Bill No.  HB 0107A
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to biomedical research; creating the James
3    and Esther King Center for Universal Research to Eradicate
4    Disease; providing intent and duties; creating an advisory
5    council; amending s. 215.5602, F.S.; expanding the long-
6    term goals and funding of the Florida Biomedical Research
7    Program to include the cure of specified diseases;
8    creating the Florida Cancer Research Cooperative;
9    providing for a board of directors; providing the
10    cooperative's mission and duties; providing for
11    construction of the act in pari materia with laws enacted
12    during the 2003 Regular Session of the Legislature;
13    providing an effective date.
15          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17          Section 1. James and Esther King Center for Universal
18    Research to Eradicate Disease.--
19          (1) The Legislature finds that an estimated 128 million
20    Americans suffer from acute, chronic, and degenerative diseases
21    and that biomedical research is the key to finding cures for
22    these diseases that negatively affect all Floridians. The
23    Legislature further finds that, while there is much research
24    being conducted throughout this state and throughout the world,
25    there is a lack of coordination of efforts among researchers.
26    The Legislature, therefore, finds that there is a significant
27    need for a coordinated effort if the goal of curing disease is
28    to be achieved. Moreover, the Legislature finds that the
29    biomedical technology sector meets the criteria of a high-impact
30    sector, pursuant to section 288.108, Florida Statutes, having a
31    high importance to this state's economy with a significant
32    potential for growth and contribution to our universities and
33    quality of life.
34          (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that Florida
35    strive to become the nation's leader in biomedical research and
36    commit itself to being the state to find cures for the most
37    deadly and widespread diseases. It is further the intent of the
38    Legislature that there be a coordinated effort among the state's
39    public and private universities and the biomedical industry to
40    discover such cures. Moreover, it is the intent of the
41    Legislature to expand the state economy by attracting biomedical
42    researchers and research companies to this state.
43          (3) There is established the James and Esther King Center
44    for Universal Research to Eradicate Disease, which shall be
45    known as the "CURED."
46          (a) The purpose of the center is to coordinate, improve,
47    expand, and monitor all biomedical research programs within the
48    state, facilitate funding opportunities, and foster improved
49    technology transfer of research findings into clinical trials
50    and widespread public use.
51          (b) The goal of the center is to find cures for diseases
52    such as cancer, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, and
53    neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy,
54    and Parkinson's disease.
55          (c) The center shall hold an annual biomedical technology
56    summit in Florida to which biomedical researchers, biomedical
57    technology companies, business incubators, pharmaceutical
58    manufacturers, and others around the nation and world are
59    invited to share biomedical research findings in order to
60    expedite the discovery of cures. Summit attendees will be
61    required to cover the costs of such attendance or obtain
62    sponsorship for such attendance.
63          (d) The center shall encourage clinical trials in this
64    state on research that holds promise of curing a disease or
65    condition. The center shall facilitate partnerships between
66    researchers, treating physicians, and community hospitals for
67    the purpose of sharing new techniques and new research findings,
68    as well as coordinating voluntary donations to ensure an
69    adequate supply of adult stem cells or cord blood.
70          (e) The center shall also encourage the discovery and
71    production in Florida of vaccines that prevent disease.
72          (f) The center shall monitor the supply and demand needs
73    of researchers relating to stem cell research and other types of
74    human tissue research. If the center determines that there is a
75    need for increased donation of human tissue, it shall notify
76    hospitals licensed pursuant to chapter 395, Florida Statutes,
77    that have entered into partnership agreements with research
78    institutes conducting stem cell research located in the same
79    geographic region as the researchers demanding the stem cells or
80    other tissues. Such hospitals shall then implement programs that
81    encourage voluntary donations of cord blood or other needed
82    adult tissue.
83          (g) The center shall be funded through private, state, and
84    federal sources.
85          (h) The center shall serve as a registry of all known
86    biomedical grant opportunities and may assist any public or
87    private biomedical research program in this state in preparing
88    grant requests.
89          (i) The center shall maintain a website with links to
90    peer-reviewed biomedical research. The website shall also
91    contain a list of all known biomedical research being conducted
92    in Florida and shall facilitate communication among researchers
93    and other interested parties.
94          (j) The center shall submit an annual report to the
95    Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
96    House of Representatives no later than January 15 which contains
97    recommendations for legislative change necessary to foster a
98    positive climate for biomedical research in this state.
99          (k) The duties of the center may be outsourced to a
100    private entity or state university.
101          (4) There is established within the center an advisory
102    council which shall meet at least annually.
103          (a) The council shall consist of the members of the board
104    of directors of the Florida Research Consortium and at least one
105    representative from:
106          1. The Emerging Technology Commission.
107          2. Enterprise Florida, Inc.
108          3. BioFlorida.
109          4. The Florida Biomedical Research Advisory Council.
110          5. The Florida Medical Foundation.
111          6. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America.
112          (b) Members of the council shall serve without
113    compensation and each organization represented shall cover all
114    expenses of its representative.
115          Section 2. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1),
116    subsection (2), and paragraph (f) of subsection (10) of section
117    215.5602, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
118          215.5602 Florida Biomedical Research Program.--
119          (1) There is established within the Department of Health
120    the Florida Biomedical Research Program funded by the proceeds
121    of the Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund pursuant to s. 215.5601. The
122    purpose of the Florida Biomedical Research Program is to provide
123    an annual and perpetual source of funding in order to support
124    research initiatives that address the health care problems of
125    Floridians in the areas of tobacco-related cancer,
126    cardiovascular disease, stroke, and pulmonary disease. The long-
127    term goals of the program are to:
128          (a) Improve the health of Floridians by researching better
129    prevention, diagnoses, and treatments, and curesfor cancer,
130    cardiovascular disease, stroke, and pulmonary disease.
