HB 0149A 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to charter schools; amending s. 1002.33,
3    F.S.; authorizing an educational facilities benefit
4    district or a community development district to apply for
5    a conversion charter school; providing a procedure for
6    certain school districts to participate in a pilot program
7    to convert public-school-feeder systems into charter-
8    school-feeder systems; providing definitions; providing
9    participation requirements; providing an appeals process;
10    providing for operational and capital outlay funding;
11    providing for new construction; amending s. 1013.355,
12    F.S.; prescribing additional purposes of educational
13    facilities benefit districts; providing for appeal of
14    certain school board decisions; providing for creation of
15    such districts by general purpose governments; amending s.
16    1013.356, F.S.; expanding the purpose of educational
17    facilities benefit districts and community development
18    districts; providing for capital outlay funding;
19    authorizing leases for use of land or facilities;
20    providing for construction of the act in pari materia with
21    laws enacted during the 2003 Regular Session of the
22    Legislature; providing an effective date.
24          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
26          Section 1. Subsections (3) and (10) of section 1002.33,
27    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
28          1002.33 Charter schools.--
30          (a) An application for a new charter school may be made by
31    an individual, teachers, parents, a group of individuals, a
32    municipality, or a legal entity organized under the laws of this
33    state.
34          (b) An application for a conversion charter school shall
35    be made by the district school board, the principal, teachers,
36    parents, and/or the school advisory council at an existing
37    public school that has been in operation for at least 2 years
38    prior to the application to convert, including a public school-
39    within-a-school that is designated as a school by the district
40    school board, or by an educational facilities benefit district
41    or a community development district. An application submitted
42    proposing to convert an existing public school to a charter
43    school shall demonstrate the support of at least 50 percent of
44    the teachers employed at the school and 50 percent of the
45    parents voting whose children are enrolled at the school,
46    provided that a majority of the parents eligible to vote
47    participate in the ballot process, according to rules adopted by
48    the State Board of Education. A district school board denying an
49    application for a conversion charter school shall provide notice
50    of denial to the applicants in writing within 30 days after the
51    meeting at which the district school board denied the
52    application. The notice must specify the exact reasons for
53    denial and must provide documentation supporting those reasons.
54    A private school, parochial school, or home education program
55    shall not be eligible for charter school status.
56          (c) The Miami-Dade County School Board and the Broward
57    County School Board are authorized to accept applications from
58    educational facilities benefit districts or community
59    development districts to establish a pilot program to convert 5
60    feeder systems of public schools per county to conversion
61    charter-school-feeder systems. Applications for four of the
62    conversion charter-school-feeder systems must be from
63    educational facilities benefit districts or community
64    development districts located within municipal service areas
65    with a population of 75,000 or more in Miami-Dade County and
66    58,000 or more in Broward County as reported on the most recent
67    United States Census and one application must be from an
68    educational facilities benefit district or community development
69    district located in the unincorporated municipal service area.
70    Not more than one educational facilities benefit district or
71    community development district within a municipality may be
72    awarded a conversion charter-school-feeder system.
73          1. A conversion charter-school-feeder system is defined as
74    one high school and the middle schools and elementary schools
75    where more than one-half of the students are zoned to attend
76    that high school and must include at least one high school, one
77    middle school, and one elementary school.
78          2. To participate in the pilot program, all schools
79    included in the conversion charter-school-feeder system must be
80    located within the boundaries of the educational facilities
81    benefit district or community development district applying to
82    participate in the conversion pilot program.
83          3. Decisions of the school district regarding the
84    establishment of a conversion charter-school-feeder system may
85    be appealed to the State Board of Education.
86          4. Operational funding for students attending charter
87    schools in a conversion charter-school-feeder system shall be
88    provided at the same full-time equivalent (FTE) student rate as
89    the student generates for the district with no administrative
90    hold back for district operations. Should the educational
91    facilities benefit district or community development district
92    provide operational funding for the conversion charter-school-
93    feeder system, the district's contribution per FTE shall be
94    reduced on a dollar-for-dollar basis to maintain equal funding
95    per FTE throughout the district.
