Senate Bill sb0924c1

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    Florida Senate - 2003                            CS for SB 924

    By the Committee on Appropriations; and Senator Clary


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to trust funds; terminating

  3         specified trust funds within the Department of

  4         Management Services, the Department of Revenue,

  5         and the Department of Environmental Protection;

  6         providing for the disposition of balances in

  7         and revenues of such trust funds; declaring the

  8         findings of the Legislature that specified

  9         trust funds within the Department of

10         Environmental Protection, the Department of

11         Management Services, and the Department of

12         Revenue are exempt from the termination

13         requirements of s. 19(f), Art. III of the State

14         Constitution; repealing ss. 122.351 and 650.06,

15         F.S., relating to funding by local agencies and

16         the Social Security Contribution Trust Fund;

17         amending ss. 121.011, 121.031, 121.141, 122.26,

18         122.27, 122.30, 122.35, 650.04, and 650.05,

19         F.S., to conform; providing for payment of

20         certain social security contributions to the

21         Internal Revenue Service rather than the Social

22         Security Contribution Trust Fund; amending s.

23         607.1901, F.S., relating to the Corporate Tax

24         Administration Trust Fund; to conform;

25         providing for the additional transfers into the

26         General Revenue Fund; amending ss. 253.03 and

27         895.09, F.S.; repealing the Forfeited Property

28         Trust Fund in the Department of Environmental

29         Protection; amending s. 932.7055, F.S.; to

30         conform; repealing s. 20.2553, F.S.; repealing

31         the Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund in the


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    Florida Senate - 2003                            CS for SB 924

 1         Department of Environmental Protection;

 2         repealing s. 110.151(7), F.S., relating to the

 3         State Employee Child Care Revolving Trust Fund;

 4         repealing s. 213.31, F.S.; terminating the

 5         Corporation Tax Administration Trust Fund;

 6         providing an effective date.


 8  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


10         Section 1.  (1)  The following trust funds within the

11  following departments are terminated:

12         (a)  Within the Department of Management Services:

13         1.  The Social Security Contribution Trust Fund, FLAIR

14  number 72-2-638.

15         2.  The State Employee Child Care Revolving Trust Fund,

16  FLAIR number 72-2-670.

17         3.  The State Employees Savings Bond Trust Fund, FLAIR

18  number 72-2-674.

19         (b)  Within the Department of Revenue:

20         1.  The Corporation Tax Administration Trust Fund,

21  FLAIR number 73-2-143.

22         2.  The Drug Enforcement Trust Fund, FLAIR number

23  73-2-171.

24         (c)  Within the Department of Environmental Protection:

25         1.  The Forfeited Property Trust Fund, FLAIR number

26  37-2-267. The current balance remaining in, and all revenues

27  of, the trust fund shall be transferred to the Internal

28  Improvement Trust Fund, FLAIR number 37-2-408.

29         2.  The Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund, FLAIR

30  number 37-2-467, which was transferred to the Fish and

31  Wildlife Conservation Commission by chapter 2000-197, Laws of


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 1  Florida. The current balance remaining in, and all revenues

 2  of, the trust fund shall be transferred to the Marine

 3  Resources Conservation Trust Fund, FLAIR number 77-2-467, in

 4  the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

 5         3.  The Project Construction Trust Fund, FLAIR number

 6  37-2-549. The current balance remaining in, and all revenues

 7  of, the trust fund shall be transferred to the Ecosystem

 8  Management and Restoration Trust Fund, FLAIR number 37-2-193.

 9         4.  The Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund, FLAIR

10  number 37-2-719. The current balance remaining in, and all

11  revenues of, the trust fund shall be transferred to the Grants

12  and Donations Trust Fund, FLAIR number 37-2-339.

13         (2)  Unless otherwise provided, all current balances

14  remaining in, and all revenues of, the trust funds terminated

15  by this act shall be transferred to the General Revenue Fund.

16         (3)  For each trust fund terminated by this act, the

17  agency that administers the trust fund shall pay any

18  outstanding debts and obligations of the terminated fund as

19  soon as practicable, and the Chief Financial Officer shall

20  close out and remove the terminated fund from the various

21  state accounting systems using generally accepted accounting

22  principles concerning warrants outstanding, assets, and

23  liabilities.

24         Section 2.  The Legislature finds that the following

25  trust funds are exempt from termination pursuant to Section

26  19(f), Article III of the State Constitution:

27         (1)  Within the Department of Environmental Protection:

28         (a)  The Florida Preservation 2000 Trust Fund, FLAIR

29  number 37-2-332.

30         (b)  The Florida Forever Trust Fund, FLAIR number

31  37-2-348.


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 1         (c)  The Land Acquisition Trust Fund, FLAIR number

 2  37-2-423.

 3         (d)  The Project Construction Trust Fund, FLAIR number

 4  37-2-549.

 5         (2)  Within the Department of Management Services:

 6         (a)  The Florida Retirement System Trust Fund, FLAIR

 7  number 72-2-309.

