HB 0099A 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund;
3    amending s. 215.555, F.S.; revising definitions; including
4    certain accounts, formerly certain associations, within
5    the Citizens Property Insurance Corporation; including the
6    Citizens Property Insurance Corporation within the
7    operation of certain definitions; authorizing the State
8    Board of Administration to charge interest on delinquent
9    remittances to the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund;
10    expanding the insurers eligible for exemptions from
11    certain reimbursement contract and premium provisions
12    authorized by the board under certain circumstances;
13    revising a reimbursement contract requirement; revising
14    emergency assessment authority of the board relating to
15    service of certain debt obligations; revising
16    requirements, procedures, and limitations; providing
17    responsibilities of surplus lines agents and the Florida
18    Surplus Lines Service Office; revising powers and duties
19    of the board; providing for construction of the act in
20    pari materia with laws enacted during the 2003 Regular
21    Session of the Legislature; providing an effective date.
23          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
25          Section 1. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2), subsection
26    (3), paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection (4), subsection (6),
27    and paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (7) of section 215.555,
28    Florida Statutes, are amended, and paragraphs (n), (o), and (p)
29    are added to subsection (2) of said section, to read:
30          215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.--
31          (2) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:
32          (c) "Covered policy" means any insurance policy covering
33    residential property in this state, including, but not limited
34    to, any homeowner's, mobile home owner's, farm owner's,
35    condominium association, condominium unit owner's, tenant's, or
36    apartment building policy, or any other policy covering a
37    residential structure or its contents issued by any authorized
38    insurer, including the Citizen’s Property Insurance Corporation
39    andany joint underwriting association or similar entity created
40    pursuant to law. The term "covered policy" includes any
41    collateral protection insurance policy covering personal
42    residences which protects both the borrower's and the lender's
43    financial interests, in an amount at least equal to the coverage
44    for the dwelling in place under the lapsed homeowner's policy,
45    if such policy can be accurately reported as required in
46    subsection (5). Additionally, covered policies include policies
47    covering the peril of wind removed from the Citizen’s Property
48    Insurance Corporationthe Florida Residential Property and
49    Casualty Joint Underwriting Association, created pursuant to s.
50    627.351(6), or from the Florida Windstorm Underwriting
51    Association, created pursuant to s. 627.351(2),by an authorized
52    insurer under the terms and conditions of an executed assumption
53    agreement between the authorized insurer and the Citizen’s
54    Property Insurance Corporationeither such association. Each
55    assumption agreement between the Citizen’s Property Insurance
56    Corporationeither associationand such authorized insurer must
57    be approved by the Office of Insurance Regulation within the
58    Florida Department of Financial ServicesInsuranceprior to the
59    effective date of the assumption, and the OfficeDepartmentof
60    Insurance Regulationmust provide written notification to the
61    board within 15 working days after such approval. "Covered
62    policy" does not include any policy that excludes wind coverage
63    or hurricane coverage or any reinsurance agreement and does not
64    include any policy otherwise meeting this definition which is
65    issued by a surplus lines insurer or a reinsurer. All commercial
66    residential excess policies and all deductible buy-back policies
67    that, based on sound actuarial principles, require individual
68    ratemaking shall be excluded by rule if the actuarial soundness
69    of the fund is not jeopardized. For this purpose, the term
70    “excess policy” means a policy that provides insurance
71    protection for large commercial property risks and that provides
72    a layer of coverage above a primary layer insured by another
73    insurer.
74          (n) “Citizens Property Insurance Corporation” or
75    “Citizens” means the entity created pursuant to s. 627.351(6),
76    and includes both the High Risk Account, formerly the Florida
77    Windstorm Underwriting Association, and the Personal Lines and
78    Commercial Lines Accounts, formerly the Florida Residential
79    Property and Casualty Joint Underwriting Association.
80          (o) “Corporation” means the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe
81    Fund Finance Corporation created in paragraph (6)(d).
82          (p) “Pledged revenues” means all or any portion of
83    revenues to be derived from reimbursement premiums under
84    subsection (5) of from emergency assessments under paragraph
85    (6)(b)., as determined by the board.
87    created the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund to be
88    administered by the State Board of Administration. Moneys in the
89    fund may not be expended, loaned, or appropriated except to pay
90    obligations of the fund arising out of reimbursement contracts
91    entered into under subsection (4), payment of debt service on
92    revenue bonds issued under subsection (6), costs of the
93    mitigation program under subsection (7), costs of procuring
94    reinsurance, and costs of administration of the fund. The board
95    shall invest the moneys in the fund pursuant to ss. 215.44-
96    215.52. Except as otherwise provided in this section, earnings
97    from all investments shall be retained in the fund. The board
98    may employ or contract with such staff and professionals as the
99    board deems necessary for the administration of the fund. The
100    board may adopt such rules as are reasonable and necessary to
101    implement this section and shall specify interest due on any
102    delinquent remittances, which interest may not exceed the fund’s
103    rate of return plus 5 percent. Such rules must conform to the
104    Legislature's specific intent in establishing the fund as
105    expressed in subsection (1), must enhance the fund's potential
106    ability to respond to claims for covered events, must contain
107    general provisions so that the rules can be applied with
108    reasonable flexibility so as to accommodate insurers in
109    situations of an unusual nature or where undue hardship may
110    result, except that such flexibility may not in any way impair,
111    override, supersede, or constrain the public purpose of the
112    fund, and must be consistent with sound insurance practices. The
113    board may, by rule, provide for the exemption from subsections
114    (4) and (5) of insurers writing covered policies with less than
115    $3 million$500,000in aggregate exposure for covered policies,
116    which exposure results in a de minimis reimbursement premium, if
117    the exemption does not affect the actuarial soundness of the
118    fund.