96          5. Capital outlay funding for a conversion charter-school-
97    feeder system shall be addressed in the charter agreement with
98    the school board. The charter may provide for the district to
99    continue to be responsible for the maintenance, repair,
100    renovation, and remodeling of the facility or may provide a per-
101    student amount to the conversion charter-school-feeder system
102    equal to the district's average per-student capital outlay
103    funding amount. Should the educational facilities benefit
104    district or community development district provide capital
105    outlay funding for the conversion charter-school-feeder system,
106    the district's contribution per FTE shall be reduced on a dollar
107    for dollar basis to maintain equal funding per FTE throughout
108    the district.
109          6. If the educational facilities benefit district or
110    community development district decides that a new school
111    facility must be constructed, the district school board shall
112    provide capital outlay funding for new construction in an amount
113    that is equal to the district-wide average amount per FTE
114    student generated from 2 mills of nonvoted discretionary capital
115    outlay authorized in s. 1011.71(2). These funds may not be
116    pledged for debt service or financial obligations entered into
117    by the educational facilities benefit district or community
118    development district.
119          7. The purpose of the pilot program is to produce
120    significant improvements in student achievement and school
121    management including administrative efficiency, to encourage and
122    measure the use of innovative learning methods, and to make the
123    school the unit of improvement.
124          8. The approved conversion charter-school-feeder system
125    application shall be the basis for evaluation of the pilot
126    program.
127          (10) ELIGIBLE STUDENTS.--
128          (a) A charter school shall be open to any student covered
129    in an interdistrict agreement or residing in the school district
130    in which the charter school is located; however, in the case of
131    a charter lab school, the charter lab school shall be open to
132    any student eligible to attend the lab school as provided in s.
133    1002.32 or who resides in the school district in which the
134    charter lab school is located. Any eligible student shall be
135    allowed interdistrict transfer to attend a charter school when
136    based on good cause.
137          (b) The charter school shall enroll an eligible student
138    who submits a timely application, unless the number of
139    applications exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade
140    level, or building. In such case, all applicants shall have an
141    equal chance of being admitted through a random selection
142    process.
143          (c) When a public school converts to charter status, or in
144    schools that are part of a conversion charter-school-feeder
145    system,enrollment preference shall be given to students who
146    would have otherwise attended that public school.
147          (d) A charter school may give enrollment preference to the
148    following student populations:
149          1. Students who are siblings of a student enrolled in the
150    charter school.
151          2. Students who are the children of a member of the
152    governing board of the charter school.
153          3. Students who are the children of an employee of the
154    charter school.
155          (e) A charter school may limit the enrollment process only
156    to target the following student populations:
157          1. Students within specific age groups or grade levels.
158          2. Students considered at risk of dropping out of school
159    or academic failure. Such students shall include exceptional
160    education students.
161          3. Students enrolling in a charter school-in-the-workplace
162    or charter school-in-a-municipality established pursuant to
163    subsection (16).
164          4. Students residing within a reasonable distance of the
165    charter school, as described in paragraph (21)(c). Such students
166    shall be subject to a random lottery and to the racial/ethnic
167    balance provisions described in subparagraph (7)(a)8. or any
168    federal provisions that require a school to achieve a
169    racial/ethnic balance reflective of the community it serves or
170    within the racial/ethnic range of other public schools in the
171    same school district.
172          5. Students who meet reasonable academic, artistic, or
173    other eligibility standards established by the charter school
174    and included in the charter school application and charter or,
175    in the case of existing charter schools, standards that are
176    consistent with the school's mission and purpose. Such standards
177    shall be in accordance with current state law and practice in
178    public schools and may not discriminate against otherwise
179    qualified individuals.
180          6. Students articulating from one charter school to
181    another pursuant to an articulation agreement between the
182    charter schools that has been approved by the sponsor.
183          (f) Students with handicapping conditions and students
184    served in English for Speakers of Other Languages programs shall
185    have an equal opportunity of being selected for enrollment in a
186    charter school.
