HB 0909 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to Lee County; creating the Village of
3    Captiva Charter; providing a popular name; providing
4    legislative intent; providing for incorporation; providing
5    for a council-manager form of government and its powers
6    and duties; providing for a village council and its
7    membership, including mayor, vice-mayor, and mayor pro
8    tem, qualifications and terms of office, powers and
9    duties, absence of compensation, expenses, and prescribed
10    procedures relating to vacancies, including forfeiture of
11    office, suspension, and recall; providing for meetings;
12    providing for recordkeeping; providing certain
13    restrictions; providing for charter officers and their
14    appointment, removal, compensation, filling of vacancies,
15    qualifications, and powers and duties; establishing a
16    fiscal year; providing for a budget, appropriations,
17    amendments, and limitations; providing for elections and
18    matters relating thereto; defining boundaries of the city;
19    specifying general provisions relating to charter review
20    and amendment and standards of conduct; providing for
21    severability; providing for a referendum, initial election
22    of council members, transition services and compensation,
23    first-year expenses, specified transitional matters, and
24    state shared and gas tax revenues; providing effective
25    dates.
27          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
29          Section 1. Popular name.--This act, together with any
30    future amendments thereto, may be known by the popular name the
31    "Village of Captiva Charter," hereinafter referred to as "the
32    charter."
33          Section 2. Legislative intent.--The Legislature finds and
34    declares that:
35          (1) The area in Lee County known as Captiva Island
36    includes a compact and contiguous urban community amenable to
37    separate municipal government.
38          (2) It is in the best interests of the public health,
39    safety, and welfare of the citizens of this community to form a
40    separate municipality for Captiva Island with all powers and
41    authority necessary to provide efficient and adequate municipal
42    services to its residents.
43          Section 3. Incorporation of municipality.--
44          (1) There is created, effective November 6, 2003, in Lee
45    County, Florida, a new municipality to be known as the Village
46    of Captiva.
47          (2) The corporate boundaries of the Village of Captiva
48    ("the Village") shall be as described in section 9.
49          (3) The Village of Captiva shall operate under a council-
50    manager form of government. The general duties of the village
51    council, as described in section 5, shall be to set policy. The
52    general duties of the village manager, as described in section
53    6, shall be to carry out those policies.
54          Section 4. Municipal powers.--The Village shall be a body
55    corporate and politic and shall have all the powers of a
56    municipality under the State Constitution and the laws of the
57    state, as fully and completely as though such powers were
58    specifically enumerated in this charter, unless otherwise
59          prohibited by or contrary to the provisions of this charter.
60    The Village shall have all governmental, corporate, and
61    proprietary powers necessary to enable it to conduct municipal
62    government, perform municipal functions, and render municipal
63    services, and may exercise any power for municipal purposes
64    unless expressly prohibited by the Florida Constitution or by
65    law. The powers of the Village shall be liberally construed in
66    favor of the Village.
67          Section 5. Village council.--
69    OFFICE.--
70          (a) Composition.--
71          1. There shall be a village council consisting of 5
72    members who shall be electors of the village elected at large to
73    seats numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
74          (b) Qualifications for office.--
75          1. Each candidate for office shall be a qualified elector,
76    as defined in general law, of the Village.
77          2. Each individual seeking to qualify as a candidate for
78    one of the seats on the council, at the time of qualification:
79          a. Shall reside within the boundaries of the Village.
80          b. Shall submit a petition supporting his or her candidacy
81    to the village clerk containing the signatures of at least 1
82    percent of the electorate residing within the Village, as
83    identified in the most recent decennial census, from which he or
84    she seeks to run, or shall pay to the village clerk a qualifying
85    fee of $60.
86          c. Shall designate by seat number not more than one seat
87    for which he or she seeks to run.
88          3. Additionally, for the initial election
89          following the referendum approving the creation of the Village,
90    candidates for office shall qualify as provided in subsection
91    (3) of section 13.
92          (2) TERMS OF OFFICE.--
93          (a) The term of office for each member shall be 4 years.
94    However, in order to provide for staggering of terms, the
95    initial terms of office for Seats 1, 3, and 5 shall be 4 years,
96    and those of Seats 2 and 4 shall be 2 years.