 8         (b)  The Florida Facilities Pool Clearing Trust Fund,

 9  FLAIR number 72-2-313.

10         (c)  The Florida Retirement System Preservation of

11  Benefits Plan Trust Fund, FLAIR number 72-2-345.

12         (d)  The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

13  Supplemental Retirement Trust Fund, FLAIR number 72-2-379.

14         (e)  The Senior Management Service Optional Annuity

15  Program Trust Fund, FLAIR number 72-2-515.

16         (f)  The Optional Retirement Program Trust Fund, FLAIR

17  number 72-2-517.

18         (g)  The Police and Firefighters' Premium Tax Trust

19  Fund, FLAIR number 72-2-532.

20         (h)  The State Employees Life Insurance Trust Fund,

21  FLAIR number 72-2-667.

22         (i)  The State Employees Health Insurance Trust Fund,

23  FLAIR number 72-2-668.

24         (j)  The State Employees Disability Insurance Trust

25  Fund, FLAIR number 72-2-671.

26         (k)  The State Employees Savings Bonds Trust Fund,

27  FLAIR number 72-2-674.

28         (l)  The Florida Retirement System Contributions

29  Clearing Trust Fund, FLAIR number ##-#- ###.

30         (3)  Within the Department of Revenue:



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 1         (a)  The Additional Court Costs Clearing Trust Fund,

 2  FLAIR number 73-2-013.

 3         (b)  The Apalachicola Bay Oyster Surcharge Clearing

 4  Trust Fund, FLAIR number 73-2-028.

 5         (c)  The Child Support Clearing Trust Fund, FLAIR

 6  number 73-2-081.

 7         (d)  The Convention Development Tax Clearing Trust

 8  Fund, FLAIR number 73-2-132.

 9         (e)  The Revenue Sharing Trust Fund for Counties, FLAIR

10  number 73-2-144.

11         (f)  The Documentary Stamp Tax Clearing Trust Fund,

12  FLAIR number 73-2-166.

13         (g)  The Revenue-Fuel Tax Refund Payments Trust Fund,

14  FLAIR number 73-2-317.

15         (h)  The Fuel Tax Collection Trust Fund, FLAIR number

16  73-2-319.

17         (i)  The Local Option Fuel Tax Trust Fund, FLAIR number

18  73-2-448.

19         (j)  The Local Alternative Fuel User Fee Clearing Trust

20  Fund, FLAIR number 73-2-449.

21         (k)  Local Government Half-cent Sales Tax Clearing

22  Trust Fund, FLAIR number 73-2-455.

23         (l)  The Discretionary Sales Surtax Clearing Trust

24  Fund, FLAIR number 73-2-459.

25         (m)  The Local Option Tourist Development Trust Fund,

26  FLAIR number 73-2-460.

27         (n)  The Mail Order Sales Tax Clearing Trust Fund,

28  FLAIR number 73-2-465.

29         (o)  The Motor Vehicle Warranty Trust Fund, FLAIR

30  number 73-2-492.



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 1         (p)  The Municipal Financial Assistance Trust Fund,

 2  FLAIR number 73-2-493.

 3         (q)  The Motor Vehicle Rental Surcharge Clearing Trust

 4  Fund, FLAIR number 73-2-494.

 5         (r)  The Revenue Sharing Trust Fund for Municipalities,

 6  FLAIR number 73-2-501.

 7         (s)  The Oil and Gas Tax Trust Fund, FLAIR number

 8  73-2-508.

 9         (t)  The Pollutant Tax Clearing Trust Fund, FLAIR

10  number 73-2-544.

11         (u)  The Railroad and Private Car Tax Collection

12  Clearing Trust Fund, FLAIR number 73-2-571.

13         (v)  The Sales Tax Security Deposit Trust Fund, FLAIR

14  number 73-2-607.

15         (w)  The Secondhand Dealer and Secondary Metals

16  Recycler Clearing Trust Fund, FLAIR number 73-2-617.

17         (x)  The State Alternative Fuel User Fee Clearing Trust

18  Fund, FLAIR number 73-2-618.

19         (y)  The Highway Safety-Admin. Div. Security Deposits

20  Trust Fund, FLAIR number 73-2-625.

21         (z)  The Severance Tax Solid Mineral Trust Fund, FLAIR

22  number 73-2-636.

23         (aa)  The Solid Waste Management Clearing Trust Fund,

24  FLAIR number 73-2-645.

25         (bb)  The Local Communications Services Tax Clearing

26  Trust Fund, FLAIR number 73-2-662.

27         (cc)  The Department of Revenue Premium Tax Clearing

28  Trust Fund, FLAIR number 73-2-733.

29         (dd)  The Ninth-cent Fuel Tax Trust Fund, FLAIR number

30  73-2-777.



