HB 0881 2003
6          The Committee on Procedures recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
10 A bill to be entitled
11          An act relating to Charlotte and Sarasota Counties;
12    creating the Englewood Water District; providing for
13    codification of special laws regarding special districts
14    pursuant to s. 189.429, F.S., relating to the Englewood
15    Water District; establishing boundaries; providing
16    definitions; providing for election of a Board of
17    Supervisors to govern said District; establishing powers,
18    authority, and duties of the Board; granting to said
19    governing board the authority in the territory defined to
20    construct, acquire, extend, enlarge, reconstruct, improve,
21    maintain, equip, repair, and operate a water system,
22    wastewater system, or wastewater reuse system, or any
23    combination thereof; authorizing the levy and collection
24    of non-ad valorem assessments on property benefited by the
25    construction of such water system, wastewater system,
26    wastewater reuse system, or combined systems; providing
27    for optional methods of financing the cost of the water
28    system, wastewater system, wastewater reuse system, or
29    combined systems or extensions and additions thereto by
30    the issuance of revenue bonds or assessment bonds or any
31    combination thereof and the fixing and collection thereof
32    and the fixing and collection of rates and charges on
33    users of such systems; providing for the levy and
34    collection of non-ad valorem assessments on benefited
35    property and the pledge of such assessments for the
36    payment of any revenue bonds or assessment bonds;
37    providing for the rights, remedies, and security of any of
38    the holders of said bonds; providing penalties; repealing
39    chapter 96-499, Laws of Florida, relating to the creation
40    and establishment of the Englewood Water District;
41    providing an effective date.
43          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
45          Section 1. In accordance with section 189.429, Florida
46    Statutes, this act constitutes the codification of all special
47    acts relating to the Englewood Water District. It is the intent
48    of the Legislature in enacting this law to provide a single,
49    comprehensive special act charter for the district, including
50    all current legislative authority granted to the district by its
51    several legislative enactments and any additional authority
52    granted by this act.
53          Section 2. Chapter 96-499, Laws of Florida, relating to
54    Englewood Water District, is codified, reenacted, amended, and
55    repealed as herein provided.
56          Section 3. The Englewood Water District is re-created and
57    the charter is re-created and reenacted to read:
58          Section 1. (1) There is hereby created the Englewood
59    Water District for the areas of Charlotte and Sarasota Counties,
60    described as follows:
62          Sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23,
63    24, 25, 26, 27, 35, and 36, that part of sections 4
64    and 5, lying and being west of the west boundary of
65    Lemon Bay, township 40 south; range 19 east; and
66    sections 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
67    and 33, township 40 south, range 20 east, all being in
68    Sarasota County, State of Florida.
70          Sections 1, 2, 12 and 13, Township 41 South, Range 19
71    East; Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, and 18, that
72    part of Section 20 lying and being east of the east
73    boundary of Lemon Bay, Township 41 South, Range 20
74    East, all lying and being in Charlotte County, State
75    of Florida.
77          That portion of Section 3, Township 40 South, Range 19
78    East lying west of S.R. 776 (Englewood Road), and
79    those portions of Sections 4 and 5, Township 40 South,
80    Range 19 East, lying and being east of the west
81    boundary of Lemon Bay, all being south of the
82    east-west line prescribed by Colonial Road, all being
83    in Sarasota County, Florida.
85          (2) The Englewood Water District is hereby declared to be
86    a body corporate and politic under the corporate name and style
87    of "Englewood Water District" with power to contract, to sue and
88    be sued in its corporate name, and with the other powers and
89    duties hereinafter set forth, as well as all other powers and
90    exemptions given by general law.
91          Section 2. As used in this act, unless the context
92    otherwise requires:
93          (1) "District" means the Englewood Water District created
94    by this act.
95          (2) "Water system" means and includes any plants, systems,
96    facilities, or property and additions, extensions, and
97    improvements thereto at any future time constructed or acquired
98    as a part thereof, useful or necessary, or having the present
99    capacity for future use in connection with the development of
100    sources, treatment for purification and distribution of water
101    for domestic, commercial, or industrial use and without limiting
102    the generality of the foregoing shall include dams, reservoirs,
103    storage tanks, mains, lines, valves, pumping stations, laterals,
104    and pipes for the purpose of carrying water to the premises
105    connected with such system and shall include all real and
106    personal property and any interest therein, rights, easements,
107    and franchises of any nature whatsoever relating to such system
108    and necessary or convenient to the operation thereof.
109          (3) "Wastewater system" means and includes any plant,
110    system, facility, or property and additions, extensions, and
111    improvements thereto at any future time constructed or acquired
112    as a part thereof, useful or necessary, or having the present
113    capacity for future use in connection with the collections,
114    treatment, purification, or disposal of wastewater or sewerage
115    of any nature or originating from any source, including
116    industrial wastes resulting from any processes of any industry,
117    manufacture, trade, or business or from the development of any
118    natural resources; and without limiting the generality of the
119    foregoing definition shall embrace treatment plants, pumping
120    stations, lift stations, valves, force mains, intercepting
121    sewers, laterals, pressure lines, mains, and all necessary
122    appurtenances and equipment, all wastewater mains and laterals
123    for the reception and collection of wastewater or sewerage on
124    premises connected therewith, and shall include all real and
125    personal property and any interest therein, rights, easements,
126    and franchises of any nature whatsoever relating to any such
127    system and necessary or convenient for the operation thereof.
128          (4) "Wastewater reuse system" means and includes any
129    plant, system, facility, or property and additions, extensions,
130    and improvements thereto at any future time constructed or
131    acquired as a part thereof, useful or necessary, or having the
132    present capacity for future use in connection with the
133    collection, treatment, purification, disposal, or distribution
134    of wastewater or stormwater originating from any source, for the
135    purpose of reuse and without limiting the generality of the
136    foregoing definition, shall embrace treatment plants, dams,
137    reservoirs, storage tanks, pumping stations, lift stations,
138    valves, force mains, laterals, pressure lines, mains, and all
139    necessary appurtenances and equipment, and shall include all
140    real and personal property and any interest therein, rights,
141    easements, and franchises of any nature whatsoever relating to
142    any such system and necessary or convenient for the operation
143    thereof. Water which has received at least secondary treatment
144    and stormwater may be referred to as reclaimed wastewater and
145    may be reused for such beneficial purposes, including, but not
146    limited to, landscape or agricultural irrigation, aesthetic uses
147    such as ponds or fountains, groundwater recharge, industrial
148    uses, environmental enhancement, or fire protection.
149          (5) "System" or "systems" means the water, wastewater, or
150    wastewater reuse systems authorized by this act either
151    individually, in any combination, or any part thereof.
152          (6) "Cost" means, as applied to the acquisition and
153    construction of a water system, wastewater reuse system, or a
154    wastewater system or extensions, additions, or improvements
155    thereto, the cost of construction or reconstruction,
156    acquisition, or purchase, the cost of all labor, materials,
157    machinery, and equipment, cost of all lands and interest
158    therein, an office and administration building for the district,
159    property, rights, easements, and franchises of any nature
160    whatsoever, financing charges, interest prior to and during
161    construction and for 1 year after completion of construction or
162    acquisition of such water system, wastewater reuse system, or
163    wastewater system or extensions, additions, or improvements
164    thereto, bond discount, fees and expenses of financial advisors
165    or fiscal agents, cost of plans and specifications, surveys and
166    estimates of costs and revenues, cost of engineering and legal
167    services, and all other expenses necessary or incidental in
168    determining feasibility or practicality of such construction,
169    reconstruction, or acquisition, administrative expenses and such
170    other expenses as may be necessary or incidental to the
171    construction or acquisition or improvement of such water system,
172    wastewater reuse system, or wastewater system authorized by this
173    act and the financing thereof, and the reimbursement of any
174    expenses incurred by the district in connection with any of the
175    foregoing items of cost.
