HB 0621 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to land acquisition; amending s. 380.502,
3    F.S.; providing legislative findings with respect to the
4    need to revitalize and redevelop certain urban areas and
5    to the value of urban greenspace; amending s. 380.503,
6    F.S.; defining the term "remediation project" for purposes
7    of the Florida Communities Trust Act; amending s. 380.507,
8    F.S.; authorizing the Florida Communities Trust to fund
9    remediation projects; authorizing the trust to adopt rules
10    concerning the resolution of land use conflicts; amending
11    s. 380.508, F.S.; specifying purposes of remediation
12    projects; amending s. 380.510, F.S.; conforming a cross
13    reference to changes made by the act; providing for funds
14    from the Preservation 2000 Trust Fund and the Florida
15    Forever Trust Fund to be used for projects approved under
16    the Florida Communities Trust Act; providing an effective
17    date.
19          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21          Section 1. Present subsection (3) of section 380.502,
22    Florida Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (4) and a new
23    subsection (3) is added to that section to read:
24          380.502 Legislative findings and intent.--
25          (3) The Legislature recognizes the need to augment
26    community efforts to revitalize and redevelop urban core and
27    formerly industrial areas of the population centers of the state
28    by reclaiming open space and enhancing opportunities for parks.
29    The Legislature also recognizes that greenspace in urban
30    settings is an integral part and function of an environmentally
31    and economically healthy municipality.
32          Section 2. Present subsections (11) through (17) of
33    section 380.503, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections
34    (12) through (18), respectively, and a new subsection (11) is
35    added to that section to read:
36          380.503 Definitions.--As used in ss. 380.501-380.515,
37    unless the context indicates a different meaning or intent:
38          (11) "Remediation project" means action taken pursuant to
39    this part to restore for public use and enjoyment contaminated
40    and environmentally damaged, deteriorated, or deteriorating
41    properties located in urban areas.
42          Section 3. Subsections (2) and (11) of section 380.507,
43    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
44          380.507 Powers of the trust.--The trust shall have all the
45    powers necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes and
46    provisions of this part, including:
47          (2) To undertake, coordinate, or fund activities and
48    projects which will help bring local comprehensive plans into
49    compliance and help implement the goals, objectives, and
50    policies of the conservation, recreation and open space, and
51    coastal elements of local comprehensive plans, or which will
52    otherwise serve to conserve natural resources and resolve land
53    use conflicts, including, but not limited to:
54          (a) Redevelopment projects.
55          (b) Resource enhancement projects.
56          (c) Public access projects.
57          (d) Urban waterfront restoration projects.
58          (e) Site reservation.
59          (f) Urban greenways and open space projects.
60          (g) Remediation projects.
61          (11) To make rules necessary to carry out the purposes of
62    this part and to exercise any power granted in this part,
63    pursuant to the provisions of chapter 120. The trust shall adopt
64    rules governing the acquisition of lands using proceeds from the
65    Preservation 2000 Trust Fund and the Florida Forever Trust Fund,
66    consistent with the intent expressed in the Florida Forever Act.
67    Such rules for land acquisition must include, but are not
68    limited to, procedures for appraisals and confidentiality
69    consistent with ss. 125.355(1)(a) and (b) and 166.045(1)(a) and
70    (b);, a method of determining a maximum purchase price;, and
71    procedures to assure that the land is acquired in a voluntarily
72    negotiated transaction, surveyed, conveyed with marketable
73    title, and examined for hazardous materials contamination; and
74    procedures for awarding points for project excellence if the
75    proposed project helps in the voluntary resolution of land use
76    conflicts and issues as provided in s. 380.502(4)(c). Land
77    acquisition procedures of a local land authority created
78    pursuant to s. 380.0663 or s. 380.0677 may be used for the land
79    acquisition programs described by ss. 259.101(3)(c) and 259.105
80    if within areas of critical state concern designated pursuant to
81    s. 380.05, subject to approval of the trust.
