HB 0847 2003
6          The Committee on Procedures recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
10 A bill to be entitled
11          An act relating to violations of citizens' right to honest
12    government; providing a popular name; amending s. 16.56,
13    F.S.; authorizing the Office of Statewide Prosecution to
14    prosecute violations of ch. 838, F.S.; amending s.
15    838.014, F.S.; revising, providing, and deleting
16    definitions; amending s. 838.015, F.S.; revising the
17    definition of "bribery" and increasing the penalty
18    therefor; amending s. 838.016, F.S.; increasing the
19    penalty for unlawful compensation for official behavior;
20    creating ss. 838.022, 838.20, 838.21, 838.22, and 838.23,
21    F.S.; providing criminal penalties for official
22    misconduct, criminal misuse of official position,
23    disclosure or use of confidential criminal justice
24    information, and bid tampering; providing definitions;
25    providing status of confidential informants and
26    confidential sources; amending s. 837.02, F.S.; providing
27    a criminal penalty for perjury in an official proceeding
28    by a public servant; amending s. 905.34, F.S.; expanding
29    the jurisdiction of the statewide grand jury to include
30    violations of ch. 838, F.S.; amending s. 921.0022, F.S.;
31    deleting specified felonies from and adding specified
32    felonies to the Criminal Punishment Code offense severity
33    ranking chart; repealing s. 838.15, F.S., relating to
34    commercial bribe receiving; repealing s. 838.16, F.S.,
35    relating to commercial bribery; repealing s. 839.25, F.S.,
36    relating to official misconduct; amending ss. 112.3173,
37    112.534, 117.01, and 121.091, F.S.; deleting and
38    conforming cross references to changes made by the act;
39    providing an effective date.
41          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
43          Section 1. This act may be known by the popular name the
44    "Citizens' Right to Honest Government Act."
45          Section 2. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
46    16.56, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
47          16.56 Office of Statewide Prosecution.--
48          (1) There is created in the Department of Legal Affairs an
49    Office of Statewide Prosecution. The office shall be a separate
50    "budget entity" as that term is defined in chapter 216. The
51    office may:
52          (a) Investigate and prosecute the offenses of:
53          1. Bribery, any violation of chapter 838,burglary,
54    criminal usury, extortion, gambling, kidnapping, larceny,
55    murder, prostitution, perjury, robbery, carjacking, and home-
56    invasion robbery;
57          2. Any crime involving narcotic or other dangerous drugs;
58          3. Any violation of the provisions of the Florida RICO
59    (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization) Act, including
60    any offense listed in the definition of racketeering activity in
61    s. 895.02(1)(a), providing such listed offense is investigated
62    in connection with a violation of s. 895.03 and is charged in a
63    separate count of an information or indictment containing a
64    count charging a violation of s. 895.03, the prosecution of
65    which listed offense may continue independently if the
66    prosecution of the violation of s. 895.03 is terminated for any
67    reason;
68          4. Any violation of the provisions of the Florida Anti-
69    Fencing Act;
70          5. Any violation of the provisions of the Florida
71    Antitrust Act of 1980, as amended;
72          6. Any crime involving, or resulting in, fraud or deceit
73    upon any person;
74          7. Any violation of s. 847.0135, relating to computer
75    pornography and child exploitation prevention, or any offense
76    related to a violation of s. 847.0135; or
77          8. Any violation of the provisions of chapter 815;
79          or any attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit any of the
80    crimes specifically enumerated above. The office shall have
81    such power only when any such offense is occurring, or has
82    occurred, in two or more judicial circuits as part of a related
83    transaction, or when any such offense is connected with an
84    organized criminal conspiracy affecting two or more judicial
85    circuits.
86          Section 3. Section 838.014, Florida Statutes, is amended
87    to read:
88          838.014 Definitions.--As used inFor the purposes ofthis
89    chapter, the termunless a different meaning plainly is
90    required:
91          (1) "Benefit" means gain or advantage, or anything
92    regarded by the person to be benefited as a gain or advantage,
93    including the doing of an act beneficial to any person in whose
94    welfare he or she is interested, including any commission, gift,
95    gratuity, property, commercial interest, or any other thing of
96    economic value not authorized by law.