176          (7) "Revenue bonds" means bonds or other obligations
177    secured by and payable as to principal and interest from the
178    revenues derived from rates, fees, and charges collected by the
179    district from the users of the facilities of the water system,
180    wastewater reuse system, or wastewater system, or any
181    combination thereof, and which may or may not be additionally
182    secured by a pledge of the proceeds of non-ad valorem
183    assessments levied against property benefiting from assessable
184    improvements.
185          (8) "Board" means the Board of Supervisors of the
186    District.
187          Section 3. The District shall be governed and its affairs
188    administered by the Board of Supervisors consisting of five
189    members.
190          A.(i) By a majority vote, the Englewood Water District
191    Board of Supervisors shall adopt a preliminary resolution
192    dividing the district into five separate and distinct sections
193    of approximately equal populations, drawn along Charlotte County
194    and/or Sarasota County precinct lines, if feasible. These
195    divisions shall be known as the "Englewood Water District
196    Supervisor Election Districts" which shall be numbered 1 through
197    5.
198          (ii) After the initial adoption by the board of the
199    proposed Englewood Water District Supervisor Election Districts,
200    the district shall hold a public hearing at which all residents
201    of the district or other interested parties shall have an
202    opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed Englewood Water
203    District Supervisor Election Districts. Notice of such public
204    hearing setting forth the five proposed Englewood Water District
205    Supervisor Election Districts shall be given by one publication
206    in a newspaper published in Charlotte County, in a newspaper
207    published in Sarasota County, and such notice shall also be
208    posted in five public places in the district, at least 30 days
209    prior to the date of such hearing, which may be adjourned from
210    time to time.
211          (iii) After such hearing, such preliminary resolution
212    dividing the district into five separate and distinct sections,
213    known as the Englewood Water District Supervisor Election
214    Districts, either as initially adopted or as modified or
215    amended, shall be finally adopted. A map of the Englewood Water
216    District Supervisor Election Districts shall be kept on file in
217    the office of the administrator of the district and shall be
218    open to public inspection during normal business hours.
219          (iv) The Englewood Water District Supervisor Election
220    Districts shall be revised every 10 years in the same manner as
221    they were originally established. If the boundaries of the
222    district are modified, the election districts shall be modified
223    as necessary in the same manner established above in adequate
224    time for the new election districts to be utilized during the
225    next general election.
226          1. On the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November
227    1994, a person residing in Englewood Water District Board of
228    Supervisors Election District 5 was elected by the qualified
229    electors of the Englewood Water District for a 4-year term to
230    create and fill Englewood Water District Supervisors Election
231    District Seat Five. On the first day of January following the
232    election, the expiring seats, four and six were eliminated.
233          2. On the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November
234    1995, a person residing in Englewood Water District Board of
235    Supervisors Election District 4 was elected by the qualified
236    electors of the Englewood Water District for a term of 3 years
237    to create and fill Englewood Water District Supervisors Election
238    District Seat Four. On the first day of January following the
239    election, the expiring seats, seven, eight, and nine shall be
240    eliminated.
241          3. On the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November
242    1996, a person residing in each of the Englewood Water District
243    Board of Supervisors Election Districts 3, 2, and 1 was elected
244    by the qualified electors of the Englewood Water District for a
245    term of 4 years to create and fill Englewood Water District
246    Supervisors Election District Seats three, two, and one
247    respectively.
248          B.(i) On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in
249    November 2002, and every 4th year thereafter, two supervisors,
250    one residing in Englewood Water District Board of Supervisors
251    Election District 5 and one residing in Englewood Water District
252    Board of Supervisors Election District 4, were elected by the
253    qualified electors of the Englewood Water District for a term of
254    4 years.
255          (ii) On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in
256    November 2004, and every 4th year thereafter, three supervisors,
257    one residing in Englewood Water District Board of Supervisors
258    Election District 3, one residing in Englewood Water District
259    Board of Supervisors Election District 2, and one residing in
260    Englewood Water District Board of Supervisors Election District
261    1, shall be elected by the qualified electors of the Englewood
262    Water District for a term of 4 years.
263          (iii) The results of such election shall be declared by
264    resolution adopted by the Board. Each elected member of the
265    Board shall assume office 10 days following the member’s
266    election. Each supervisor shall duly file his or her oath of
267    office and a bond in such amount as the Board shall determine
268    for the faithful performance of his or her duties prior to
269    taking office and the cost thereof shall be paid by the
270    District.
271          C. In the event no person has been elected at the general
272    election to fill an office which was required to be filled at
273    such election, the members of the board shall, within 60 days
274    following the date of the election, by a majority vote of all
275    members then in office, appoint a person from the appropriate
276    Englewood Water District Supervisors Election District, to serve
277    for each office not otherwise filled by said election, to serve
278    until the next general election, at which election the qualified
279    electors of the District shall elect a supervisor to serve the
280    remaining unexpired term, if any, of such supervisors so
281    appointed.
282          (i) In the event any supervisor shall resign, die, or be
283    removed from the district, or the office of such supervisor
284    shall for any reason become vacant, the remaining members of the
285    board may, by a majority vote of all members then in office,
286    appoint a successor to such supervisor from the appropriate
287    Englewood Water District Supervisors Election District to serve
288    until the next general election, at which election the qualified
289    electors of the district shall elect a supervisor to serve for
290    the remaining unexpired term, if any, of such supervisor whose
291    office became vacant as aforesaid.
292          (ii) A notice of the election shall be given at least once
293    at least 14 days prior thereto by one publication in a newspaper
294    published in Charlotte County, in a newspaper published in
295    Sarasota County, and be posted during the 14-day period in five
296    public places in the district.
297          D. All elections under this act shall be nonpartisan.
298          E.(i) Elections for the purpose of electing Supervisors to
299    the Board shall conform to the Florida Election Code, chapters
300    97 through 106, Florida Statutes, as pertains to independent
301    special districts as set forth in section 189.405, Florida
302    Statutes.
303          (a) The results of the election shall be jointly canvassed
304    by the county canvassing boards of the Counties of Charlotte and
305    Sarasota and the results of such joint canvass shall be reported
306    in accordance with general law.
307          (b) Supervisors shall be qualified electors with legal
308    residence in the appropriate Englewood Water District Board of
309    Supervisors Election District, who are freeholders. The office
310    of any supervisor who ceases to be a qualified elector with
311    legal residence in the appropriate election district and a
312    freeholder in the district during his or her term of office
313    shall become vacant.
314          (ii)(a) The Board shall be vested with all administrative
315    power and authority of the District and shall have and exercise
316    all powers conferred upon such District by the terms of this
317    act. Said Board members may receive compensation for their
318    services to be determined by at least a majority plus one vote
319    of the Board. The board shall publish notice of its intent to
320    consider a modification of board member compensation in the same
321    manner as provided in paragraph 1(e) of this section. Said
322    salary may not exceed $2,500 each, annually, except that the
323    chair may receive $3,000 annually. Such payments shall be
324    payable in such installments during each year of a member’s term
325    as the Board shall from time to time determine. Said Board
326    members shall also be reimbursed for moneys expended in the
327    performance of their official duties consistent with the
328    provisions of section. 112.061, Florida Statutes.
329          (b) The organization and conduct of the Board’s affairs
330    shall be as follows:
331          1. The chair and vice chair shall be elected at an annual
332    meeting to be held in January of each year, and shall serve in
333    said capacities until the next annual meeting and said officers
334    may be removed at any time during their tenure, with or without
335    cause, by a majority vote of all members of said Board. Upon the
336    expiration of the terms of office of any of said officers for
337    any reason whatsoever, the Board shall elect new officers to
338    fill the positions thus vacated.
339          2. The Board shall hold such meetings as the business
340    affairs of the district may require, and all such meetings shall
341    be noticed and open to the public as provided by law. Such
342    meetings shall be held within the territorial limits of the
343    District or may be held outside the District in conjunction with
344    other boards, commissions, agencies, bodies, or persons for the
345    purpose of holding discussions or for the exchange of
346    information. However, no formal action may be taken by the
347    passage of any resolution, rule, or order at meetings held
348    outside the District other than that action which is required
349    for the ordinary conduct of such meetings.