82          Section 4. Subsection (4) of section 380.508, Florida
83    Statutes, is amended to read:
84          380.508 Projects; development, review, and approval.--
85          (4) Projects or activities which the trust undertakes,
86    coordinates, or funds in any manner shall comply with the
87    following guidelines:
88          (a) The purpose of redevelopment projects shall be to
89    restore areas which are adversely affected by scattered
90    ownership, poor lot layout, inadequate park and open space,
91    incompatible land uses, or other conditions which endanger the
92    environment or impede orderly development. Grants and loans
93    awarded for redevelopment projects shall be used for assembling
94    parcels of land within redevelopment project areas for the
95    redesign of such areas and for the installation of public
96    improvements required to serve such areas. After redesign and
97    installation of public improvements, if any, lands in
98    redevelopment projects, with the exception of lands acquired for
99    public purposes, shall be conveyed to any person for development
100    in accordance with a redevelopment project plan approved
101    according to this part.
102          (b) The purpose of remediation projects shall be to
103    restore for public use and enjoyment contaminated,
104    environmentally damaged, deteriorated, or deteriorating
105    properties located in urban areas. Grants or loans awarded for
106    remediation projects must be used to clean up soil, groundwater,
107    and surface water contamination; dispose of wastes; demolish
108    structures; install water management systems; and for other
109    corrective measures that promote the public use and enjoyment of
110    the project areas.
111          (c)(b)The purpose of resource enhancement projects shall
112    be to enhance natural resources which, because of indiscriminate
113    dredging or filling, improper location of improvements, natural
114    or human-induced events, or incompatible land uses, have
115    suffered loss of natural and scenic values. Grants and loans
116    awarded for resource enhancement projects shall be used for the
117    assembly of parcels of land to improve resource management, for
118    relocation of improperly located or designed improvements, and
119    for other corrective measures which will enhance the natural and
120    scenic character of project areas.
121          (d)(c)The purpose of public access projects shall be to
122    acquire interests in and initially develop lands which are
123    suitable for and which will be used for public accessways to
124    surface waters. The trust shall identify local governments and
125    nonprofit organizations which will accept responsibility for
126    maintenance and liability for public accessways which are
127    located outside the state park system. The trust may lease any
128    public access site developed under this part to a local
129    government or nonprofit organization, provided that the
130    conditions of the lease guarantee public use of the site. The
131    trust may accept, from any local government or nonprofit
132    organization, fees collected for providing public access to
133    surface waters. The trust shall expend any such funds it
134    accepts only for acquisition, development, and maintenance of
135    such public accessways. To the maximum extent possible, the
136    trust shall expend such fees in the general area where they are
137    collected or in areas where public access to surface waters is
138    clearly deficient. The trust may transfer funds, including such
139    fees, to a local government or nonprofit organization to acquire
140    public access sites. In developing or coordinating public
141    access projects, the trust shall ensure that project plans
142    involving beach access are consistent with state laws governing
143    beach access.
144          (e)(d)The purpose of urban waterfront restoration
145    projects shall be to restore deteriorated or deteriorating urban
146    waterfronts for public use and enjoyment. Urban waterfront
147    restoration projects shall include public access sites.
