HB 0867 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to phosphate mining; amending s. 378.021,
3    F.S.; authorizing the Department of Environmental
4    Protection to amend the master reclamation plan for
5    nonmandatory reclamation lands; providing additional
6    criteria to be considered when identifying lands mined or
7    disturbed by the severance of phosphate rock; amending s.
8    378.031, F.S.; revising legislative intent to provide
9    economic incentives for nonmandatory land reclamation to
10    include reclaimed lands that provide benefits to certain
11    surface water bodies; amending s. 378.033, F.S.; providing
12    additional responsibilities for the Nonmandatory Land
13    Reclamation Committee; increasing the size of the
14    committee; amending s. 378.207, F.S.; revising the
15    statewide criteria and standards for reclamation
16    activities on mandatory reclamation lands; providing an
17    effective date.
19          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21          Section 1. Section 378.021, Florida Statutes, is amended
22    to read:
23          378.021 Master reclamation plan.--
24          (1) The Department of Environmental ProtectionNatural
25    Resources shall amend theadopt by rule, as expeditiously as
26    possible upon receipt of the report of the Land Use Advisory
27    Committee, a master reclamation plan that providesto provide
28    guidelines for the reclamation of lands mined or disturbed by
29    the severance of phosphate rock prior to July 1, 1975, which
30    lands are not subject to mandatory reclamation under part II of
31    chapter 211. In amending thedeveloping saidmaster reclamation
32    plan, the Department of Environmental ProtectionNatural
33    Resources shall continue toconduct an onsite evaluation of all
34    lands mined or disturbed by the severance of phosphate rock
35    prior to July 1, 1975, which lands are not subject to mandatory
36    reclamation under part II of chapter 211, and shall consider the
37    report and plan prepared by the Land Use Advisory Committee
38    under s. 378.011 and submitted to the former Department of
39    Natural Resources for adoption by rule on or before July 1,
40    1979. The master reclamation plan when amendedadoptedby the
41    Department of Environmental ProtectionNatural Resourcesshall
42    be consistent with local government plans prepared pursuant to
43    the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development
44    Regulation Act.
45          (2) The amendedmaster reclamation plan shall identify
46    which of the lands mined or disturbed by the severance of
47    phosphate rock prior to July 1, 1975, meet the following
48    criteria:
49          (a) The quality of surface waters leaving the land does
50    not meet applicable water quality standards, if any; or, health
51    and safety hazards exist on the land; or, the soil has not
52    stabilized and revegetated; or, the remaining natural resources
53    associated with the land are not being conserved;
54          (b) The environmental or economic utility or aesthetic
55    value of the land would not naturally return within a reasonable
56    time, and reclamation would substantially promote the
57    environmental or economic utility or the aesthetic value of the
58    land; and
59          (c) The reclamation of the land is in the public interest
60    because the reclamation, when combined with other reclamation
61    under the master plan, would provide a substantial regional
62    benefit; and
63          (d) The reclamation of the land is in the public interest
64    because the reclamation, when combined with other reclamation
65    under the master plan, will provide significant benefits to
66    surface water bodies supplying water for environmental and
67    public purposes in those areas of the state where phosphate
68    mining has been permitted.
69          (3) Lands evaluated by the department under subsection (1)
70    which meet the criteria set forth in subsection (2) shall be
71    identified with specificity in the master reclamation plan.
72    Lands evaluated by the department under subsection (1) which do
73    not meet the criteria set forth in subsection (2) shall also be
74    identified with specificity in the master reclamation plan as
75    lands which are acceptable in their present form.
76          (4) Upon adoption of the amendments to themaster
77    reclamation plan as a rule, such plan shall provide the
78    guidelines for approval of reclamation programs for lands
79    covered in the plan, recognizing that reclamation of such lands
80    is not mandatory, but that any payment of costs expended for
81    reclamation paid under s. 378.031 shall be contingent upon
82    conformity with the guidelines set forth in the master
83    reclamation plan.
84          Section 2. Section 378.031, Florida Statutes, is amended
85    to read:
86          378.031 Reclamation or acquisition of nonmandatory lands;
87    legislative intent.--It is the intent of the Legislature to
88    provide an economic incentive to encourage the reclamation of
89    the maximum number of acres of eligible nonmandatory lands in
90    the most timely and efficient manner or the donation or purchase
91    of nonmandatory lands, especially those lands for which
92    reclamation activities will result in significant improvements
93    to surface water bodies of regional importance in those areas of
94    the state where phosphate mining has been permitted. The
95    Legislature recognizes that certain lands mined or disturbed
96    prior to July 1, 1975, have been naturally reclaimed.
97          Section 3. Subsections (1) and (4) of section 378.033,
98    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
99          378.033 Nonmandatory Land Reclamation Committee; creation;
100    composition.--
101          (1) The Nonmandatory Land Reclamation Committee is created
102    within the department to serve as an advisory body on matters
103    relating to nonmandatory land reclamation, including reclamation
104    activities that will result in significant improvements to
105    surface water bodies of regional importance in those areas of
106    the state where phosphate mining has been permitted. The
107    committee shall be composed of sevenfivemembers appointed by
108    the Governor and confirmed by the Cabinet. In making the
109    appointments, the Governor shall consider the needs of the
110    program for engineering, fiscal, reclamation, and environmental
111    expertises. FiveThreeof the committee members shall be
112    selected respectively from Hamilton County, Polk County,
113    Charlotte County, Manatee County,and Hillsborough County.
114          (4) The committee shall meet at least annually at the call
115    of the chair. The presence of sixfourmembers is required to
116    constitute a quorum; a vote of fivethreemembers is necessary
117    for committee action.
118          Section 4. Subsection (1) of section 378.207, Florida
119    Statutes, is amended to read:
120          378.207 Reclamation criteria and standards.--
121          (1) The department, by rule, shall adopt statewide
122    criteria and standards for reclamation. Such rules shall
123    recognize that surface mining takes place in diverse areas where
124    the geologic, topographic, and edaphic conditions are different,
125    and that reclamation operations and the specifications therefor
126    may vary accordingly. The rules, recognizing technological
127    limitations and economic considerations, shall require the
128    return of the natural function of wetlands or a particular
129    habitat or condition to that in existence prior to mining and
130    shall include criteria that, when combined with other
131    reclamation activities, will result in significant benefits to
132    surface water bodies supplying water for environmental and
133    public purposes in those areas of the state where phosphate
134    mining is permitted.
135          Section 5. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.