97          (b) Each council member shall remain in office until his
98    or her successor is elected and assumes the duties of the
99    position at the first regular meeting after the regular election
100    which shall be held in accordance with village ordinance.
101          (3) POWERS AND DUTIES OF COUNCIL.--Except as otherwise
102    prescribed herein or as provided by law, legislative and police
103    powers of the Village shall be vested in the council. The
104    council shall provide for the exercise of its powers and for the
105    performance of all duties and obligations imposed on the Village
106    by law.
108    PRO TEM.--
109          (a) Election of mayor.--The council shall elect from its
110    members a mayor and a vice mayor. The election shall be held at
111    the first regular meeting of the council after the regular city
112    election in election years and at the first regular meeting in
113    December in non-election years. The date of the election in
114    non-election years may be amended by council by ordinance to
115    coincide with changes in dates for regular elections.
116          (b) Powers.--The mayor and the vice mayor shall have the
117    same powers and duties as any other council member. In
118          addition to the regular powers invested in any other council
119    member, the mayor and, in the absence of the mayor, the vice
120    mayor, shall be recognized by the Governor for purposes of
121    military law; shall have the power to declare an emergency
122    situation; shall have the power for service of process, and
123    execution of contracts, deeds, and other documents; and shall
124    have the power to represent the Village in all agreements with
125    other governmental entities or certifications to other
126    governmental entities that the council has approved.
127          (c) Duties.--In addition to his or her regular duties, the
128    mayor and, in the absence of the mayor, the vice mayor, shall
129    preside at meetings of the council and be recognized as the head
130    of Village government for all ceremonial occasions. The mayor or
131    vice mayor shall have no administrative duties other than those
132    necessary to accomplish these actions, or such other actions as
133    may be authorized by the council, consistent with general or
134    special law.
135          (d) Mayor Pro Tem.--In the absence of the mayor and vice
136    mayor, the remaining council members shall select a council
137    member to serve as mayor pro tem. The mayor pro tem shall have
138    the same powers and duties as the mayor for the period of the
139    absence.
141          (a) Compensation.--The council members, including the
142    mayor, shall not receive compensation for their services.
143          (b) Expenses.--The council may provide for reimbursement
144    of actual and necessary expenses incurred by its members while
145    performing their official duties.
148          (a) Vacancies.--A vacancy in the office any council member
149    shall occur upon the death of the incumbent, removal from office
150    as authorized by law, resignation, appointment to other public
151    office which creates dual office holding, judicially determined
152    incompetence, or forfeiture of office as described in paragraph
153    (b).
154          (b) Forfeiture of office.--A council member shall
155          forfeit the office upon determination by the council, acting as
156    a body, that he or she:
157          1. Lacks at any time, or fails to maintain during the term
158    of office, any qualification for the office prescribed by this
159    charter or as otherwise required by law;
160          2. Is convicted of a felony, or enters a plea of guilty or
161    nolo contendere to a crime punishable as a felony, even if
162    adjudication of guilt has been withheld;
163          3. Is convicted of a first degree misdemeanor arising
164    directly out of his or her official conduct or duties, or enters
165    a plea of guilty or nolo contendere thereto, even if
166    adjudication of guilt has been withheld;
167          4. Is found to have violated any standard of conduct or
168    code of ethics established by law for public officials and has
169    been suspended from office by the Governor, unless subsequently
170    reinstated as provided by law; or
171          5. Is absent from three consecutive regular council
172    meetings without being excused by the council.
173          (c) Suspension from office.--The council member shall be
174    suspended from office by the council, acting as a body, upon
175    return of an indictment or issuance of an information charging
176    the council member or mayor with any crime which is punishable
177    as a felony or with any crime arising out of his or her official
178    conduct or duties which is punishable as a misdemeanor.
179          1. During the period of suspension, the council member
180    shall not perform any official act, duty, or function, or
181    receive any allowance, emolument, or privilege of office.
182          2. If the council member is subsequently found not guilty
183    of the charge, or if the charge is otherwise dismissed or
184    altered so that suspension would no longer be required as
185    provided herein, the suspension shall be lifted by the council,
186    and the council member or mayor shall be entitled to receive
187    full back allowances and such other emoluments as he or she
188    would have been entitled to had the suspension not occurred.
189          (d) Recall.--The electors, following the procedures for
190    recall established by general law or ordinance, may remove any
191    member of the council from office.