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 1         Section 3.  Sections 122.351 and 650.06, Florida

 2  Statutes, are repealed.

 3         Section 4.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (3) of section

 4  121.011, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         121.011  Florida Retirement System.--

 6         (3)  PRESERVATION OF RIGHTS.--

 7         (e)  Any member of the Florida Retirement System or any

 8  member of an existing system under this chapter on July 1,

 9  1975, who is not retired and who is, has been, or shall be,

10  suspended and reinstated without compensation shall receive

11  retirement service credit for the period of time from the date

12  of suspension to the date of reinstatement, provided:

13         1.  The creditable service claimed for the period of

14  suspension does not exceed 24 months;

15         2.  The member returns to active employment and remains

16  on the employer's payroll for at least 1 calendar month; and

17         3.  The member pays into the Retirement System Trust

18  Fund the total required employer contributions plus the total

19  employee contributions, if applicable, based on the member's

20  monthly compensation in effect for the pay period immediately

21  preceding the period of suspension, prorated for the said

22  period of suspension, plus interest thereon at a rate of 4

23  percent per annum compounded annually until July 1, 1975, and

24  6.5 percent interest thereafter until paid.  If permitted by

25  federal law, the member may pay to the Internal Revenue

26  Service into the Social Security Trust Fund the total cost, if

27  any, of providing social security coverage for the period of

28  suspension if any social security payments have been made by

29  the employer for the benefit of the member during such period.

30  Should there be any conflict as to payment for social security

31  coverage, the payment for retirement service credit shall be


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 1  made and retirement service credit granted regardless of such

 2  conflict.

 3         Section 5.  Subsection (1) of section 121.031, Florida

 4  Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         121.031  Administration of system; appropriation;

 6  oaths; actuarial studies; public records.--

 7         (1)  The Department of Management Services has the

 8  authority to adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54

 9  to implement the provisions of law conferring duties upon the

10  department and to adopt rules as are necessary for the

11  effective and efficient administration of this system. The

12  funds to pay the expenses for administration of the system are

13  hereby appropriated from the interest earned on investments

14  made for the Retirement System Trust Fund and social security

15  trust funds and the assessments allowed under chapter 650.

16         Section 6.  Subsection (1) of section 121.141, Florida

17  Statutes, is amended to read:

18         121.141  Appropriation.--

19         (1)  There is hereby annually appropriated from the

20  System Trust Fund or the Social Security Trust Fund a

21  sufficient amount to make such payments as are provided in

22  part I of this chapter.

23         Section 7.  Section 122.26, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         122.26  Funds.--There shall be paid into the State and

26  County Officers and Employees' Retirement Trust Fund, provided

27  in former  s. 122.17, contributions by members of division B

28  for benefits payable to members under this system, and all

29  amounts appropriated for such purpose by the state.  There is

30  hereby created in the State Treasury a fund to be known as the

31  Social Security Contribution Trust Fund, into which shall be


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 1  deposited contributions required of members for social

 2  security coverage, and such amounts as may be appropriated by

 3  the state for that purpose.

 4         Section 8.  Subsection (2) of section 122.27, Florida

 5  Statutes, is amended to read:

 6         122.27  Contributions.--From and after the date of the

 7  execution of the agreement, the officer or board paying the

 8  salary of a member of division B shall withhold the following

 9  from such salary:

10         (2)  The percentage of such salary, which shall

11  constitute the contribution of the member required for social

12  security coverage as now or hereafter fixed by relevant

13  federal statutes.  The officer or board so withholding such

14  percentage of salary shall submit deposit the same without

15  delay to the Internal Revenue Fund as directed by the Social

16  Security Administration in the Social Security Contribution

17  Trust Fund.

18         Section 9.  Section 122.30, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         122.30  Appropriations.--

21         (1)  There is hereby annually appropriated from the

22  intangible tax fund of the state to the department as the

23  state agency designated in chapter 650, a sum not to exceed

24  $10,000 to defray the expenses of such agency in connection

25  with its continuing duties in relation to the social security

26  coverage provided by this law.

27         (2)  If under the agreement social security coverage is

28  retroactively applicable to members of division B, there is

29  appropriated out of the State and County Officers and

30  Employees' Retirement Trust Fund and into the Social Security

31  Contribution Trust Fund the amount required by applicable


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 1  federal laws and regulations to be paid with respect to

 2  periods prior to date of execution of the agreement.

 3         (1)(3)  There is appropriated a sufficient amount out

 4  of the State and County Officers and Employees' Retirement

 5  Trust Fund to the administrator to make payments to members of

 6  division B as provided by law.

 7         (4)  There is appropriated out of the Social Security

 8  Contribution Trust Fund for payment into the contribution fund

 9  established by  s. 650.06, from time to time, such amounts as

10  may be required for the social security coverage of the

11  members of division B.

12         (2)(5)  In addition to amounts appropriated by other

13  provisions of this chapter or other laws to defray the cost of

14  administration of this system, there is hereby appropriated

15  out of the Intangible Tax Fund of the state for use of the

16  department in its administration of the two divisions of this

17  system, the sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be

18  required for that purpose.

19         (6)  If in any fiscal year the amounts provided in this

20  chapter to be paid into the State and County Officers and

21  Employees' Retirement Trust Fund by the state for members in

22  divisions A and B of this system, and the amount required to

23  be paid by the state into the Social Security Contribution

24  Trust Fund for the members in division B of this system, as

25  herein provided, shall exceed the amount available for such

26  purposes in the Intangible Tax Fund, until the date of

27  adjournment of the first session of the Legislature subsequent

28  to the occurring of such deficiency, there is appropriated

29  from the General Revenue Fund of the state and payable into

30  the State and County Officers and Employees' Retirement Trust

31  Fund and the Social Security Contribution Trust Fund, or


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 1  either of said latter funds, an amount equal to such

 2  deficiency.

