HR 9017 2003
1 House Resolution
2          A resolution paying tribute to Representative Carey L.
3    Baker.
5          WHEREAS, at the convening, on this 4th day of March 2003,
6    of the 105th Regular Session since Statehood in 1845, the
7    absence of State Representative Carey L. Baker of District 25
8    will be duly noted while he is sacrificing his time for the good
9    of his native state and country, and
10          WHEREAS, in the year 2000, following in the footsteps of
11    his father, former State Representative Leighton L. Baker, Carey
12    L. Baker sought and won the privilege of representing his
13    constituency in the Florida Legislature, and
14          WHEREAS, Representative Baker’s leadership and personality
15    will be missed as the 105th Legislature convenes while he places
16    on hold his legislative career and family time to fight to
17    preserve the freedoms that ultimately allow this Body to meet,
18    and
19          WHEREAS, Representative Baker has served his state and
20    nation for 22 years as a citizen soldier, having enlisted in the
21    Florida Army National Guard in 1981, and has successfully
22    balanced his military service with his devotion to family and
23    community, and
24          WHEREAS, in light of the growing threat of terrorism upon
25    the citizens of the United States, Representative Baker asked
26    for and received permission to be excused from active
27    participation in the 2003 Regular Session and, as First Sergeant
28    Carey L. Baker, is currently assigned to the Middle East as part
29    of the 124th Infantry Division, and
30          WHEREAS, Representative Baker was married to his lovely
31    wife, Lori, in 1997, and although he is separated by a distance
32    of thousands of miles from his wife and their infant son,
33    Leighton, the family will be united in thoughts and prayers as
34    they observe the sixth anniversary of their wedding on March 8,
35    2003, NOW, THEREFORE,
37          Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
38    Florida:
40          That the Florida House of Representatives is honored to
41    take advantage of this occasion to pay tribute to State
42    Representative Carey L. Baker and to commend him for his
43    sacrificial service to his state and nation.
44          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
45    presented to Lori Baker as a tangible token of the sentiments
46    expressed herein and as evidence of the sincere gratitude
47    accorded her for the sacrifices she is making for her country,
48    state, and family, and with the added assurance that the Members
49    of this Body extend to her their warmest congratulations on the
50    occasion of her sixth wedding anniversary and on the birth of
51    her infant son, Leighton.