350          3. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum at
351    any meeting thereof and all actions of the Board shall be upon
352    an affirmative vote of the majority of Board members present at
353    any such meeting; provided that no action of the Board may pass
354    with less than three affirmative votes. However, any resolution
355    authorizing the issuance of bonds or other obligations, or the
356    levy on non-ad valorem assessments or the fixing of rates and
357    charges for the services and facilities of the systems of the
358    District shall not be adopted except upon the affirmative vote
359    of a majority of all the members of the Board then in office.
360    Actions of the Board shall be evidenced by resolutions voted
361    upon and adopted by the Board, which may be finally adopted at
362    the same meeting at which they are introduced and need not be
363    published or posted, except resolutions authorizing the issuance
364    of bonds or other obligations shall be advertised in accordance
365    with the provisions of Section 3(1)(c)2 and a public hearing
366    shall be held prior to the adoption of such resolutions.
367    Resolutions providing solely for the refunding of any already
368    existing bonds or other obligations need not be so advertised.
369          4. Written minutes of each Board meeting shall be kept and
370    there shall be recorded therein a report of all that transpired
371    at any such meeting. The minutes shall be signed by the vice
372    chair of the Board and kept permanently in books provided for
373    that purpose.
374          5. The Board shall cause to be kept complete and accurate
375    books of accounting in standard bookkeeping and accounting
376    procedures. Annually the Board shall make a true and complete
377    accounting of all moneys received and expended by said Board and
378    said accounting shall list the assets and liabilities of the
379    District. Said accounting shall be based upon an audit prepared
380    by a certified public accountant, and shall be in writing with
381    sufficient copies thereof made to furnish to any inhabitants of
382    the district requesting same.
383          6. All contracts of the District shall be signed by the
384    chair of the Board of Supervisors, and the seal of the board
385    shall be affixed thereto, attested by the secretary to the Board
386    who shall be official custodian of such seal. The Board, by
387    resolution, may delegate authority to sign contracts to the
388    administrator of the District. Any bonds issued by the District
389    under the provisions of this act shall be signed in the same
390    manner as a contract. However, only one manual signature shall
391    be required on any bonds and the seal of the District may be
392    imprinted or reproduced thereon.
393          7. Every Board member and every officer of the district
394    shall be indemnified by the District against all expenses and
395    liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred by or
396    imposed upon the member or officer in connection with any
397    proceeding or any settlement of any proceeding to which he or
398    she may be a party or in which he or she may become involved by
399    reason of his or her being or having been a Board member or
400    officer of the District, whether or not he or she is a Board
401    member or officer at the time such expenses are incurred. In the
402    event of a settlement, the indemnification shall apply only when
403    the Board approves such settlement and reimbursement as being
404    for the best interests of the District. The right of
405    indemnification authorized by this paragraph shall be in
406    addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which a
407    Board member or officer may be entitled. This paragraph shall
408    not apply to a Board member or officer who is adjudged guilty of
409    willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his or
410    her duties.
411          8. The Board may, by the vote of a majority of all
412    members, elect a member to serve as chair or vice chair on an
413    interim basis during the absence of such officer. The interim
414    officer shall have all of the powers, duties, and authority of
415    such officer during his or her absence.
416          Section 4. The district, by and through the Board, is
417    hereby authorized and empowered:
418          (1) To make rules and regulations for its own governance
419    and proceedings and to adopt an official seal for the District.
420          (2) To employ such consulting and other engineers,
421    technicians, construction and accounting experts, financial
422    advisors or fiscal agents, attorneys, and such other agents and
423    employees as the board may require or deem necessary to
424    effectuate the purposes of this act and to take such steps as
425    are necessary to be taken to provide coverage by the old age and
426    survivors insurance system embodied in the Federal Social
427    Security Act to employees of the Englewood Water District on as
428    broad a basis as permitted under the Federal Social Security Act
429    and the laws of Florida and may provide a pension or retirement
430    plan for its employees. Board members are not eligible for
431    pension or retirement benefits. Notwithstanding the prohibition
432    against extra compensation set forth in section 215.425, Florida
433    Statutes, the board may provide for an extra compensation
434    program, including a lump-sum bonus payment program, to reward
435    outstanding employees whose performance exceeds standards, if
436    the program provides that a bonus payment may not be included in
437    an employee’s regular base rate of pay and may not be carried
438    forward in subsequent years.
439          (3) To construct, install, erect, acquire and operate,
440    maintain, improve, extend, or enlarge and reconstruct a water
441    system, wastewater system, or a wastewater reuse system or any
442    combination thereof within or without said district for the
443    furnishing of water service, wastewater service, or wastewater
444    reuse service or any combination of such services to the
445    inhabitants of the district, and to have the exclusive control
446    and jurisdiction thereof; to issue its revenue bonds, assessment
447    bonds, or other obligations, or any combination thereof to pay
448    all or part of the cost of such construction, reconstruction,
449    erection, acquisition, or installation of such systems. The
450    purchase or sale of a water, wastewater, or wastewater reuse
451    system shall be accomplished in accordance with section 189.423,
452    Florida Statutes.
453          (4) To regulate the disposal of wastewater, reuse of
454    wastewater, and the supply of water within the District and to
455    prohibit the use and maintenance of outhouses, privies, septic
456    tanks, or other unsanitary structures or appliances, in
457    accordance with the general laws of the state.
458          (5) To fix and collect rates, fees, capital contributions,
459    and other charges for the use of the facilities and services
460    provided by any system, and to fix and collect charges for
461    making connections and reconnections with any such system, and
462    to provide for reasonable charges and penalties to any users of
463    property for any such rates, fees, or charges that are
464    delinquent.
465          (6) To acquire in the name of the district by purchase,
466    gift, or the exercise of eminent domain pursuant to chapter 73
467    or chapter 74, Florida Statutes, such lands and rights and
468    interest therein, both within and without the district,
469    including land under water and riparian rights and to acquire
470    such personal property as may be deemed necessary in connection
471    with the construction, reconstruction, improvement, extensions,
472    installation, erection, or operation and maintenance of any
473    system, and to hold and dispose of all real and personal
474    property under its control.
475          (7) To receive grants, either separately or in conjunction
476    with any municipality, governmental agency, or governmental
477    entity, either in the nature of public works or public
478    improvement grants or loans from any governmental agency,
479    department, bureau, or individual for the purpose of installing,
480    constructing, erecting, acquiring, operating, or maintaining a
481    system or other things necessary or incidental thereto.
482          (8) To exercise exclusive jurisdiction, control, and
483    supervision over any system owned, operated, and maintained by
484    the District and to make and enforce such rules and regulations
485    for the maintenance and operation of any system as may be, in
486    the judgment of the Board, necessary or desirable for the
487    efficient operation of any such systems or improvements in
488    accomplishing the purposes of this act.
489          (9) To restrain, enjoin, or otherwise prevent the
490    violation of this act or of any resolution, rule, or regulation
491    adopted pursuant to the powers granted by this act.
492          (10) To join with any other district or districts, cities,
493    towns, counties, or other political subdivisions, public
494    agencies or authorities in the exercise of common powers
495    consistent with section 163.01, Florida Statutes.
496          (11) To contract with municipalities or other private or
497    public corporations or persons to provide or receive a water
498    supply or for wastewater disposal, collection, or treatment or
499    for wastewater reuse.
500          (12) To prescribe methods of pretreatment of industrial
501    wastes not amenable to treatment with domestic wastewater before
502    accepting those wastes for treatment and to refuse to accept
503    such industrial wastes when not sufficiently pre-treated as may
504    be prescribed, and by proper resolution to prescribe penalties
505    for the refusal of any person or corporation to so pre-treat
506    such industrial wastes.
507          (13) To require and enforce the use of its facilities
508    whenever and wherever they are accessible in accordance with
509    applicable general law and applicable local government
510    comprehensive plans.
511          (14) To sell or otherwise dispose of the effluent, sludge,
512    reclaimed wastewater, or other byproducts as a result of
513    wastewater treatment and reclamation.