 3         (7)  There is hereby appropriated out of the State and

 4  County Officers and Employees' Retirement Trust Fund and into

 5  the Social Security Contribution Trust Fund the amount

 6  required by applicable federal laws and regulations to be paid

 7  with respect to 1956, 1957, 1958, and 1959 social security

 8  coverage of the members of this system who transfer from

 9  division A to division B thereof between July 1, 1959, and

10  December 1, 1959, and of the deemed members of this system who

11  became contributing members after December 31, 1957, and who,

12  by December 1, 1959, qualify for retroactive social security

13  coverage.

14         (8)  There is hereby appropriated out of the State and

15  County Officers and Employees' Retirement Trust Fund and into

16  the Social Security Contribution Trust Fund the amount

17  required by federal laws and regulations with respect to

18  social security coverage for years after 1955 of the members

19  of this system who transfer from division A to division B in

20  accordance with s. 122.24(3)(c) and qualify for retroactive

21  social security coverage.

22         Section 10.  Section 122.35, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         122.35  Funding.--

25         (1)  Commencing July 1, 1967, for all state agencies

26  and commencing October 1, 1967, for all other agencies with

27  employees who are members under this chapter, former ss.

28  122.17 and 122.30(4) shall be of no further force and effect

29  and each officer or board paying salaries to members and

30  withholding contributions required of members under this

31  chapter for purposes of providing retirement benefits and


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 1  social security benefits to or on behalf of such members,

 2  shall budget, set aside and pay over to account B of the

 3  intangible tax trust fund, herein created, matching payments

 4  in the following specified amounts:

 5         (a)1.  An amount equal to the amount of member

 6  contributions paid to the State and County Officers and

 7  Employees' Retirement Trust Fund as specified in ss. 122.03

 8  and 122.27 but excluding any additional contributions required

 9  of high hazard members under s. 122.34; and

10         2.  Commencing January 1, 1993, an additional amount

11  equal to 3.99 percent of each installment of salary to

12  members; and

13         (b)  An amount equal to the amount of member social

14  security contributions withheld, to be paid to the Internal

15  Revenue Service Social Security Contribution Trust Fund as

16  specified in s. 122.27.

17         (2)  The monthly payments required by subsection (1)

18  shall be payable within 10 days after the first day of each

19  calendar month after July 1, 1967, for all state agencies and

20  October 1, 1967, for all other agencies. The state funds

21  required to be paid hereunder shall be provided and paid from

22  the sources as set forth in subsection subsections (3) and

23  (4).

24         (3)  The appropriations provided each state agency each

25  fiscal year shall include sufficient amounts to pay the

26  matching contributions for social security and retirement as

27  required by this section and the matching contributions for

28  retirement required of state agencies under s. 238.11(1)(a).

29  No state agency, whether its funds are provided by state

30  appropriation or not, shall employ any person or maintain any



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 1  person on its payroll unless it has allotted for such person

 2  sufficient funds to meet these required payments.

 3         (4)  Effective December 1, 1970, officer and employee

 4  contributions and employer matching contributions required by

 5  division A and division B of this chapter shall be paid as

 6  required in accordance with s. 121.061 and procedures

 7  established therefor.

 8         (5)  Effective January 1987, social security

 9  contributions withheld on behalf of a member of division B of

10  this chapter and employer matching social security

11  contributions paid on behalf of such member shall be submitted

12  to the Internal Revenue Service as required by the Social

13  Security Administration.

14         (4)  Effective October 1, 1967, the proceeds of the

15  intangible tax collections of the state remaining after the

16  payment of administrative expenses, commissions which are

17  applicable, and other costs incident to its collection shall

18  be set aside into an account designated as account B of the

19  Intangible Tax Trust Fund, which account shall also receive

20  all of the matching payments for retirement and social

21  security remitted by each officer or board as provided in

22  subsection (1).  The amounts received and deposited into

23  account B of the Intangible Tax Trust Fund are appropriated

24  and shall be used for the following purposes and paid out on

25  the priority basis as shown below:

26         (a)  First, from the funds accumulated in account B

27  there shall be transferred:

28         1.  To the Social Security Contribution Trust Fund, an

29  amount equal to the social security contributions remitted by

30  each officer or board to said fund as specified in s. 122.27.



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 1         2.  To the State and County Officers and Employees'

 2  Retirement Fund, an amount equal to the retirement

 3  contributions withheld from the salaries of members and

 4  remitted by each officer or board to said fund as required by

 5  ss. 122.03 and 122.27, but excluding any additional

 6  contributions required of high hazard members under s. 122.34;

 7  provided, however, that during the 1967-1969 biennium the

 8  amount transferred to said account shall not exceed the total

 9  amount received in account B from the various state and county

10  agencies for retirement matching purposes.

