HB 0051A 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to state universities; creating s.
3    1001.70, F.S.; establishing the Board of Governors;
4    providing membership and terms of office; amending s.
5    1001.71, F.S.; revising membership of university boards of
6    trustees and terms of office; amending s. 1009.24, F.S.;
7    authorizing a nonrefundable admissions deposit; creating
8    1012.975, F.S.; defining the terms "cash-equivalent
9    compensation," "public funds," and "remuneration";
10    limiting the annual remuneration of a state university
11    president to $225,000 from public funds; providing certain
12    limitations on benefits for state university presidents
13    under the Florida Retirement System; authorizing a party
14    to provide cash or cash-equivalent compensation in excess
15    of annual limit from nonpublic funds; eliminating any
16    state obligation to provide cash or cash-equivalent
17    compensation for state university presidents under certain
18    circumstances; providing for construction of the act in
19    pari materia with laws enacted during the Regular Session
20    of the Legislature; providing an effective date.
22          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
24          Section 1. Section 1001.70, Florida Statutes, is created
25    to read:
26          1001.70 Board of Governors.--Pursuant to s. 7(d), Art. IX
27    of the State Constitution, the Board of Governors is established
28    as a body corporate comprised of 17 members as follows: 14
29    citizen members appointed by the Governor subject to
30    confirmation by the Senate; the Commissioner of Education; the
31    chair of the advisory council of faculty senates or the
32    equivalent; and the president of the Florida student association
33    or the equivalent. The appointed members shall serve staggered
34    7-year terms. In order to achieve staggered terms, beginning
35    July 1, 2003, of the initial appointments, 4 members shall serve
36    2-year terms, 5 members shall serve 3-year terms, and 5 members
37    shall serve 7-year terms.
38          Section 2. Section 1001.71, Florida Statutes, is amended
39    to read:
40          1001.71 University boards of trustees; membership.--
41          (1) Pursuant to s. 7(c), Art. IX of the State
42    Constitution, each local constituent university shall be
43    administered by a university board of trustees comprised of 13
44    members as follows: 6 citizen members appointed by the Governor
45    subject to confirmation by the Senate; 5 citizen members
46    appointed by the Board of Governors subject to confirmation by
47    the Senate; the chair of the faculty senate or the equivalent;
48    and the president of the student body of the university. The
49    appointed members shall serve staggered 5-year terms. In order
50    to achieve staggered terms, beginning July 1, 2003, of the
51    initial appointments by the Governor, 2 members shall serve 2-
52    year terms, 3 members shall serve 3-year terms, and 1 member
53    shall serve a 5-year term and of the initial appointments by the
54    Board of Governors, 2 members shall serve 2-year terms, 2
55    members shall serve 3-year terms, and 1 member shall serve a 5-
56    year term.University boards of trustees shall be comprised of
57    12 members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate
58    in the regular legislative session immediately following his or
59    her appointment. In addition, the student body president elected
60    on the main campus of the university pursuant to s. 1004.26
61    shall serve ex officio as a voting member of his or her
62    university board of trustees.There shall be no state residency
63    requirement for university board members, but the Governor and
64    the Board of Governorsshall consider diversity and regional
65    representation.
66          (2) Members of the boards of trustees shall receive no
67    compensation but may be reimbursed for travel and per diem
68    expenses as provided in s. 112.061.
69          (3) The Governor may remove a trustee upon the
70    recommendation of the State Board of Education, or for cause.
71          (4) Boards of trustees' members shall be appointed for
72    staggered 4-year terms, and may be reappointed for additional
73    terms not to exceed 8 years of service.
74          (3)(5)Each board of trustees shall select its chair and
75    vice chair from the appointed members at its first regular
76    meeting after July 1. The chair shall serve for 2 years and may
77    be reselected for one additional consecutive term. The duties of
78    the chair shall include presiding at all meetings of the board
79    of trustees, calling special meetings of the board of trustees,
80    and attesting to actions of the board of trustees, and notifying
81    the Governor in writing whenever a board member fails to attend
82    three consecutive regular board meetings in any fiscal year,
83    which failure may be grounds for removal. The duty of the vice
84    chair is to act as chair during the absence or disability of the
85    chair.
86          (4)(6)The university president shall serve as executive
87    officer and corporate secretary of the board of trustees and
88    shall be responsible to the board of trustees for all operations
89    of the university and for setting the agenda for meetings of the
90    board of trustees in consultation with the chair.
91          Section 3. Subsection (13) of section 1009.24, Florida
92    Statutes, amended to read:
93          1009.24 State university student fees.--
94          (13) Each university board of trustees is authorized to
95    establish a nonrefundable admissions deposit for undergraduate,
96    graduate, and professional degree programs in an amount not to
97    exceed $200. The admissions deposit shall be imposed at the time
98    of an applicant's acceptance to the university and shall be
99    applied toward tuition upon enrollment. In the event the
100    applicant does not enroll in the university, the admissions
101    deposit shall be deposited in an auxiliary account of the
102    university and used to expand financial assistance,
103    scholarships, and student academic and career counseling
104    services at the university. A university board of trustees that
105    establishes an admissions deposit pursuant to this subsection
106    must also adopt policies that provide for the waiver of such
107    deposit on the basis of financial hardship.The board of
108    trustees of the University of Florida is authorized to establish
109    an admissions deposit fee for the University of Florida College
110    of Dentistry in an amount not to exceed $200.
111          Section 4. Section 1012.975, Florida Statutes, is created
112    to read:
113          1012.975 Remuneration of state university presidents;
114    limitations.--
115          (1) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:
116          (a) "Cash-equivalent compensation" means any benefit that
117    may be assigned an equivalent cash value.
118          (b) "Public funds" means funds appropriated from the
119    General Revenue Fund, funds appropriated from state trust funds,
120    tuition and fees, or any funds from a state university trust
121    fund regardless of repository.
122          (c) "Remuneration" means salary, bonuses, and cash-
123    equivalent compensation paid to a state university president by
124    his or her employer for work performed, excluding health
125    insurance benefits and retirement benefits.
126          (2) LIMITATION ON COMPENSATION.--Notwithstanding any other
127    law, resolution, or rule to the contrary, a state university
128    president may not receive more than $225,000 in remuneration
129    annually from public funds. Only compensation, as such term is
130    defined in s. 121.021(22), provided to a state university
131    president may be used in calculating benefits under chapter 121.
132          (3) EXCEPTIONS.--This section does not prohibit any party
133    from providing cash or cash-equivalent compensation from funds
134    that are not public funds to a state university president in
135    excess of the limit in subsection (2). If a party is unable or
136    unwilling to fulfill an obligation to provide cash or cash-
137    equivalent compensation to a state university president as
138    permitted under this subsection, public funds may not be used to
139    fulfill such obligation.
140          Section 5. If any law that is amended by this act was also
141    amended by a law enacted at the 2003 Regular Session of the
142    Legislature, such laws shall be construed as if they had been
143    enacted during the same session of the Legislature, and full
144    effect should be given to each if that is possible.
145          Section 6. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.