Senate Bill sb0096

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    Florida Senate - 2003                                    SB 96

    By Senator Campbell


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to student loans; creating s.

  3         43.201, F.S.; providing for a financial

  4         assistance program administered by the Justice

  5         Administrative Commission to provide assistance

  6         to qualified assistant state attorneys and

  7         assistant public defenders for the repayment of

  8         government student loans; providing for the

  9         elements of the program; providing for funding;

10         providing an effective date.


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  Section 43.201, Florida Statutes, is

15  created to read:

16         43.201  Judicial Administrative Commission; student

17  loan program administration.--

18         (1)  The commission shall administer a student loan

19  program for career assistant state attorneys and assistant

20  public defenders as described in chapter 27. The purpose of

21  the program is to provide financial assistance to assistant

22  state attorneys and assistant public defenders who have law

23  school government loans.

24         (2)  The program shall be administered in the following

25  manner:

26         (a)  An assistant state attorney or public defender is

27  not eligible for assistance under the program until the

28  assistant state attorney or public defender has been employed

29  as an assistant state attorney or assistant public defender

30  for 3 years of continuous service on his or her employment

31  anniversary date.


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                    SB 96

  1         (b)  After completing 3 years of continuous service an

  2  affidavit of certification on a form approved by the

  3  commission shall be submitted to the state attorney's office

  4  or the public defender's office as the case may be. The

  5  affidavit of certification shall, upon approval of the state

  6  attorney or public defender, be submitted to the commission.

  7         (c)  Upon receipt of the certificate, the commission

  8  may begin yearly payments in the amount of $3,000 to the

  9  government student loan on behalf of the qualified assistant

10  state attorney or assistant public defender named in the

11  certificate.

12         (d)  Upon completion of 6 years of continuous service

13  the loan assistance payment amount shall increase to $5,000.

14  After 12 years of continuous service or upon completion of the

15  payment of the student loan, whichever occurs first, loan

16  assistance shall cease. The total amount of loan assistance

17  permitted under the program for any one assistant state

18  attorney or assistant public defender may not exceed $44,000.

19         (3)  The program shall be funded by annual

20  appropriations from the Legislature out of the General Revenue

21  Fund to the Justice Administrative Commission.

22         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.


24            *****************************************

25                          SENATE SUMMARY

26    Provides for a program for financial assistance to
      qualified assistant state attorneys and assistant public
27    defenders administered by the Justice Administrative
      Commission to provide assistance in the repayment of
28    government student loans. (See bill for details.)





CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.