11         (b)  After the retirement and social security

12  contributions of all members have been matched as provided in

13  paragraph (a), the balance remaining in account B of the

14  Intangible Tax Trust Fund shall be distributed as follows:

15         1.  Each county shall receive each fiscal year ending

16  June 30 an allocation in an amount equal to 55 percent of the

17  total net intangible taxes collected and remitted to the

18  Department of Revenue by the tax collector of the county

19  during the prior fiscal year.

20         a.  Commencing October 1, 1967, and every October 1

21  thereafter and continuing on the first day of each subsequent

22  month through June 30 of each fiscal year each board of county

23  commissions of the several counties of the state shall receive

24  an allocation from account B of the Intangible Tax Trust Fund.

25  This allocation shall not include the school boards of the

26  several counties of the state.  The amount of said monthly

27  allocation shall be equal to the average amount required to be

28  matched by the Intangible Tax Trust Fund for the corresponding

29  months during the 1966-1967 fiscal year as computed by the

30  Comptroller, or one-twelfth of the Comptroller's estimate of

31  the county's allocation, whichever is smaller, and an


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 1  adjustment to reconcile the monthly allocations with the

 2  actual amount to be received pursuant to this subparagraph,

 3  shall be made not later than 60 days after the end of the

 4  fiscal year.

 5         b.  Each county, county agency and school board shall

 6  pay all matching cost for retirement and social security as

 7  required by this act and s. 238.11(1), notwithstanding the

 8  provisions of any other law.

 9         2.  The balance remaining in account B of the

10  Intangible Tax Trust Fund after the retirement and social

11  security contributions have been matched and the allocations

12  to each county have been paid as provided in this act, shall

13  be paid over to the General Revenue Fund of the state.

14         (c)  The amounts allocated to the several counties from

15  account B of the Intangible Tax Trust Fund shall be paid by

16  the Department of Revenue to the respective boards of county

17  commissioners who shall deposit same in the general fund of

18  the county, and may expend them for any lawful county purpose.

19  These amounts may be used to assist any county officer or

20  agency within the county including school boards to make the

21  matching payments for retirement and social security as

22  required by law.  Provided, however, should the income of any

23  constitutional fee officer in any year be insufficient to make

24  the matching payments required by this act, the boards of

25  county commissioners shall provide such fee officer sufficient

26  funds from the allocation received under this law to make

27  these required payments.

28         (d)  Should any officer or board other than a state

29  officer or board fail to make the retirement and social

30  security contributions required herein, the Department of

31  Revenue shall deduct the amount owed by the officer or board


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 1  from the allocation accruing to the credit of the county

 2  affected, or the Department of Revenue shall deduct the amount

 3  owed from any other funds to be distributed by him or her to

 4  the officer or board using the procedure he or she shall deem

 5  most appropriate.  The amounts so deducted shall remain in or

 6  be transferred to account B of the Intangible Tax Trust Fund

 7  for further distribution in accordance with this subsection.

 8         (e)  Should any officer or board other than a state

 9  officer or board, for whom the tax collector collects taxes,

10  fail to make the retirement and social security contributions

11  required by this act, the tax collector, at the request of the

12  Department of Revenue and upon receipt of a certificate from

13  him or her showing the amount owed account B by the officer or

14  board, shall deduct the amount so certified from any taxes

15  collected for the officer or board and remit the amount to the

16  Department of Revenue for deposit in account B of the

17  Intangible Tax Trust Fund.

18         (f)  The boards of county commissioners of each county

19  and the Department of Revenue, acting individually or jointly,

20  are hereby authorized to file and maintain action in the

21  courts of this state against any county agency to require it

22  to remit any retirement or social security matching payments

23  due account B of the Intangible Tax Trust Fund under the

24  provisions of this law.

25         Section 11.  Subsections (12), (13), (14), (15), and

26  (16) of section 253.03, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

27         253.03  Board of trustees to administer state lands;

28  lands enumerated.--

29         (12)  There is hereby established within the Department

30  of Environmental Protection the Forfeited Property Trust Fund,



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 1  to be used as a nonlapsing revolving fund exclusively for the

 2  purposes of subsection (13).

 3         (12)(13)  The Board of Trustees of the Internal

 4  Improvement Trust Fund is hereby authorized to administer,

 5  manage, control, conserve, protect, and sell all real property

 6  forfeited to the state pursuant to ss. 895.01-895.09 or

 7  acquired by the state pursuant to s. 607.0505 or s. 620.192.

 8  The board is directed to immediately determine the value of

 9  all such property and shall ascertain whether the property is

10  in any way encumbered. If the board determines that it is in

11  the best interest of the state to do so, funds from the

12  Internal Improvement Forfeited Property Trust Fund may be used

13  to satisfy any such encumbrances. If forfeited property

14  receipts are not the Forfeited Property Trust Fund does not

15  contain a balance sufficient to satisfy encumbrances on the

16  property and expenses permitted under this section, funds from

17  the Land Acquisition Trust Fund may be used to satisfy any

18  such encumbrances and expenses. All property acquired by the

19  board pursuant to s. 607.0505, s. 620.192, or ss.

