HB 0723 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to health insurance; amending ss.
3    626.9541, 641.3903, and 641.441, F.S.; specifying
4    mandatory arbitration as an unfair method of competition
5    and unfair or deceptive act or practice for certain
6    insurers, managed care providers, prepaid limited health
7    service organizations, or prepaid health clinics; amending
8    s. 627.4091, F.S.; including certain additional contracts
9    and plans under a requirement to provide specific reasons
10    for denial of an application for insurance; creating s.
11    627.4303, F.S.; requiring policies, contracts, and plans
12    providing benefits for prescription drug coverage to cover
13    all federally approved drugs without a waiting period;
14    requiring prescription drug formularies to be limited to
15    three tiers of coverage; creating s. 627.6042, F.S.;
16    requiring policies of insurers offering coverage of
17    dependent children to maintain such coverage until the
18    child reaches age 25, under certain circumstances;
19    providing application; amending s. 627.6415, F.S.;
20    deleting an 18th birthday age limitation on application of
21    certain dependent coverage requirements; amending s.
22    627.6475, F.S.; revising risk-assuming carrier election
23    requirements and procedures; revising certain criteria and
24    limitations under the individual health reinsurance
25    program; amending s. 627.6617, F.S.; increasing a minimum
26    reimbursement limitation amount for home health care
27    services; amending s. 627.662, F.S.; revising a list of
28    provisions applicable to group, blanket, or franchise
29    health insurance to include use of specific methodology
30    for payment of claims provisions; amending s. 627.667,
31    F.S.; deleting a limitation on application of certain
32    extension of benefits provisions; amending s. 627.6692,
33    F.S.; increasing a time period for payment of premium to
34    continue coverage under a group health plan; amending s.
35    627.6699, F.S.; revising certain definitions; revising
36    certain coverage enrollment eligibility criteria for small
37    employers; deleting a premium rate restriction on charging
38    for certain rate adjustments; revising small employer
39    carrier election requirements and procedures; revising
40    certain criteria and limitations under the small employer
41    health reinsurance program; amending ss. 627.911 and
42    627.9175, F.S.; applying certain information reporting
43    requirements to health maintenance organizations; revising
44    health insurance information requirements and criteria;
45    deleting an annual report requirement; amending s.
46    627.9403, F.S.; deleting an exemption for limited benefit
47    policies from a long-term care insurance restriction
48    relating to nursing home care; amending ss. 636.016 and
49    641.31, F.S.; requiring prepaid limited health service
50    organizations and health maintenance organizations
51    offering coverage of dependent children to maintain such
52    coverage until the child reaches age 25, under certain
53    circumstances; providing application; providing
54    requirements for contract termination and denial of a
55    claim related to limiting age attainment; amending s.
56    641.3101, F.S.; providing a compliance requirement for
57    health maintenance contracts using a specific payment of
58    claims methodology; creating s. 641.31075, F.S.; imposing
59    compliance requirements upon health maintenance
60    organization replacements of other group or individual
61    health coverage with organization coverage; amending s.
62    641.3111, F.S.; deleting a limitation on certain extension
63    of benefits provisions upon group health maintenance
64    contract termination; imposing additional extension of
65    benefits requirements upon such termination; amending ss.
66    627.651, 641.2018, 641.3107, and 641.513, F.S.; correcting
67    cross references; providing an effective date.
69          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
71          Section 1. Paragraph (bb) is added to subsection (1) of
72    section 626.9541, Florida Statutes, to read:
73          626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or
74    deceptive acts or practices defined.--
76    ACTS.--The following are defined as unfair methods of
77    competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices:
78          (bb) Mandatory arbitration.--For a life insurer, health
79    insurer, or disability insurer, issuing a policy which requires
80    the submission of disputes between the parties to the policy or
81    contract to arbitration.
82          Section 2. Subsection (1) of section 627.4091, Florida
83    Statutes, is amended to read:
84          627.4091 Specific reasons for denial, cancellation, or
85    nonrenewal.--
86          (1) The denial of an application for an insurance policy,
87    health maintenance organization contract, or prepaid limited
88    health service organization planmust be accompanied by the
89    specific reasons for denial, including the specific underwriting
90    reasons, if applicable.
91          Section 3. Section 627.4303, Florida Statutes, is created
92    to read:
93          627.4303 Prescription drug formularies.--Notwithstanding
94    any other provision of law, any individual, blanket, or group
95    health insurance policy, health maintenance organization
96    contract, or prepaid limited health organization plan, or any
97    health insurance policy or certificate delivered or issued for
98    delivery to any person in this state, including out-of-state
99    group plans pursuant to s. 627.6515 covering residents of this
100    state, that provides benefits for prescription drug coverage
101    shall cover all prescription drugs approved by the United States
102    Food and Drug Administration without any waiting period.
103    Prescription drug formularies shall be limited to no more than
104    three tiers of coverage, including generic and nongeneric
105    prescription drugs.
106          Section 4. Section 627.6042, Florida Statutes, is created
107    to read:
108          627.6042 Dependent coverage.--
109          (1) If an insurer offers coverage that insures dependent
110    children of the policyholder or certificateholder, the policy
111    must insure a dependent child of the policyholder or
112    certificateholder at least until the end of the calendar year in
113    which the child reaches the age of 25, if:
114          (a) The child is dependent upon the policyholder or
115    certificateholder for support.
116          (b) The child is living in the household of the
117    policyholder or certificateholder or the child is a full-time or
118    part-time student.
119          (2) Nothing in this section affects or preempts an
120    insurer's right to medically underwrite or charge the
121    appropriate premium.
122          Section 5. Subsections (1) and (4) of section 627.6415,
123    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
124          627.6415 Coverage for natural-born, adopted, and foster
125    children; children in insured's custodial care.--
126          (1) A health insurance policy that provides coverage for a
127    member of the family of the insured shall, as to the family
128    member's coverage, provide that the health insurance benefits
129    applicable to children of the insured also apply to an adopted
130    child or a foster child of the insured placed in compliance with
131    chapter 63, prior to the child's 18th birthday,from the moment
132    of placement in the residence of the insured. Except in the case
133    of a foster child, the policy may not exclude coverage for any
134    preexisting condition of the child. In the case of a newborn
135    child, coverage begins at the moment of birth if a written
136    agreement to adopt the child has been entered into by the
137    insured prior to the birth of the child, whether or not the
138    agreement is enforceable. This section does not require coverage
139    for an adopted child who is not ultimately placed in the
140    residence of the insured in compliance with chapter 63.
141          (4) In order to increase access to postnatal, infant, and
142    pediatric health care for all children placed in court-ordered
143    custody, including foster children, all health insurance
144    policies that provide coverage for a member of the family of the
145    insured shall, as to such family member's coverage, also provide
146    that the health insurance benefits applicable for children shall
147    be payable with respect to a foster child or other child in
148    court-ordered temporary or other custody of the insured, prior
149    to the child's 18th birthday.
150          Section 6. Paragraph (a) of subsection (5), paragraph (c)
151    of subsection (6), and paragraphs (b), (c), and (e) of
152    subsection (7) of section 627.6475, Florida Statutes, are
153    amended to read:
154          627.6475 Individual reinsurance pool.--
156          (a) Each health insurance issuer that offers individual
157    health insurance must elect to become a risk-assuming carrier or
158    a reinsuring carrier for purposes of this section. Each such
159    issuer must make an initial election, binding through December
160    31, 1999. The issuer's initial election must be made no later
161    than October 31, 1997. By October 31, 1997, all issuers must
162    file a final election, which is binding for 2 years, from
163    January 1, 1998, through December 31, 1999, after whichan
164    election which shall be binding indefinitely or until modified
165    or withdrawnfor a period of 5 years. The department may permit
166    an issuer to modify its election at any time for good cause
167    shown, after a hearing.
169          (c) The department shall provide public notice of an
170    issuer's filing adesignation of election under this subsection
171    to become a risk-assuming carrier and shall provide at least a
172    21-day period for public comment upon receipt of such filing
173    prior to making a decision on the election. The department shall
174    hold a hearing on the election at the request of the issuer.
176          (b) A reinsuring carrier may reinsure with the program
177    coverage of an eligible individual, subject to each of the
178    following provisions:
179          1. A reinsuring carrier may reinsure an eligible
180    individual within 9060days after commencement of the coverage
181    of the eligible individual.
182          2. The program may not reimburse a participating carrier
183    with respect to the claims of a reinsured eligible individual
184    until the carrier has paid incurred claims of an amount equal to
185    the participating carrier’s selected deductible levelat least
186    $5,000 in a calendar year for benefits covered by the program.
