HR 9161 2003
1 House Resolution
2          A resolution recognizing Andrew Jackson High School on the
3    occasion of its 75th anniversary graduation ceremony.
5          WHEREAS, May 3, 2003, brings with it the joyful observance
6    of a most significant milestone in the proud history of Andrew
7    Jackson High School of Jacksonville, and
8          WHEREAS, on that date, hundreds of current and former
9    students, teachers, and staff gather at the Prime Osborne
10    Convention Center to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the
11    graduation ceremonies held through the years for the school's
12    seniors, and
13          WHEREAS, over the past 75 years, more than 30,000 students
14    have graduated from Andrew Jackson High School, among them, one
15    Governor and one Lieutenant Governor of the state, a Chief
16    Justice of the Supreme Court of Florida, numerous state
17    legislators, four mayors and several city council members of the
18    City of Jacksonville, school board representatives, police
19    officers, firefighters, professional athletes of the National
20    Football League, the National Basketball Association, and Major
21    League Baseball, Grammy Award-winning musicians, a Pulitzer
22    Prize-winning author, NASA space engineers, and motion picture
23    industry executives and celebrities, as well as scores of
24    teachers, ministers, doctors, attorneys, judges, business
25    leaders, inventors, architects, and countless other good
26    citizens residing in Duval County, the state, the nation, and
27    throughout the world, and
28          WHEREAS, thousands of Andrew Jackson alumni have served in
29    the Armed Forces of the United States and more than 300 of its
30    former students have made the supreme sacrifice while serving
31    their country in the preservation of freedom, and
32          WHEREAS, the gathering provides an opportunity for renewed
33    acquaintances and recalled memories, with special presentations
34    to be featured during this time of jubilant celebration, NOW,
37          Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
38    Florida:
40          That the House of Representatives offers its sincere
41    congratulations to the current and former students, teachers,
42    and staff of Andrew Jackson High School of Jacksonville as they
43    observe the momentous occasion of the school's 75th graduation
44    anniversary.