514          (15) To accomplish construction by holding hearings,
515    advertising for construction bids, and letting contracts for all
516    or any part or parts of the construction of any system in
517    accordance with the provisions of section 15.
518          (16) To cause surveys, plans, specifications, and
519    estimates to be made from time to time for any system.
520          (17) To enter on any lands, water, or premises, public or
521    private, located within or without the District or the Counties
522    of Charlotte or Sarasota to make surveys, borings, soundings, or
523    examinations for the purposes of this act.
524          (18) To construct and operate connecting, intercepting, or
525    outlet wastewater or reclaimed wastewater mains and pipes and
526    water mains, conduits or pipe lines in, along, or under any
527    street, alleys, highways, or other public places or ways within
528    the state or any municipality or political subdivision.
529          (19) Subject to such provisions and restrictions as may be
530    set forth in the resolution authorizing or securing any bonds or
531    other obligations issued under the provisions of this act, to
532    enter into contracts with the government of the United States or
533    any agency or instrumentality thereof, or with any other county,
534    municipality, district, authority, or political subdivision,
535    private corporation, partnership, association, or individual
536    providing for or relating to the treatment, collection, and
537    disposal of wastewater or the treatment, supply, and
538    distribution of water or reclaimed wastewater and any other
539    matters relevant thereto or otherwise necessary to effect the
540    purposes of this act and to receive and accept from any federal
541    agency, grants for or in aid of the planning, construction,
542    reconstruction or financing of any system and to receive and
543    accept aid or contributions from any other source of either
544    money, property, labor or other things of value to be held,
545    used, and applied only for the purpose for which such grants and
546    contributions may be made.
547          (20) To acquire, purchase, or buy real estate within or
548    without the District to be used in the development,
549    installation, construction, improvement, maintenance, operation,
550    or servicing of any system of the District, by installment
551    contract, agreement for deed, or by note and mortgage; provided
552    that said contract, agreement for deed, or mortgage does not
553    constitute a lien or encumbrance upon any real property other
554    than that being purchased thereby.
555          (21) To sell or otherwise dispose of effluent, sludge, or
556    other byproducts produced by any system.
557          (22) To require the owner, tenant, or occupant of each lot
558    or parcel of land within the District who is obligated to pay
559    the rates, fees, or charges for the services furnished by any
560    facility owned or operated by the District under the provisions
561    of this act make a reasonable deposit with the district in
562    advance to ensure the payment of such rates, fees, or charges.
563    If such rates, fees, or charges become delinquent, the district
564    may apply the deposit to the payment or partial payment thereof,
565    including accrued interest, shutoff charges, and penalties, if
566    any.
567          (23) To invest and reinvest the surplus public funds of
568    the district consistent with the requirements of applicable
569    state or federal laws.
570          Section 5. (1) The Board for and on behalf of the
571    District is authorized to provide from time to time for the
572    issuance of revenue bonds to finance or refinance all or part of
573    the costs of additions, extensions, and improvements to, or the
574    acquisition of, any system. The principal of and interest on any
575    such revenue bonds shall be payable from the rates, fees,
576    charges, or other revenues derived from the operation of any
577    such system or systems in the manner provided in this act and
578    the resolution authorizing such bonds and pledging such
579    revenues. The proceeds of non-ad valorem assessments levied as
580    provided in this act may be pledged as additional security for
581    said revenue bonds. It is the express intent of this act that
582    the District shall be authorized to finance the purposes
583    provided in this act by the issuance of revenue bonds or special
584    assessment bonds separately for all or any part of the cost
585    thereof, or to issue revenue bonds additionally secured by the
586    non-ad valorem assessments for all or any part of such cost, so
587    that the District shall have complete flexibility as to the
588    types of bonds to be issued and the security for the holders of
589    such bonds. The revenue bonds of the District shall be issued in
590    such denominations, mature on such dates and in such amounts,
591    and may be subject to optional and mandatory redemption, all as
592    shall be determined by resolutions adopted by the Board on
593    behalf of the District. Bonds of said District may bear interest
594    at a fixed or floating or adjustable rate and may be issued as
595    interest-bearing, interest-accruing bonds or zero coupon bonds
596    at such rate or rates not exceeding the maximum rate permitted
597    by general law, all as shall be determined by resolutions of the
598    Board on behalf of the District. Principal and interest shall be
599    payable in the manner determined by the Board. The bonds shall
600    be signed by the chair or vice chair of the Board, attested with
601    the seal of said District and by the signature of the chair of
602    the Board of Supervisors. In case any officer whose signature or
603    a facsimile of whose signature shall appear on the bonds shall
604    cease to be such officer before the delivery of such bonds, such
605    signature or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and
606    sufficient for all intents and purposes the same as if he or she
607    had remained in office until such delivery. The Board may sell
608    such bonds in such manner not inconsistent with general law,
609    either at public or private sale, and for such price, as it may
610    determine to be for the best interests of the District.
611          (2) The proceeds of the sale of any such bonds shall be
612    used to finance or refinance all or part of the costs of the
613    construction or acquisition of additions, extensions, and
614    improvements of any water system, wastewater reuse system, or
615    wastewater system or any combination thereof, to fund reserves
616    and renewal and replacement funds and to pay the costs of
617    issuing such bonds. The funds derived from the sale of the bonds
618    shall be disbursed in such manner and under such restrictions as
619    the board may provide in the authorizing resolution. Revenue
620    bonds may be issued under the provisions of this act without any
621    other proceeding or happening of any other condition or thing
622    than those proceedings, conditions, or things which are
623    specifically required by this act and by general law.
624          (3) A resolution providing for the issuance of revenue
625    bonds may also contain such limitations upon the issuance of
626    additional revenue bonds secured on a parity with the bonds
627    theretofore issued, as the board may deem proper, and such
628    additional bonds shall be issued under such restrictions and
629    limitations as may be prescribed by such authorizing resolution.
630          (4) Revenue bonds may be issued under the provisions of
631    this act without regard to any limitations or indebtedness
632    prescribed by law.
633          (5) Revenue bonds issued under the provisions of this act
634    shall not constitute a general obligation debt of the District
635    within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt
636    limitation, but such bonds shall be payable solely from the
637    revenues and/or non-ad valorem assessments, if any, pledged
638    therefor, and that the full faith and credit of the district is
639    not pledged to the payment of the principal of or interest on
640    such bonds.
641          (6) In connection with the sale and issuance of bonds, the
642    district may enter into any contracts which the Board determines
643    to be necessary or appropriate to achieve a desirable effective
644    interest rate in connection with the bonds by means of, but not
645    limited to, contracts commonly known as investment contracts,
646    funding agreements, interest rate swap agreements, currency swap
647    agreements, forward payment conversion agreements, futures, or
648    contracts providing for payments based on levels of or changes
649    in interest rates, or contracts to exchange cash flows or a
650    series of payments, or contracts, including, without limitation,
651    options, puts, or calls to hedge payment, rate, spread, or
652    similar exposure. Such contracts or arrangements may also be
653    entered into by the District in connection with, or incidental
654    to, entering into any agreement which secures bonds or provides
655    liquidity therefor. Such contracts and arrangements shall be
656    made upon the terms and conditions established by the Board,
657    after giving due consideration for the credit worthiness of the
658    counter parties, where applicable, including any rating by a
659    nationally recognized rating service or any other criteria as
660    may be appropriate.
661          (7) In connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds,
662    or entering into any of the contracts or arrangements referred
663    to in the paragraph above, the district may enter into such
664    credit enhancement or liquidity agreements, with such payment,
665    interest rate, security, default, remedy, and any other terms
666    and conditions as the board shall determine.
667          (8) Notwithstanding any provisions of state law relating
668    to the investment or reinvestment of surplus funds of any
669    governmental unit, proceeds of the bonds and any money set aside
670    or pledged to secure payment of the principal of, premium, if
671    any, and interest on the bonds, or any of the contracts entered
672    into pursuant to this section, may be invested in securities or
673    obligations described in the resolution providing for the
674    issuance of bonds.