192          (e) Filling of vacancies.--
193          1. If a vacancy occurs in the office of mayor, the vice
194    mayor shall assume the position of mayor.
195          2. If a vacancy occurs in the office of any council member
196    within the first 2 years of a term, the office shall be filled
197    by appointment within 30 days following the occurrence of such
198    vacancy by majority vote of the remaining council members. Such
199    appointment shall last until the next regularly scheduled
200    election, at which time the seat shall be declared open and an
201    election held for the remaining 2 years of the original term,
202    thus continuing the original staggering of seats.
203          3. If a vacancy occurs in the office of any council member
204    within the last 2 years of a term, the office shall be filled by
205    appointment within 30 days following the occurrence of such
206    vacancy by majority vote of the remaining council members. Such
207    appointments shall last until the next
208          regularly scheduled election, at which time the seat shall be
209    declared open and an election held for the regular 4-year term.
210          4. If a vacancy occurs as a result of a recall petition,
211    such vacancy shall be filled by special election as outlined in
212    subparagraph 2. above, for the remainder of the term.
213          5. Any person appointed to fill a vacant seat on the
214    council is required to meet all the qualifications for office
215    except the petition requirement.
216          6. During the initial term of council after incorporation
217    if, for any reason other than recall, a vacancy occurs in the
218    office of seats numbered 2 or 4 the office shall be filled by
219    appointment within 30 days following the occurrence of such
220    vacancy by majority vote of the remaining council members. Such
221    appointment shall last until the next regularly scheduled
222    election, at which time the seat shall be declared open and an
223    election held for the remainder of the term, thus continuing the
224    original staggering of seats.
226    SPECIAL MEETINGS.--The council shall meet regularly at least
227    once a month, except that it may, by ordinance, provide for no
228    regular meetings in any or all of the following months: June,
229    July, and August, at such times and places as the council may
230    prescribe by ordinance. Such meetings shall be public meetings
231    and shall be subject to notice and other requirements of law
232    applicable to public meetings.
233          (a) Organizational meeting.--The first meeting following a
234    general village election at which elected or reelected council
235    members are inducted into office shall be held in accordance
236    with village ordinances.
237          (b) Quorum.--A majority of the council shall constitute a
238    quorum. No action of the council shall be valid unless adopted
239    by an affirmative vote of the majority of the council members in
240    attendance, unless otherwise provided by law or ordinance or as
241    stated in this charter. All actions of the council shall be by
242    ordinance, resolution, or motion.
243          (c) Special meetings.--Special meetings may be held at the
244    call of the mayor or, in the absence of the mayor, at the call
245    of the vice-mayor. Special meetings may also be called upon the
246    request of a majority of the council members. The clerk shall
247    provide not less than 24 hours' prior notice of the meeting to
248    the public, unless a declared emergency situation exists.
249          (8) RECORDS.--The council shall, in a properly indexed
250    book kept for the purpose, provide for the authentication and
251    recording in full of all minutes of meetings, and all ordinances
252    and resolutions adopted by the council, and the same shall at
253    all times be a public record. In addition, the council shall
254    keep verbatim recordings of all meetings in accordance with
255    state law. The council shall further maintain a current
256    codification of all ordinances. Such codification shall be
257    printed and made available to the public on a continuing basis.
258    All ordinances or resolutions of the council shall be signed by
259    the mayor or, in the mayor's absence, by the vice-mayor or, in
260    the absence of both, by the mayor pro tem, and attested to by
261    the clerk.
263    members shall not be in the employment of the Village while in
264    office, nor shall any former council be employed by the Village
265    until after the expiration of 1 year from the time of leaving
266    office.
267          (10) NONINTERFERENCE BY COUNCIL.--Except for the purpose
268    of inquiry and information, the council and its
269          members, including committees thereof, are expressly prohibited
270    from interfering directly or indirectly with the supervisory
271    powers of the village manager or village attorney.
272          Section 6. Charter officers.--The designated charter
273    officers shall be the village manager and the village
274    attorney.--
277          (a) Appointment.--The charter officers shall be appointed
278    by a majority vote of the council and shall serve at the
279    pleasure of the council.