187          (g) A student may withdraw from a charter school at any
188    time and enroll in another public school as determined by
189    district school board rule.
190          (h) The capacity of the charter school shall be determined
191    annually by the governing board, in conjunction with the
192    sponsor, of the charter school in consideration of the factors
193    identified in this subsection.
194          Section 2. Subsections (2), (3), and (4) of section
195    1013.355, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
196          1013.355 Educational facilities benefit districts.--
197          (2) The Legislature hereby authorizes the creation of
198    educational facilities benefit districts pursuant to interlocal
199    cooperation agreements between a district school board and all
200    local general purpose governments within whose jurisdiction a
201    district is located. The purpose of educational facilities
202    benefit districts is to assist in financing the construction,
203    operation,and maintenance of educational facilities.
204          (3)(a) An educational facilities benefit district may be
205    created pursuant to this act and chapters 125, 163, 166, and
206    189. An educational facilities benefit district charter may be
207    created by a county or municipality by entering into an
208    interlocal agreement, as authorized by s. 163.01, with the
209    district school board and any local general purpose government
210    within whose jurisdiction a portion of the district is located
211    and adoption of an ordinance that includes all provisions
212    contained within s. 189.4041. The creating entity shall be the
213    local general purpose government within whose boundaries a
214    majority of the educational facilities benefit district's lands
215    are located.
216          (b) Creation of any educational facilities benefit
217    district shall be conditioned upon the consent of the district
218    school board, all local general purpose governments within whose
219    jurisdiction any portion of the educational facilities benefit
220    district is located, and all landowners within the district.
221    Decisions of the school district regarding the establishment of
222    an educational facilities benefit district may be appealed to
223    the State Board of Education.The membership of the governing
224    board of any educational facilities benefit district shall
225    include representation of the district school board, each
226    cooperating local general purpose government, and the landowners
227    within the district. In the case of an educational facilities
228    benefit district's decision to create a charter school, the
229    board of directors of the charter school may constitute the
230    members of the governing board for the educational facilities
231    benefit district. (c) An educational facilities benefit
232    district may also be created by the local general purpose
233    government within whose jurisdiction the educational facilities
234    benefit district is located by adoption of an ordinance
235    establishing the district and approval by the electors within
236    the educational facilities benefit district at a general
237    election.
238          (4) The educational facilities benefit district shall
239    have, and its governing board may exercise, the following
240    powers:
241          (a) To acquire through lease, purchase, gift, or bequest;
242    finance;and construct educational facilities within the
243    district's boundaries.
244          (b) To sue and be sued in the name of the district; to
245    adopt and use a seal and authorize the use of a facsimile
246    thereof; to acquire, by purchase, gift, devise, or otherwise,
247    and to dispose of real and personal property or any estate
248    therein; and to make and execute contracts and other instruments
249    necessary or convenient to the exercise of its powers.
250          (c) To contract for the services of consultants to perform
251    planning, engineering, legal, or other appropriate services of a
252    professional nature. Such contracts shall be subject to the
253    public bidding or competitive negotiations required of local
254    general purpose governments.
255          (d) To borrow money and accept gifts; to apply for unused
256    grants or loans of money or other property from the United
257    States, the state, a unit of local government, or any person for
258    any district purposes and enter into agreements required in
259    connection therewith; and to hold, use, and dispose of such
260    moneys or property for any district purposes in accordance with
261    the terms of the gift, grant, loan, or agreement relating
262    thereto.
263          (e) To adopt resolutions and policies prescribing the
264    powers, duties, and functions of the officers of the district,
265    the conduct of the business of the district, and the maintenance
266    of records and documents of the district.
267          (f) To maintain an office at such place or places as it
268    may designate within the district or within the boundaries of
269    the local general purpose government that created the district.
270          (g) To lease as lessor or lessee to or from any person,
271    firm, corporation, association, or body, public or private, any
272    projects of the type that the district is authorized to
273    undertake and facilities or property of any nature for use of
274    the district to carry out any of the purposes authorized by this
275    act.