675          Section 6. (1) The Board shall, by resolution prior to
676    the issuance of any revenue bonds, fix the initial schedule of
677    rates, fees, or other charges for the use of and the services
678    and facilities to be furnished by any such water system,
679    wastewater reuse system, or wastewater system, or any
680    combination thereof, to be paid by the owner, tenant, or
681    occupant of each lot or parcel of land which may be connected
682    with or used by any such system or systems, of the district.
683    After the system or systems have been in operation the District
684    board may revise the schedule of rates, fees, and charges from
685    time to time. However, such rates, fees, and charges shall be so
686    fixed and revised so as to provide sums which, with other funds
687    for such purposes, shall be sufficient at all times to pay:
688          A. The principal of and interest on revenue bonds as the
689    same shall become due and reserves therefor.
690          B. The expenses of maintaining and repairing such systems,
691    including reserves for such purposes and for capital
692    replacements, depreciation, and necessary extensions or
693    improvements and administrative expenses.
694          C. Any other payments required by the resolution
695    authorizing the issuance of such revenue bonds.
696          (2) Such rates, fees, and charges shall be just and
697    equitable and uniform for users of the same class and, where
698    appropriate, may be based or computed either upon the quantity
699    of water or wastewater consumed or produced, the number and size
700    of wastewater connections, or the number and kind of plumbing
701    fixtures in use in the premises or upon the number or average
702    number of persons residing or working in or otherwise using the
703    facilities of such system or upon any other factor affecting the
704    use of the facilities or services furnished or upon any
705    combination of the foregoing factors as may be determined by the
706    Board on any other equitable basis. All rates, fees, and charges
707    established pursuant to this act shall be set in accordance with
708    the total cost of service which is required to provide service
709    to the customers. The water system, wastewater reuse system, and
710    wastewater system shall be accounted for as separate and as
711    distinct systems. However, the District shall set rates
712    consistent with the guidelines adopted by the American Water
713    Works Association, for government-owned utilities. The district
714    may, by resolution, consolidate any one or more systems provided
715    such consolidation shall not impair the rights of any existing
716    bondholders of the district.
717          (3) No rates, fees, or charges shall be fixed under the
718    foregoing provisions of this section until a public hearing at
719    which all the users of the proposed system, or owners, tenants,
720    or occupants served or to be served thereby and all others
721    interested shall have an opportunity to be heard concerning the
722    proposed rates, fees, and charges. After the initial adoption by
723    the Board of the resolution setting forth the preliminary
724    schedule or schedules fixing and classifying such rates, fees,
725    and charges, notice of such public hearing setting forth the
726    proposed schedule or schedules of rates, fees, and charges shall
727    be given by one publication in a newspaper published in
728    Charlotte County and in a newspaper published in Sarasota County
729    and such notice shall also be posted in five public places in
730    the district, at least 10 days prior to the date of such
731    hearing, which may be adjourned from time to time. After such
732    hearing such preliminary schedule or schedules, either as
733    initially adopted, or as modified or amended, may be finally
734    adopted. A copy of the schedule or schedules of such rates,
735    fees, or charges finally fixed in such resolution shall be kept
736    on file in the office of the District and shall be open at all
737    times to public inspection. The rates, fees, or charges so fixed
738    for any class of users or property served shall be extended to
739    cover any additional properties thereafter served which shall
740    fall in the same class, without the necessity of any hearing or
741    notice. Any change or revision of such rates, fees, or charges
742    may be made in the same manner as such rates, fees, or charges
743    were originally established as provided herein; provided that if
744    such changes or revisions be made substantially pro rata as to
745    all classes of service no hearing or notice shall be required.
746          Section 7. In addition to the other provisions and
747    requirements of this act any resolution authorizing the issuance
748    of bonds may contain any other provisions deemed necessary or in
749    the best interest of the District and the Board is authorized to
750    provide and may covenant and agree with the several holders of
751    such bonds to include, but without limitation as to any other
752    provisions, any of the following:
753          (1) As to a reasonable deposit with the District in
754    advance, to ensure the payment of rates, fees, or charges for
755    the facilities of the system or systems.
756          (2) May, in keeping with its rules and regulations,
757    disconnect any premises from the water system, wastewater reuse
758    system, or wastewater system if any such rates, fees, or charges
759    are delinquent for a period of 30 days or more.
760          (3) The assumption of payment or discharge of any
761    indebtedness, lien, or other claim relating to any part of any
762    such system or any combination thereof, or any other obligations
763    having or which may have a lien on any part of any such system
764    or systems.
765          (4) Limitations on the powers of the District to
766    construct, acquire, or operate, or permit the construction,
767    acquisition or operation of any plants, structures, facilities,
768    or properties which may compete or tend to compete with any
769    other system of the District.
770          (5) The manner and method of paying service charges and
771    fees and the levying of penalties for delinquent payments.
772          (6) The manner and order of priority of the disposition of
773    revenues or redemption of any bonds.
774          (7) Terms and conditions for modification or amendment of
775    any provisions or covenants in any such bond resolution
776    authorizing the issuance of such bonds.
777          (8) Provisions and limitations on the appointment of a
778    trustee, paying agent, registrar, or escrow agent for
779    bondholders.
780          (9) Provisions as to the appointment of a receiver of any
781    system on default of principal or interest on any such bonds or
782    the breach of any covenant or condition of such authorizing
783    resolution or the provisions and requirements of this act.
784          (10) Provisions as to the execution and entering into of
785    trust agreements, if deemed necessary by the board, regarding
786    the disposition of revenues or bond proceeds for the payment of
787    the cost of the acquisition and construction of the system or
788    any part thereof, or for any other purposes necessary to secure
789    any such revenue bonds.
790          (11) Provisions as to the maintenance of any such system
791    or systems and reasonable insurance thereof.
792          (12) Any other matters necessary to secure such bonds and
793    the payment of the principal and interest thereof. All such
794    provisions of the bond resolution and all such covenants and
795    agreements in addition to the other provisions and requirements
796    of this act shall constitute valid and legally binding contracts
797    between the District and several holders of any such bonds
798    regardless of the time of issuance of such bonds, and shall be
799    enforceable by any such holder or holders by mandamus or other
800    appropriate action, suit, or proceeding in law or in equity in
801    any court of competent jurisdiction.
802          Section 8. (1) When the fees, rates, or charges for the
803    services and facilities of any system are not paid when due and
804    are in default for 10 days or more, following written notice to
805    such delinquent customer, the District may discontinue and shut
806    off the supply of the services and facilities of such systems,
807    to the person, firm, corporation, or other body, public or
808    private, so supplied with such services or facilities, until
809    such fees, rates, or charges, including interest, penalties, and
810    charges for the shutting off and discontinuance or the
811    restoration of such services or facilities are fully paid. Such
812    delinquent fees, rates, or charges, together with interest,
813    penalties, and charges for the shutting off and discontinuance
814    or the restoration of such services or facilities, and
815    reasonable attorney’s fees, costs and other expenses, may be
816    recovered by the board in a court of competent jurisdiction.
817          (2) In the event that the fees, rates, or charges for the
818    services and the facilities of any system shall not be paid as
819    and when due, the unpaid balance thereof and all interest
820    accruing thereon shall, to the extent permitted by law, be a
821    lien on any parcel or property affected thereby. Such liens
822    shall be superior and paramount to the interest on such parcel
823    or property of any owner, lessee, tenant, mortgagee, or other
824    person except the lien of county or district taxes and shall be
825    on a parity with the lien of any such county or district taxes.
826    In the event that any such service charge shall not be paid as
827    and when due and shall be in default for 30 days or more the
828    unpaid balance thereof and all interest accrued or penalties
829    thereon, together with attorney’s fees and costs, may be
830    recovered by the District in a civil action, and any such lien
831    and accrued interest and penalties may be foreclosed or
832    otherwise enforced by the District by action or suit in equity
833    as for the foreclosure of a mortgage on real property in the
834    manner provided by general law.