280          (b) Removal.--The charter officers shall be removed from
281    office only by a majority vote of the membership of council. If
282    the vote is less than unanimous, the charter officer may, within
283    7 days after the dismissal motion by the council, submit to the
284    mayor a written request for reconsideration. A reconsideration
285    hearing shall be held within 7 days after receipt of the
286    request. Any action taken by the council at the reconsideration
287    hearing shall be final.
288          (c) Compensation.--The compensation of the charter
289    officers shall be fixed by the council.
290          (d) Filling of vacancies.--The council shall begin the
291    process to fill a vacancy in the charter office of the village
292    manager or village attorney within 90 days after the vacancy
293    occurs. An acting village manager or acting village attorney
294    shall be appointed by the council during a vacancy in office of
295    the City village manager or village attorney
296          (e) Candidate for village office.--No charter officer
297    shall be a candidate for any elected village office while
298    holding a charter office position.
300    DUTIES.--The village manager shall be the chief administrative
301    officer
302          of the Village. The village manager may be retained full or part
303    time, either as an employee or as an independent contractor, as
304    determined by the council.
305          (a) Qualifications.--The village manager shall be selected
306    on the basis of experience, expertise, and management ability as
307    it pertains to running municipal government.
308          (b) Power and duties.--The village manager shall:
309          1. Attend all meetings of the village council, unless
310    excused by council.
311          2. Draw and sign vouchers upon depositories and keep, or
312    cause to be kept, a true and accurate account of same. Such
313    vouchers shall be countersigned by the mayor or by the vice-
314    mayor in the event the office of mayor is vacant. If both the
315    mayor and vice mayor offices are vacant, the mayor pro tem shall
316    countersign such vouchers.
317          3. Be responsible for signature and issuance of all
318    licenses issued by the Village, issuance of receipts for all
319    moneys paid to the Village, and deposit of said moneys in the
320    proper depositories on the first banking day after receipt.
321          4. Provide administrative services as required by the
322    council.
323          5. Act as village clerk or, with council approval,
324    designate another person to act as city clerk.
325          6. Appoint, suspend, or remove any employee of the
326    Village, except those employed by the village attorney. Such
327    appointments, suspensions, and removals shall be within the
328    guidelines of stated personnel policies and procedures.
329          7. Direct and supervise the administration of all
330    departments, offices, and agencies of the Village, except
331          as otherwise provided by this charter or by law.
332          8. See that all laws, provisions of this charter, and acts
333    of the council are faithfully executed.
334          9. Prepare and submit annually a balanced budget, budget
335    message, and capital program to the council.
336          10. Keep the council fully advised as to the financial
337    condition and future needs of the Village and make
338    recommendations to the council concerning the affairs of the
339    Village.
340          11. Submit to the council, and make available to the
341    public, a complete report on finances and administrative
342    activities of the Village as of the end of each fiscal year.
343          12. Sign contracts on behalf of the Village, if delegated
344    by the council.
345          13. Perform other such duties as are specified in this
346    charter or as may be directed by the council.
348    DUTIES.--The village attorney shall be the chief legal officer
349    of the Village. The village attorney may be retained full time
350    or part time, either as an employee or as an independent
351    contractor, as determined by the council.
352          (a) Qualifications.--The village attorney shall be a
353    member in good standing of The Florida Bar.
354          (b) Powers and duties.--The village attorney:
355          1. Shall serve as chief legal advisor to the council, the
356    village manager, and all departments, offices, advisory boards,
357    and agencies.
358          2. Shall attend all council meetings, unless excused by
359    the council, or unless a designee or alternate is approved by
360    the council, and shall perform such professional
361          duties as may be required by law or by the council in
362    furtherance of the law.
363          3. Shall prepare an annual budget for the operation of the
364    office of the village attorney and shall submit this budget to
365    the village manager for inclusion in the annual budget, in
366    accordance with uniform procedures.
367          4. Shall prepare or review, and approve as to form,
368    ordinances, resolutions, and contracts.
369          Section 7. Budget and appropriations.--
370          (1) FISCAL YEAR.--The Village fiscal year shall begin on
371    October 1 of each year and end on September 30 of the succeeding
372    year.
373          (2) BUDGET ADOPTION.--The council shall, by resolution,
374    adopt a millage rate and budget on or before September 30 of
375    each year. A resolution adopting the annual budget shall
376    constitute appropriation of the amounts specified therein as
377    expenditures from funds indicated.