97          (2) "Bid" includes a response to an "invitation to bid,"
98    "invitation to negotiate," "request for a quote," or "request
99    for proposals" as those terms are defined in s. 287.012.
100          (3) "Commodity" means any goods, merchandise, wares,
101    produce, chose in action, land, article of commerce, or other
102    tangible or intangible property, real, personal, or mixed, for
103    use, consumption, production, enjoyment, or resale.
104          (4) "Corruptly" or "with corrupt intent" means acting
105    knowingly and dishonestly for a wrongful purpose.
106          (5) "Harm" means pecuniary or other loss, disadvantage, or
107    injury to the person affected.
108          (6) "Public servant" means:
109          (a) Any officer or employee of a state, county, municipal,
110    or special district agency or entity;
111          (b) Any legislative or judicial officer or employee;
112          (c) Any person, except a witness, who acts as a master,
113    receiver, auditor, arbitrator, umpire, referee, consultant, or
114    hearing officer while performing a governmental function; or
115          (d) A candidate for election or appointment to any of the
116    positions listed in this subsection, or an individual who has
117    been elected to, but has yet to officially assume the
118    responsibilities of, public office.
119          (7) "Service" means any kind of activity performed in
120    whole or in part for economic benefit.
121          (2) "Pecuniary benefit" is benefit in the form of any
122    commission, gift, gratuity, property, commercial interest, or
123    any other thing of economic value.
124          (3) "Harm" means loss, disadvantage, or injury to the
125    person affected, including loss, disadvantage, or injury to any
126    other person in whose welfare he or she is interested.
127          (4) "Public servant" means any public officer, agent, or
128    employee of government, whether elected or appointed, including,
129    but not limited to, any executive, legislative, or judicial
130    officer; any person who holds an office or position in a
131    political party or political party committee, whether elected or
132    appointed; and any person participating as a special master,
133    receiver, auditor, juror, arbitrator, umpire, referee,
134    consultant, administrative law judge, hearing officer, or
135    hearing examiner, or person acting on behalf of any of these, in
136    performing a governmental function; but the term does not
137    include witnesses. Such term shall include a candidate for
138    election or appointment to any such office, including any
139    individual who seeks or intends to occupy any such office. It
140    shall include any person appointed to any of the foregoing
141    offices or employments before and after he or she qualifies.
142          (5) "Government" includes the state government and any
143    city or county government or any branch, political subdivision,
144    or agency of the state, county, or city government.
145          (6) "Corruptly" means done with a wrongful intent and for
146    the purpose of obtaining or compensating or receiving
147    compensation for any benefit resulting from some act or omission
148    of a public servant which is inconsistent with the proper
149    performance of his or her public duties.
150          Section 4. Subsections (1) and (3) of section 838.015,
151    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
152          838.015 Bribery.--
153          (1) "Bribery" means corruptly to give, offer, or promise
154    to any public servant, or, if a public servant, corruptly to
155    request, solicit, accept, or agree to accept for himself or
156    herself or another, any pecuniary or other benefit not
157    authorized by lawwith an intent or purpose to influence the
158    performance of any act or omission which the person believes to
159    be, or the public servant represents as being, within the
160    official discretion of a public servant, in violation of a
161    public duty, or in performance of a public duty.
162          (3) Any person who commits bribery commitsis guilty ofa
163    felony of the secondthirddegree, punishable as provided in s.
164    775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
165          Section 5. Subsection (4) of section 838.016, Florida
166    Statutes, is amended to read:
167          838.016 Unlawful compensation or reward for official
168    behavior.--
169          (4) Whoever violates the provisions of this section
170    commitsshall be guilty of a felony of the secondthirddegree,
171    punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
172          Section 6. Sections 838.022, 838.20, 838.21, 838.22, and
173    838.23, Florida Statutes, are created to read:
174          838.022 Official misconduct.--
175          (1) It is unlawful for a public servant, with corrupt
176    intent to obtain a benefit for any person or to cause harm to
177    another, to:
178          (a) Falsify, or cause another person to falsify, any
179    official record or official document;
180          (b) Conceal, cover up, destroy, mutilate, or alter any
181    official record or official document or cause another person to
182    perform such an act; or
183          (c) Obstruct, delay, or prevent the communication of
184    information relating to the commission of a felony that directly
185    involves or affects the public agency or public entity served by
186    the public servant.