187    In addition, the reinsuring carrier is responsible for 10
188    percent of the next $50,000 and 5 percent of the next $100,000
189    of incurred claims during a calendar year, and the program shall
190    reinsure the remainder.
191          3. The board shall annually adjust the initial level of
192    claims and the maximum limit to be retained by the carrier to
193    reflect increases in costs and utilization within the standard
194    market for health benefit plans within the state. The adjustment
195    may not be less than the annual change in the medical component
196    of the "Commerce Price Index for All Urban Consumers" of the
197    Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of
198    Labor, unless the board proposes and the department approves a
199    lower adjustment factor.
200          4. A reinsuring carrier may terminate reinsurance for all
201    reinsured eligible individuals on any plan anniversary.
202          5. The premium rate charged for reinsurance by the program
203    to a health maintenance organization that is approved by the
204    Secretary of Health and Human Services as a federally qualified
205    health maintenance organization pursuant to 42 U.S.C. s.
206    300e(c)(2)(A) and that, as such, is subject to requirements that
207    limit the amount of risk that may be ceded to the program, which
208    requirements are more restrictive than subparagraph 2., shall be
209    reduced by an amount equal to that portion of the risk, if any,
210    which exceeds the amount set forth in subparagraph 2., which may
211    not be ceded to the program.
212          6. The board may consider adjustments to the premium rates
213    charged for reinsurance by the program or carriers that use
214    effective cost-containment measures, including high-cost case
215    management, as defined by the board.
216          7. A reinsuring carrier shall apply its case-management
217    and claims-handling techniques, including, but not limited to,
218    utilization review, individual case management, preferred
219    provider provisions, other managed-care provisions, or methods
220    of operation consistently with both reinsured business and
221    nonreinsured business.
222          (c)1. The board, as part of the plan of operation, shall
223    establish a methodology for determining premium rates to be
224    charged by the program for reinsuring eligible individuals
225    pursuant to this section. The methodology must include a system
226    for classifying individuals which reflects the types of case
227    characteristics commonly used by carriers in this state. The
228    methodology must provide for the development of basic
229    reinsurance premium rates, which shall be multiplied by the
230    factors set for them in this paragraph to determine the premium
231    rates for the program. The basic reinsurance premium rates shall
232    be established by the board, subject to the approval of the
233    department, and shall be set at levels that reasonably
234    approximate gross premiums charged to eligible individuals for
235    individual health insurance by health insurance issuers. The
236    premium rates set by the board may vary by geographical area, as
237    determined under this section, to reflect differences in cost.
238    An eligible individual may be reinsured for a rate that is five
239    times the rate established by the board.
240          2. The board shall periodically review the methodology
241    established, including the system of classification and any
242    rating factors, to ensure that it reasonably reflects the claims
243    experience of the program. The board may propose changes to the
244    rates that are subject to the approval of the department.
245          (e)1. Before SeptemberMarch1 of each calendar year, the
246    board shall determine and report to the department the program
247    net loss in the individual account for the previous year,
248    including administrative expenses for that year and the incurred
249    losses for that year, taking into account investment income and
250    other appropriate gains and losses.
251          2. Any net loss in the individual account for the year
252    shall be recouped by assessing the carriers as follows:
253          a. The operating losses of the program shall be assessed
254    in the following order subject to the specified limitations. The
255    first tier of assessments shall be made against reinsuring
256    carriers in an amount that may not exceed 5 percent of each
257    reinsuring carrier's premiums for individual health insurance.
258    If such assessments have been collected and additional moneys
259    are needed, the board shall make a second tier of assessments in
260    an amount that may not exceed 0.5 percent of each carrier's
261    health benefit plan premiums.
262          b. Except as provided in paragraph (f), risk-assuming
263    carriers are exempt from all assessments authorized pursuant to
264    this section. The amount paid by a reinsuring carrier for the
265    first tier of assessments shall be credited against any
266    additional assessments made.
267          c. The board shall equitably assess reinsuring carriers
268    for operating losses of the individual account based on market
269    share. The board shall annually assess each carrier a portion of
270    the operating losses of the individual account. The first tier
271    of assessments shall be determined by multiplying the operating
272    losses by a fraction, the numerator of which equals the
273    reinsuring carrier's earned premium pertaining to direct
274    writings of individual health insurance in the state during the
275    calendar year for which the assessment is levied, and the
276    denominator of which equals the total of all such premiums
277    earned by reinsuring carriers in the state during that calendar
278    year. The second tier of assessments shall be based on the
279    premiums that all carriers, except risk-assuming carriers,
280    earned on all health benefit plans written in this state. The
281    board may levy interim assessments against reinsuring carriers
282    to ensure the financial ability of the plan to cover claims
283    expenses and administrative expenses paid or estimated to be
284    paid in the operation of the plan for the calendar year prior to
285    the association's anticipated receipt of annual assessments for
286    that calendar year. Any interim assessment is due and payable
287    within 30 days after receipt by a carrier of the interim
288    assessment notice. Interim assessment payments shall be credited
289    against the carrier's annual assessment. Health benefit plan
290    premiums and benefits paid by a carrier that are less than an
291    amount determined by the board to justify the cost of collection
292    may not be considered for purposes of determining assessments.
293          d. Subject to the approval of the department, the board
294    shall adjust the assessment formula for reinsuring carriers that
295    are approved as federally qualified health maintenance
296    organizations by the Secretary of Health and Human Services
297    pursuant to 42 U.S.C. s. 300e(c)(2)(A) to the extent, if any,
298    that restrictions are placed on them which are not imposed on
299    other carriers.
300          3. Before SeptemberMarch1 of each year, the board shall
301    determine and file with the department an estimate of the
302    assessments needed to fund the losses incurred by the program in
303    the individual account for the previous calendar year.
304          4. If the board determines that the assessments needed to
305    fund the losses incurred by the program in the individual
306    account for the previous calendar year will exceed the amount
307    specified in subparagraph 2., the board shall evaluate the
308    operation of the program and report its findings and
309    recommendations to the department in the format established in
310    s. 627.6699(11) for the comparable report for the small employer
311    reinsurance program.
312          Section 7. Subsection (2) of section 627.6617, Florida
313    Statutes, is amended to read:
314          627.6617 Coverage for home health care services.--
315          (2) Carriers providing coverage pursuant to this section
316    may establish a maximum length of care for any policy year, but
317    in no event shall reimbursement be limited to an amount less
318    than $15,000$1,000per year.
319          Section 8. Section 627.662, Florida Statutes, is amended
320    to read:
321          627.662 Other provisions applicable.--The following
322    provisions apply to group health insurance, blanket health
323    insurance, and franchise health insurance:
324          (1) Section 627.569, relating to use of dividends,
325    refunds, rate reductions, commissions, and service fees.
326          (2) Section 627.602(1)(f) and (2), relating to
327    identification numbers and statement of deductible provisions.
328          (3) Section 627.6044, relating to the use of specific
329    methodology for payment of claims.
330          (4)(3)Section 627.635, relating to excess insurance.
331          (5)(4)Section 627.638, relating to direct payment for
332    hospital or medical services.
333          (6)(5)Section 627.640, relating to filing and
334    classification of rates.
335          (7)(6)Section 627.613, relating to timely payment of
336    claims, or s. 627.6131, relating to payment of claims, whichever
337    is applicable.
338          (8)(7)Section 627.645(1), relating to denial of claims.
339          (9)(8)Section 627.6471, relating to preferred provider
340    organizations.
341          (10)(9)Section 627.6472, relating to exclusive provider
342    organizations.
343          (11)(10)Section 627.6473, relating to combined preferred
344    provider and exclusive provider policies.
345          (12)(11)Section 627.6474, relating to provider contracts.
346          Section 9. Subsection (6) of section 627.667, Florida
347    Statutes, is amended to read:
348          627.667 Extension of benefits.--
349          (6) This section also applies to holders of group
350    certificates which are renewed, delivered, or issued for
351    delivery to residents of this state under group policies
352    effectuated or delivered outside this state, unless a succeeding
353    carrier under a group policy has agreed to assume liability for
354    the benefits.
355          Section 10. Paragraph (e) of subsection (5) of section
356    627.6692, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
357          627.6692 Florida Health Insurance Coverage Continuation
358    Act.--
360          (e)1. A covered employee or other qualified beneficiary
361    who wishes continuation of coverage must pay the initial premium
362    and elect such continuation in writing to the insurance carrier
363    issuing the employer's group health plan within 6330days after
364    receiving notice from the insurance carrier under paragraph (d).