381          (a) Supplemental appropriations.--If, during the fiscal
382    year, revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget are
383    available for appropriation, the council may, by resolution,
384    make supplemental appropriations for the year in an amount not
385    to exceed such excess.
386          (b) Reduction of appropriations.--Consistent with general
387    law, if, at any time during the fiscal year, it appears probable
388    to the village manager that the revenues available will be
389    insufficient to meet the amount appropriated, he or she shall so
390    report to the council without delay, indicating the estimated
391    amount of the deficit, any remedial action to be taken, and
392    recommendations as to any other steps that should be taken. The
393    council shall then take such further action as it deems
394    necessary to prevent any deficit and, for that purpose, the
395    council may by resolution reduce one or more appropriations
396    accordingly.
397          (c) Transfer of appropriations.--Consistent with general
398    law, at any time during the fiscal year, the village manager may
399    transfer all or part of any unencumbered appropriation balance
400    within a department, office, or agency of the Village to other
401    programs within the same department, office, or agency. Further,
402    upon written request of the village manager, the council may
403    transfer part or all of any unencumbered appropriation balance
404    from one department, office, or agency to another.
405          (d) Limitations; effective date.--No appropriation for
406    debt service may be reduced or transferred, no appropriation may
407    be reduced below any amount required by law to be appropriated,
408    and no appropriation may be reduced by more than the amount of
409    the unencumbered balance thereof. The transfer of
410    appropriations authorized by this section may be made effective
411    immediately upon
412          adoption.
413          Section 8. Elections.--
414          (1) ELECTORS.--Any person who is a resident of the
415    Village, who has qualified as an elector of this state, and who
416    registers in the manner prescribed by law shall be an elector of
417    the Village.
418          (2) NONPARTISAN ELECTIONS.--All elections for a village
419    elective office shall be conducted on a nonpartisan basis
420    without any designation of political party affiliation.
421          (3) QUALIFYING FOR OFFICE.--Any person who wishes to
422    become a candidate for a village elective office shall qualify
423    with the clerk no sooner than 45 calendar days and no later than
424    35 calendar days prior to the second Tuesday in September of
425    each even-numbered year. In addition, candidates shall qualify
426    as provided in paragraph (1)(b) of section 5.
428          (a) The regular village election shall be the first
429    Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered
430    year. Such village elections shall be general village elections.
431    These dates as well as qualification dates may be amended by
432    council by ordinance to correspond to municipal qualification
433    and election dates that may be established by law or as a result
434    of agreement with the supervisor of elections. In such event,
435    terms shall be extended to correspond to the new election dates.
436          (b) An election to fill a vacant council seat shall be
437    held as outlined in paragraph (6)(e) of section 5.
438          (5) SCHEDULE FOR SPECIAL ELECTIONS.--Special municipal
439    elections shall be held in the same manner as regular elections
440    and the council shall, by resolution or, if required, by
441    ordinance fix the time for holding of such elections.
443          (a) If only one candidate qualifies for an office, i.e.,
444          a council seat, that candidate shall be deemed to be elected and
445    shall not be placed on either the general or the primary ballot.
446          (b) If two or more candidates qualify for an office, the
447    names of those candidates shall be placed on the ballot at the
448    general village election. The candidate receiving the majority
449    of the votes cast shall be deemed to be elected.
450          (c) The candidate receiving the highest number of votes
451    cast for the office in the general village election shall be
452    elected to such office. If the vote at the general village
453    election results in a tie, the outcome shall be determined as
454    follows:
455          1. At the first regularly scheduled council meeting after
456    the election, the Supervisor of Elections of Lee County shall
457    toss a coin. In alphabetical order, the two candidates shall
458    call the coin.
459          2. The candidate whose call matches the coin toss shall be
460    declared the winner.
461          (7) VILLAGE CANVASSING BOARD.--For purposes of certifying
462    absentee ballots and election results, council shall be known as
463    the canvassing board. At the close of the polls of any village
464    election, the canvassing board shall ensure that the absentee
465    ballots are delivered to the Lee County Supervisor of Elections,
466    and shall meet at the county election headquarters and proceed
467    to certify the ballots and open them in the presence of a
468    representative of the supervisor of elections office. In
469    addition, after final election results are certified by the Lee
470    County Supervisor of Elections, the canvassing board shall
471    immediately report the results back to a meeting of the council
472    held for the purpose of final certification and filing with the
473    clerk as required law.