187          (2) For the purposes of this section:
188          (a) The term "public servant" does not include a candidate
189    who does not otherwise qualify as a public servant.
190          (b) An official record or official document includes only
191    public records.
192          (3) Any person who violates this section commits a felony
193    of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.
194    775.083, or s. 775.084.
195          838.20 Criminal misuse of official position.--
196          (1) It is unlawful for any public officer or public
197    employee to corruptly use or attempt to use his or her official
198    position, or any public property or public resource that is
199    within his or her trust, to establish any business relationship
200    between the public officer's or public employee's own agency and
201    any business entity in which the public officer or public
202    employee receives or has an expectation of receiving a benefit.
203          (2) Any person who violates this section commits a felony
204    of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.
205    775.083, or s. 775.084.
206          838.21 Disclosure or use of confidential criminal justice
207    information.--It is unlawful for a public servant, with intent
208    to obstruct, impede, or prevent a criminal investigation or a
209    criminal prosecution, to disclose active criminal investigative
210    or intelligence information as defined in chapter 119 or to
211    disclose or use information regarding either the efforts to
212    secure or the issuance of a warrant, subpoena, or other court
213    process or court order relating to a criminal investigation or
214    criminal prosecution when such information is not available to
215    the general public and is gained by reason of the public
216    servant's official position. Any person who violates this
217    section commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as
218    provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
219          838.22 Bid tampering.--
220          (1) It is unlawful for a public servant, with corrupt
221    intent to influence or attempt to influence the competitive
222    bidding process undertaken by any state, county, municipal, or
223    special district agency, or any other public entity, for the
224    procurement of commodities or services, to:
225          (a) Disclose material information concerning a bid or
226    other aspects of the competitive bidding process when such
227    information is not publicly disclosed.
228          (b) Alter or amend a submitted bid, documents or other
229    materials supporting a submitted bid, or bid results for the
230    purpose of intentionally providing a competitive advantage to
231    any person who submits a bid.
232          (2) It is unlawful for a public servant, with corrupt
233    intent to obtain a benefit for any person or to cause unlawful
234    harm to another, to circumvent a competitive bidding process
235    required by law or rule by using a sole-source contract for
236    commodities or services.
237          (3) It is unlawful for any person to knowingly agree,
238    conspire, combine, or confederate, directly or indirectly, with
239    a public servant to violate subsection (1) or subsection (2).
240          (4) It is unlawful for any person to knowingly enter into
241    a contract for commodities or services which was secured by a
242    public servant acting in violation of subsection (1) or
243    subsection (2).
244          (5) Any person who violates this section commits a felony
245    of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.
246    775.083, or s. 775.084.
247          838.23 Status of confidential informants and confidential
248    sources.--A person who provides information regarding suspected
249    criminal violations committed by a public servant as defined in
250    s. 838.014 shall be considered a confidential informant or
251    confidential source pursuant to s. 119.07(3)(c).
252          Section 7. Section 837.02, Florida Statutes, is amended to
253    read:
254          837.02 Perjury in official proceedings.--
255          (1) Except as provided in subsectionssubsection (2) and
256    (3), whoever makes a false statement, which he or she does not
257    believe to be true, under oath in an official proceeding in
258    regard to any material matter, commits a felony of the third
259    degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.
260    775.084.
261          (2) Whoever makes a false statement, which he or she does
262    not believe to be true, under oath in an official proceeding
263    that relates to the prosecution of a capital felony, commits a
264    felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s.
265    775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
266          (3) Any public servant, as defined in s. 838.014, who
267    gives false testimony, which he or she does not believe to be
268    true, under oath in an official proceeding in regard to any
269    material matter that relates to his or her duties or actions as
270    a public servant commits a felony of the second degree,
271    punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
272          (4)(3)Knowledge of the materiality of the statement is
273    not an element of the crime of perjury under subsection (1),or
274    subsection (2), or subsection (3)and the defendant's mistaken
275    belief that the statement was not material is not a defense.
