HB 0691 2003
6          The Commerce Committee recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
10 A bill to be entitled
11          An act relating to economic development incentive
12    programs; amending s. 220.191, F.S.; including certain
13    financial services facilities as a qualified project for
14    purposes of the capital investment tax credit; providing
15    for future repeal; amending s. 288.1045, F.S.; revising a
16    definition; amending s. 288.106, F.S.; revising a
17    definition of target industry business to include defense
18    and homeland security businesses; extending a deadline for
19    application for a prorated tax refund under an economic
20    stimulus exemption; amending s. 288.1088, F.S.; deleting a
21    function of the Executive Office of the Governor relating
22    to project approval recommendations and release of certain
23    funds; authorizing the Governor to reallocate unencumbered
24    funds in the Quick Action Closing Fund to supplement
25    certain economic development programs and operations in
26    emergency or special circumstances; providing for
27    reallocation approval and fund release recommendations by
28    the Executive Office of the Governor; providing an
29    effective date.
31          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
33          Section 1. Section 220.191, Florida Statutes, is amended
34    to read:
35          220.191 Capital investment tax credit.--
36          (1) DEFINITIONS.--For purposes of this section:
37          (h) "Qualifying project" means:
38          1.A new or expanding facility in this state which creates
39    at least 100 new jobs in this state and is in one of the high-
40    impact sectors identified by Enterprise Florida, Inc., and
41    certified by the office pursuant to s. 288.108(6), including,
42    but not limited to, aviation, aerospace, automotive, and silicon
43    technology industries; or
44          2. A new financial services facility in this state, which
45    creates at least 2,000 new jobs in this state, pays an average
46    annual wage of at least $50,000, and makes a cumulative capital
47    investment of at least $30 million. This subparagraph is
48    repealed June 30, 2004.
49          Section 2. Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section
50    288.1045, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
51          288.1045 Qualified defense contractor tax refund
52    program.--
53          (1) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:
54          (e) "Department of Defense contract" means a competitively
55    bid Department of Defense contract or subcontract or a
56    competitively bid federal agency contract or subcontract issued
57    on behalf of the Department of Defense for manufacturing,
58    assembling, fabricating, research, development, or design with a
59    duration of 2 or more years, but excluding any contract or
60    subcontract to provide goods, improvements to real or tangible
61    property, or services directly to or for any particular military
62    base or installation in this state. The term includes contracts
63    or subcontracts for products or services for military use or
64    homeland securitywhich contracts or subcontracts are approved
65    by the United States Department of Defense, the United States
66    Department of State, or the United States Department of Homeland
67    SecurityCoast Guard.
68          Section 3. Paragraph (o) of subsection (1) and paragraph
69    (b) of subsection (4) of section 288.106, Florida Statutes, are
70    amended to read:
71          288.106 Tax refund program for qualified target industry
72    businesses.--
73          (1) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:
74          (o) "Target industry business" means a corporate
75    headquarters business or any business that is engaged in one of
76    the target industries identified pursuant to the following
77    criteria developed by the office in consultation with Enterprise
78    Florida, Inc.:
79          1. Future growth.--Industry forecasts should indicate
80    strong expectation for future growth in both employment and
81    output, according to the most recent available data. Special
82    consideration should be given to Florida's growing access to
83    international markets or to replacing imports.
84          2. Stability.--The industry should not be subject to
85    periodic layoffs, whether due to seasonality or sensitivity to
86    volatile economic variables such as weather. The industry should
87    also be relatively resistant to recession, so that the demand
88    for products of this industry is not necessarily subject to
89    decline during an economic downturn.
90          3. High wage.--The industry should pay relatively high
91    wages compared to statewide or area averages.
92          4. Market and resource independent.--The location of
93    industry businesses should not be dependent on Florida markets
94    or resources as indicated by industry analysis. Special
95    consideration should be given to the development of strong
96    industrial clusters which include defense and homeland security
97    businesses.
98          5. Industrial base diversification and strengthening.--The
99    industry should contribute toward expanding or diversifying the
100    state's or area's economic base, as indicated by analysis of
101    employment and output shares compared to national and regional
102    trends. Special consideration should be given to industries that
103    strengthen regional economies by adding value to basic products
104    or building regional industrial clusters as indicated by
105    industry analysis.