365    Subsequent premiums are due by the grace period expiration date.
366    The insurance carrier or the insurance carrier's designee shall
367    process all elections promptly and provide coverage
368    retroactively to the date coverage would otherwise have
369    terminated. The premium due shall be for the period beginning on
370    the date coverage would have otherwise terminated due to the
371    qualifying event. The first premium payment must include the
372    coverage paid to the end of the month in which the first payment
373    is made. After the election, the insurance carrier must bill the
374    qualified beneficiary for premiums once each month, with a due
375    date on the first of the month of coverage and allowing a 30-day
376    grace period for payment.
377          2. Except as otherwise specified in an election, any
378    election by a qualified beneficiary shall be deemed to include
379    an election of continuation of coverage on behalf of any other
380    qualified beneficiary residing in the same household who would
381    lose coverage under the group health plan by reason of a
382    qualifying event. This subparagraph does not preclude a
383    qualified beneficiary from electing continuation of coverage on
384    behalf of any other qualified beneficiary.
385          Section 11. Paragraphs (h), (i), (n), and (u) of
386    subsection (3), paragraph (c) of subsection (5), paragraph (b)
387    of subsection (6), paragraph (a) of subsection (9), paragraph
388    (d) of subsection (10), and paragraphs (f), (g), (h), and (j) of
389    subsection (11) of section 627.6699, Florida Statutes, are
390    amended to read:
391          627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.--
392          (3) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:
393          (h) "Eligible employee" means an employee who works full
394    time, having a normal workweek of 25 or more hours, who is paid
395    wages or a salary at least equal to the federal minimum hourly
396    wage applicable to such employee,and who has met any applicable
397    waiting-period requirements or other requirements of this act.
398    The term includes a self-employed individual, a sole proprietor,
399    a partner of a partnership, or an independent contractor, if the
400    sole proprietor, partner, or independent contractor is included
401    as an employee under a health benefit plan of a small employer,
402    but does not include a part-time, temporary, or substitute
403    employee.
404          (i) "Established geographic area" means the county or
405    counties, or any portion of a county or counties,within which
406    the carrier provides or arranges for health care services to be
407    available to its insureds, members, or subscribers.
408          (n) "Modified community rating" means a method used to
409    develop carrier premiums which spreads financial risk across a
410    large population; allows the use of separate rating factors for
411    age, gender, family composition, tobacco usage, and geographic
412    area as determined under paragraph (5)(j); and allows
413    adjustments for: claims experience, health status, or duration
414    of coverage as permitted under subparagraph (6)(b)5.; and
415    administrative and acquisition expenses as permitted under
416    subparagraph (6)(b)5.
417          (u) "Self-employed individual" means an individual or sole
418    proprietor who derives his or her income from a trade or
419    business carried on by the individual or sole proprietor which
420    necessitates that the individual file with the Internal Revenue
421    Service for the most recent tax year federal income tax forms
422    with supporting schedules and accompanying income reporting
423    forms or federal income tax extensions of time to file forms
424    results in taxable income as indicated on IRS Form 1040,
425    schedule C or F, and which generated taxable income in one of
426    the 2 previous years.
427          (5) AVAILABILITY OF COVERAGE.--
428          (c) Every small employer carrier must, as a condition of
429    transacting business in this state:
430          1. Beginning July 1, 2000, offer and issue all small
431    employer health benefit plans on a guaranteed-issue basis to
432    every eligible small employer, with 2 to 50 eligible employees,
433    that elects to be covered under such plan, agrees to make the
434    required premium payments, and satisfies the other provisions of
435    the plan. A rider for additional or increased benefits may be
436    medically underwritten and may only be added to the standard
437    health benefit plan. The increased rate charged for the
438    additional or increased benefit must be rated in accordance with
439    this section.
440          2. Beginning July 1, 2000, and until July 31, 2001, offer
441    and issue basic and standard small employer health benefit plans
442    on a guaranteed-issue basis to every eligible small employer
443    which is eligible for guaranteed renewal, has less than two
444    eligible employees, is not formed primarily for the purpose of
445    buying health insurance, elects to be covered under such plan,
446    agrees to make the required premium payments, and satisfies the
447    other provisions of the plan. A rider for additional or
448    increased benefits may be medically underwritten and may be
449    added only to the standard benefit plan. The increased rate
450    charged for the additional or increased benefit must be rated in
451    accordance with this section. For purposes of this subparagraph,
452    a person, his or her spouse, and his or her dependent children
453    shall constitute a single eligible employee if that person and
454    spouse are employed by the same small employer and either one
455    has a normal work week of less than 25 hours.
456          3.a.Beginning August 1, 2001, offer and issue basic and
457    standard small employer health benefit plans on a guaranteed-
458    issue basis, during a 31-day open enrollment period of August 1
459    through August 31 of each year, to every eligible small
460    employer, with fewer than two eligible employees, which small
461    employer is not formed primarily for the purpose of buying
462    health insurance and which elects to be covered under such plan,
463    agrees to make the required premium payments, and satisfies the
464    other provisions of the plan. Coverage provided under this sub-
465    subparagraph subparagraphshall begin on October 1 of the same
466    year as the date of enrollment, unless the small employer
467    carrier and the small employer agree to a different date. A
468    rider for additional or increased benefits may be medically
469    underwritten and may only be added to the standard health
470    benefit plan. The increased rate charged for the additional or
471    increased benefit must be rated in accordance with this section.
472    For purposes of this sub-subparagraphsubparagraph, a person,
473    his or her spouse, and his or her dependent children constitute
474    a single eligible employee if that person and spouse are
475    employed by the same small employer and either that person or
476    his or her spouse has a normal work week of less than 25 hours.
477          b. Notwithstanding the restrictions set forth in sub-
478    subparagraph a., when a small employer group is losing coverage
479    because a carrier is exercising the provisions of s.
480    627.6571(3)(b) or s. 641.31074(3)(b), the eligible small
481    employer, as defined in sub-subparagraph a., shall be entitled
482    to enroll with another carrier offering small employer coverage
483    within 63 days after the notice of termination or the
484    termination date of the prior coverage, whichever is later.
485    Coverage provided under this sub-subparagraph shall begin
486    immediately upon enrollment unless the small employer carrier
487    and the small employer agree to a different date.
488          4. This paragraph does not limit a carrier's ability to
489    offer other health benefit plans to small employers if the
490    standard and basic health benefit plans are offered and
491    rejected.
493          (b) For all small employer health benefit plans that are
494    subject to this section and are issued by small employer
495    carriers on or after January 1, 1994, premium rates for health
496    benefit plans subject to this section are subject to the
497    following:
498          1. Small employer carriers must use a modified community
499    rating methodology in which the premium for each small employer
500    must be determined solely on the basis of the eligible
501    employee's and eligible dependent's gender, age, family
502    composition, tobacco use, or geographic area as determined under
503    paragraph (5)(j) and in which the premium may be adjusted as
504    permitted by this paragraph.
505          2. Rating factors related to age, gender, family
506    composition, tobacco use, or geographic location may be
507    developed by each carrier to reflect the carrier's experience.
508    The factors used by carriers are subject to department review
509    and approval.
510          3. Small employer carriers may not modify the rate for a
511    small employer for 12 months from the initial issue date or
512    renewal date, unless the composition of the group changes or
513    benefits are changed. However, a small employer carrier may
514    modify the rate one time prior to 12 months after the initial
515    issue date for a small employer who enrolls under a previously
516    issued group policy that has a common anniversary date for all
517    employers covered under the policy if:
518          a. The carrier discloses to the employer in a clear and
519    conspicuous manner the date of the first renewal and the fact
520    that the premium may increase on or after that date.
521          b. The insurer demonstrates to the department that
522    efficiencies in administration are achieved and reflected in the
523    rates charged to small employers covered under the policy.
524          4. A carrier may issue a group health insurance policy to
525    a small employer health alliance or other group association with
526    rates that reflect a premium credit for expense savings
527    attributable to administrative activities being performed by the
528    alliance or group association if such expense savings are
529    specifically documented in the insurer's rate filing and are
530    approved by the department. Any such credit may not be based on
531    different morbidity assumptions or on any other factor related
532    to the health status or claims experience of any person covered
533    under the policy. Nothing in this subparagraph exempts an
534    alliance or group association from licensure for any activities
535    that require licensure under the insurance code. A carrier
536    issuing a group health insurance policy to a small employer
537    health alliance or other group association shall allow any
538    properly licensed and appointed agent of that carrier to market
539    and sell the small employer health alliance or other group
540    association policy. Such agent shall be paid the usual and
541    customary commission paid to any agent selling the policy.
