HR 9071 2003
1 House Resolution
2          A resolution recognizing the services of the Volunteers in
3    Medicine Clinic of Martin County.
5          WHEREAS, often described as the "working poor," those in
6    Martin County who do not have the financial means to cover
7    necessary medical costs or to purchase insurance are finding
8    renewed hope through the Volunteers in Medicine Clinic, and
9          WHEREAS, in order to meet this critical need, the
10    Volunteers in Medicine Clinic was established by retired
11    physician Fred Carter, M.D., in October 1995 through a
12    collaborative effort of the Martin County Medical Society,
13    Martin Memorial Health Systems, and the Martin County Public
14    Health Unit, and
15          WHEREAS, since its inception, the Clinic, through its
16    volunteer physicians, nurses, clinical psychologists, and allied
17    healthcare professionals and the uncompensated services of
18    physicians and surgeons in private practice, has treated 3,000
19    individuals during more than 50,000 patient visits, and
20          WHEREAS, currently comprised of seven exam rooms, a
21    laboratory, a pharmacy, and an opthalmology room, the Clinic
22    offers its patients a broad array of medical disciplines and
23    ancillary programs, and
24          WHEREAS, Dr. Carter has been the recipient of numerous
25    recognitions and awards, the Clinic has received both local and
26    national recognitions, awards, and grants and private financial
27    contributions and support, but perhaps most praiseworthy of the
28    Clinic's efforts are those of the dedicated volunteers who serve
29    as stellar examples of citizens responding to the call of the
30    President and the Governor to help ease the burden on our social
31    services system, NOW, THEREFORE,
33          Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
34    Florida:
36          That the House of Representatives enthusiastically commends
37    Dr. Fred Carter and the volunteers and supporters of the
38    Volunteers in Medicine Clinic of Martin County for their
39    magnificent efforts toward providing needed healthcare services
40    and promoting preventive measures for those whom they serve.
41          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
42    presented to the Volunteers in Medicine Clinic as a tangible
43    token of the sentiments expressed herein.