835          Section 9. (1) The District may provide for the levy of
836    non-ad valorem assessments under this act on the lands and real
837    estate benefited by the construction of any system, or
838    extensions or improvements thereof, or any part thereof. Non-ad
839    valorem assessments may be levied only on benefited real
840    property at a rate of assessment based on the special benefit
841    accruing to such property from such improvements. The District
842    may use any assessment apportionment methodology that meets the
843    "fair apportionment" standards.
844          (2) The Board may determine to make any improvements
845    authorized by this act and defray the whole or any part of the
846    expense thereof by non-ad valorem assessments. The Board shall
847    so declare by resolution stating the nature of the proposed
848    improvement, designating the location of wastewater facilities,
849    the location of water mains, water laterals, and other water
850    distribution facilities, or the location of the wastewater reuse
851    facilities, and the part or portion of the expense thereof to be
852    paid by non-ad valorem assessments, the manner in which said
853    assessments shall be made, when said assessments are to be paid,
854    and what part, if any, shall be apportioned to be paid from the
855    general funds of the District. Said resolution shall also
856    designate the lands upon which the non-ad valorem assessments
857    shall be levied, and in describing said lands it shall be
858    sufficient to describe them as "all lots and lands adjoining and
859    contiguous or bounding and abutting upon such improvements or
860    specially benefited thereby and further designated by the
861    assessment plat hereinafter provided for." Such resolution shall
862    also state the total estimated cost of the improvement. Such
863    estimated cost may include the cost of construction or
864    reconstruction, the cost of all labor and materials, the cost of
865    all lands, property, rights, easements, and franchises acquired,
866    financing charges, interest prior to and during construction and
867    for 1 year after completion of construction, discount on the
868    sale of assessment bonds, cost of plans and specifications,
869    surveys of estimates of costs and of revenues, cost of
870    engineering and legal services, and all other expenses necessary
871    or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of
872    such construction or reconstruction, administrative expense, and
873    such other expense may be necessary or incident to the financing
874    herein authorized.
875          (3) At the time of the adoption of the resolution provided
876    for in subsection (2), there shall be on file at the District’s
877    offices, an assessment plat showing the area to be assessed,
878    with plans and specifications, and an estimate of the cost of
879    the proposed improvement, which assessment plat, plans, and
880    specifications and estimate shall be open to the inspection of
881    the public.
882          (4) Upon adoption of the resolution provided for in
883    subsection (2), or completion of the preliminary assessment roll
884    provided for in subsection (5), whichever is later, the vice
885    chair of the Board shall publish notice of the resolution once
886    in a newspaper published in the Counties of Charlotte and
887    Sarasota. The notice shall state in brief and general terms a
888    description of the proposed improvements with the location
889    thereof, and that the plans, specifications, and estimates are
890    available to the public at the district’s offices. The notice
891    shall also state the date and time of the hearing to hear
892    objections provided for in subsection (7), which hearing shall
893    be no earlier than 15 days after publication of said notice.
894    Such publication shall be verified by the affidavit of the
895    publisher and filed with the secretary to the Board.
896          (5) Upon the adoption of the resolution provided for in
897    subsection (2), the Board shall cause to be made a preliminary
898    assessment roll in accordance with the method of assessment
899    provided for in said resolution, said assessment roll shall show
900    the lots and lands assessed and the amount of the benefit to and
901    the assessment against each lot or parcel of land, and, if said
902    assessment is to be paid in installments, the number of annual
903    installments in which the assessment is divided shall also be
904    entered and shown upon said assessment roll.
905          (6) Upon the completion of said preliminary assessment
906    roll, the Board shall by resolution fix a time and place at
907    which the owners of the property to be assessed or any other
908    persons interested therein may appear before said Board and be
909    heard as to the propriety and advisability of making such
910    improvements, as to the cost thereof, as to the manner of
911    payment therefor, and as to the amount thereof to be assessed
912    against each property so improved. Ten days’ notice in writing
913    of such time and place shall be given to such property owners.
914    The notice shall include the amount of the assessment and shall
915    be served by mailing a copy by first class mail to each of such
916    property owners at his or her last known address, the names and
917    addresses of such property owners to be obtained from the
918    records of the property appraiser, proof of such mailing to be
919    made by the affidavit of the secretary to the Board, or by the
920    engineer.
921          (7) At the time and place named in the notice provided for
922    in subsection (4), the Board shall meet and hear testimony from
923    affected property owners as to the propriety and advisability of
924    making the improvements and funding them with non-ad valorem
925    assessments on property. Following the testimony, the Board
926    shall make a final decision on whether to levy the non-ad
927    valorem assessments, adjusting assessments as may be warranted
928    by information received at or prior to the hearing. If any
929    property which may be chargeable under this section shall have
930    been omitted from the preliminary roll or if the prima facie
931    assessment shall not have been made against it, the Board may
932    place on such roll an apportionment to such property. The owners
933    of any property so added to the assessment roll shall be mailed
934    a copy of the notice provided for in subsection (6), by first
935    class mail and granted 15 days from such date of mailing to file
936    any objections with the Board. When so approved by resolution of
937    the Board, a final assessment roll shall be filed with the vice
938    chair of the Board, and such assessments shall stand confirmed
939    and remain legal, valid, and binding first liens upon the
940    property against which such assessments are made until paid. The
941    assessment so made shall be final and conclusive as to each lot
942    or parcel assessed unless proper steps be taken within 30 days
943    of the filing of the final assessment roll in a court of
944    competent jurisdiction to secure relief. If the assessment
945    against any property shall be sustained or reduced or abated by
946    the court, the vice chair shall note that fact on the assessment
947    roll opposite the description of the property affected thereby
948    and notify the county property appraiser and the tax collector
949    in writing. The amount of the non-ad valorem assessment against
950    any lot or parcel which may be abated by the court, unless the
951    assessment upon the entire District be abated, or the amount by
952    which such assessment is so reduced, may by resolution of the
953    Board be made chargeable against the District at large, or, at
954    the discretion of the Board, a new assessment roll may be
955    prepared and confirmed in the manner hereinabove provided for
956    the preparation and confirmation of the original assessment
957    roll. The Board may by resolution grant a discount equal to all
958    or a part of the payee’s proportionate share of the cost of the
959    project consisting of bond financing costs, such as capitalized
960    interest, funded reserves, and bond discount included in the
961    estimated cost of the project, upon payment in full of any
962    assessment during such period prior to the time such financing
963    costs are incurred as may be specified by the board.
964          (8) The non-ad valorem assessments shall be payable at the
965    time and in the manner stipulated in the resolution providing
966    for the improvement; shall remain liens, coequal with the lien
967    of all state, county, district, and municipal taxes, superior in
968    dignity to all other liens, titles, and claims, until paid;
969    shall bear interest, at a rate not to exceed the percentage
970    authorized by section 170.09, Florida Statutes, for municipal
971    special assessments or, if bonds are issued pursuant to this
972    chapter, at a rate not to exceed 1 percent above the rate of
973    interest at which the bonds authorized pursuant to this act and
974    used for the improvement are sold, from the date of the
975    acceptance of the improvement; and may, by the resolution
976    aforesaid and only for capital outlay projects, be made payable
977    in equal installments over a period not to exceed 20 years, to
978    which, if not paid when due, there shall be added a penalty at
979    the rate of 1 percent per month, until paid. However, the
980    assessments may be paid without interest at any time within 30
981    days after the improvement is completed and a resolution
982    accepting the same has been adopted by the Board.
983          (9) The non-ad valorem assessments approved by the Board
984    may be levied, assessed, and collected pursuant to section
985    197.3632, Florida Statutes. The collection and enforcement of
986    the non-ad valorem assessment levied by the district shall be at
987    the same time and in like manner as county taxes.
