HR 9081 2003
1 House Resolution
2          A resolution urging Floridians to forgo the use of French
3    wines for the duration of any action against Iraq.
5          WHEREAS, French wines are luxuries enjoyed by many
6    Floridians and are symbolic of the close alliance enjoyed by the
7    United States and France that dates back to French support of
8    the American colonists during their struggle for independence
9    and includes the instrumental role of the United States in
10    ending the occupation of France during World War II, and
11          WHEREAS, for more than a decade, since the end of the
12    Persian Gulf War in 1991, Iraq has methodically stockpiled
13    weapons of mass destruction in direct defiance of United Nations
14    resolutions forbidding such actions, and
15          WHEREAS, President Bush and leaders of such allies as
16    England and Spain have exhibited marvelous diplomacy and
17    patience in their resolve to effect a peaceful enforcement of
18    these resolutions, only to have their efforts met with solid
19    resistance from Iraq, and
20          WHEREAS, French leadership has taken a determined stance
21    against United States policy in this matter, including an
22    official commitment to veto any resolution calling for military
23    action to curtail Iraq's amassing of dangerous chemical and
24    biological weapons, and
25          WHEREAS, United States troops and those of our allies are
26    worthy of the wholehearted support of all Americans during this
27    time of grave danger and uncertainty, NOW, THEREFORE,
29          Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
30    Florida:
32          That the House of Representatives urges all Floridians to
33    forgo the use of French wines during the conflict with Iraq as
34    an expression of outrage against the blatant opposition of
35    French leadership to Allied efforts to enforce United Nations
36    resolutions forbidding development of arms by Iraq.