276          Section 8. Subsection (1) of section 905.34, Florida
277    Statutes, is amended to read:
278          905.34 Powers and duties; law applicable.--The
279    jurisdiction of a statewide grand jury impaneled under this
280    chapter shall extend throughout the state. The subject matter
281    jurisdiction of the statewide grand jury shall be limited to the
282    offenses of:
283          (1) Bribery, any violation of chapter 838,burglary,
284    carjacking, home-invasion robbery, criminal usury, extortion,
285    gambling, kidnapping, larceny, murder, prostitution, perjury,
286    and robbery;
288          or any attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit any
289    violation of the crimes specifically enumerated above, when any
290    such offense is occurring, or has occurred, in two or more
291    judicial circuits as part of a related transaction or when any
292    such offense is connected with an organized criminal conspiracy
293    affecting two or more judicial circuits. The statewide grand
294    jury may return indictments and presentments irrespective of the
295    county or judicial circuit where the offense is committed or
296    triable. If an indictment is returned, it shall be certified
297    and transferred for trial to the county where the offense was
298    committed. The powers and duties of, and law applicable to,
299    county grand juries shall apply to a statewide grand jury except
300    when such powers, duties, and law are inconsistent with the
301    provisions of ss. 905.31-905.40.
302          Section 9. Paragraphs (a), (f), and (g) of subsection (3)
303    of section 921.0022, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
304          921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity
305    ranking chart.--
(a) LEVEL 1
24.118(3)(a)3rdCounterfeit or altered state lottery ticket.
212.054(2)(b)3rdDiscretionary sales surtax; limitations, administration, and collection.
212.15(2)(b)3rdFailure to remit sales taxes, amount greater than $300 but less than $20,000.
319.30(5)3rdSell, exchange, give away certificate of title or identification number plate.
319.35(1)(a)3rdTamper, adjust, change, etc., an odometer.
320.26(1)(a)3rdCounterfeit, manufacture, or sell registration license plates or validation stickers.
322.212(1)(a)-(c)3rdPossession of forged, stolen, counterfeit, or unlawfully issued driver's license; possession of simulated identification.
322.212(4)3rdSupply or aid in supplying unauthorized driver's license or identification card.
322.212(5)(a)3rdFalse application for driver's license or identification card.
370.13(3)(a) 3rdMolest any stone crab trap, line, or buoy which is property of licenseholder.
370.135(1)3rdMolest any blue crab trap, line, or buoy which is property of licenseholder.
372.663(1)3rdPoach any alligator or crocodilia.
414.39(2)3rdUnauthorized use, possession, forgery, or alteration of food stamps, Medicaid ID, value greater than $200.
414.39(3)(a)3rdFraudulent misappropriation of public assistance funds by employee/official, value more than $200.
443.071(1)3rdFalse statement or representation to obtain or increase unemployment compensation benefits.
509.151(1)3rdDefraud an innkeeper, food or lodging value greater than $300.
517.302(1)3rdViolation of the Florida Securities and Investor Protection Act.
562.27(1)3rdPossess still or still apparatus.
713.693rdTenant removes property upon which lien has accrued, value more than $50.
812.014(3)(c)3rdPetit theft (3rd conviction); theft of any property not specified in subsection (2).
812.081(2)3rdUnlawfully makes or causes to be made a reproduction of a trade secret.
815.04(4)(a)3rdOffense against intellectual property (i.e., computer programs, data).
817.52(2)3rdHiring with intent to defraud, motor vehicle services.
817.569(2)3rdUse of public record or public records information to facilitate commission of a felony.
828.122(3)3rdFighting or baiting animals.
831.04(1)3rdAny erasure, alteration, etc., of any replacement deed, map, plat, or other document listed in s. 92.28.
831.31(1)(a)3rdSell, deliver, or possess counterfeit controlled substances, all but s. 893.03(5) drugs.
832.041(1)3rdStopping payment with intent to defraud $150 or more.
832.05(2)(b)& (4)(c)3rdKnowing, making, issuing worthless checks $150 or more or obtaining property in return for worthless check $150 or more.
