HB 0739 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to succession to the office of Governor;
3    amending s. 14.055, F.S.; revising provisions relating to
4    succession to the office of Governor; reenacting s.
5    14.056, F.S., relating to succession as Acting Governor,
6    to provide for the same amendments to succession in office
7    as provided for succession to the office of Governor;
8    providing an effective date.
10          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
12          Section 1. Section 14.055, Florida Statutes, is amended to
13    read:
14          14.055 Succession to office of Governor.--Upon vacancy in
15    the office of Governor, the Lieutenant Governor shall become
16    Governor. Upon vacancy in the office of Governor and in the
17    office of Lieutenant Governor, the Secretary of State shall
18    become Governor; or if the office of Secretary of State be
19    vacant, then theAttorney General shall become Governor; or if
20    the office of Attorney General be vacant, then the Chief
21    Financial OfficerComptrollershall become Governor; or if the
22    office of Chief Financial OfficerComptrollerbe vacant, then
23    the Treasurer shall become Governor; or if the office of
24    Treasurer be vacant, then the Commissioner of Education shall
25    become Governor; or if the office of Commissioner of Education
26    be vacant, then theCommissioner of Agriculture shall become
27    Governor. A successor under this section shall serve for the
28    remainder of the term and shall receive all the rights,
29    privileges,and emoluments of the Governor. In case a vacancy
30    shall occur in the office of Governor and provision is not made
31    herein for filling such vacancy, then the Speaker of the House
32    and the President of the Senate shall convene the Legislature by
33    joint proclamation within 15 days for the purpose of choosing a
34    person to serve as Governor for the remainder of the term. A
35    successor shall be elected by a majority vote in a joint session
36    of both houses.
37          Section 2. For the purpose of incorporating an amendment
38    to section 14.055, Florida Statutes, section 14.056, Florida
39    Statutes, is reenacted to read:
40          14.056 Succession as Acting Governor.--Upon impeachment of
41    the Governor and until completion of trial thereof, or during
42    the Governor's physical or mental incapacity, the Lieutenant
43    Governor shall become Acting Governor. Upon impeachment or
44    physical or mental incapacity of an Acting Governor, or upon
45    vacancy in the office of the person serving as Acting Governor,
46    the powers and duties of Acting Governor shall devolve upon the
47    same officer as in the case of vacancy in the office of
48    Governor. A successor shall serve until the disability of either
49    the Lieutenant Governor or Governor ceases. Incapacity and
50    restoration of capacity to serve as Acting Governor shall be
51    determined in the same manner as in making such determinations
52    for Governor. In any case in which succession as Acting Governor
53    is not provided herein, the Speaker of the House and the
54    President of the Senate shall convene the Legislature by joint
55    proclamation within 15 days for the purpose of choosing a person
56    to serve as Acting Governor. Such person shall be elected by a
57    majority vote in a joint session of both houses.
58          Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.