the interest of the health, safety, and welfare of the
925    residents of the Hospital District.
926          Section 16. It is declared to be the legislative intent
927    that if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or provision
928    of this act be held invalid, the remainder of this act shall not
929    be affected.
930          Section 17. In accordance with section 189.404(3), Florida
931    Statutes, the following subsections shall constitute the minimum
932    charter requirements for the District:
933          (1) The District is organized and exists for the purpose
934    set forth in this act, as it may be amended from time to time.
935          (2) The powers, functions, and duties of the District,
936    including, but not limited to, ad valorem taxation, bond
937    issuance, other revenue-raising capabilities, budget preparation
938    and approval, liens and foreclosure of liens, use of tax deeds
939    and tax certificates as appropriate for non-ad valorem
940    assessments, and contractual agreements shall be as set forth in
941    this act, chapters 189 and 197, Florida Statutes, or any other
942    applicable general or special law, as they may be amended from
943    time to time.
944          (3) The District was created by special act of the Florida
945    Legislature by chapter 59-1121, Laws of Florida, as amended.
946          (4) The District's charter may be amended only by special
947    act of the Legislature.
948          (5) In accordance with chapter 189, Florida Statutes, and
949    this act, the District is governed by a 12-member Board as
950    provided for herein.
951          (6) The compensation of the Board Members shall be as
952    provided for by this act.
953          (7) The administrative duties of the Board shall be as set
954    forth in this act and chapter 189, Florida Statutes, as they may
955    be amended from time to time.
956          (8) Requirements for financial disclosure, meeting
957    notices, reporting, public records maintenance, and per diem
958    expenses for officers and employees shall be as set forth in
959    chapters 112, 119, 189, and 286, Florida Statutes, and this act,
960    as they may be amended from time to time.
961          (9) The procedures and requirements governing the issuance
962    of bonds, notes, and other evidence of indebtedness by the
963    District shall be as set forth in this act and applicable
964    general laws, as they may be amended from time to time.
965          (10) The procedures for conducting any required District
966    elections or referenda, and for qualification of electors, shall
967    be pursuant to this act and chapter 189, Florida Statutes, as
968    they may be amended from time to time.
969          (11) The District may be financed by any method
970    established in this act and applicable general laws, as they may
971    be amended from time to time.
972          (12) The District does not collect non-ad valorem
973    assessments, fees, or service charges as set forth in chapter
974    197, Florida Statutes.
975          (13) The District's planning requirements shall be as set
976    forth in chapter 189, Florida Statutes, and this act, as they
977    may be amended from time to time.
978          (14) The District's geographic boundary limitations shall
979    be as set forth in this act.
980          (15) This section shall not be construed to limit or
981    restrict any of the powers vested in said Board by any other
982    section or provision of this act.
983          Section 4. If any provision of this act or the application
984    thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
985    invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of
986    the act which can be given effect without the invalid provision
987    or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are
988    declared severable.
989          Section 5. In the event of a conflict between the
990    provisions of this act and the provisions of any other act, the
991    provisions of this act shall control to the extent of such
992    conflict.
993          Section 6. This act shall be construed as a remedial act
994    and shall be liberally construed to promote the purpose for
995    which it is intended.
996          Section 7. Chapters 59-1121, 61-1903, 65-1290, 69-861, 75-
997    332, 81-345, and 86-426, Laws of Florida, are repealed.
998          Section 8. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.