474          Section 9. Land description.--
475          VILLAGE BOUNDARIES.--The initial corporate boundaries shall
476    be as hereinafter described. At any time after incorporation,
477    boundaries may be changed in accordance with general laws
478    regarding annexation without amendments to the charter.
479          A corporate limits line lying offshore from Captiva
480    Island in Portions of Townships 45 & 46 South, Range
481    21 East,
482          Lee County, Florida, which line is described as
483    follows: From a point designated “A” on the centerline
484    of Blind Pass and 2,640 feet offshore from the mean
485    high tide line of Sanibel Island and lying in the Gulf
486    of Mexico, said point having an approximate position
487    of Latitude 26( 28’ 26” North and Longitude 082( 11’
488    13” West and being referenced in the Corporate Limits
489    description of the City of Sanibel in Article II,
490    Section 2.01, of the Sanibel Charter, run
491    northeasterly along said centerline for 2,280 feet,
492    more or less to a point designated “B” lying in said
493    Gulf and 500 feet offshore from the mean high tide
494    line of said Captiva Island having an approximate
495    position of Latitude 26( 28’ 47” North and Longitude
496    082( 11’ 03” West and the Point of Beginning. From said
497    Point of Beginning run northwesterly, northerly and
498    Northwesterly long a line in said Gulf and being 500
499    feet offshore from the mean high tide line of said
500    from the mean high tide line of said Captiva Island
501    for 5.3 miles, more or less to a point designated “C”
502    at an intersection with the centerline of Redfish
503    Pass, said point having an approximate position of
504    Latitude 26( 33’ 15” North and Longitude 082( 12’ 20”
505    West; thence run easterly along said centerline for
506    0.5 miles, more or less to a point designated “D” at
507    an intersection with a line in Pine Island Sound that
508    is 500 feet offshore from the mean high tide line of
509    said Captiva Island, said point having an approximate
510    position of Latitude 26( 33’ 15” North and Longitude
511    082( 11’ 49” West; thence run southeasterly along said
512    line, being offshore from said mean high water and
513    shoals lying offshore and easterly of said Captiva
514    Island for 2 miles, more or less to a point designated
515    “E” having an approximate position of Latitude 26( 31’
516    50” North and Longitude 082( 10’ 45” West; thence run
517    southwesterly for 1.5 miles, more or less to a point
518    designated “F” on the centerline of Roosevelt Channel,
519    said point having an approximate position of Latitude
520    26( 30’ 38” North and Longitude 082( 11’ 16” West;
521    thence run southeasterly, southwesterly and
522    southeasterly for 1.8 miles, more or less to a point
523    designated “G” at an intersection with the centerline
524    of said Blind Pass, said point having an approximate
525    position of Latitude 26( 29’ 12” North and Longitude
526    082( 10’ 51” West; thence run southwesterly for 0.5
527    miles, more or less to the Point of Beginning.
528          Section 10. No effect on special districts.--Nothing in
529    this charter shall affect the status of special districts
530    existing on the effective date of this act within the territory
531    encompassed by the Village.
532          Section 11. General provisions.--
533          (1) CHARTER AMENDMENT.--This charter may be amended in
534    accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Home Rule Powers
535    Act, chapter 166, Florida Statutes, as the same may be amended
536    from time to time, or as may otherwise be provided by general
537    law. The form, content, and certification of any petition to
538    amend shall be established by ordinance.
540          (a) Schedule.--The charter shall be subjected to a
541    mandatory review no sooner than 5 years or later than 10 years
542    after the creation of the Village of Captiva and thereafter it
543    shall be reviewed at least every 10 years.
544          (b) Charter review committee.--The council shall appoint a
545    charter review committee consisting of 5 members. Each council
546    member including the mayor shall recommend for appointment one
547    member. The council shall fund this committee. The charter
548    review committee shall be appointed at least 1 year before the
549    next scheduled general election and complete its work and
550    present any recommendations for change no later than 120 days
551    before the general election. The council shall hold a minimum of
552    1 public hearing on the proposed changes to the charter prior to
553    placing the proposed changes on the scheduled general election
554    ballot.