838.016(1)3rdPublic servant receiving unlawful compensation.
838.15(2)3rdCommercial bribe receiving.
838.163rdCommercial bribery.
843.183rdFleeing by boat to elude a law enforcement officer.
847.011(1)(a)3rdSell, distribute, etc., obscene, lewd, etc., material (2nd conviction).
849.013rdKeeping gambling house.
849.09(1)(a)-(d)3rdLottery; set up, promote, etc., or assist therein, conduct or advertise drawing for prizes, or dispose of property or money by means of lottery.
849.233rdGambling-related machines; "common offender" as to property rights.
849.25(2)3rdEngaging in bookmaking.
860.083rdInterfere with a railroad signal.
860.13(1)(a)3rdOperate aircraft while under the influence.
893.13(2)(a)2.3rdPurchase of cannabis.
893.13(6)(a)3rdPossession of cannabis (more than 20 grams).
934.03(1)(a)3rdIntercepts, or procures any other person to intercept, any wire or oral communication.
(f) LEVEL 6
316.027(1)(b)2ndAccident involving death, failure to stop; leaving scene.
316.193(2)(b)3rdFelony DUI, 4th or subsequent conviction.
775.0875(1)3rdTaking firearm from law enforcement officer.
775.21(10)3rdSexual predators; failure to register; failure to renew driver's license or identification card.
784.021(1)(a)3rdAggravated assault; deadly weapon without intent to kill.
784.021(1)(b)3rdAggravated assault; intent to commit felony.
784.0413rdFelony battery.
784.048(3)3rdAggravated stalking; credible threat.
784.048(5)3rdAggravated stalking of person under 16.
784.07(2)(c)2ndAggravated assault on law enforcement officer.
784.074(1)(b)2ndAggravated assault on sexually violent predators facility staff.
784.08(2)(b)2ndAggravated assault on a person 65 years of age or older.
784.081(2)2ndAggravated assault on specified official or employee.
784.082(2)2ndAggravated assault by detained person on visitor or other detainee.
784.083(2)2ndAggravated assault on code inspector.
787.02(2)3rdFalse imprisonment; restraining with purpose other than those in s. 787.01.
790.115(2)(d)2ndDischarging firearm or weapon on school property.
790.161(2)2ndMake, possess, or throw destructive device with intent to do bodily harm or damage property.
790.164(1)2ndFalse report of deadly explosive, weapon of mass destruction, or act of arson or violence to state property.
790.192ndShooting or throwing deadly missiles into dwellings, vessels, or vehicles.
794.011(8)(a)3rdSolicitation of minor to participate in sexual activity by custodial adult.
794.05(1)2ndUnlawful sexual activity with specified minor.
800.04(5)(d)3rdLewd or lascivious molestation; victim 12 years of age or older but less than 16 years; offender less than 18 years.
800.04(6)(b)2ndLewd or lascivious conduct; offender 18 years of age or older.
806.031(2)2ndArson resulting in great bodily harm to firefighter or any other person.
810.02(3)(c)2ndBurglary of occupied structure; unarmed; no assault or battery.
812.014(2)(b)1.2ndProperty stolen $20,000 or more, but less than $100,000, grand theft in 2nd degree.
812.014(2)(b)2.2ndProperty stolen; cargo valued at less than $50,000, grand theft in 2nd degree.
812.015(9)2ndRetail theft; property stolen $300 or more; second or subsequent conviction.
812.13(2)(c)2ndRobbery, no firearm or other weapon (strong-arm robbery).
817.034(4)(a)1.1stCommunications fraud, value greater than $50,000.
817.4821(5)2ndPossess cloning paraphernalia with intent to create cloned cellular telephones.
825.102(1)3rdAbuse of an elderly person or disabled adult.
825.102(3)(c)3rdNeglect of an elderly person or disabled adult.
825.1025(3)3rdLewd or lascivious molestation of an elderly person or disabled adult.
825.103(2)(c)3rdExploiting an elderly person or disabled adult and property is valued at less than $20,000.
827.03(1)3rdAbuse of a child.
827.03(3)(c)3rdNeglect of a child.
