HB 0693 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to the Florida Workers’ Compensation
3    Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated; amending s.
4    631.904, F.S.; revising definitions; amending s. 631.913,
5    F.S.; limiting the corporation’s obligation for a covered
6    claim for return of unearned premium; amending s. 631.923,
7    F.S.; authorizing the corporation to recover the amount of
8    certain covered claims; amending s. 631.924, F.S.;
9    including insolvent insurers under provisions for a stay
10    of proceedings; creating s. 631.933, F.S.; providing
11    severability; providing an effective date.
13          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15          Section 1. Section 631.904, Florida Statutes, is amended
16    to read:
17          631.904 Definitions.--As used in this part, the term:
18          (1) “Affiliate” means a person who directly, or indirectly
19    through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by,
20    or is under common control with a specified person on December
21    31 of the year prior to the year in which the insurer becomes an
22    insolvent insurer.
23          (2) “Control” means the possession, direct or indirect, of
24    the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and
25    policies of a person, whether through the ownership of voting
26    securities, the holding of proxies by contract other than a
27    commercial contract for goods or nonmanagement services, or
28    otherwise, unless the power is solely the result of an official
29    position with or corporate office held by the person. Control
30    shall be presumed to exist if a person, directly or indirectly,
31    owns, controls, holds with the power to vote, or holds proxies
32    representing 10 percent or more of the voting securities or
33    voting power of any other person. This presumption may be
34    rebutted by a showing that control does not exist in fact.
35          (3)(1)"Corporation" means the Florida Workers'
36    Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated.
37          (4)(2)"Covered claim" means an unpaid claim, including a
38    claim for return of unearned premiums, which arises out of, is
39    within the coverage of, and is not in excess of the applicable
40    limits of, an insurance policy to which this part applies, which
41    policy was issued by an insurer and which claim is made on
42    behalf of a claimant or insured who was a resident of this state
43    at the time of the injury. The term "covered claim" does not
44    include:
45          (a)Any amount sought as a return of premium under any
46    retrospective rating plan;
47          (b)Any amount due any reinsurer, insurer, insurance pool,
48    or underwriting association, as subrogation recoveries or
49    otherwise; or
50          (c)Any return of premium resulting from a policy that was
51    not in force on the date of the final order of liquidation; or
52          (d) Any claim by or against an insured whose net worth
53    exceeds $25 million on December 31 of the year prior to the year
54    in which the insurer becomes an insolvent insurer, provided an
55    insured’s net worth on that date shall be deemed to include the
56    aggregate net worth of the insured and all of its subsidiaries
57    and affiliates as calculated on a consolidated basis. However,
58    the exclusion under this paragraph shall not apply to claims
59    against an insured that is a governmental entity or an insured
60    if:
61          1. The insured has:
62          a. Applied for or consented to the appointment of a
63    receiver, trustee, or liquidator for all or a substantial part
64    of its assets;
65          b. Filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy; or
66          c. Filed a petition or an answer seeking reorganization or
67    arrangement with creditors or to take advantage of any
68    insolvency law; or
69          2. An order, judgment, or decree is entered by a court of
70    competent jurisdiction, on the application of a creditor,
71    adjudicating the insured bankrupt or insolvent or approving a
72    petition seeking reorganization of the insured or all or a
73    substantial part of its assets.
75          Member insurers have no right of subrogation against the insured
76    of any insolvent insurer. This provision shall be applied
77    retroactively to cover claims of an insolvent self-insurance
78    fund resulting from accidents or losses incurred prior to
79    January 1, 1994, regardless of the date the Department of
80    Insurance filed a petition in circuit court alleging insolvency
81    and the date the court entered an order appointing a receiver.
82          (5)(3)"Department" means the Department of Insurance.
83          (6) “Governmental entity” means any state, county,
84    municipality, or special district or any subdivision or agency
85    of a state, county, or municipality.
86          (7)(4)"Insolvency" means that condition in which all of
87    the assets of the insurer, if made immediately available, would
88    not be sufficient to discharge all of its liabilities or that
89    condition in which the insurer is unable to pay its debts as
90    they become due in the usual course of business. When the
91    context of any provision of this part so indicates, insolvency
92    also includes impairment of surplus or impairment of capital.
