Bill No. HB 931 CS
Senate House
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12          Representative Farkas offered the following:
14          Amendment (with title amendment)
15          On line 28, insert:
16          Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
17    466.004, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
18          466.004 Board of Dentistry.--
19          (2) To advise the board, it is the intent of the
20    Legislature that councils be appointed as specified in
21    paragraphs (a), (b), and (c). The department shall provide
22    administrative support to the councils and shall provide public
23    notice of meetings and agenda of the councils. Councils shall
24    include at least one board member who shall chair the council
25    and shall include nonboard members. All council members shall be
26    appointed by the board chair. Council members shall be appointed
27    for 4-year terms, and all members shall be eligible for
28    reimbursement of expenses in the manner of board members.
29          (a) A Council on Dental Hygiene shall be appointed by the
30    board chair and shall include one dental hygienist member of the
31    board, who shall chair the council, one dental member of the
32    board, and three dental hygienists who are actively engaged in
33    the practice of dental hygiene in this state. The council shall
34    meet at the request of the board chair, a majority of the
35    members of the board, or the council chair, provided the council
36    meets at least twice a year. The council is charged with the
37    responsibility of and shall meet for the purpose of developing
38    rules and policies for recommendation to the board, which the
39    board shall consider,on matters pertaining to that part of
40    dentistry consisting of educational, preventive, or therapeutic
41    dental hygiene services; dental hygiene licensure, discipline,
42    or regulation; and dental hygiene education. Rule and policy
43    recommendations of the council shall be considered by the board
44    at its next regularly scheduled meeting in the same manner it
45    considers rule and policy recommendations from designated
46    subcommittees of the board. Any rule or policy proposed by the
47    board pertaining to the specified part of dentistry defined by
48    this paragraph shall be referred to the council for a
49    recommendation prior to final action by the board.
51    ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =================
52          Remove line 11, and insert:
53          An act relating to dentistry; amending s. 466.004, F.S.;
54    requiring the Council on Dental Hygiene to meet at least twice a
55    year; providing for consideration by the Board of Dentistry of
56    rule and policy recommendations of the council; creating s.
57    466.005, F.S.,