555          (3) INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM.--Except as prohibited by
556    general law, at least 10 percent of the qualified electorate of
557    the Village shall have the power to petition the council to
558    propose an ordinance (initiative petition) or to require
559    reconsideration of an adopted ordinance (referendum petition),
560    or to propose an amendment to this charter. If the council fails
561    to adopt such ordinance without any change in substance, or
562    amendment so proposed or to repeal or amend such adopted
563    ordinance, then the council shall place the proposed ordinance
564    or amendment to the charter, or the repeal or amendment of the
565    adopted ordinance, on the ballot no later than the next general
566    election, or 1 year from certification by council of the
567    petition, whichever occurs first. A referendum petition shall
568    be filed within 30 days after adoption by council.
569          (4) STANDARDS OF CONDUCT.--All elected officials and
570    employees of the Village shall be subject to the standards of
571    conduct for public officers and employees set by general law. In
572    addition, the council may, by ordinance, establish a code of
573    ethics for officials and employees of the Village, which may be
574    supplemental to general law, but in no case may such an
575    ordinance diminish the provisions of general law.
576          Section 12. Severability.--If any provision of this act,
577    or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is
578    held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
579    or applications of this act which can be given effect without
580    the invalid provision or application, and to this end the
581    provisions of this act are declared severable.
582          Section 13. Transition schedule.--
583          (1) REFERENDUM.--The referendum election called for by
584    this act shall be held on November 4, 2003,at which time the
585    following question shall be placed upon the ballot:
588    APPROVED? In the event this question is answered affirmatively
589    by a majority of voters voting in the referendum, the provisions
590    of this charter shall take effect as provided herein.
592    CAPTIVA.--
593          For the purpose of compliance with Florida Statutes relating to
594    assessment and collection of ad valorem taxes, and for the
595    purpose of subsection (2) of section 11, the Village of Captiva
596    is hereby created and established effective November 6, 2003.
599    OFFICE.--
600          (a) Dates.--Following the adoption of this charter in
601    accordance with subsection (1), the Lee County Commission shall
602    call a special election for the election of the council members
603    to be held on Tuesday, December 9, 2003.
604          (b) Qualifying period.--Between 12:00 Noon on Tuesday,
605    November 11, 2003, and 12:00 noon on Friday, November 14, 2003,
606    any individual who wishes to run for one of the seats on the
607    council shall qualify as a candidate with the Lee County
608    Supervisor of Elections in accordance with the provisions of
609    general law and paragraph (1)(b) of section 5 of this charter.
610          (c) Certification of election results.--For the initial
611    election, the Lee County Board of County Commissioners shall
612    appoint a canvassing board which shall certify the results of
613    the election. The candidate who receives the most votes for the
614    office, i.e., the council seat, for which the candidate has
615    qualified shall be declared the winner and shall be deemed
616    elected to that office.
617          (d) Induction into office.--Those candidates who are
618    elected on December 9, 2003, shall take office at the initial
619    village council meeting.
620          (e) Initial council meeting.--The initial village council
621    meeting shall be held at 9:00 A.M. on Tuesday, December 16,
622    2003, at the Captiva Civic Association, 11550 Chapin Lane,
623    Captiva Island, Florida 33924; or at another place within the
624    Village designated by the Lee County Board of County
625    Commissioners. The chair of the Board of County Commissioners,
626    or designee, shall preside for the purpose of calling the
627    meeting to order and electing a Mayor, after which the mayor
628    shall preside.
630          (a) It is the intent of this section that Lee County shall
631    provide and be compensated for the provision of services to the
632    Village of Captiva as budgeted for in the fiscal year 2003-2004
633    Lee County Budget during the 60-day transition period set forth
634    in subsection (6), or until such earlier time as the Village
635    shall make other arrangements for the services. The level of
636    services to be provided will be consistent with the level upon
637    which the fiscal year 2003-2004 expense budget was predicated
638    and in accordance with adopted revenues.