276          (h) To borrow money and issue bonds, certificates,
277    warrants, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness pursuant to
278    this act for periods not longer than 30 years, provided such
279    bonds, certificates, warrants, notes, or other indebtedness
280    shall only be guaranteed by non-ad valorem assessments legally
281    imposed by the district and other available sources of funds
282    provided in this act and shall not pledge the full faith and
283    credit of any local general purpose government or the district
284    school board.
285          (i) To cooperate with or contract with other governmental
286    agencies as may be necessary, convenient, incidental, or proper
287    in connection with any of the powers, duties, or purposes
288    authorized by this act and to accept funding from local and
289    state agencies as provided in this act.
290          (j) To levy, impose, collect, and enforce non-ad valorem
291    assessments, as defined by s. 197.3632(1)(d), pursuant to this
292    act, chapters 125 and 166, and ss. 197.3631, 197.3632, and
293    197.3635.
294          (k) To exercise all powers necessary, convenient,
295    incidental, or proper in connection with any of the powers,
296    duties, or purposes authorized by this act.
297          Section 3. Section 1013.356, Florida Statutes, as amended
298    by section 131 of chapter 2003-1, Laws of Florida, is amended to
299    read:
300          1013.356 Local funding for educational facilities benefit
301    districts or community development districts.--Upon confirmation
302    by a district school board of the commitment of revenues by an
303    educational facilities benefit district or community development
304    district necessary to construct, operate,and maintain an
305    educational facility contained within an individual district
306    facilities work program or proposed by an approved charter
307    school or a charter school applicant, the following funds shall
308    be provided to the educational facilities benefit district or
309    community development district annually, beginning with the next
310    fiscal year after confirmation until the district's financial
311    obligations are completed:
312          (1) All educational facilities impact fee revenue
313    collected for new development within the educational facilities
314    benefit district or community development district. Funds
315    provided under this subsection shall be used to fund the
316    acquisition, construction,and capital maintenance costs of
317    educational facilities.
318          (2) For construction and capital maintenance costs not
319    covered by the funds provided under subsection (1), an annual
320    amount contributed by the district school board equal to one-
321    half of the remaining costs of construction and capital
322    maintenance of the educational facility. Any construction costs
323    above the cost-per-student criteria established for the SIT
324    Program in s. 1013.72(2) shall be funded exclusively by the
325    educational facilities benefit district or the community
326    development district. Funds contributed by a district school
327    board shall not be used to fund operational costs. If an
328    educational facilities benefit district or community development
329    district determines that a new school is to be established, the
330    district school board shall provide capital outlay funding in an
331    amount that is equal to the district-wide average amount per FTE
332    student generated from 2 mills of nonvoted discretionary capital
333    outlay authorized in s. 1011.71(2). These funds may not be
334    pledged for debt service or financial obligations entered into
335    by the educational facilities benefit district or community
336    development district. These new schools are not eligible to
337    receive state capital outlay funds.
339          Educational facilities funded pursuant to this act may be
340    constructed on land that is owned by any person after the
341    district school board, the charter school, the educational
342    facilities benefit district, or the community development
343    districthas acquired from the owner of the land a long-term
344    lease for the use of this land or facilitiesfor a period of not
345    less than 40 years or the life expectancy of the permanent
346    facilities constructed thereon, whichever is longer. All
347    interlocal agreements entered into pursuant to this act shall
348    provide for ownership of educational facilities funded pursuant
349    to this act to revert to the district school board if such
350    facilities cease to be used for public educational purposes
351    prior to 40 years after construction or prior to the end of the
352    life expectancy of the educational facilities, whichever is
353    longer.
354          Section 4. If any law amended by this act was also amended
355    by a law enacted at the 2003 Regular Session of the Legislature,
356    such laws shall be construed as if they had been enacted at the
357    same session of the Legislature, and full effect shall be given
358    to each if possible.
359          Section 5. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.