HR 9159 2003
1 House Resolution
2          A resolution recognizing June 22-28, 2003, as "Florida
3    American Legion Boys State Week."
5          WHEREAS, in a move to combat Fascism's attempt to supplant
6    Democracy and other competing forms of government, and believing
7    then, as now, that a program that employs active participation
8    would best demonstrate to American youth the superiority of
9    Democracy to any other form of government, the American Legion
10    created "Boys State" in 1934 and, with the exception of four
11    years during World War II, has sponsored the program every year
12    since 1940, and
13          WHEREAS, stressing the responsibility of the individual for
14    the character and success of government, the American Legion,
15    Department of Florida, currently conducts its one-week
16    comprehensive leadership course each June on the Florida State
17    University campus, where more than 525 students participate in
18    the state and local governments of a mythical 51st state and
19    thereby gain a better perspective of the practical operation of
20    government, and
21          WHEREAS, in excess of 28,000 high school juniors have
22    attended Florida Boys State during its six decades of existence,
23    and many former Boys Staters have become community, state, and
24    national leaders, with at least 20 percent of the cadets at the
25    military academies of our nation having been participants in
26    Boys State or Girls State, and
27          WHEREAS, the all-volunteer staff that conducts the program
28    continues the observance of such traditions as advancing the
29    American flag, praying and having devotions, and singing
30    patriotic songs and holds a memorial service to honor those who
31    have served our great country, NOW, THEREFORE,
33          Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
34    Florida:
36          That the House of Representatives considers it an honor to
37    recognize the week of June 22-28, 2003, as "Florida American
38    Legion Boys State Week" in observance of the 60th Anniversary of
39    Florida American Legion Boys State.
40          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
41    presented to the Florida American Legion as a tangible token of
42    the sentiments expressed herein.