20  895.01-895.09 shall be sold as soon as commercially feasible

21  unless the Attorney General recommends and the board

22  determines that retention of the property in public ownership

23  would effectuate one or more of the following policies of

24  statewide significance: protection or enhancement of

25  floodplains, marshes, estuaries, lakes, rivers, wilderness

26  areas, wildlife areas, wildlife habitat, or other

27  environmentally sensitive natural areas or ecosystems; or

28  preservation of significant archaeological or historical sites

29  identified by the Secretary of State. In such event the

30  property shall remain in the ownership of the board, to be

31  controlled, managed, and disposed of in accordance with this


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 1  chapter, and the Internal Improvement Forfeited Property Trust

 2  Fund shall be reimbursed from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund,

 3  or other appropriate fund designated by the board, for any

 4  funds expended from the Internal Improvement Forfeited

 5  Property Trust Fund pursuant to this subsection in regard to

 6  such property. Upon the recommendation of the Attorney

 7  General, the board may reimburse the investigative agency for

 8  its investigative expenses, costs, and attorneys' fees, and

 9  may reimburse law enforcement agencies for actual expenses

10  incurred in conducting investigations leading to the

11  forfeiture of such property from funds deposited in the

12  Internal Improvement Forfeited Property Trust Fund of the

13  Department of Environmental Protection. The proceeds of the

14  sale of property acquired under s. 607.0505, s. 620.192, or

15  ss. 895.01-895.09 shall be distributed as follows:

16         (a)  After satisfaction of any valid claims arising

17  under the provisions of s. 895.09(1)(a) or (b), any moneys

18  used to satisfy encumbrances and expended as costs of

19  administration, appraisal, management, conservation,

20  protection, sale, and real estate sales services and any

21  interest earnings lost to the Land Acquisition Trust Fund as

22  of a date certified by the Department of Environmental

23  Protection shall be replaced first in the Land Acquisition

24  Trust Fund, if those funds were used, and then in the

25  Forfeited Property Trust Fund; and

26         (b)  The remainder shall be distributed as set forth in

27  s. 895.09.

28         (13)(14)  For applications not reviewed pursuant to s.

29  373.427, the department must review applications for the use

30  of state-owned submerged lands, including a purchase, lease,

31  easement, disclaimer, or other consent to use such lands and


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 1  must request submittal of all additional information necessary

 2  to process the application. Within 30 days after receipt of

 3  the additional information, the department must review the

 4  information submitted and may request only that information

 5  needed to clarify the additional information, to process the

 6  appropriate form of approval indicated by the additional

 7  information, or to answer those questions raised by, or

 8  directly related to, the additional information. An

 9  application for the authority to use state-owned submerged

10  land must be approved, denied, or submitted to the board of

11  trustees for approval or denial within 90 days after receipt

12  of the original application or the last item of timely

13  requested additional information. This time is tolled by any

14  notice requirements of s. 253.115 or any hearing held under

15  ss. 120.569 and 120.57. If the review of the application is

16  not completed within the 90-day period, the department must

17  report quarterly to the board the reasons for the failure to

18  complete the report and provide an estimated date by which the

19  application will be approved or denied. Failure to comply with

20  these time periods shall not result in approval by default.

21         (14)(15)  Where necessary to establish a price for the

22  sale or other disposition of state lands, including leases or

23  easements, the Division of State Lands may utilize appropriate

24  appraiser selection and contracting procedures established

25  under s. 253.025.  The board of trustees may adopt rules to

26  implement this subsection.

27         (15)(16)  The Board of Trustees of the Internal

28  Improvement Trust Fund, and the state through its agencies,

29  may not control, regulate, permit, or charge for any severed

30  materials which are removed from the area adjacent to an



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 1  intake or discharge structure pursuant to an exemption

 2  authorized in s. 403.813(2)(f) and (r).

 3         Section 12.  Paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of subsection

 4  (2) of section 607.1901, Florida Statutes, are amended to

 5  read:

 6         607.1901  Corporations Trust Fund creation; transfer of

 7  funds.--

 8         (2)(a)  The Legislature shall appropriate from the fund

 9  such amounts as it deems necessary for the operation of the

10  division.

11         (b)  In the first 6 months of any fiscal year, an

12  amount equal to 2.9 percent of all moneys deposited each month

13  in the fund is transferred to the General Revenue Corporation

14  Tax Administration Trust Fund created pursuant to s. 213.31.

15         (c)  In the last 6 six months of any fiscal year, an

16  amount equal to 45.9 43 percent of all moneys deposited each

17  month into the fund is transferred to the General Revenue

18  Fund.

19         Section 13.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 650.04,

20  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

21         650.04  Contributions by state employees.--

22         (1)  Every employee of the state whose services are

23  covered by an agreement entered into under s. 650.03 shall be

24  required to pay for the period of such coverage, into the

25  Social Security Contribution Trust Fund established by s.

26  650.06, contributions, with respect to wages as defined in s.

27  650.02, equal to the amount of the employee tax which would be

28  imposed by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act if such

29  services constituted employment within the meaning of that

30  act.  Such liability shall arise in consideration of the

31  employee's retention in the service of the state, or the


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 1  employee's entry upon such service, after the enactment of

 2  this chapter.