131          (b) Expand the foundation of biomedical knowledge relating
132    to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, and cureof
133    diseases related to tobacco use, including cancer,
134    cardiovascular disease, stroke, and pulmonary disease.
135          (2) Funds appropriated for the Florida Biomedical Research
136    Program shall be used exclusively for the award of grants and
137    fellowships as established in this section; for research
138    relating to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, and cure
139    of diseases related to tobacco use, including cancer,
140    cardiovascular disease, stroke, and pulmonary disease; and for
141    expenses incurred in the administration of this section.
142    Priority shall be granted to research designed to prevent or
143    cure disease.
144          (10) The council shall submit an annual progress report on
145    the state of biomedical research in this state to the Governor,
146    the Secretary of Health, the President of the Senate, and the
147    Speaker of the House of Representatives by February 1. The
148    report must include:
149          (f) Progress in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment,
150    and cureof diseases related to tobacco use, including cancer,
151    cardiovascular disease, stroke, and pulmonary disease.
152          Section 3. Florida Cancer Research Cooperative.--
153          (1) Effective July 1, 2003, the Florida Cancer Research
154    Cooperative is established for the purpose of making the State
155    of Florida a world class center for cancer research.
156          (2)(a) A not-for-profit corporation, acting as an
157    instrumentality of the Florida Dialogue on Cancer, shall be
158    organized for the purpose of governing the affairs of the
159    cooperative.
160          (b) The Florida Cancer Research Cooperative, Inc., may
161    create not-for-profit corporate subsidiaries to fulfill its
162    mission. The not-for-profit corporation and its subsidiaries are
163    authorized to receive, hold, invest, and administer property and
164    any moneys acquired from private, local, state, and federal
165    sources, as well as technical and professional income generated
166    or derived from the mission-related activities of the
167    cooperative.
168          (c) The affairs of the not-for-profit corporation shall be
169    managed by a board of directors which shall consist of:
170          1. The Secretary of the Department of Health or his or her
171    designee;
172          2. The Chief Executive Officer of the H. Lee Moffitt
173    Cancer Center or his or her designee;
174          3. The President of the University of Florida Shands
175    Cancer Center or his or her designee;
176          4. The Chief Executive Officer of the University of Miami
177    Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center or his or her designee;
178          5. The Chief Executive Officer of the Mayo Clinic,
179    Jacksonville, or his or her designee;
180          6. The Chief Executive Officer of the American Cancer
181    Society, Florida Division, or his or her designee;
182          7. The President of the American Cancer Society, Florida
183    Division, Board of Directors or his or her designee;
184          8. The President of the Florida Society of Clinical
185    Oncology or his or her designee;
186          9. The Chief Executive Officer of Enterprise Florida,
187    Inc., or his or her designee;
188          10. Three representatives from large Florida hospitals or
189    institutions, not delineated in subparagraphs 1. through 6.,
190    that treat a large volume of cancer patients. One shall be
191    appointed by the Governor, one shall be appointed by the Speaker
192    of the House of Representatives, and one shall be appointed by
193    the President of the Senate;
194          11. Three representatives from community-based, statewide
195    organizations serving populations that experience cancer
196    disparities, one of whom shall be appointed by the Governor, one
197    of whom shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of
198    Representatives, and one of whom shall be appointed by the
199    President of the Senate;
200          12. One member of the Florida House of Representatives, to
201    be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
202          13. One member of the Florida Senate, to be appointed by
203    the President of the Senate;
204          14. Three university presidents, one of whom shall be
205    appointed by the Governor, one of whom shall be appointed by the
206    Speaker of the House of Representatives, and one of whom shall
207    be appointed by the President of the Senate; and
208          15. Five representatives from other statewide public
209    health organizations whose missions include public education and
210    the eradication of cancer, three of whom shall be appointed by
211    the Governor, one of whom shall be appointed by the Speaker of
212    the House of Representatives, and one of whom shall be appointed
213    by the President of the Senate.
214          (d) Appointments made by the Speaker of the House of
215    Representatives and the President of the Senate pursuant to
216    paragraph (c) shall be for 2-year terms, concurrent with the
217    bienniums in which they serve as presiding officers.
218          (e) Appointments made by the Governor pursuant to
219    paragraph (c) shall be for 2-year terms, although the Governor
220    may reappoint directors.
221          (f) Members of the board of directors of the not-for-
222    profit corporation or any subsidiaries shall serve without
223    compensation.
224          (3) The cooperative shall issue an annual report to the
225    Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the
226    President of the Senate, by December 15 of each year, with
227    policy and funding recommendations regarding cancer research
228    capacity in Florida and related issues.
229          Section 4. Florida Cancer Research Cooperative; mission
230    and duties.--
231          (1) The cooperative shall develop and centralize the
232    processes and shared services for expanding cancer research in
233    Florida through:
234          (a) Support through bioinformatics, in order to create a
235    cancer informatics infrastructure that enhances information and
236    resource exchange and integration through researchers working in
237    diverse disciplines to facilitate the full spectrum of cancer
238    investigations;
239          (b) Technical coordination, business development, and
240    support of intellectual property;
241          (c) Development of a statewide cancer clinical trials
242    network as contemplated in section 1; and
243          (d) Other multidisciplinary research support activities.
244          (2) The cooperative shall work in concert with the Center
245    for Universal Research to Eradicate Disease created in section 1
246    to ensure that the goals of the center are advanced.
247          Section 5. If any law amended by this act was also amended
248    by a law enacted at the 2003 Regular Session of the Legislature,
249    such laws shall be construed as if they had been enacted at the
250    same session of the Legislature, and full effect shall be given
251    to each if possible.
252          Section 6. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.