106          6. Economic benefits.--The industry should have strong
107    positive impacts on or benefits to the state and regional
108    economies.
110          The office, in consultation with Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall
111    develop a list of such target industries annually and submit
112    such list as part of the final agency legislative budget request
113    submitted pursuant to s. 216.023(1). A target industry business
114    may not include any industry engaged in retail activities; any
115    electrical utility company; any phosphate or other solid
116    minerals severance, mining, or processing operation; any oil or
117    gas exploration or production operation; or any firm subject to
118    regulation by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants of the
119    Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
120          (4) TAX REFUND AGREEMENT.--
121          (b) Compliance with the terms and conditions of the
122    agreement is a condition precedent for the receipt of a tax
123    refund each year. The failure to comply with the terms and
124    conditions of the tax refund agreement results in the loss of
125    eligibility for receipt of all tax refunds previously authorized
126    under this section and the revocation by the director of the
127    certification of the business entity as a qualified target
128    industry business, unless the business is eligible to receive
129    and elects to accept a prorated refund under paragraph (5)(d) or
130    the office grants the business an economic-stimulus exemption.
131          1. A qualified target industry business may submit, in
132    writing, a request to the office for an economic-stimulus
133    exemption. The request must provide quantitative evidence
134    demonstrating how negative economic conditions in the business's
135    industry, or specific acts of terrorism affecting the qualified
136    target industry business, have prevented the business from
137    complying with the terms and conditions of its tax refund
138    agreement.
139          2. Upon receipt of a request under subparagraph 1., the
140    director shall have 45 days to notify the requesting business,
141    in writing, if its exemption has been granted or denied. In
142    determining if an exemption should be granted, the director
143    shall consider the extent to which negative economic conditions
144    in the requesting business's industry, or specific acts of
145    terrorism affecting the qualified target industry business, have
146    prevented the business from complying with the terms and
147    conditions of its tax refund agreement.
148          3. As a condition for receiving a prorated refund under
149    paragraph (5)(d) or an economic-stimulus exemption under this
150    paragraph, a qualified target industry business must agree to
151    renegotiate its tax refund agreement with the office to, at a
152    minimum, ensure that the terms of the agreement comply with
153    current law and office procedures governing application for and
154    award of tax refunds. Upon approving the award of a prorated
155    refund or granting an economic-stimulus exemption, the office
156    shall renegotiate the tax refund agreement with the business as
157    required by this subparagraph. When amending the agreement of a
158    business receiving an economic-stimulus exemption, the office
159    may extend the duration of the agreement for a period not to
160    exceed 1 year.
161          4. A qualified target industry business may submit a
162    request for an economic-stimulus exemption to the office in lieu
163    of any tax refund claim scheduled to be submitted after January
164    1, 2001, but before June 30, 2004July 1, 2003.
165          5. A qualified target industry business that receives an
166    economic-stimulus exemption may not receive a tax refund for the
167    period covered by the exemption.
168          Section 4. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section
169    288.1088, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsection (4) is
170    added to said section, to read:
171          288.1088 Quick Action Closing Fund.--
172          (3)
173          (b) Upon receipt of the evaluation and recommendation from
174    Enterprise Florida, Inc., the director shall recommend approval
175    or disapproval of a project for receipt of funds from the Quick
176    Action Closing Fund to the Governor. In recommending a project,
177    the director shall include proposed performance conditions that
178    the project must meet to obtain incentive funds. The Governor
179    shall consult with the President of the Senate and the Speaker
180    of the House of Representatives before giving final approval for
181    a project. The Executive Office of the Governor shall recommend
182    approval of a project and release of funds pursuant to the
183    legislative consultation and review requirements set forth in s.
184    216.177. The recommendation must include proposed performance
185    conditions the project must meet to obtain funds.
186          (4) The Governor may, in an emergency or special
187    circumstance, and in consultation with the President of the
188    Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
189    reallocate unencumbered funds appropriated to the Quick Action
190    Closing Fund to supplement statutorily created economic
191    development programs and operations. The Executive Office of the
192    Governor shall recommend approval of the transfer and release of
193    funds pursuant to the legislative consultation and review
194    requirements set forth in s. 216.177.
195          Section 5. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.