827.071(2)&(3)2ndUse or induce a child in a sexual performance, or promote or direct such performance.
836.052ndThreats; extortion.
838.213rdDisclosure or use of confidential criminal justice information.
843.123rdAids or assists person to escape.
847.0135(3)3rdSolicitation of a child, via a computer service, to commit an unlawful sex act.
914.232ndRetaliation against a witness, victim, or informant, with bodily injury.
943.0435(9)3rdSex offenders; failure to comply with reporting requirements.
944.35(3)(a)2.3rdCommitting malicious battery upon or inflicting cruel or inhuman treatment on an inmate or offender on community supervision, resulting in great bodily harm.
944.463rdHarboring, concealing, aiding escaped prisoners.
944.47(1)(a)5.2ndIntroduction of contraband (firearm, weapon, or explosive) into correctional facility.
951.22(1)3rdIntoxicating drug, firearm, or weapon introduced into county facility.
(g) LEVEL 7
316.193(3)(c)2.3rdDUI resulting in serious bodily injury.
327.35(3)(c)2.3rdVessel BUI resulting in serious bodily injury.
402.319(2)2ndMisrepresentation and negligence or intentional act resulting in great bodily harm, permanent disfiguration, permanent disability, or death.
409.920(2)3rdMedicaid provider fraud.
456.065(2)3rdPracticing a health care profession without a license.
456.065(2)2ndPracticing a health care profession without a license which results in serious bodily injury.
458.327(1)3rdPracticing medicine without a license.
459.013(1)3rdPracticing osteopathic medicine without a license.
460.411(1)3rdPracticing chiropractic medicine without a license.
461.012(1)3rdPracticing podiatric medicine without a license.
462.173rdPracticing naturopathy without a license.
463.015(1)3rdPracticing optometry without a license.
464.016(1)3rdPracticing nursing without a license.
465.015(2)3rdPracticing pharmacy without a license.
466.026(1)3rdPracticing dentistry or dental hygiene without a license.
467.2013rdPracticing midwifery without a license.
468.3663rdDelivering respiratory care services without a license.
483.828(1)3rdPracticing as clinical laboratory personnel without a license.
483.901(9)3rdPracticing medical physics without a license.
484.013(1)(c)3rdPreparing or dispensing optical devices without a prescription.
484.0533rdDispensing hearing aids without a license.
494.0018(2)1stConviction of any violation of ss. 494.001-494.0077 in which the total money and property unlawfully obtained exceeded $50,000 and there were five or more victims.
560.123(8)(b)1.3rdFailure to report currency or payment instruments exceeding $300 but less than $20,000 by money transmitter.
560.125(5)(a)3rdMoney transmitter business by unauthorized person, currency or payment instruments exceeding $300 but less than $20,000.
655.50(10)(b)1.3rdFailure to report financial transactions exceeding $300 but less than $20,000 by financial institution.
782.051(3)2ndAttempted felony murder of a person by a person other than the perpetrator or the perpetrator of an attempted felony.
782.07(1)2ndKilling of a human being by the act, procurement, or culpable negligence of another (manslaughter).
782.0712ndKilling of human being or viable fetus by the operation of a motor vehicle in a reckless manner (vehicular homicide).
782.0722ndKilling of a human being by the operation of a vessel in a reckless manner (vessel homicide).
784.045(1)(a)1.2ndAggravated battery; intentionally causing great bodily harm or disfigurement.
784.045(1)(a)2.2ndAggravated battery; using deadly weapon.
784.045(1)(b)2ndAggravated battery; perpetrator aware victim pregnant.
784.048(4)3rdAggravated stalking; violation of injunction or court order.
784.07(2)(d)1stAggravated battery on law enforcement officer.
784.074(1)(a)1stAggravated battery on sexually violent predators facility staff.
784.08(2)(a)1stAggravated battery on a person 65 years of age or older.
784.081(1)1stAggravated battery on specified official or employee.
784.082(1)1stAggravated battery by detained person on visitor or other detainee.
784.083(1)1stAggravated battery on code inspector.
790.07(4)1stSpecified weapons violation subsequent to previous conviction of s. 790.07(1) or (2).
790.16(1)1stDischarge of a machine gun under specified circumstances.
