GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS BILL                          Committee       Amendment
SB0002A                                                 HHS              18

Senator(s): Saunders
moved the following amendment:

Section: 03              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 054             Directs the Agency for Health Care Administration to
                         implement in the current budget period a voluntary
Spec App:  204           prepaid or fixed sum health plan program for recipients
                         diagnosed with HIV or AIDS to demonstrate cost savings
                         and enhanced quality of care.

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                                  Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                      DELETE         INSERT

        Program: Health Care Services
        Medicaid Prepaid Health Plans  68501600

        In Section 03  On Page 054
204     Special Categories  102671
        Prepaid Health Plans--Elderly And                
        Disabled  IOEE

Insert a new paragraph of proviso following Specific Appropriation 204:

The Agency for Health Care Administration is directed in the current
budget period to implement a voluntary prepaid or fixed sum health plan
program for recipients diagnosed with HIV or AIDS to demonstrate cost
savings and enhanced quality of care.

Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items.
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