HR 9009 2003
1 House Resolution
2          A resolution expressing gratitude and affection to all
3    mothers.
5          WHEREAS, Sunday, May 11, 2003, has been designated Mother's
6    Day, and
7          WHEREAS, the highest ideals and noblest principles of
8    humanity find their most exemplary expression in the sacrifice
9    and devotion of mothers, and
10          WHEREAS, mothers exemplify enduring courage and conviction,
11    charity without condescension, and emotion with sanity, and
12          WHEREAS, mothers are characterized by unconditional love
13    for their offspring, are slow to lose patience, and serve as the
14    anchors that bond the family, and
15          WHEREAS, a mother's love is like a flame that is always
16    burning but intensifies each time a child is born, and
17          WHEREAS, a mother is a gift bestowed on man, never more
18    dear than when bringing forth life in the form of a child, and
19          WHEREAS, it is proper that the members and staff of the
20    Florida House of Representatives recognize the immeasurable debt
21    of gratitude owed to all mothers for their strength, guidance,
22    understanding, and love, NOW, THEREFORE,
24          Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
25    Florida:
27          That the members of the House of Representatives do hereby
28    express to their own mothers and to all mothers, on behalf of
29    the citizens of the State of Florida, personal affection and
30    heartfelt gratitude.
31 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon
32 the Journal of the House of Representatives as a tangible token
33 of the love and respect that the members hold for all mothers.