Senate Bill sb0954

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    Florida Senate - 2003        (NP)                       SB 954

    By Senator Crist


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to trust funds; terminating

  3         specified trust funds within the Department of

  4         Legal Affairs and the Department of

  5         Corrections; providing for disposition of

  6         balances in and revenues of such trust funds;

  7         declaring the findings of the Legislature that

  8         a specified trust fund within the Department of

  9         Corrections is exempt from the termination

10         requirements of s. 19(f), Art. III of the State

11         Constitution; amending s. 501.2101, F.S.;

12         deleting provisions relating to the Consumer

13         Frauds Trust Fund; providing for the deposit of

14         moneys received pursuant to the regulation of

15         deceptive and unfair trade practices into the

16         Legal Affairs Revolving Trust Fund rather than

17         the Consumer Frauds Trust Fund; amending ss.

18         501.059, 501.143, and 501.2077, F.S., to

19         conform; providing an effective date.


21  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


23         Section 1.  (1)  The following trust funds within the

24  following departments are terminated:

25         (a)  Within the Department of Legal Affairs, the

26  Consumer Fraud Trust Fund, FLAIR number 41-2-127.

27         (b)  Within the Department of Corrections, the Florida

28  Agricultural Exposition Trust Fund, FLAIR number 70-2-298.

29         (2)  Unless otherwise provided, all current balances

30  remaining in, and all revenues of, the trust funds terminated

31  by this act shall be transferred to the General Revenue Fund.


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    Florida Senate - 2003        (NP)                       SB 954

 1         (3)  For each trust fund terminated by this act, the

 2  agency that administers the trust fund shall pay any

 3  outstanding debts and obligations of the terminated fund as

 4  soon as practicable, and the Chief Financial Officer shall

 5  close out and remove the terminated fund from the various

 6  state accounting systems using generally accepted accounting

 7  principles concerning warrants outstanding, assets, and

 8  liabilities.

 9         Section 2.  The Legislature finds that, within the

10  Department of Corrections, the Inmate Bank Trust Fund, which

11  has no FLAIR number, is exempt from termination pursuant to

12  Section 19(f), Article III of the State Constitution.

13         Section 3.  Section 501.2101, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         501.2101  Enforcing authorities; moneys received in

16  certain proceedings; Consumer Frauds Trust Fund.--

17         (1)  Any moneys received by an enforcing authority for

18  attorney's fees and costs of investigation or litigation in

19  proceedings brought under the provisions of s. 501.207, s.

20  501.208, or s. 501.211 shall be deposited as received in the

21  Consumer Frauds Trust Fund or the Legal Affairs Revolving

22  Trust Fund in the State Treasury.

23         (2)  There is created in the State Treasury a trust

24  fund to be known as the Consumer Frauds Trust Fund.  Money

25  deposited therein shall be disbursed to the enforcing

26  authority responsible for its collection for the funding of

27  activities conducted by enforcing authorities pursuant to ss.

28  501.201-501.213, inclusive.

29         (2)(3)  Any moneys received by an enforcing authority

30  and neither received for attorney's fees and costs of

31  investigation or litigation nor used to reimburse consumers


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    Florida Senate - 2003        (NP)                       SB 954

 1  found under this law to be damaged shall accrue to the state

 2  and be deposited as received in the General Revenue Fund

 3  unallocated.

 4         Section 4.  Subsection (8) of section 501.059, Florida

 5  Statutes, is amended to read:

 6         501.059  Telephone solicitation.--

 7         (8)  The department shall investigate any complaints

 8  received concerning violations of this section.  If, after

 9  investigating any complaint, the department finds that there

10  has been a violation of this section, the department or the

11  Department of Legal Affairs may bring an action to impose a

12  civil penalty and to seek other relief, including injunctive

13  relief, as the court deems appropriate against the telephone

14  solicitor.  The civil penalty shall not exceed $10,000 per

15  violation and shall be deposited in the General Inspection

16  Trust Fund if the action or proceeding was brought by the

17  department, or the Legal Affairs Revolving Consumer Frauds

18  Trust Fund if the action or proceeding was brought by the

19  Department of Legal Affairs. This civil penalty may be

20  recovered in any action brought under this part by the

21  department, or the department may terminate any investigation

22  or action upon agreement by the person to pay a stipulated

23  civil penalty.  The department or the court may waive any

24  civil penalty if the person has previously made full

25  restitution or reimbursement or has paid actual damages to the

26  consumers who have been injured by the violation.

27         Section 5.  Subsection (9) of section 501.143, Florida

28  Statutes, is amended to read:

29         501.143  Dance Studio Act.--


31  moneys recovered by the enforcing authority as a penalty under


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    Florida Senate - 2003        (NP)                       SB 954

 1  this section shall be deposited in the General Inspection

 2  Trust Fund if the action or proceeding was brought by the

 3  department, or the Legal Affairs Revolving Consumer Frauds

 4  Trust Fund if the action or proceeding was brought by the

 5  Department of Legal Affairs.

 6         Section 6.  Subsection (4) of section 501.2077, Florida

 7  Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         501.2077  Violations involving senior citizen or

 9  handicapped person; civil penalties; presumption.--

10         (4)  Civil penalties collected pursuant to this section

11  shall be deposited into the Legal Affairs Revolving Trust Fund

12  of the Department of Legal Affairs Consumer Frauds Trust Fund

13  and allocated solely to the Department of Legal Affairs for

14  the purpose of preparing and distributing consumer education

15  materials, programs, and seminars to benefit senior citizens

16  and handicapped persons or to further enforcement efforts.

17         Section 7.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.


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20                          SENATE SUMMARY

21    Terminates specified trust funds within the Department of
      Legal Affairs and the Department of Corrections. Provides
22    for disposition of the balances in those trust funds.
      Specifies a trust fund within the Department of
23    Corrections which is exempt from termination under s.
      19(f), Art. III of the State Constitution. Provides for
24    moneys received pursuant to the regulation of deceptive
      and unfair trade practices to be deposited into the Legal
25    Affairs Revolving Trust Fund rather than the Consumer
      Frauds Trust Fund. (See bill for details.)







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