 3         (2)  The contribution imposed by this section shall be

 4  collected by deducting the amount of the contribution from

 5  wages as and when paid, but failure to make such deduction

 6  shall not relieve the employee from liability for such

 7  contribution. Effective January 1987, such contributions shall

 8  be submitted to the Internal Revenue Service as directed by

 9  the Social Security Administration.

10         Section 14.  Section 650.05, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         650.05  Plans for coverage of employees of political

13  subdivisions.--

14         (1)  Each political subdivision of the state is hereby

15  authorized to submit for approval by the state agency a plan

16  for extending the benefits of Title II of the Social Security

17  Act, in conformity with the applicable provisions of such act,

18  to employees of such political subdivisions.  Each such plan

19  and any amendment thereof shall be approved by the state

20  agency if it is found that such plan, or such plan as amended,

21  is in conformity with such requirements as are provided in

22  regulations of the state agency, except that no such plan

23  shall be approved unless:

24         (a)  It is in conformity with the requirements of the

25  Social Security Act and with the agreement entered into under

26  s. 650.03;

27         (b)  It provides that all services which constitute

28  employment as defined in s. 650.02 are performed in the employ

29  of the political subdivisions by employees thereof, shall be

30  covered by the plan, except such of those services set forth



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 1  in s. 650.02(2)(c) as the political subdivision specifically

 2  elects to exclude;

 3         (c)  It specifies the source or sources from which the

 4  funds necessary to make the payments required by paragraph

 5  (3)(a) and by subsection (4) are expected to be derived and

 6  contains reasonable assurance that such sources will be

 7  adequate for such purpose;

 8         (d)  It provides for such methods of administration of

 9  the plan by the political subdivision as are found by the

10  state agency to be necessary for the proper and efficient

11  administration of the plan;

12         (e)  It provides that the political subdivision will

13  make such reports, in such form and containing such

14  information, as the state agency may from time to time

15  require, and comply with such provisions as the state agency

16  or the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare may from

17  time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and

18  verification of such reports; and

19         (f)  It authorizes the state agency to terminate the

20  plan in its entirety, in the discretion of the state agency,

21  if it finds that there has been a failure to comply

22  substantially with any provisions contained in such plan, such

23  termination to take effect at the expiration of such notice

24  and on such conditions as may be provided by regulations of

25  the state agency and may be consistent with the provisions of

26  the Social Security Act.

27         (2)  The state agency shall not finally refuse to

28  approve a plan submitted by a political subdivision under

29  subsection (1), and shall not terminate an approved plan,

30  without reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the



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 1  political subdivision affected thereby.  Any final decision of

 2  the state agency shall be subject to proper judicial review.

 3         (3)(a)  Each political subdivision as to which a plan

 4  has been approved under this section shall pay to the Internal

 5  Revenue Service into the Social Security Contribution Trust

 6  Fund, with respect to wages (as defined in s. 650.02), at such

 7  time or times as the Social Security Administration state

 8  agency may by regulation prescribe, contributions in the

 9  amounts and at the rates specified in the applicable agreement

10  entered into by the state agency under s. 650.03.

11         (b)  Each political subdivision required to make

12  payments under paragraph (a) is authorized, in consideration

13  of the employee's retention in, or entry upon, employment

14  after enactment of this chapter, to impose upon each of its

15  employees, as to services which are covered by an approved

16  plan, a contribution with respect to his or her wages as

17  defined in s. 650.02 not exceeding the amount of the employee

18  tax which would be imposed by the Federal Insurance

19  Contributions Act if such services constituted employment

20  within the meaning of that act, and to deduct the amount of

21  such contribution from his or her wages as and when paid.

22  Contributions so collected shall be paid to the Internal

23  Revenue Service into the Social Security Contribution Trust

24  Fund in partial discharge of the liability of such political

25  subdivision or instrumentality under paragraph (a).  Failure

26  to deduct such contribution shall not relieve the employee or

27  employer of liability therefor.

28         (4)  Delinquent payments due under paragraph (3)(a)

29  may, with interest of 1 percent for each calendar month or

30  part thereof past the due date, be recovered by action in a

31  court of competent jurisdiction against the political


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 1  subdivision liable therefor or shall, at the request of the

 2  state agency, be deducted from any other moneys payable to

 3  such subdivision by any department or agency of the state.

 4         (5)  Each political subdivision as to which a plan has

 5  been approved shall be liable to the state agency for a

 6  proportionate part of the cost of administering this chapter.

 7  Such proportionate cost shall be computed and paid in

 8  accordance with such regulations relating thereto as may be

 9  adopted by the state agency and shall be deposited in the

10  Social Security Administration Trust Fund; and, if any such

11  payment is not made when due, the amount thereof, with

12  interest of 0.5 percent for each calendar month or part

13  thereof past the due date, shall, upon request of the state

14  agency, be deducted from any other moneys payable to such

15  political subdivision by any officer, department, or agency of

16  the state, and forthwith paid to the state agency.

17  Withdrawals from the Social Security Administration Trust Fund

18  shall be made solely for the payment of costs of administering

19  this chapter, and any balance in excess of the amount

20  necessary for administering this chapter shall be transferred

21  to the state retirement system trust funds established

22  pursuant to chapter 121 to make up the actuarial deficit in

23  any of the state retirement systems consolidated thereunder,

24  and the necessary amounts are hereby appropriated from said

25  funds for these purposes.

