Senate Bill sb0024A

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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 24-A

    By Senator Webster


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Department of

  3         Transportation; creating s. 215.617, F.S.;

  4         authorizing the department to issue revenue

  5         bonds financed by the repayment of loans from

  6         the state-funded infrastructure bank; amending

  7         s. 338.165, F.S.; providing for toll rate

  8         adjustments for certain toll roads; authorizing

  9         the department to request the Division of Bond

10         Finance to issue bonds secured by toll revenues

11         collected on the Beeline-East Expressway, the

12         Sunshine Skyway Bridge, the Navarre Bridge, and

13         the Pinellas Bayway toll facilities to provide

14         funding for transportation projects on the

15         State Highway System; amending s. 338.2275,

16         F.S.; increasing the cap on the amount of bonds

17         that may be issued to fund approved turnpike

18         projects; amending s. 338.231, F.S.; advancing

19         a toll rate adjustment; amending s. 339.12,

20         F.S.; removing the limit for transportation

21         project advances for certain inland counties

22         for certain improvements to the State Highway

23         System; creating s. 373.4139, F.S.; providing

24         for mitigation planning for transportation

25         projects; providing for an annual inventory of

26         wetland and surface-water resources; requiring

27         notice to other government participants;

28         requiring responsible governments to submit the

29         mitigation to appropriate federal agencies;

30         providing that certain transportation projects

31         may be excluded from the mitigation plan;


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 24-A

 1         deeming an approved mitigation plan as

 2         satisfying mitigation requirements of other

 3         governmental agencies; authorizing the creation

 4         of an escrow account to fund mitigation

 5         projects; providing for construction of the act

 6         in pari materia with laws enacted during the

 7         Regular Session of the Legislature; providing

 8         an effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Section 215.617, Florida Statutes, is

13  created to read:

14         215.617  Bonds for state-funded infrastructure bank.--

15         (1)  Upon the request of the Department of

16  Transportation, the Division of Bond Finance is authorized

17  pursuant to s. 11, Art. VII of the State Constitution and the

18  State Bond Act to issue revenue bonds, for and on behalf of

19  the Department of Transportation, for the purpose of financing

20  or refinancing the construction, reconstruction, and

21  improvement of projects that are eligible to receive

22  assistance from the state-funded infrastructure bank as

23  provided in s. 339.55. The facilities to be financed with the

24  proceeds of such bonds are designated as state fixed capital

25  outlay projects for the purposes of s. 11(d), Art. VII of the

26  State Constitution, and the specific facilities to be financed

27  shall be determined by the Department of Transportation in

28  accordance with s. 339.55. Legislative approval of the

29  department's tentative work program that contains the

30  state-funded infrastructure bank projects constitutes approval

31  as required by s. 11(f), Art. VII of the State Constitution.


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 24-A

 1  The Division of Bond Finance is authorized to consider

 2  innovative financing techniques, which may include, but are

 3  not limited to, innovative bidding and structures of potential

 4  financings that may result in negotiated transactions.

 5         (2)  Bonds issued pursuant to this section shall be

 6  payable primarily from a prior and superior claim on all

 7  state-funded infrastructure bank repayments received each year

 8  with respect to state-funded infrastructure bank projects

 9  undertaken in accordance with s. 339.55.

10         (3)  The duration of each series of bonds may not

11  exceed 30 annual maturities.

12         (4)  The bonds issued under this section shall not

13  constitute a general obligation or debt of the state or a

14  pledge of the full faith and credit or taxing power of the

15  state. The bonds shall be secured by and are payable from the

16  revenues pledged in accordance with this section and the

17  resolution authorizing their issuance.

18         (5)  The state does covenant with the holders of bonds

19  issued under this section that it will not take any action

20  that will materially and adversely affect the rights of such

21  bondholders as long as the bonds authorized by this section

22  are outstanding.

23         (6)  Any complaint for validation of bonds issued

24  pursuant to this section shall be filed in the circuit court

25  of the county where the seat of state government is situated,

26  the notice required to be published by s. 75.06 shall be

27  published only in the county where the complaint is filed, and

28  the complaint and order of the circuit court shall be served

29  only on the state attorney of the circuit in which the action

30  is pending.



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 24-A

 1         Section 2.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 338.165,

 2  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

 3         338.165  Continuation of tolls.--

 4         (2)  If the revenue-producing project is on the State

 5  Highway System, any remaining toll revenue shall be used for

 6  the construction, maintenance, or improvement of any road on

 7  the State Highway System within the county or counties in

 8  which the revenue-producing project is located, except as

 9  provided in s. 348.0004. Notwithstanding any other provision

10  of law or rule, the department shall increase toll rates

11  effective July 1, 2003, on the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, the

12  Navarre Bridge, the Mid-Bay Bridge, the Beeline-East

13  Expressway, and the Alligator Alley toll facilities after

14  consultation with a nationally recognized traffic engineer to

15  ensure that the proposed toll rate is appropriate in the

16  context of established statewide norms for toll facilities of

17  a similar type. Any toll revenue or bond proceeds generated by

18  these increased toll rates shall be used in the county or

19  counties where the existing toll facility is located. Priority

20  consideration shall be given to future revenue-producing

21  projects, the advance acquisition of rights-of-way, and

22  projects that significantly increase mobility. Toll rate

23  increases on Mid-Bay Bridge shall be reviewed and approved by

24  the Mid-Bay Bridge Authority. The Mid-Bay Bridge Authority in

25  cooperation with the department shall develop a plan to use

26  any toll revenue or bond proceeds generated by these increased

27  toll rates.