542          5. Any adjustments in rates for claims experience, health
543    status, or duration of coverage may not be charged to individual
544    employees or dependents. For a small employer's policy, such
545    adjustments may not result in a rate for the small employer
546    which deviates more than 15 percent from the carrier's approved
547    rate. Any such adjustment must be applied uniformly to the rates
548    charged for all employees and dependents of the small employer.
549    A small employer carrier may make an adjustment to a small
550    employer's renewal premium, not to exceed 10 percent annually,
551    due to the claims experience, health status, or duration of
552    coverage of the employees or dependents of the small employer.
553    Semiannually, small group carriers shall report information on
554    forms adopted by rule by the department, to enable the
555    department to monitor the relationship of aggregate adjusted
556    premiums actually charged policyholders by each carrier to the
557    premiums that would have been charged by application of the
558    carrier's approved modified community rates. If the aggregate
559    resulting from the application of such adjustment exceeds the
560    premium that would have been charged by application of the
561    approved modified community rate by 5 percent for the current
562    reporting period, the carrier shall limit the application of
563    such adjustments only to minus adjustments beginning not more
564    than 60 days after the report is sent to the department. For any
565    subsequent reporting period, if the total aggregate adjusted
566    premium actually charged does not exceed the premium that would
567    have been charged by application of the approved modified
568    community rate by 5 percent, the carrier may apply both plus and
569    minus adjustments.A small employer carrier may provide a credit
570    to a small employer's premium based on administrative and
571    acquisition expense differences resulting from the size of the
572    group. Group size administrative and acquisition expense factors
573    may be developed by each carrier to reflect the carrier's
574    experience and are subject to department review and approval.
575          6. A small employer carrier rating methodology may include
576    separate rating categories for one dependent child, for two
577    dependent children, and for three or more dependent children for
578    family coverage of employees having a spouse and dependent
579    children or employees having dependent children only. A small
580    employer carrier may have fewer, but not greater, numbers of
581    categories for dependent children than those specified in this
582    subparagraph.
583          7. Small employer carriers may not use a composite rating
584    methodology to rate a small employer with fewer than 10
585    employees. For the purposes of this subparagraph, a "composite
586    rating methodology" means a rating methodology that averages the
587    impact of the rating factors for age and gender in the premiums
588    charged to all of the employees of a small employer.
589          8.a. A carrier may separate the experience of small
590    employer groups with less than 2 eligible employees from the
591    experience of small employer groups with 2-50 eligible employees
592    for purposes of determining an alternative modified community
593    rating.
594          b. If a carrier separates the experience of small employer
595    groups as provided in sub-subparagraph a., the rate to be
596    charged to small employer groups of less than 2 eligible
597    employees may not exceed 150 percent of the rate determined for
598    small employer groups of 2-50 eligible employees. However, the
599    carrier may charge excess losses of the experience pool
600    consisting of small employer groups with less than 2 eligible
601    employees to the experience pool consisting of small employer
602    groups with 2-50 eligible employees so that all losses are
603    allocated and the 150-percent rate limit on the experience pool
604    consisting of small employer groups with less than 2 eligible
605    employees is maintained. Notwithstanding s. 627.411(1), the rate
606    to be charged to a small employer group of fewer than 2 eligible
607    employees, insured as of July 1, 2002, may be up to 125 percent
608    of the rate determined for small employer groups of 2-50
609    eligible employees for the first annual renewal and 150 percent
610    for subsequent annual renewals.
613          (a) A small employer carrier must elect to become either a
614    risk-assuming carrier or a reinsuring carrier. Each small
615    employer carrier must make an initial election, binding through
616    January 1, 1994. The carrier's initial election must be made no
617    later than October 31, 1992. By October 31, 1993, all small
618    employer carriers must file a final election, which is binding
619    for 2 years, from January 1, 1994, through December 31, 1995,
620    after which an election shall be binding for a period of 5
621    years.Any carrier that is not a small employer carrier on
622    October 31, 1992, and intends to become a small employer carrier
623    after October 31, 1992, must file its designation when it files
624    the forms and rates it intends to use for small employer group
625    health insurance; such designation shall be binding indefinitely
626    or until modified or withdrawnfor 2 years after the date of
627    approval of the forms and rates, and any subsequent designation
628    is binding for 5 years. The department may permit a carrier to
629    modify its election at any time for good cause shown, after a
630    hearing.
632          (d) The department shall provide public notice of a small
633    employer carrier's filing adesignation of election under
634    subsection (9) to become a risk-assuming carrier and shall
635    provide at least a 21-day period for public comment upon receipt
636    of such filingprior to making a decision on the election. The
637    department shall hold a hearing on the election at the request
638    of the carrier.
640          (f) The program has the general powers and authority
641    granted under the laws of this state to insurance companies and
642    health maintenance organizations licensed to transact business,
643    except the power to issue health benefit plans directly to
644    groups or individuals. In addition thereto, the program has
645    specific authority to:
646          1. Enter into contracts as necessary or proper to carry
647    out the provisions and purposes of this act, including the
648    authority to enter into contracts with similar programs of other
649    states for the joint performance of common functions or with
650    persons or other organizations for the performance of
651    administrative functions.
652          2. Sue or be sued, including taking any legal action
653    necessary or proper for recovering any assessments and penalties
654    for, on behalf of, or against the program or any carrier.
655          3. Take any legal action necessary to avoid the payment of
656    improper claims against the program.
657          4. Issue reinsurance policies, in accordance with the
658    requirements of this act.
659          5. Establish rules, conditions, and procedures for
660    reinsurance risks under the program participation.
661          6. Establish actuarial functions as appropriate for the
662    operation of the program.
663          7. Assess participating carriers in accordance with
664    paragraph (j), and make advance interim assessments as may be
665    reasonable and necessary for organizational and interim
666    operating expenses. Interim assessments shall be credited as
667    offsets against any regular assessments due following the close
668    of the calendar year.
669          8. Appoint appropriate legal, actuarial, and other
670    committees as necessary to provide technical assistance in the
671    operation of the program, and in any other function within the
672    authority of the program.
673          9. Borrow money to effect the purposes of the program. Any
674    notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the program which
675    are not in default constitute legal investments for carriers and
676    may be carried as admitted assets.
677          10. To the extent necessary, increase the $5,000
678    deductible reinsurance requirement to adjust for the effects of
679    inflation. The program may evaluate the desirability of
680    establishing different levels of deductibles. If different
681    levels of deductibles are established, such levels and the
682    resulting premiums shall be approved by the department.
683          (g) A reinsuring carrier may reinsure with the program
684    coverage of an eligible employee of a small employer, or any
685    dependent of such an employee, subject to each of the following
686    provisions:
687          1. With respect to a standard and basic health care plan,
688    the program maymustreinsure the level of coverage provided;
689    and, with respect to any other plan, the program maymust
690    reinsure the coverage up to, but not exceeding, the level of
691    coverage provided under the standard and basic health care plan.
692    As an alternative to reinsuring the level of coverage provided
693    under the standard and basic health care plan, the program may
694    develop alternate levels of reinsurance designed to coordinate
695    with a reinsuring carrier’s existing reinsurance. The levels of
696    reinsurance and resulting premiums must be approved by the
697    department.
698          2. Except in the case of a late enrollee, a reinsuring
699    carrier may reinsure an eligible employee or dependent within 60
700    days after the commencement of the coverage of the small
701    employer. A newly employed eligible employee or dependent of a
702    small employer may be reinsured within 60 days after the
703    commencement of his or her coverage.
704          3. A small employer carrier may reinsure an entire
705    employer group within 60 days after the commencement of the
706    group's coverage under the plan. The carrier may choose to
707    reinsure newly eligible employees and dependents of the
708    reinsured group pursuant to subparagraph 1.
709          4. The program may evaluate the option of allowing a small
710    employer carrier to reinsure an entire employer group or an
711    eligible employee at the first or subsequent renewal date. Any
712    such option and the resulting premium must be approved by the
713    department.
714          5.4.The program may not reimburse a participating carrier
715    with respect to the claims of a reinsured employee or dependent
716    until the carrier has paid incurred claims of an amount equal to
717    the participating carrier’s selected deductible levelat least
718    $5,000 in a calendar year for benefits covered by the program.