93          (8)(5)"Insolvent insurer" means an insurer that was
94    authorized to transact insurance in this state, either at the
95    time the policy was issued or when the insured event occurred,
96    and against which an order of liquidation with a finding of
97    insolvency has been entered by a court of competent jurisdiction
98    if such order has become final by the exhaustion of appellate
99    review.
100          (9)(6)"Insurer" means an insurance carrier or self-
101    insurance fund authorized to insure under chapter 440. For
102    purposes of this act, "insurer" does not include a qualified
103    local government self-insurance fund, as defined in s. 624.4622,
104    or an individual self-insurer as defined in s. 440.385.
105          (10)(7)"Self-insurance fund" means a group self-insurance
106    fund authorized under s. 624.4621, a commercial self-insurance
107    fund writing workers' compensation insurance authorized under s.
108    624.462, or an assessable mutual insurer authorized under s.
109    628.6011. For purposes of this act, "self-insurance fund" does
110    not include a qualified local government self-insurance fund, as
111    defined in s. 624.4622, or an individual self-insurer as defined
112    in s. 440.385.
113          Section 2. Subsection (1) of section 631.913, Florida
114    Statutes, is amended to read:
115          631.913 Powers and duties of the corporation.--
116          (1) The corporation is obligated to the extent of the full
117    amount of the covered claims:
118          (a) Existing before the adjudication of insolvency and
119    arising within 30 days after the determination of insolvency;
120          (b) Existing before the policy expiration date if less
121    than 30 days after the determination of insolvency; or
122          (c) Existing before the insured replaces the policy or
123    causes its cancellation, if the insured does so within 30 days
124    after the determination of insolvency.
126          Notwithstanding such criteria, the corporation’s obligation for
127    a covered claim for the return of unearned premium shall not
128    exceed $50,000 per policy. In addition,the corporation is not
129    obligated to a policyholder or claimant in an amount in excess
130    of the obligation of the insolvent insurer under the policy from
131    which the claim arises.
132          Section 3. Subsection (5) is added to section 631.923,
133    Florida Statutes, to read:
134          631.923 Effect of paid claims.--
135          (5) The corporation shall have the right to recover the
136    amount of any covered claim paid on behalf of:
137          (a) An insured whose net worth exceeds $25 million on
138    December 31 of the year prior to the year in which the insurer
139    becomes an insolvent insurer, provided an insured’s net worth on
140    that date shall be deemed to include the aggregate net worth of
141    the insured and all of its subsidiaries and affiliates, as
142    calculated on a consolidated basis; or
143          (b) Any person who is an affiliate of the insolvent
144    insurer,
146          and whose liability obligations to other persons are satisfied
147    in whole or in part by payments made pursuant to this part.
148          Section 4. Section 631.924, Florida Statutes, is amended
149    to read:
150          631.924 Stay of proceedings; reopening of default
151    judgments.--All proceedings in which the insolvent insurer or
152    self-insurance fund is a party or is obligated to defend a party
153    in any court or before any quasi-judicial body or administrative
154    board in this state must be stayed for 6 months, or such
155    additional period from the date the insolvency is adjudicated,
156    by a court of competent jurisdiction to allow proper defense by
157    the association of all pending causes of action as to any
158    covered claims. The stay may be extended for a period of time
159    greater than 6 months upon proper application to a court of
160    competent jurisdiction. The association, either on its own
161    behalf or on behalf of the insured, may apply to have any
162    judgment, order, decision, verdict, or finding based on the
163    default of the insolvent insurer orself-insurance fund or its
164    failure to defend an insured set aside by the same court or
165    administrator that made the judgment, order, decision, verdict,
166    or finding and may defend against the claim on the merits. If
167    the association so requests, the stay of proceedings may be
168    shortened or waived.
169          Section 5. Section 631.933, Florida Statutes, is created
170    to read:
171          631.933 Severability.--If any provision of this part or the
172    application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid,
173    such invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of
174    this part which can be given effect without the invalid application
175    or provision, and to this end the provisions of this part are
176    declared severable.
177          Section 6. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.