28         (3)  Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary,

29  pursuant to s. 11, Art. VII of the State Constitution, and

30  subject to the requirements of subsection (2), the Department

31  of Transportation may request the Division of Bond Finance to


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 1  issue bonds secured by toll revenues collected on the

 2  Alligator Alley, the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, the Beeline-East

 3  Expressway, the Navarre Bridge, and the Pinellas Bayway to

 4  fund transportation projects located within the county or

 5  counties in which the project is located and contained in the

 6  1993-1994 Adopted Work Program or in any subsequent adopted

 7  work program of the department.

 8         Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 338.2275, Florida

 9  Statutes, is amended to read:

10         338.2275  Approved turnpike projects.--

11         (1)  Legislative approval of the department's tentative

12  work program that contains the turnpike project constitutes

13  approval to issue bonds as required by s. 11(f), Art. VII of

14  the State Constitution. Turnpike projects approved to be

15  included in future tentative work programs include, but are

16  not limited to, projects contained in the 2003-2004 1997-1998

17  tentative work program and potential expansion projects listed

18  in the January 25, 1997, report submitted to the Florida

19  Transportation Commission titled "Florida's Turnpike Building

20  on the Past - Preparing for the Future." A maximum of $4.5 $3

21  billion of bonds may be issued to fund approved turnpike

22  projects.

23         Section 4.  Subsection (8) is added to section 338.231,

24  Florida Statutes, to read:

25         338.231  Turnpike tolls, fixing; pledge of tolls and

26  other revenues.--The department shall at all times fix,

27  adjust, charge, and collect such tolls for the use of the

28  turnpike system as are required in order to provide a fund

29  sufficient with other revenues of the turnpike system to pay

30  the cost of maintaining, improving, repairing, and operating

31  such turnpike system; to pay the principal of and interest on


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 1  all bonds issued to finance or refinance any portion of the

 2  turnpike system as the same become due and payable; and to

 3  create reserves for all such purposes.

 4         (8)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law or

 5  rule, the department shall advance the toll rate increase

 6  currently planned for July 1, 2004, to become effective July

 7  1, 2003.

 8         Section 5.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section

 9  339.12, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         339.12  Aid and contributions by governmental entities

11  for department projects; federal aid.--

12         (4)

13         (c)  The department may enter into agreements under

14  this subsection for a project or project phase not included in

15  the adopted work program. As used in this paragraph, the term

16  "project phase" means acquisition of rights-of-way,

17  construction, construction inspection, and related support

18  phases. The project or project phase must be a high priority

19  of the governmental entity. Reimbursement for a project or

20  project phase must be made from funds appropriated by the

21  Legislature pursuant to s. 339.135(5). All other provisions of

22  this subsection apply to agreements entered into under this

23  paragraph. The total amount of project agreements for projects

24  or project phases not included in the adopted work program may

25  not at any time exceed $100 million. However, notwithstanding

26  such $100-million limit and any similar limit in s. 334.30,

27  project advances for any inland county with a population

28  greater than 500,000 dedicating amounts equal to $500 million

29  or more of its Local Infrastructure Sales Tax pursuant to s.

30  212.055(2) for improvements to the State Highway System which

31  are included in the local metropolitan planning organization's


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 24-A

 1  or the department's long-range transportation plans shall be

 2  excluded from the calculation of the statewide limit of

 3  project advances.

 4         Section 6.  Section 373.4139, Florida Statutes, is

 5  created to read:

 6         373.4139  Local government transportation

 7  infrastructure mitigation requirements.--

 8         (1)  The Legislature finds that environmental

 9  mitigation for the impact of transportation projects proposed

10  as part of a coordinated multijurisdiction initiative

11  undertaken with substantial funding from a discretionary sales

12  surtax levied under s. 212.055 may be more effectively

13  achieved by long-range mitigation planning by a responsible

14  government rather than on a case-by-case basis.

15         (2)  As used in this section, the county levying the

16  surtax must be the government responsible for developing,

17  permitting, and implementing the long-range mitigation plans,

18  unless the county chooses not to be the responsible government

19  and a responsible government is otherwise designated by an

20  interlocal agreement executed by and between all local

21  governments participating in the transportation initiative.

22  This environmental mitigation process is not mandatory but may

23  be initiated by the county levying the discretionary sales

24  surtax, upon notice to the appropriate water management

25  districts.