719    In addition, the reinsuring carrier shall be responsible for 10
720    percent of the next $50,000 and 5 percent of the next $100,000
721    of incurred claims during a calendar year and the program shall
722    reinsure the remainder.
723          6.5.The board annually shall adjust the initial level of
724    claims and the maximum limit to be retained by the carrier to
725    reflect increases in costs and utilization within the standard
726    market for health benefit plans within the state. The adjustment
727    shall not be less than the annual change in the medical
728    component of the "Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers"
729    of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor,
730    unless the board proposes and the department approves a lower
731    adjustment factor.
732          7.6.A small employer carrier may terminate reinsurance
733    for all reinsured employees or dependents on any plan
734    anniversary.
735          8.7.The premium rate charged for reinsurance by the
736    program to a health maintenance organization that is approved by
737    the Secretary of Health and Human Services as a federally
738    qualified health maintenance organization pursuant to 42 U.S.C.
739    s. 300e(c)(2)(A) and that, as such, is subject to requirements
740    that limit the amount of risk that may be ceded to the program,
741    which requirements are more restrictive than subparagraph 5.4.,
742    shall be reduced by an amount equal to that portion of the risk,
743    if any, which exceeds the amount set forth in subparagraph 5.4.
744    which may not be ceded to the program.
745          9.8.The board may consider adjustments to the premium
746    rates charged for reinsurance by the program for carriers that
747    use effective cost containment measures, including high-cost
748    case management, as defined by the board.
749          10.9.A reinsuring carrier shall apply its case-management
750    and claims-handling techniques, including, but not limited to,
751    utilization review, individual case management, preferred
752    provider provisions, other managed care provisions or methods of
753    operation, consistently with both reinsured business and
754    nonreinsured business.
755          (h)1. The board, as part of the plan of operation, shall
756    establish a methodology for determining premium rates to be
757    charged by the program for reinsuring small employers and
758    individuals pursuant to this section. The methodology shall
759    include a system for classification of small employers that
760    reflects the types of case characteristics commonly used by
761    small employer carriers in the state. The methodology shall
762    provide for the development of basic reinsurance premium rates,
763    which shall be multiplied by the factors set for them in this
764    paragraph to determine the premium rates for the program. The
765    basic reinsurance premium rates shall be established by the
766    board, subject to the approval of the department, and shall be
767    set at levels which reasonably approximate gross premiums
768    charged to small employers by small employer carriers for health
769    benefit plans with benefits similar to the standard and basic
770    health benefit plan. The premium rates set by the board may vary
771    by geographical area, as determined under this section, to
772    reflect differences in cost. The multiplying factors must be
773    established as follows:
774          a. The entire group may be reinsured for a rate that is
775    1.5 times the rate established by the board.
776          b. An eligible employee or dependent may be reinsured for
777    a rate that is 5 times the rate established by the board.
778          2. The board periodically shall review the methodology
779    established, including the system of classification and any
780    rating factors, to assure that it reasonably reflects the claims
781    experience of the program. The board may propose changes to the
782    rates which shall be subject to the approval of the department.
783          (j)1. Before SeptemberMarch1 of each calendar year, the
784    board shall determine and report to the department the program
785    net loss for the previous year, including administrative
786    expenses for that year, and the incurred losses for the year,
787    taking into account investment income and other appropriate
788    gains and losses.
789          2. Any net loss for the year shall be recouped by
790    assessment of the carriers, as follows:
791          a. The operating losses of the program shall be assessed
792    in the following order subject to the specified limitations. The
793    first tier of assessments shall be made against reinsuring
794    carriers in an amount which shall not exceed 5 percent of each
795    reinsuring carrier's premiums from health benefit plans covering
796    small employers. If such assessments have been collected and
797    additional moneys are needed, the board shall make a second tier
798    of assessments in an amount which shall not exceed 0.5 percent
799    of each carrier's health benefit plan premiums. Except as
800    provided in paragraph (n), risk-assuming carriers are exempt
801    from all assessments authorized pursuant to this section. The
802    amount paid by a reinsuring carrier for the first tier of
803    assessments shall be credited against any additional assessments
804    made.
805          b. The board shall equitably assess carriers for operating
806    losses of the plan based on market share. The board shall
807    annually assess each carrier a portion of the operating losses
808    of the plan. The first tier of assessments shall be determined
809    by multiplying the operating losses by a fraction, the numerator
810    of which equals the reinsuring carrier's earned premium
811    pertaining to direct writings of small employer health benefit
812    plans in the state during the calendar year for which the
813    assessment is levied, and the denominator of which equals the
814    total of all such premiums earned by reinsuring carriers in the
815    state during that calendar year. The second tier of assessments
816    shall be based on the premiums that all carriers, except risk-
817    assuming carriers, earned on all health benefit plans written in
818    this state. The board may levy interim assessments against
819    carriers to ensure the financial ability of the plan to cover
820    claims expenses and administrative expenses paid or estimated to
821    be paid in the operation of the plan for the calendar year prior
822    to the association's anticipated receipt of annual assessments
823    for that calendar year. Any interim assessment is due and
824    payable within 30 days after receipt by a carrier of the interim
825    assessment notice. Interim assessment payments shall be credited
826    against the carrier's annual assessment. Health benefit plan
827    premiums and benefits paid by a carrier that are less than an
828    amount determined by the board to justify the cost of collection
829    may not be considered for purposes of determining assessments.
830          c. Subject to the approval of the department, the board
831    shall make an adjustment to the assessment formula for
832    reinsuring carriers that are approved as federally qualified
833    health maintenance organizations by the Secretary of Health and
834    Human Services pursuant to 42 U.S.C. s. 300e(c)(2)(A) to the
835    extent, if any, that restrictions are placed on them that are
836    not imposed on other small employer carriers.
837          3. Before SeptemberMarch1 of each year, the board shall
838    determine and file with the department an estimate of the
839    assessments needed to fund the losses incurred by the program in
840    the previous calendar year.
841          4. If the board determines that the assessments needed to
842    fund the losses incurred by the program in the previous calendar
843    year will exceed the amount specified in subparagraph 2., the
844    board shall evaluate the operation of the program and report its
845    findings, including any recommendations for changes to the plan
846    of operation, to the department within 24090days following the
847    end of the calendar year in which the losses were incurred. The
848    evaluation shall include an estimate of future assessments, the
849    administrative costs of the program, the appropriateness of the
850    premiums charged and the level of carrier retention under the
851    program, and the costs of coverage for small employers. If the
852    board fails to file a report with the department within 24090
853    days following the end of the applicable calendar year, the
854    department may evaluate the operations of the program and
855    implement such amendments to the plan of operation the
856    department deems necessary to reduce future losses and
857    assessments.
858          5. If assessments exceed the amount of the actual losses
859    and administrative expenses of the program, the excess shall be
860    held as interest and used by the board to offset future losses
861    or to reduce program premiums. As used in this paragraph, the
862    term "future losses" includes reserves for incurred but not
863    reported claims.
864          6. Each carrier's proportion of the assessment shall be
865    determined annually by the board, based on annual statements and
866    other reports considered necessary by the board and filed by the
867    carriers with the board.
868          7. Provision shall be made in the plan of operation for
869    the imposition of an interest penalty for late payment of an
870    assessment.
871          8. A carrier may seek, from the commissioner, a deferment,
872    in whole or in part, from any assessment made by the board. The
873    department may defer, in whole or in part, the assessment of a
874    carrier if, in the opinion of the department, the payment of the
875    assessment would place the carrier in a financially impaired
876    condition. If an assessment against a carrier is deferred, in
877    whole or in part, the amount by which the assessment is deferred
878    may be assessed against the other carriers in a manner
879    consistent with the basis for assessment set forth in this
880    section. The carrier receiving such deferment remains liable to
881    the program for the amount deferred and is prohibited from
882    reinsuring any individuals or groups in the program if it fails
883    to pay assessments.
884          Section 12. Section 627.911, Florida Statutes, is amended
885    to read:
886          627.911 Scope of this part.--Any insurer or health
887    maintenance organizationtransacting insurance in this state
888    shall report information as required by this part.
889          Section 13. Section 627.9175, Florida Statutes, is amended
890    to read:
891          627.9175 Reports of information on health insurance.--
892          (1) Each authorized health insurer or health maintenance
893    organization shall submit annually to the department information
894    concerningas to policies of individual health insurance
895    coverage being issued or currently in force in this state. The
896    information shall include information related to premium, number
897    of policies, and covered lives for such policies and other
898    information necessary to analyze trends in enrollment, premiums,
899    and claim costs.