988          (10) All assessments shall constitute a lien upon the
989    property so assessed from the date of confirmation of the
990    resolution ordering the improvement of the same nature and to
991    the same extent as the lien for general county, municipal, or
992    district taxes falling due in the same year or years in which
993    such assessments or installments thereof fall due, and any
994    assessment or installment not paid when due shall be collected
995    with such interest and with a reasonable attorney’s fee and
996    costs, but without penalties, by the District by proceedings in
997    a court of equity to foreclose the lien of assessment as a lien
998    for mortgages is or may be foreclosed under the laws of the
999    state; provided that any such proceedings to foreclose shall
1000    embrace all installments of principal remaining unpaid with
1001    accrued interest thereon, which installments shall, by virtue of
1002    the institution of such proceedings immediately become due and
1003    payable. Nevertheless, if, prior to any sale of the property
1004    under decree of foreclosure in such proceedings, payment be made
1005    of the installment or installments which are shown to be due
1006    under the provisions of the resolution passed pursuant to this
1007    section, and all costs including attorney’s fees, such payment
1008    shall have the effect of restoring the remaining installments to
1009    their original maturities and the proceedings shall be
1010    dismissed. It shall be the duty of the District to enforce the
1011    prompt collection of assessments by the means herein provided,
1012    and such duty may be enforced at the suit of any holder of bonds
1013    issued under this act in a court of competent jurisdiction by
1014    mandamus or other appropriate proceedings or action. Not later
1015    than 30 days after the annual installments are due and payable,
1016    it shall be the duty of the board to direct the attorney or
1017    attorneys whom the board shall then designate, to institute
1018    actions within 3 months after such direction to enforce the
1019    collection of all non-ad valorem assessments for improvements
1020    made under this section and remaining due and unpaid at the time
1021    of such direction. Such action shall be prosecuted in the manner
1022    and under the conditions in and under which mortgages are
1023    foreclosed under the laws of the state. It shall be lawful to
1024    join in one action the collection of assessments against any or
1025    all property assessed by virtue of the same assessment roll
1026    unless the court shall deem such joiner prejudicial to the
1027    interest of any defendant. The court shall allow reasonable
1028    attorney’s fees for the attorney or attorneys of the district,
1029    and the same shall be collectible as a part of or in addition to
1030    the costs of the action. At the sale pursuant to decree in any
1031    such action, the District may be a purchaser to the same extent
1032    as an individual person or corporation, except that the part of
1033    the purchase price represented by the assessments sued upon and
1034    the interest thereon need not be paid in cash. Property so
1035    acquired by the District may be sold or otherwise disposed of,
1036    the proceeds of such disposition to be placed in the fund
1037    provided by subsection (11). However, no sale or other
1038    disposition thereof shall be made unless the notice calling for
1039    bids therefor to be received at a stated time and place shall
1040    have been published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
1041    District once in each of 4 successive weeks prior to such
1042    disposition.
1043          (11) All assessments and charges made under the provisions
1044    of this section for the payment of all or any part of the cost
1045    of any improvements for which assessment bonds shall have been
1046    issued under the provisions of this act are hereby pledged to
1047    the payment of the principal of and the interest on such
1048    assessment bonds and shall, when collected, be placed in a
1049    separate fund, properly designated, which fund shall be used for
1050    no other purpose than the payment of such principal and
1051    interest.
1052          (12) The counties in which the District is located and
1053    each school district and other political subdivision wholly or
1054    partly within the District shall be subject to the same duties
1055    and liabilities in respect of assessment under this section
1056    affecting the real estate of such counties, school districts, or
1057    other political subdivisions which private owners of real estate
1058    are subject to hereunder, and such real estate of any such
1059    counties, school districts, and political subdivision shall be
1060    subject to liens for said assessments in all cases where the
1061    same property would be subject had it at the time the lien
1062    attached been owned by a private owner, except that no such lien
1063    may be foreclosed unless and until said real estate is conveyed
1064    to a person or entity which is not a political subdivision.
1065          Section 10. The Board shall cause to be made at least once
1066    each year a comprehensive report of its water system, wastewater
1067    reuse system, and wastewater system including all matters
1068    relating to rates, revenues, expenses of maintenance, repair,
1069    and operation and renewals and capital replacements, principal
1070    and interest requirements, and the status of all funds and
1071    accounts. Copies of such general report shall be filed with the
1072    vice chair and shall be open to public inspection.
1073          Section 11. Any holder of bonds issued under the
1074    provisions of this act, or of any of the coupons appertaining
1075    thereto, except as to the extent that the rights herein granted
1076    may be restricted by the resolution authorizing the issuance of
1077    such bonds, may, either at law or in equity, by suit, mandamus
1078    or other proceeding, protect and enforce any and all rights
1079    under the laws of the state or granted hereunder or under such
1080    resolutions, and may enforce and compel the performance of all
1081    duties required by this act and by such resolutions to be
1082    performed by the District or by the board or by any officer or
1083    officers or employees thereof, including the fixing and charging
1084    and collecting of rates, fees, and charges for the services and
1085    facilities furnished by the water system, wastewater reuse
1086    system, or wastewater system and the due and proper collection
1087    of any non-ad valorem assessments pledged therefor.
1088          Section 12. (1) As the exercise of the powers conferred
1089    by this act constitutes the performance of essential public
1090    functions and as the systems constructed under the provisions of
1091    this act constitute public property used for public purposes,
1092    such District and the property thereof, including all revenues,
1093    moneys, or other assets of any type or character, shall not be
1094    subject to taxation by the state or any political subdivision,
1095    agency, instrumentality, or municipality thereof, and it is
1096    hereby expressly found, determined, and declared that all of the
1097    lands and real estate in said District will be benefited by the
1098    construction or acquisition of the systems, and additions,
1099    extensions, and improvements thereto, provided for in this act.
1100          (2) All bonds or other obligations issued under this act
1101    shall be exempt from all taxation by the state or any county,
1102    municipality, or political subdivision thereof; however, the
1103    exemption does not apply to any tax imposed by chapter 220,
1104    Florida Statutes, on interest, income, or profits; however, the
1105    exemption does not apply to any tax imposed by chapter 220,
1106    Florida Statutes, on interest, income, or profits on debt
1107    obligations owned by corporations. Such bonds or other
1108    obligations shall be and constitute securities eligible for
1109    deposit as collateral to secure any state, county, municipal, or
1110    other public funds, and shall also be and constitute legal
1111    investments for any banks, savings banks, trust funds,
1112    executors, administrators, state, county, municipal, or other
1113    public funds, or any other fiduciary funds.
1114          Section 13. In any case where the character or condition
1115    of the sewage from or originating in any manufacturing or
1116    industrial plant or building or premises is such that it imposes
1117    an unreasonable burden upon the wastewater system, an additional
1118    charge may be made therefor or the Board may, if it deems it
1119    advisable, compel such manufacturing or industrial plant,
1120    building, or premises to treat such wastewater in such manner as
1121    shall be specified by the Board before discharging such
1122    wastewater into any wastewater lines owned, maintained, or
1123    operated by the District.
1124          Section 14. The District is authorized to enter into any
1125    agreement for the delivery of any revenue bonds, assessment
1126    bonds, or any combination thereof, at one time or from time to
1127    time as full or partial payment for any work done by any
1128    contractor who may have been awarded a contract for the
1129    construction of all or any part of any system. However, any such
1130    bonds so delivered for payment of services shall have been
1131    authorized and issued pursuant to the provisions of this act and
1132    shall otherwise conform to the provisions thereof.
1133          Section 15. (1) All contracts for the purchase of
1134    commodities or contractual services in excess of $25,000 let,
1135    awarded, or entered into by the District for the construction,
1136    reconstruction, or addition to any system shall be publicly
1137    advertised and bid. The Board shall adopt procedures for public
1138    advertisement and call for sealed bids; which procedures may
1139    vary the frequency and length of publication based on the amount
1140    of the procurement.
1141          (2) Such advertisement for bids, in addition to the other
1142    necessary and pertinent matter, shall state in general terms the
1143    nature and description of the improvement or improvements to be
1144    undertaken and shall state that detailed plans and
1145    specifications for such work are on file in the office of the
1146    vice chair or will be mailed upon request to interested parties.