26         (3)  The responsible government must develop its

27  long-range mitigation plan for multijurisdictional

28  transportation initiatives as follows:

29         (a)  By May 1 of each year of the transportation

30  initiative, the participating governments shall prepare an

31  inventory of all wetland and surface-water resources, subject


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 1  to this part and 33 U.S.C. s. 1344, which may be impacted in

 2  the next 3 years of the participating government's plan of

 3  construction for each transportation project and shall submit

 4  the environmental inventory to the responsible government.

 5  The environmental inventory shall include the information

 6  required in s. 373.4137(2)(b).

 7         (b)  Upon receipt of the environmental inventory, the

 8  responsible government shall develop a mitigation plan in

 9  consultation with the other participating governments, as well

10  as with the appropriate water management districts, the United

11  States Army Corps of Engineers, and other appropriate federal

12  and state governments.  The responsible government shall

13  submit the mitigation plan to the water management districts

14  having jurisdiction over the mitigation or impact areas.

15         (c)  The water management district having jurisdiction

16  over the impact area shall review the mitigation plan for

17  compliance with rules adopted pursuant to this part.  When

18  more than one water management district has responsibility for

19  regulation of the transportation initiative, the water

20  management districts shall enter into an agreement pursuant to

21  s. 373.046(6) to designate a single water management district

22  to review and approve the mitigation plan.

23         (d)  The responsible government shall submit the

24  mitigation plan to all appropriate federal agencies that

25  require permitting or approval of wetland and surface-water

26  mitigation. The responsible government shall seek to obtain

27  formal approval of the mitigation plan from the federal

28  agencies.

29         (e)  Specific transportation projects may be excluded

30  from the mitigation plan and shall not be subject to this

31  section upon agreement by the responsible government and the


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 1  participating governments if the inclusion of the project

 2  would hamper the efficiency and timeliness of the mitigation

 3  planning and permitting process, or the responsible government

 4  is unable to identify mitigation that would offset the impacts

 5  of the project.

 6         (4)  Upon the water management district's approval, the

 7  mitigation plan shall be deemed to satisfy the mitigation

 8  requirements under this part and any other mitigation

 9  requirements imposed by local, regional, and state agencies

10  for impacts identified in the environmental inventory.  The

11  approval of the appropriate water management district

12  authorizes the environmental mitigation activities proposed in

13  the mitigation plan, and no additional state, regional, or

14  local permit or approval is necessary.

15         (5)(a)  Concurrent with, or subsequent to, the approval

16  of the mitigation plan, the participating governments shall

17  make any necessary permit applications to the appropriate

18  water management district that will be solely responsible for

19  review and final action on the application required by this

20  chapter. The responsible government must ensure that

21  mitigation requirements specified by 33 U.S.C. s. 1344 are met

22  for the impacts identified in the wetland inventory by

23  implementing the mitigation plan approved by the water

24  management district to the extent that the funding is provided

25  by the participating governments.

26         (b)  This section does not eliminate the need for the

27  participating governments to comply with requirements to

28  implement practicable design modifications, including

29  realignment of transportation projects, to reduce or eliminate

30  impacts of the transportation projects on wetlands and other



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 24-A

 1  surface waters as required by rules adopted pursuant to this

 2  part.

 3         (6)  To fund the long-range mitigation plan, the

 4  responsible government shall create an escrow account.  The

 5  participating governments shall deposit funds into the account

 6  to pay for the environmental mitigation phase of projects

 7  budgeted for the current fiscal year. The responsible

 8  government shall maintain the escrow account for mitigation

 9  purposes only. Any interest earned from the escrow account may

10  be used to offset the cost of the mitigation plan and must be

11  credited to the participating governments' transportation

12  projects.  The responsible government shall reimburse the

13  water management district the actual costs it incurs in

14  reviewing the mitigation plan.

15         (7)  The mitigation plans shall be updated annually to

16  reflect the most current plan of construction of the

17  participating governments and may be amended throughout the

18  year to anticipate schedule changes or additional projects

19  that may arise.

20         Section 7.  If any law that is amended by this act was

21  also amended by a law enacted at the 2003 Regular Session of

22  the Legislature, such laws shall be construed as if they had

23  been enacted during the same session of the Legislature, and

24  full effect should be given to each if that is possible.

25         Section 8.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

26  law.







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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 24-A

 1            *****************************************

 2                          SENATE SUMMARY

 3    Authorizes the issuance of revenue bonds for projects
      eligible for funding assistance from the state-funded
 4    infrastructure bank. Requires the Department of
      Transportation to increase certain toll rates. Provides
 5    for an increase in toll rates which was scheduled to take
      effect on July 1, 2004, to take effect on July 1, 2003.
 6    Provides for certain improvements to the State Highway
      System to be excluded from the calculation of the
 7    statewide limit of project advances. Provides
      requirements for mitigation planning for transportation
 8    projects. Provides that an approved mitigation plan may
      satisfy the mitigation requirements of other governmental
 9    agencies. (See bill for details.)
























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