900          (2) The required information shall be broken down by
901    market segment, to include:
902          (a) Health insurance issuer, company, or contact person or
903    agent.
904          (b) All health insurance products issued or in force,
905    including, but not limited to:
906          1. Direct premiums earned.
907          2. Direct losses incurred.
908          3. Direct premiums earned for new business issued during
909    the year.
910          4. Number of policies.
911          5. Number of certificates.
912          6. Number of total covered lives.
913          (a) A summary of typical benefits, exclusions, and
914    limitations for each type of individual policy form currently
915    being issued in the state. The summary shall include, as
916    appropriate:
917          1. The deductible amount;
918          2. The coinsurance percentage;
919          3. The out-of-pocket maximum;
920          4. Outpatient benefits;
921          5. Inpatient benefits; and
922          6. Any exclusions for preexisting conditions.
924          The department shall determine other appropriate benefits,
925    exclusions, and limitations to be reported for inclusion in the
926    consumer's guide published pursuant to this section.
927          (b) A schedule of rates for each type of individual policy
928    form reflecting typical variations by age, sex, region of the
929    state, or any other applicable factor which is in use and is
930    determined to be appropriate for inclusion by the department.
932          The department shall provide by rule a uniform format for the
933    submission of this information in order to allow for meaningful
934    comparisons of premiums charged for comparable benefits.
935          (3)The department shall publish annually a consumer's
936    guide which summarizes and compares the information required to
937    be reported under this subsection.
938          (2)(a) Every insurer transacting health insurance in this
939    state shall report annually to the department, not later than
940    April 1, information relating to any measure the insurer has
941    implemented or proposes to implement during the next calendar
942    year for the purpose of containing health insurance costs or
943    cost increases. The reports shall identify each measure and the
944    forms to which the measure is applied, shall provide an
945    explanation as to how the measure is used, and shall provide an
946    estimate of the cost effect of the measure.
947          (b) The department shall promulgate forms to be used by
948    insurers in reporting information pursuant to this subsection
949    and shall utilize such forms to analyze the effects of health
950    care cost containment programs used by health insurers in this
951    state.
952          (4)(c)The department shall analyze the data reported
953    under this subsection (2)and shall annually make available to
954    the public a summary of its findings as to the types of cost
955    containment measures reported and the estimated effect of these
956    measures.
957          Section 14. Section 627.9403, Florida Statutes, is amended
958    to read:
959          627.9403 Scope.--The provisions of this part shall apply
960    to long-term care insurance policies delivered or issued for
961    delivery in this state, and to policies delivered or issued for
962    delivery outside this state to the extent provided in s.
963    627.9406, by an insurer, a fraternal benefit society as defined
964    in s. 632.601, a health maintenance organization as defined in
965    s. 641.19, a prepaid health clinic as defined in s. 641.402, or
966    a multiple-employer welfare arrangement as defined in s.
967    624.437. A policy which is advertised, marketed, or offered as a
968    long-term care policy and as a Medicare supplement policy shall
969    meet the requirements of this part and the requirements of ss.
970    627.671-627.675 and, to the extent of a conflict, be subject to
971    the requirement that is more favorable to the policyholder or
972    certificateholder. The provisions of this part shall not apply
973    to a continuing care contract issued pursuant to chapter 651 and
974    shall not apply to guaranteed renewable policies issued prior to
975    October 1, 1988. Any limited benefit policy that limits coverage
976    to care in a nursing home or to one or more lower levels of care
977    required or authorized to be provided by this part or by
978    department rule must meet all requirements of this part that
979    apply to long-term care insurance policies, except ss.
980    627.9407(3)(c), (9), (10)(f), and (12) and 627.94073(2). If the
981    limited benefit policy does not provide coverage for care in a
982    nursing home, but does provide coverage for one or more lower
983    levels of care, the policy shall also be exempt from the
984    requirements of s. 627.9407(3)(d).
985          Section 15. Subsection (5) of section 636.016, Florida
986    Statutes, is amended to read:
987          636.016 Prepaid limited health service contracts.--For any
988    entity licensed prior to October 1, 1993, all subscriber
989    contracts in force at such time shall be in compliance with this
990    section upon renewal of such contract.
991          (5)(a)1. If a prepaid limited health service organization
992    offers coverage for dependent children of the contract holder,
993    the policy must insure a dependent child of the contract holder
994    at least until the end of the calendar year in which the child
995    reaches the age of 25, if:
996          a. The child is dependent upon the contract holder for
997    support.
998          b. The child is living in the household of the contract
999    holder or the child is a full-time or part-time student.
1000          2. Nothing in this section affects or preempts a prepaid
1001    limited health service organization's right to medically
1002    underwrite or charge the appropriate premium.
1003          (b)1. A contract that provides coverage for a family
1004    member of the contract holder shall, as to such family member's
1005    coverage, provide that benefits applicable to children of the
1006    contract holder also apply to an adopted child or a foster child
1007    of the contract holder placed in compliance with chapter 63 from
1008    the moment of placement in the residence of the contract holder.
1009    Except in the case of a foster child, the policy may not exclude
1010    coverage for any preexisting condition of the child. In the case
1011    of a newborn child, coverage begins at the moment of birth if a
1012    written agreement to adopt such child has been entered into by
1013    the contract holder prior to the birth of the child, whether or
1014    not the agreement is enforceable. This section does not require
1015    coverage for an adopted child who is not ultimately placed in
1016    the residence of the contract holder in compliance with chapter
1017    63.
1018          2. A contract may require the contract holder to notify
1019    the insurer of the birth or placement of an adopted child within
1020    a specified time period of not less than 30 days after the birth
1021    or placement in the residence of a child adopted by the contract
1022    holder. If timely notice is given, the insurer may not charge an
1023    additional premium for coverage of the child for the duration of
1024    the notice period. If timely notice is not given, the insurer
1025    may charge an additional premium from the date of birth or
1026    placement. If notice is given within 60 days after the birth or
1027    placement of the child, the insurer may not deny coverage for
1028    the child due to the failure of the contract holder to timely
1029    notify the insurer of the birth or placement of the child.
1030          3. If the policy does not require the contract holder to
1031    notify the insurer of the birth or placement of an adopted child
1032    within a specified time period, the insurer may not deny
1033    coverage for such child or retroactively charge the contract
1034    holder an additional premium for such child. However, the
1035    insurer may prospectively charge the contract holder an
1036    additional premium for the child if the insurer provides at
1037    least 45 days' notice of the additional premium required.
1038          4. In order to increase access to postnatal, infant, and
1039    pediatric health care for all children placed in court-ordered
1040    custody, including foster children, all health insurance
1041    policies that provide coverage for a family member of the
1042    contract holder shall, as to such family member's coverage,
1043    provide that benefits applicable for children shall be payable
1044    with respect to a foster child or other child in court-ordered
1045    temporary or other custody of the contract holder.
1046          (c) A contract that provides that coverage of a dependent
1047    child shall terminate upon attainment of the limiting age for
1048    dependent children specified in the contract shall also provide
1049    in substance that attainment of the limiting age does not
1050    terminate the coverage of the child while the child continues to
1051    be:
1052          1. Incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of
1053    mental retardation or physical handicap.
1054          2. Chiefly dependent upon the contract holder or
1055    subscriber for support and maintenance.
1057          If a claim is denied under a contract for the stated reason that
1058    the child has attained the limiting age for dependent children
1059    specified in the contract, the notice of denial must state that
1060    the contract holder has the burden of establishing that the
1061    child continues to meet the criteria specified in subparagraphs
1062    1. and 2.All prepaid limited health service coverage, benefits,
1063    or services for a member of the family of the subscriber must,
1064    as to such family member's coverage, benefits, or services,
1065    provide also that the coverage, benefits, or services applicable
1066    for children will be provided with respect to a preenrolled
1067    newborn child of the subscriber, or covered family member of the
1068    subscriber, from the moment of birth, or adoption pursuant to
1069    chapter 63.
1070          Section 16. Subsections (9) through (17) of section
1071    641.31, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
1072          641.31 Health maintenance contracts.--
1073          (9)(a)1. If a health maintenance organization offers
1074    coverage for dependent children of the subscriber, the policy
1075    must cover a dependent child of the subscriber at least until
1076    the end of the calendar year in which the child reaches the age
1077    of 25, if:
1078          a. The child is dependent upon the subscriber for support.
1079          b. The child is living in the household of the subscriber,
1080    or the child is a full-time or part-time student.