639          (b) It is the responsibility of the Village to adopt
640    appropriate ordinances, resolutions, or agreements as required
641    to ensure the continued collection of budgeted revenues with
642    which to fund services beginning December 16, 2003. Any revenues
643    adopted or received by the Village upon which delivery of
644    services was not predicated within the Lee County Commission's
645    fiscal year 2003-2004 adopted budget shall accrue to the
646    Village.
647          (5) FIRST-YEAR EXPENSES.--The council, in order to provide
648    additional moneys needed for the expenses and support of the
649    Village, shall have the power to borrow money necessary for the
650    operation of government until such time as a budget is adopted
651    and revenues are raised in accordance with the provisions of
652    this charter. The county shall, by January 15, 2004, provide the
653    Village with the share of the unincorporated Municipal Services
654    Taxing Unit taxes and All-Hazard Municipal Taxing Unit taxes
655    allocable to the Village for the then current year prorated from
656    the effective date of incorporation.
658    shall adopt ordinances and resolutions required to effect the
659    transition. Ordinances adopted within 60 days after the first
660    council meeting may be passed as emergency ordinances. These
661    transitional ordinances shall be effective for no longer than 90
662    days after adoption and thereafter may be readopted, renewed, or
663    otherwise continued only in the manner normally prescribed for
664    ordinances.
666    REGULATION.--Until such time as the Village shall adopt or amend
667    a comprehensive plan or land development regulation, the
668    applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan of Lee County
669    (Lee Plan) and the Lee County Land Development Code, as the same
670    exist on the day the Village commences corporate existence,
671    shall remain in effect as the Village transitional comprehensive
672    plan and land development regulation. However, all planning
673    functions, duties, and authority shall thereafter be vested in
674    the council, which shall be deemed the local planning agency
675    until the council establishes a separate local planning agency.
676    All powers and duties of the Lee County Board of County
677    Commissioners, any boards of adjustment and appeals, or other
678    applicable boards or commissions and the Office of the Lee
679    County Hearing Examiner, as set forth in these transitional
680    zoning and land development regulations, shall be vested in the
681    council of the Village until such time as the council delegates
682    all or a portion thereof to another entity. Subsequent to the
683    commencement of the Village's corporate existence, no amendment
684    of the comprehensive plan or land development regulations
685    enacted by the Lee County Commission shall be deemed an
686    amendment of the Village's transitional comprehensive plan or
687    land development regulations or shall otherwise take effect
688    within the Village's corporate limits unless approved by the
689    council, and all pending applications for permits shall be
690    subject to review and approval by the council.
691          (8) SHARED REVENUES.--The Village shall be entitled to
692    participate in all shared revenue programs of the state
693    effective on the date of incorporation. The provisions of
694    section 218.23(1), Florida Statutes, shall be waived for the
695    purpose of eligibility to receive Revenue sharing funds from the
696    date of incorporation through the state fiscal year 2006. The
697    provisions of section 218.26(3), Florida Statutes, shall be
698    waived through fiscal year 2006 and apportionment factors for
699    the municipalities and counties shall be recalculated pursuant
700    to section 218.245, Florida Statutes, upon the date of
701    incorporation. Initial population estimates for calculating
702    eligibility for shared revenues shall be determined by the
703    University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research.
704    Should the bureau be unable to provide an appropriate
705    population estimate, the Lee County Department of Community
706    Services shall provide an appropriate estimate. For purposes of
707    meeting the provisions of section 218.23(1), Florida Statutes,
708    relating to ad valorem taxation, the millage levied by Captiva
709    Island Fire Control District and the Captiva Erosion Prevention
710    District may be used for an indefinite period of time. The
711    Village shall be entitled to receive local option gas tax
712    revenues beginning October 1, 2004, in accordance with an
713    interlocal agreement if executed prior to June 1, 2004. If said
714    interlocal agreement is not executed prior to June 1, 2004, the
715    distributions shall be in accordance with the lane mile formula
716    contained in section 336.025(4)(b)1., Florida Statutes.
717          (9) The new municipality will honor all existing solid
718    waste contracts in the affected geographic area subject to
719    incorporation, provided that such contracts may be honored only
720    for 5 years from the date of incorporation or the remainder of
721    the contract term, whichever is less.
722          Section 14. This act shall take effect as provided herein
723    only upon its approval by a majority vote of those qualified
724    electors residing within the proposed corporate limits of the
725    proposed Village of Captiva, as described in subsection (1) of
726    section 9, voting in a referendum election to be called by the
727    Lee County Commission and to be held in accordance with
728    subsection (1) of section 13, and the provisions of general law
729    relating to elections currently in force, except that this
730    section shall take effect upon becoming a law.