148          (f)(e)The trust shall cooperate with local governments,
149    state agencies, federal agencies, and nonprofit organizations in
150    ensuring the reservation of lands for parks, recreation, fish
151    and wildlife habitat, historical preservation, or scientific
152    study. In the event that any local government, state agency,
153    federal agency, or nonprofit organization is unable, due to
154    limited financial resources or other circumstances of a
155    temporary nature, to acquire a site for the purposes described
156    in this paragraph, the trust may acquire and hold the site for
157    subsequent conveyance to the appropriate governmental agency or
158    nonprofit organization. The trust may provide such technical
159    assistance as is required to aid local governments, state and
160    federal agencies, and nonprofit organizations in completing
161    acquisition and related functions. The trust shall not reserve
162    lands acquired in accordance with this paragraph for more than 5
163    years from the time of acquisition. A local government, federal
164    or state agency, or nonprofit organization may acquire the land
165    at any time during this period for public purposes. The
166    purchase price shall be based upon the trust's cost of
167    acquisition, plus administrative and management costs in
168    reserving the land. The payment of this purchase price shall be
169    by money, trust-approved property of an equivalent value, or a
170    combination of money and trust-approved property. If, after the
171    5-year period, the trust has not sold to a governmental agency
172    or nonprofit organization land acquired for site reservation,
173    the trust shall dispose of such land at fair market value or
174    shall trade it for other land of comparable value which will
175    serve to accomplish the purposes of this part. Any proceeds from
176    the sale of such land shall be deposited in the Florida
177    Communities Trust Fund.
179          Project costs may include costs of providing parks, open space,
180    public access sites, scenic easements, and other areas and
181    facilities serving the public where such features are part of a
182    project plan approved according to this part. In undertaking or
183    coordinating projects or activities authorized by this part, the
184    trust shall, when appropriate, use and promote the use of
185    creative land acquisition methods, including the acquisition of
186    less than fee interest through, among other methods,
187    conservation easements, transfer of development rights, leases,
188    and leaseback arrangements. The trust also shall assist local
189    governments in the use of sound alternative methods of financing
190    for funding projects and activities authorized by this part.
191    Any funds over and above eligible project costs, which remain
192    after completion of a project approved according to this part,
193    shall be transmitted to the state and deposited in the Florida
194    Communities Trust Fund.
195          Section 5. Paragraph (d) of subsection (3) and subsection
196    (7) of section 380.510, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
197          380.510 Conditions of grants and loans.--
198          (3) In the case of a grant or loan for land acquisition,
199    agreements shall provide all of the following:
200          (d) If any essential term or condition of a grant or loan
201    is violated, title to all interest in real property acquired
202    with state funds shall be conveyed or revert to the Board of
203    Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. The trust
204    shall treat such property in accordance with s. 380.508(4)(f)s.
205    380.508(4)(e).
207          Any deed or other instrument of conveyance whereby a nonprofit
208    organization or local government acquires real property under
209    this section shall set forth the interest of the state. The
210    trust shall keep at least one copy of any such instrument and
211    shall provide at least one copy to the Board of Trustees of the
212    Internal Improvement Trust Fund.
213          (7) Any funds received by the trust from the Preservation
214    2000 Trust Fund pursuant to s. 259.101(3)(c) and the Florida
215    Forever Trust Fund pursuant to s. 259.105(3)(c) shall be held
216    separate and apart from any other funds held by the trust and
217    shall be used for grants and loans for any project approved
218    underthe land acquisition purposes ofthis part. In addition to
219    the other conditions set forth in this section, the disbursement
220    of Preservation 2000 and Florida Forever funds from the trust
221    shall be subject to the following conditions:
222          (a) The administration and use of any funds received by
223    the trust from the Preservation 2000 Trust Fund and the Florida
224    Forever Trust Fund shall be subject to such terms and conditions
225    imposed thereon by the agency of the state responsible for the
226    bonds, the proceeds of which are deposited in the Preservation
227    2000 Trust Fund and the Florida Forever Trust Fund, including
228    restrictions imposed to ensure that the interest on any such
229    bonds issued by the state as tax-exempt bonds will not be
230    included in the gross income of the holders of such bonds for
231    federal income tax purposes.
232          (b) All deeds or leases with respect to any real property
233    acquired with funds received by the trust from the Preservation
234    2000 Trust Fund shall contain such covenants and restrictions as
235    are sufficient to ensure that the use of such real property at
236    all times complies with s. 375.051 and s. 9, Art. XII of the
237    State Constitution. All deeds or leases with respect to any real
238    property acquired with funds received by the trust from the
239    Florida Forever Trust Fund shall contain such covenants and
240    restrictions as are sufficient to ensure that the use of such
241    real property at all times complies with s. 11(e), Art. VII of
242    the State Constitution. Each deed or lease shall contain a
243    reversion, conveyance, or termination clause that will vest
244    title in the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust
245    Fund if any of the covenants or restrictions are violated by the
246    titleholder or leaseholder or by some third party with the
247    knowledge of the titleholder or leaseholder.
248          Section 6. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.