1081          2. Nothing in this paragraph affects or preempts a health
1082    maintenance organization's right to medically underwrite or
1083    charge the appropriate premium.
1084          (b)1. A contract that provides coverage for a family
1085    member of the subscriber shall, as to such family member's
1086    coverage, provide that benefits applicable to children of the
1087    subscriber also apply to an adopted child or a foster child of
1088    the subscriber placed in compliance with chapter 63 from the
1089    moment of placement in the residence of the subscriber. Except
1090    in the case of a foster child, the policy may not exclude
1091    coverage for any preexisting condition of the child. In the case
1092    of a newborn child, coverage begins at the moment of birth if a
1093    written agreement to adopt such child has been entered into by
1094    the subscriber prior to the birth of the child, whether or not
1095    the agreement is enforceable. This section does not require
1096    coverage for an adopted child who is not ultimately placed in
1097    the residence of the subscriber in compliance with chapter 63.
1098          2. A contract may require the subscriber to notify the
1099    health maintenance organization of the birth or placement of an
1100    adopted child within a specified time period of not less than 30
1101    days after the birth or placement in the residence of a child
1102    adopted by the subscriber. If timely notice is given, the health
1103    maintenance organization may not charge an additional premium
1104    for coverage of the child for the duration of the notice period.
1105    If timely notice is not given, the health maintenance
1106    organization may charge an additional premium from the date of
1107    birth or placement. If notice is given within 60 days after the
1108    birth or placement of the child, the health maintenance
1109    organization may not deny coverage for the child due to the
1110    failure of the subscriber to timely notify the health
1111    maintenance organization of the birth or placement of the child.
1112          3. If the policy does not require the subscriber to notify
1113    the health maintenance organization of the birth or placement of
1114    an adopted child within a specified time period, the health
1115    maintenance organization may not deny coverage for such child or
1116    retroactively charge the subscriber an additional premium for
1117    such child. However, the health maintenance organization may
1118    prospectively charge the subscriber an additional premium for
1119    the child if the health maintenance organization provides at
1120    least 45 days' notice of the additional premium required.
1121          4. In order to increase access to postnatal, infant, and
1122    pediatric health care for all children placed in court-ordered
1123    custody, including foster children, all health insurance
1124    policies that provide coverage for a family member of the
1125    subscriber shall, as to such family member's coverage, provide
1126    that benefits applicable for children shall be payable with
1127    respect to a foster child or other child in court-ordered
1128    temporary or other custody of the subscriber.
1129          (10) A contract that provides that coverage of a dependent
1130    child shall terminate upon attainment of the limiting age for
1131    dependent children specified in the contract shall also provide
1132    in substance that attainment of the limiting age does not
1133    terminate the coverage of the child while the child continues to
1134    be:
1135          (a) Incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of
1136    mental retardation or physical handicap.
1137          (b) Chiefly dependent upon the subscriber for support and
1138    maintenance.
1140          If a claim is denied under a contract for the stated reason that
1141    the child has attained the limiting age for dependent children
1142    specified in the contract, the notice of denial must state that
1143    the subscriber has the burden of establishing that the child
1144    continues to meet the criteria specified in paragraphs (a) and
1145    (b).All health maintenance contracts that provide coverage,
1146    benefits, or services for a member of the family of the
1147    subscriber must, as to such family member's coverage, benefits,
1148    or services, provide also that the coverage, benefits, or
1149    services applicable for children must be provided with respect
1150    to a newborn child of the subscriber, or covered family member
1151    of the subscriber, from the moment of birth. However, with
1152    respect to a newborn child of a covered family member other than
1153    the spouse of the insured or subscriber, the coverage for the
1154    newborn child terminates 18 months after the birth of the
1155    newborn child. The coverage, benefits, or services for newborn
1156    children must consist of coverage for injury or sickness,
1157    including the necessary care or treatment of medically diagnosed
1158    congenital defects, birth abnormalities, or prematurity, and
1159    transportation costs of the newborn to and from the nearest
1160    appropriate facility appropriately staffed and equipped to treat
1161    the newborn's condition, when such transportation is certified
1162    by the attending physician as medically necessary to protect the
1163    health and safety of the newborn child.
1164          (a) A contract may require the subscriber to notify the
1165    plan of the birth of a child within a time period, as specified
1166    in the contract, of not less than 30 days after the birth, or a
1167    contract may require the preenrollment of a newborn prior to
1168    birth. However, if timely notice is given, a plan may not charge
1169    an additional premium for additional coverage of the newborn
1170    child for not less than 30 days after the birth of the child. If
1171    timely notice is not given, the plan may charge an additional
1172    premium from the date of birth. If notice is given within 60
1173    days of the birth of the child, the contract may not deny
1174    coverage of the child due to failure of the subscriber to timely
1175    notify the plan of the birth of the child or to preenroll the
1176    child.
1177          (b) If the contract does not require the subscriber to
1178    notify the plan of the birth of a child within a specified time
1179    period, the plan may not deny coverage of the child nor may it
1180    retroactively charge the subscriber an additional premium for
1181    the child; however, the contract may prospectively charge the
1182    member an additional premium for the child if the plan provides
1183    at least 45 days' notice of the additional charge.
1184          (11)(10)No alteration of any written application for any
1185    health maintenance contract shall be made by any person other
1186    than the applicant without his or her written consent, except
1187    that insertions may be made by the health maintenance
1188    organization, for administrative purposes only, in such manner
1189    as to indicate clearly that such insertions are not to be
1190    ascribed to the applicant.
1191          (12)(11)No contract shall contain any waiver of rights or
1192    benefits provided to or available to subscribers under the
1193    provisions of any law or rule applicable to health maintenance
1194    organizations.
1195          (13)(12)Each health maintenance contract, certificate, or
1196    member handbook shall state that emergency services and care
1197    shall be provided to subscribers in emergency situations not
1198    permitting treatment through the health maintenance
1199    organization's providers, without prior notification to and
1200    approval of the organization. Not less than 75 percent of the
1201    reasonable charges for covered services and supplies shall be
1202    paid by the organization, up to the subscriber contract benefit
1203    limits. Payment also may be subject to additional applicable
1204    copayment provisions, not to exceed $100 per claim. The health
1205    maintenance contract, certificate, or member handbook shall
1206    contain the definitions of "emergency services and care" and
1207    "emergency medical condition" as specified in s. 641.19(7) and
1208    (8), shall describe procedures for determination by the health
1209    maintenance organization of whether the services qualify for
1210    reimbursement as emergency services and care, and shall contain
1211    specific examples of what does constitute an emergency. In
1212    providing for emergency services and care as a covered service,
1213    a health maintenance organization shall be governed by s.
1214    641.513.
1215          (14)(13)In addition to the requirements of this section,
1216    with respect to a person who is entitled to have payments for
1217    health care costs made under Medicare, Title XVIII of the Social
1218    Security Act ("Medicare"), parts A and/or B:
1219          (a) The health maintenance organization shall mail or
1220    deliver notification to the Medicare beneficiary of the date of
1221    enrollment in the health maintenance organization within 10 days
1222    after receiving notification of enrollment approval from the
1223    United States Department of Health and Human Services, Health
1224    Care Financing Administration. When a Medicare beneficiary who
1225    is a subscriber of the health maintenance organization requests
1226    disenrollment from the organization, the organization shall mail
1227    or deliver to the beneficiary notice of the effective date of
1228    the disenrollment within 10 days after receipt of the written
1229    disenrollment request. The health maintenance organization shall
1230    forward the disenrollment request to the United States
1231    Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing
1232    Administration, in a timely manner so as to effectuate the next
1233    available disenrollment date, as prescribed by such federal
1234    agency.
1235          (b) The health maintenance contract, certificate, or
1236    member handbook shall be delivered to the subscriber no later
1237    than the earlier of 10 working days after the health maintenance
1238    organization and the Health Care Financing Administration of the
1239    United States Department of Health and Human Services approve
1240    the subscriber's enrollment application or the effective date of
1241    coverage of the subscriber under the health maintenance
1242    contract. However, if notice from the Health Care Financing
1243    Administration of its approval of the subscriber's enrollment
1244    application is received by the health maintenance organization
1245    after the effective coverage date prescribed by the Health Care
1246    Financing Administration, the health maintenance organization
1247    shall deliver the contract, certificate, or member handbook to
1248    the subscriber within 10 days after receiving such notice. When
1249    a Medicare recipient is enrolled in a health maintenance
1250    organization program, the contract, certificate, or member
1251    handbook shall be accompanied by a health maintenance
1252    organization identification sticker with instruction to the
1253    Medicare beneficiary to place the sticker on the Medicare
1254    identification card.