790.165(2)2ndManufacture, sell, possess, or deliver hoax bomb.
790.165(3)2ndPossessing, displaying, or threatening to use any hoax bomb while committing or attempting to commit a felony.
790.166(3)2ndPossessing, selling, using, or attempting to use a hoax weapon of mass destruction.
790.166(4)2ndPossessing, displaying, or threatening to use a hoax weapon of mass destruction while committing or attempting to commit a felony.
796.032ndProcuring any person under 16 years for prostitution.
800.04(5)(c)1.2ndLewd or lascivious molestation; victim less than 12 years of age; offender less than 18 years.
800.04(5)(c)2.2ndLewd or lascivious molestation; victim 12 years of age or older but less than 16 years; offender 18 years or older.
806.01(2)2ndMaliciously damage structure by fire or explosive.
810.02(3)(a)2ndBurglary of occupied dwelling; unarmed; no assault or battery.
810.02(3)(b)2ndBurglary of unoccupied dwelling; unarmed; no assault or battery.
810.02(3)(d)2ndBurglary of occupied conveyance; unarmed; no assault or battery.
812.014(2)(a)1stProperty stolen, valued at $100,000 or more; cargo stolen valued at $50,000 or more; property stolen while causing other property damage; 1st degree grand theft.
812.014(2)(b)3.2ndProperty stolen, emergency medical equipment; 2nd degree grand theft.
812.0145(2)(a)1stTheft from person 65 years of age or older; $50,000 or more.
812.019(2)1stStolen property; initiates, organizes, plans, etc., the theft of property and traffics in stolen property.
812.131(2)(a)2ndRobbery by sudden snatching.
812.133(2)(b)1stCarjacking; no firearm, deadly weapon, or other weapon.
817.234(11)(c)1stInsurance fraud; property value $100,000 or more.
825.102(3)(b)2ndNeglecting an elderly person or disabled adult causing great bodily harm, disability, or disfigurement.
@_@159@_@827.03(3)(b)2ndNeglect of a child causing great bodily harm, disability, or disfigurement.
827.04(3)3rdImpregnation of a child under 16 years of age by person 21 years of age or older.
837.02(3)2ndPerjury by a public servant in an official proceeding.
837.05(2)3rdGiving false information about alleged capital felony to a law enforcement officer.
838.0162ndUnlawful compensation or reward for official behavior.
838.021(3)(a)2ndUnlawful harm to a public servant.
838.0222ndOfficial misconduct.
@_@168@_@838.222ndBid tampering.
872.062ndAbuse of a dead human body.
893.13(1)(c)1.1stSell, manufacture, or deliver cocaine (or other drug prohibited under s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4.) within 1,000 feet of a child care facility or school.
893.13(1)(e)1.1stSell, manufacture, or deliver cocaine or other drug prohibited under s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4., within 1,000 feet of property used for religious services or a specified business site.
893.13(4)(a)1stDeliver to minor cocaine (or other s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c)4. drugs).
893.135(1)(a)1.1stTrafficking in cannabis, more than 25 lbs., less than 2,000 lbs.
893.135(1)(b)1.a.1stTrafficking in cocaine, more than 28 grams, less than 200 grams.
893.135(1)(c)1.a.1stTrafficking in illegal drugs, more than 4 grams, less than 14 grams.
893.135(1)(d)1.1stTrafficking in phencyclidine, more than 28 grams, less than 200 grams.
893.135(1)(e)1.1stTrafficking in methaqualone, more than 200 grams, less than 5 kilograms.
893.135(1)(f)1.1stTrafficking in amphetamine, more than 14 grams, less than 28 grams.
893.135(1)(g)1.a.1stTrafficking in flunitrazepam, 4 grams or more, less than 14 grams.
893.135(1)(h)1.a.1stTrafficking in gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), 1 kilogram or more, less than 5 kilograms.
893.135(1)(j)1.a.1stTrafficking in 1,4-Butanediol, 1 kilogram or more, less than 5 kilograms.
893.135(1)(k)2.a.1stTrafficking in Phenethylamines, 10 grams or more, less than 200 grams.
