HR 9005A 2003
1 House Resolution
2          A resolution recognizing "International Literacy Day" in
3    Florida.
5          WHEREAS, unfortunately, one of our most obscure holidays,
6    International Literacy Day is observed worldwide on September 8
7    in an effort to call attention to the vital importance of
8    literacy in the lives of individuals, families, and nations, and
9          WHEREAS, findings of the State Department of Education
10    suggest that the illiteracy rate in Florida, one of the highest
11    in the nation, is 25 percent, an indication that 25 percent of
12    the state's adults read and write below a fourth-grade level,
13    and
14          WHEREAS, children of illiterate parents are too often low
15    achievers or poor performers in the classroom, conditions that
16    lead to behavioral problems that adversely affect the learning
17    process of an entire class, and
18          WHEREAS, statistics show the likelihood of being on welfare
19    goes up as literacy levels go down, and three out of four food
20    stamp recipients performed in the two lowest literacy levels,
21    thus negatively impacting our economy, and
22          WHEREAS, in order to break the cycle of illiteracy and its
23    tragic effects on the lives of Floridians through improving the
24    educational levels of our children, we must begin with our
25    adults, NOW, THEREFORE,
27          Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
28    Florida:
30          That the House of Representatives recognizes September 8,
31    2003, as "International Literacy Day" in Florida and urges all
32    residents of the state to better inform themselves of the
33    negative effects of illiteracy and to make a concerted effort to
34    raise the literacy rate in our state, nation, and world.
35          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that schools, civic organizations,
36    and businesses throughout the state play an active role in the
37    observance of International Literacy Day in Florida.