HB 0817 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to Hillsborough County; providing for the
3    relief of James T. Edwards; providing for an appropriation
4    to compensate him for injuries suffered as a result of the
5    negligence of Hillsborough County; providing an effective
6    date.
8          WHEREAS, in an incident occurring on May 31, 1997, James T.
9    Edwards was severely and permanently injured as a result of the
10    negligence of Hillsborough County, in that the county failed to
11    immobilize James T. Edwards' head, neck, and spine while
12    transporting him to the hospital, and
13          WHEREAS, as a result of that negligence, James T. Edwards
14    sustained injuries to his spinal cord which have resulted in
15    complete and permanent paralysis to his legs, and
16          WHEREAS, James T. Edwards instituted a lawsuit against
17    Hillsborough County as a result of such injuries, which lawsuit
18    was scheduled to be tried beginning August 5, 2002, and
19          WHEREAS, before commencement of the trial, James T. Edwards
20    and Hillsborough County entered into a settlement agreement in
21    the amount of $2,500,000 under which the county would pay to
22    Edwards $100,000 and support the passage of a claim bill to
23    provide for payment of the balance of the settlement amount,
26          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
28          Section 1. The facts stated in the preamble to this act
29    are found and declared to be true.
30          Section 2. The Hillsborough County Board of County
31    Commissioners is authorized and directed to appropriate from
32    funds of the county not otherwise appropriated and to draw a
33    warrant in the sum of $2,400,000, which amount includes
34    statutory attorney's fees and costs, payable to James T. Edwards
35    as compensation for injuries suffered as a result of the
36    negligence of Hillsborough County.
37          Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.