896.101(5)(a)3rdMoney laundering, financial transactions exceeding $300 but less than $20,000.
896.104(4)(a)1.3rdStructuring transactions to evade reporting or registration requirements, financial transactions exceeding $300 but less than $20,000.
492          Section 10. Sections 838.15, 838.16, and 839.25, Florida
493    Statutes, are repealed.
494          Section 11. Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of section
495    112.3173, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
496          112.3173 Felonies involving breach of public trust and
497    other specified offenses by public officers and employees;
498    forfeiture of retirement benefits.--
499          (2) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, unless the
500    context otherwise requires, the term:
501          (e) "Specified offense" means:
502          1. The committing, aiding, or abetting of an embezzlement
503    of public funds;
504          2. The committing, aiding, or abetting of any theft by a
505    public officer or employee from his or her employer;
506          3. Bribery in connection with the employment of a public
507    officer or employee;
508          4. Any felony specified in chapter 838, except ss. 838.15
509    and 838.16;
510          5. The committing of an impeachable offense; or
511          6. The committing of any felony by a public officer or
512    employee who, willfully and with intent to defraud the public or
513    the public agency for which the public officer or employee acts
514    or in which he or she is employed of the right to receive the
515    faithful performance of his or her duty as a public officer or
516    employee, realizes or obtains, or attempts to realize or obtain,
517    a profit, gain, or advantage for himself or herself or for some
518    other person through the use or attempted use of the power,
519    rights, privileges, duties, or position of his or her public
520    office or employment position.
521          Section 12. Subsection (2) of section 112.534, Florida
522    Statutes, is amended to read:
523          112.534 Failure to comply; official misconduct.--
524          (2) All the provisions of s. 838.022839.25shall apply to
525    this part.
526          Section 13. Paragraph (d) of subsection (4) of section
527    117.01, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
528          117.01 Appointment, application, suspension, revocation,
529    application fee, bond, and oath.--
530          (4) The Governor may suspend a notary public for any of
531    the grounds provided in s. 7, Art. IV of the State Constitution.
532    Grounds constituting malfeasance, misfeasance, or neglect of
533    duty include, but are not limited to, the following:
534          (d) Official misconduct as defined in s. 838.022839.25.
535          Section 14. Paragraph (f) of subsection (5) of section
536    121.091, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
537          121.091 Benefits payable under the system.--Benefits may
538    not be paid under this section unless the member has terminated
539    employment as provided in s. 121.021(39)(a) or begun
540    participation in the Deferred Retirement Option Program as
541    provided in subsection (13), and a proper application has been
542    filed in the manner prescribed by the department. The department
543    may cancel an application for retirement benefits when the
544    member or beneficiary fails to timely provide the information
545    and documents required by this chapter and the department's
546    rules. The department shall adopt rules establishing procedures
547    for application for retirement benefits and for the cancellation
548    of such application when the required information or documents
549    are not received.
550          (5) TERMINATION BENEFITS.--A member whose employment is
551    terminated prior to retirement retains membership rights to
552    previously earned member-noncontributory service credit, and to
553    member-contributory service credit, if the member leaves the
554    member contributions on deposit in his or her retirement
555    account. If a terminated member receives a refund of member
556    contributions, such member may reinstate membership rights to
557    the previously earned service credit represented by the refund
558    by completing 1 year of creditable service and repaying the
559    refunded member contributions, plus interest.
560          (f) Any member who has been found guilty by a verdict of a
561    jury, or by the court trying the case without a jury, of
562    committing, aiding, or abetting any embezzlement or theft from
563    his or her employer, bribery in connection with the employment,
564    or other felony specified in chapter 838, except ss. 838.15 and
565    838.16,committed prior to retirement, or who has entered a plea
566    of guilty or of nolo contendere to such crime, or any member
567    whose employment is terminated by reason of the member's
568    admitted commitment, aiding, or abetting of an embezzlement or
569    theft from his or her employer, bribery, or other felony
570    specified in chapter 838, except ss. 838.15 and 838.16,shall
571    forfeit all rights and benefits under this chapter, except the
572    return of his or her accumulated contributions as of the date of
573    termination.
574          Section 15. This act shall take effect October 1, 2003.