1255          (15)(14)Whenever a subscriber of a health maintenance
1256    organization is also a Medicaid recipient, the health
1257    maintenance organization's coverage shall be primary to the
1258    recipient's Medicaid benefits and the organization shall be a
1259    third party subject to the provisions of s. 409.910(4).
1260          (16)(15)(a) All health maintenance contracts,
1261    certificates, and member handbooks shall contain the following
1262    provision:
1264          "Grace Period: This contract has a (insert a number not
1265    less than 10) day grace period. This provision means that if any
1266    required premium is not paid on or before the date it is due, it
1267    may be paid during the following grace period. During the grace
1268    period, the contract will stay in force."
1270          (b) The required provision of paragraph (a) shall not
1271    apply to certificates or member handbooks delivered to
1272    individual subscribers under a group health maintenance contract
1273    when the employer or other person who will hold the contract on
1274    behalf of the subscriber group pays the entire premium for the
1275    individual subscribers. However, such required provision shall
1276    apply to the group health maintenance contract.
1277          (17)(16)The contracts must clearly disclose the intent of
1278    the health maintenance organization as to the applicability or
1279    nonapplicability of coverage to preexisting conditions. If
1280    coverage of the contract is not to be applicable to preexisting
1281    conditions, the contract shall specify, in substance, that
1282    coverage pertains solely to accidental bodily injuries resulting
1283    from accidents occurring after the effective date of coverage
1284    and that sicknesses are limited to those which first manifest
1285    themselves subsequent to the effective date of coverage.
1286          (17) All health maintenance contracts that provide
1287    coverage for a member of the family of the subscriber, shall, as
1288    to such family member's coverage, provide that coverage,
1289    benefits, or services applicable for children shall be provided
1290    with respect to an adopted child of the subscriber, which child
1291    is placed in compliance with chapter 63, from the moment of
1292    placement in the residence of the subscriber. Such contracts may
1293    not exclude coverage for any preexisting condition of the child.
1294    In the case of a newborn child, coverage shall begin from the
1295    moment of birth if a written agreement to adopt such child has
1296    been entered into by the subscriber prior to the birth of the
1297    child, whether or not such agreement is enforceable. However,
1298    coverage for such child shall not be required in the event that
1299    the child is not ultimately placed in the residence of the
1300    subscriber in compliance with chapter 63.
1301          Section 17. Section 641.3101, Florida Statutes, is amended
1302    to read:
1303          641.3101 Additional contract contents.--
1304          (1)A health maintenance contract may contain additional
1305    provisions not inconsistent with this part which are:
1306          (a)(1)Necessary, on account of the manner in which the
1307    organization is constituted or operated, in order to state the
1308    rights and obligations of the parties to the contract; or
1309          (b)(2)Desired by the organization and neither prohibited
1310    by law nor in conflict with any provisions required to be
1311    included therein.
1312          (2) A health maintenance contract that uses a specific
1313    methodology for payment of claims shall comply with s. 627.6044.
1314          Section 18. Section 641.31075, Florida Statutes, is
1315    created to read:
1316          641.31075 Replacement.--
1317          (1) Any health maintenance organization that is replacing
1318    any other group health coverage with its group health
1319    maintenance coverage shall comply with s. 627.666.
1320          (2) Any health maintenance organization that is replacing
1321    any other individual health coverage with its individual health
1322    maintenance coverage shall comply with s. 627.6045.
1323          Section 19. Subsection (1) of section 641.3111, Florida
1324    Statutes, is amended to read:
1325          641.3111 Extension of benefits.--
1326          (1) Every group health maintenance contract shall provide
1327    that termination of the contract shall be without prejudice to
1328    any continuous loss which commenced while the contract was in
1329    force, but any extension of benefits beyond the period the
1330    contract was in force may be predicated upon the continuous
1331    total disability of the subscriber and may be limited to payment
1332    for the treatment of a specific accident or illness incurred
1333    while the subscriber was a member. The extension is required
1334    regardless of whether the group contract holder or other entity
1335    secures replacement coverage from a new insurer or health
1336    maintenance organization or foregoes the provision of coverage.
1337    The required provision must provide for continuation of contract
1338    benefits in connection with the treatment of a specific accident
1339    or illness incurred while the contract was in effect.Such
1340    extension of benefits may be limited to the occurrence of the
1341    earliest of the following events:
1342          (a) The expiration of 12 months.
1343          (b) Such time as the member is no longer totally disabled.
1344          (c) A succeeding carrier elects to provide replacement
1345    coverage without limitation as to the disability condition.
1346          (d) The maximum benefits payable under the contract have
1347    been paid.
1348          Section 20. Subsection (15) is added to section 641.3903,
1349    Florida Statutes, to read:
1350          641.3903 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or
1351    deceptive acts or practices defined.--The following are defined
1352    as unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or
1353    practices:
1354          (15) MANDATORY ARBITRATION.--For a managed care provider
1355    or prepaid limited health service organization, issuing a
1356    contract or service agreement which requires the submission of
1357    disputes between the parties to the contract or service
1358    agreement to arbitration.
1359          Section 21. Subsection (9) is added to section 641.441,
1360    Florida Statutes, to read:
1361          641.441 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or
1362    deceptive acts or practices defined.--The following are defined
1363    as unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or
1364    practices:
1365          (9)_MANDATORY ARBITRATION.--For a prepaid health clinic,
1366    issuing a policy or a contract which requires the submission of
1367    disputes between the parties to the policy or contract to
1368    arbitration.
1369          Section 22. Subsection (4) of section 627.651, Florida
1370    Statutes, is amended to read:
1371          627.651 Group contracts and plans of self-insurance must
1372    meet group requirements.--
1373          (4) This section does not apply to any plan which is
1374    established or maintained by an individual employer in
1375    accordance with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
1376    1974, Pub. L. No. 93-406, or to a multiple-employer welfare
1377    arrangement as defined in s. 624.437(1), except that a multiple-
1378    employer welfare arrangement shall comply with ss. 627.419,
1379    627.657, 627.6575, 627.6578, 627.6579, 627.6612, 627.66121,
1380    627.66122, 627.6615, 627.6616, and 627.662(8)(7). This
1381    subsection does not allow an authorized insurer to issue a group
1382    health insurance policy or certificate which does not comply
1383    with this part.
1384          Section 23. Subsection (1) of section 641.2018, Florida
1385    Statutes, is amended to read:
1386          641.2018 Limited coverage for home health care
1387    authorized.--
1388          (1) Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter, a
1389    health maintenance organization may issue a contract that limits
1390    coverage to home health care services only. The organization and
1391    the contract shall be subject to all of the requirements of this
1392    part that do not require or otherwise apply to specific benefits
1393    other than home care services. To this extent, all of the
1394    requirements of this part apply to any organization or contract
1395    that limits coverage to home care services, except the
1396    requirements for providing comprehensive health care services as
1397    provided in ss. 641.19(4), (12), and (13), and 641.31(1), except
1398    ss. 641.31(9),(13)(12), (17),(18), (19), (20), (21), and (24)
1399    and 641.31095.
1400          Section 24. Section 641.3107, Florida Statutes, is amended
1401    to read:
1402          641.3107 Delivery of contract.--Unless delivered upon
1403    execution or issuance, a health maintenance contract,
1404    certificate of coverage, or member handbook shall be mailed or
1405    delivered to the subscriber or, in the case of a group health
1406    maintenance contract, to the employer or other person who will
1407    hold the contract on behalf of the subscriber group within 10
1408    working days from approval of the enrollment form by the health
1409    maintenance organization or by the effective date of coverage,
1410    whichever occurs first. However, if the employer or other person
1411    who will hold the contract on behalf of the subscriber group
1412    requires retroactive enrollment of a subscriber, the
1413    organization shall deliver the contract, certificate, or member
1414    handbook to the subscriber within 10 days after receiving notice
1415    from the employer of the retroactive enrollment. This section
1416    does not apply to the delivery of those contracts specified in
1417    s. 641.31(14)(13).
1418          Section 25. Subsection (4) of section 641.513, Florida
1419    Statutes, is amended to read:
1420          641.513 Requirements for providing emergency services and
1421    care.--
1422          (4) A subscriber may be charged a reasonable copayment, as
1423    provided in s. 641.31(13)(12), for the use of an emergency room.
1424          Such reimbursement shall be net of any applicable copayment
1425    authorized pursuant to this subsection.
1426          Section 26. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
1427    law.