1147    The award shall be made to the responsible and competent bidder
1148    or bidders who shall offer to undertake the improvements at the
1149    lowest cost to the District and such bidder or bidders shall be
1150    required to file bond for the full and faithful performance of
1151    such work and the execution of any such contract in such amount
1152    as the Board shall determine. No criteria may be used in
1153    determining the acceptability of the bid that was not set forth
1154    in the invitation to bid. The contract shall be awarded with
1155    reasonable promptness by written notice to the qualified and
1156    responsive bidder who submits the lowest responsive bid.
1157          (3) When the Board determines that the use of competitive
1158    sealed bidding is not practicable, commodities or contractual
1159    services shall be procured by competitive sealed proposals. A
1160    request for proposals which includes a statement of the
1161    commodities or contractual services sought and all contractual
1162    terms and conditions applicable to the procurement, including
1163    the criteria, which shall include, but not be limited to, price,
1164    to be used in determining acceptability of the proposal shall be
1165    issued. To ensure full understanding of and responsiveness to
1166    the solicitation requirement, discussions may be conducted with
1167    qualified offerors. The offerors shall be accorded fair and
1168    equal treatment prior to the submittal dates specified in the
1169    request for proposals with respect to any opportunity for
1170    discussion and revision of proposals. The award shall be made to
1171    the responsible offeror whose proposal is determined in writing
1172    to be the most advantageous to the District, taking into
1173    consideration the price and the other criteria set forth in the
1174    request for proposals.
1175          (4) If the chair of the Board, or his or her designee,
1176    determines in writing that an immediate danger to the public
1177    health, safety, or welfare or other substantial loss to the
1178    District requires emergency action, the provisions of this
1179    section requiring competitive bidding or proposals shall be
1180    waived. After the chair or his or her designee makes such a
1181    written determination, the District may proceed with the
1182    procurement of commodities or contractual services necessitated
1183    by the immediate danger, without competition. However, such
1184    emergency procurement shall be made with such competition as is
1185    practicable under the circumstances. Commodities or contractual
1186    services available only from a single source may be excepted
1187    from the bid requirements if it is determined that such
1188    commodities or services are available only from a single source
1189    and such determination is documented and approved by the Board.
1190    Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent the district
1191    from hiring or retaining such consulting engineers, or other
1192    professionals or other technicians as it shall determine, in its
1193    discretion, consistent with the requirements of section 287.055,
1194    Florida Statutes, or for undertaking any construction work with
1195    its own resources and without any such public advertisement.
1196          Section 16. The same rates, fees, charges, and non-ad
1197    valorem assessments shall be fixed, levied, and collected on the
1198    property, officers, and employees of the counties, or any school
1199    district, or other political subdivision included within the
1200    District, as are fixed, levied, and collected on all other
1201    properties or persons in the District as provided in this act.
1202          Section 17. Any county, municipality, or other political
1203    subdivision is authorized to sell, lease, grant, or convey any
1204    real or personal property to the district and any such sale,
1205    grant, lease, or conveyance may be made without formal
1206    consideration. The district is authorized to classify as surplus
1207    any of its property and dispose of such property consistent with
1208    the provisions of sections 274.05 and 274.06, Florida Statutes.
1209          Section 18. No system or portion thereof shall be
1210    constructed within the District unless the Board shall give its
1211    consent thereto and approve the plans and specifications
1212    therefor; subject, however, to the terms and provisions of any
1213    resolution authorizing any bonds and agreements with
1214    bondholders.
1215          Section 19. The Board shall have no power to mortgage,
1216    pledge, encumber, sell, or otherwise convey all or any part of
1217    its systems except as otherwise provided in this act, and except
1218    that the Board may dispose of any part of such system or systems
1219    as may be no longer necessary for the purposes of the District.
1220    The provisions of this section shall be deemed to constitute a
1221    contract with all bondholders. All District property shall be
1222    exempt from levy and sale by virtue of an execution and no
1223    execution or other judicial process shall issue against such
1224    property nor shall any judgment against the District be a charge
1225    or lien on its property; provided that nothing herein contained
1226    shall apply to or limit the rights of bondholders to pursue any
1227    remedy for the enforcement of any lien or pledge given by the
1228    district on revenues derived from the operation of any system.
1229          Section 20. The state does hereby pledge to and covenant
1230    and agree with the holders of any bonds issued pursuant to this
1231    act that the state will not limit or alter the rights hereby
1232    vested in the District to acquire, construct, maintain,
1233    reconstruct, and operate its systems and to fix, establish,
1234    charge, and collect its service charges therefor, and to fulfill
1235    the terms of any agreement made with the holders of such bonds
1236    or other obligations, and will not in any way impair the rights
1237    or remedies of such holders, until the bonds, together with
1238    interest thereon, with interest on any unpaid installments of
1239    interest, and all costs and expenses in connection with any
1240    action or proceeding by or on behalf of such holders, are fully
1241    met and discharged.
1242          Section 21. The provisions of this act shall be deemed to
1243    constitute a contract with the holders of any bonds issued
1244    hereunder and shall be liberally construed to effect its
1245    purposes and shall be deemed cumulative and supplemental to all
1246    other laws.
1247          Section 22. If any section or provision of this act is
1248    held to be invalid or inoperative, then the same shall be deemed
1249    severable from and shall not affect the validity of any of the
1250    other provisions hereof.
1251          Section 23. The District may assume the operation of any
1252    system which substantially fails to meet its financial
1253    responsibilities or operating standards pursuant to this act or
1254    other laws and regulations of the state, if the Board determines
1255    that such action is in the public interest and the system owner
1256    conveys ownership to the District.
1257          Section 24. The Board may lease or license the use of any
1258    real or personal property of the District upon such terms,
1259    conditions, and for such consideration as the Board deems
1260    appropriate. However, no such lease or license shall be for a
1261    period exceeding 20 years in duration, unless renewed, and
1262    provided that the lease or license shall be restricted to permit
1263    the grantee to use such property during the term of the lease or
1264    license only for civic or public purposes or purposes not in
1265    conflict with this act or general law.
1266          Section 25. The District may, in addition to other
1267    provisions of this act providing for the accrual of interest,
1268    assess an interest charge on contractual obligations owed the
1269    District. Such interest shall accrue at an annual percentage
1270    rate as provided in chapter 687, Florida Statutes, or as
1271    otherwise provided by contract. Such accrued interest charges,
1272    if payment thereof becomes delinquent, may be recovered in the
1273    same manner as provided in this act for other delinquent rates,
1274    fees, charges, or penalties.
1275          Section 26. The members of the Board of Supervisors shall
1276    be subject to recall as provided by general law for elected
1277    officers of municipalities.
1278          Section 27. Any person who shall steal or damage District
1279    property, or tamper with or alter District property or threaten
1280    or cause actual harm to public health shall be guilty of a
1281    criminal offense and misdemeanor within the meaning of section
1282    775.08, Florida Statutes, unless such offense is of a higher
1283    degree in general law, and shall be punishable as provided by
1284    law.
1285          Section 28. All contracts, obligations, rules,
1286    regulations, or policies of any nature existing on the date of
1287    enactment of this act shall remain in full force and effect and
1288    this act shall in no way affect the validity of such contracts,
1289    obligations, rules, regulations, or policies.
1290          Section 29. This act shall not affect the terms of office
1291    of the present District Board, nor shall it affect the terms and
1292    conditions of employment of any employees of the District.
1293          Section 4. Chapter 96-499, Laws of Florida, is repealed.
1294          Section 5. It is declared to be the intent of the
1295    Legislature that if any section, subsection, sentence, clause,
1296    phrase, or portion of this act is, for any reason, held invalid
1297    or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such
1298    portion shall be deemed to be a separate, distinct, and
1299    independent provision and such holdings shall not affect the
1300    validity of the remaining portions of this act.
1301          Section 6. This act shall be construed as a remedial act
1302    and the provisions of this act shall be liberally construed in
1303    order to effectively carry out the purpose of this act in the
1304    interest of the public health, welfare, and safety of the
1305    citizens served by the District.
1306          Section 7. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.