26         (4)(6)(a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

27  chapter, effective January 1, 1972, all state political

28  subdivisions receiving financial aid that provide social

29  security coverage for their employees pursuant to the

30  provisions of this chapter and the provisions of the various

31  retirement systems as authorized by law shall, in addition to


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 1  other purposes, utilize all grants-in-aid and other revenue

 2  received from the state to pay the employer's share of social

 3  security cost.

 4         (b)  The grants-in-aid and other revenue referred to in

 5  paragraph (a) specifically include, but are not limited to,

 6  minimum foundation program grants to public school districts

 7  and community colleges; gasoline, motor fuel, intangible,

 8  cigarette, racing, and insurance premium taxes distributed to

 9  political subdivisions; and amounts specifically appropriated

10  as grants-in-aid for mental health, mental retardation, and

11  mosquito control programs.

12         Section 15.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) and

13  paragraphs (a) and (e) of subsection (2) of section 895.09,

14  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

15         895.09  Disposition of funds obtained through

16  forfeiture proceedings.--

17         (1)  A court entering a judgment of forfeiture in a

18  proceeding brought pursuant to s. 895.05 shall retain

19  jurisdiction to direct the distribution of any cash or of any

20  cash proceeds realized from the forfeiture and disposition of

21  the property. The court shall direct the distribution of the

22  funds in the following order of priority:

23         (c)  Any claim by the Board of Trustees of the Internal

24  Improvement Trust Fund on behalf of the Internal Improvement

25  Forfeited Property Trust Fund or the Land Acquisition Trust

26  Fund pursuant to s. 253.03(13), not including administrative

27  costs of the Department of Environmental Protection previously

28  paid directly from the Internal Improvement Forfeited Property

29  Trust Fund in accordance with legislative appropriation.

30         (2)(a)  Following satisfaction of all valid claims

31  under subsection (1), 25 percent of the remainder of the funds


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 1  obtained in the forfeiture proceedings pursuant to s. 895.05

 2  shall be deposited as provided in paragraph (b) into the

 3  appropriate trust fund of the Department of Legal Affairs or

 4  state attorney's office which filed the civil forfeiture

 5  action; 25 percent shall be deposited as provided in paragraph

 6  (c) into the applicable law enforcement trust fund of the

 7  investigating law enforcement agency conducting the

 8  investigation which resulted in or significantly contributed

 9  to the forfeiture of the property; 25 percent shall be

10  deposited as provided in paragraph (d) in the Substance Abuse

11  Trust Fund of the Department of Children and Family Services;

12  and the remaining 25 percent shall be deposited in the

13  Internal Improvement Forfeited Property Trust Fund of the

14  Department of Environmental Protection. When a forfeiture

15  action is filed by the Department of Legal Affairs or a state

16  attorney, the court entering the judgment of forfeiture shall,

17  taking into account the overall effort and contribution to the

18  investigation and forfeiture action by the agencies that filed

19  the action, make a pro rata apportionment among such agencies

20  of the funds available for distribution to the agencies filing

21  the action as provided in this section. If multiple

22  investigating law enforcement agencies have contributed to the

23  forfeiture of the property, the court which entered the

24  judgment of forfeiture shall, taking into account the overall

25  effort and contribution of the agencies to the investigation

26  and forfeiture action, make a pro rata apportionment among

27  such investigating law enforcement agencies of the funds

28  available for distribution to the investigating agencies as

29  provided in this section.

30         (e)  On a quarterly basis, any excess funds from

31  forfeited property receipts, including interest, over $1


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 1  million deposited in the Internal Improvement Forfeited

 2  Property Trust Fund of the Department of Environmental

 3  Protection in accordance with paragraph (a) shall be deposited

 4  in the Substance Abuse Trust Fund of the Department of

 5  Children and Family Services.

 6         Section 16.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section

 7  932.7055, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         932.7055  Disposition of liens and forfeited

 9  property.--

10         (5)  If the seizing agency is a state agency, all

11  remaining proceeds shall be deposited into the General Revenue

12  Fund.  However, if the seizing agency is:

13         (b)  The Department of Environmental Protection, the

14  proceeds accrued pursuant to the provisions of the Florida

15  Contraband Forfeiture Act shall be deposited into the Internal

16  Improvement Forfeited Property Trust Fund or into the

17  department's Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in

18  s. 20.2553, as applicable.

19         Section 17.  Section 20.2553, Florida Statutes, is

20  repealed.

21         Section 18.  Subsection (7) of section 110.151, Florida

22  Statutes, is repealed.

23         Section 19.  Section 213.31, Florida Statutes, is

24  repealed.

25         Section 20.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.








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    Florida Senate - 2003                            CS for SB 924

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
 2                         Senate Bill 924


 4  The Committee Substitute terminates trust funds which are
    obsolete in the Departments of Management Services, Revenue,
 5  and Environmental Protection.

 6  Consolidates trust funds in the Departments of Revenue and
    Environmental Protection which have limited amounts of
 7  revenue.


























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