120          (c)1. The contract shall also provide that the obligation
121    of the board with respect to all contracts covering a particular
122    contract year shall not exceed the actual claims-paying capacity
123    of the fund up to a limit of $11 billion for that contract year
124    adjusted based upon the reported exposure from the prior
125    contract year to reflect the percentage growth in exposure to
126    the fund for covered policies since 2002, unless the board
127    determines that there is sufficient estimated claims-paying
128    capacity to provide $11 billion of capacity for the current
129    contract year and an additional $11 billion of capacity for
130    subsequent contract years. Upon such determination being made,
131    the estimated claims-paying capacity for the current contract
132    year shall be determined by adding to the $11 billion limit one-
133    half of the fund's estimated claims-paying capacity in excess of
134    $22 billion.
135          2. The contract shall require the board to annually notify
136    insurers of the fund's estimated borrowing capacity for the next
137    contract year, the projected year-end balance of the fund, and
138    the insurer's estimated share of total reimbursement premium to
139    be paid to the fund. For all regulatory and reinsurance
140    purposes, an insurer may calculate its projected payout from the
141    fund as its share of the total fund premium for the current
142    contract year multiplied by the sum of the projected year-end
143    fund balance and the estimated borrowing capacity for that
144    contract year as reported under this paragraph. In May and
145    October of each year, the board shall publish in the Florida
146    Administrative Weekly a statement of the fund's estimated
147    borrowing capacity and the projected year-end balance of the
148    fund for the current contract year.
149          (d)1. For purposes of determining potential liability and
150    to aid in the sound administration of the fund, the contract
151    shall require each insurer to report such insurer's losses from
152    each covered event on an interim basis, as directed by the
153    board. The contract shall require the insurer to report to the
154    board no later than December 31 of each year, and quarterly
155    thereafter, its reimbursable losses from covered events for the
156    year. The contract shall require the board to determine and pay,
157    as soon as practicable after receiving these reports of
158    reimbursable losses, the initial amount of reimbursement due and
159    adjustments to this amount based on later loss information. The
160    adjustments to reimbursement amounts shall require the board to
161    pay, or the insurer to return, amounts reflecting the most
162    recent calculation of losses.
163          2. In determining reimbursements pursuant to this
164    subsection, the contract shall provide that the board shall:
165          a. First reimburse insurers writing covered policies,
166    which insurers are in full compliance with this section and have
167    petitioned the Office ofDepartment of Insurance Regulationand
168    qualified as limited apportionment companies under s.
169    627.351(2)(b)3. The amount of such reimbursement shall be the
170    lesser of $10 million or an amount equal to 10 times the
171    insurer's reimbursement premium for the current year. The amount
172    of reimbursement paid under this sub-subparagraph may not exceed
173    the full amount of reimbursement promised in the reimbursement
174    contract. This sub-subparagraph does not apply with respect to
175    any contract year in which the year-end projected cash balance
176    of the fund, exclusive of any bonding capacity of the fund,
177    exceeds $2 billion. Only one member of any insurer group may
178    receive reimbursement under this sub-subparagraph.
179          b. Next pay to each insurer such insurer's projected
180    payout, which is the amount of reimbursement it is owed, up to
181    an amount equal to the insurer's share of the actual premium
182    paid for that contract year, multiplied by the actual claims-
183    paying capacity available for that contract year; provided,
184    entities created pursuant to s. 627.351 shall be further
185    reimbursed in accordance with sub-subparagraph c.
186          c. Thereafter, establish, based on reimbursable losses,
187    the prorated reimbursement level at the highest level for which
188    any remaining fund balance or bond proceeds are sufficient to
189    reimburse entities created pursuant to s. 627.351 for losses
190    exceeding the amounts payable pursuant to sub-subparagraph b.
191    for the current contract year.
192          (6) REVENUE BONDS.--
193          (a) General provisions.--
194          1. Upon the occurrence of a hurricane and a determination
195    that the moneys in the fund are or will be insufficient to pay
196    reimbursement at the levels promised in the reimbursement
197    contracts, the board may take the necessary steps under
198    paragraph (c)(b) or paragraph (d)(c)for the issuance of
199    revenue bonds for the benefit of the fund. The proceeds of such
200    revenue bonds may be used to make reimbursement payments under
201    reimbursement contracts; to refinance or replace previously
202    existing borrowings or financial arrangements; to pay interest
203    on bonds; to fund reserves for the bonds; to pay expenses
204    incident to the issuance or sale of any bond issued under this
205    section, including costs of validating, printing, and delivering
206    the bonds, costs of printing the official statement, costs of
207    publishing notices of sale of the bonds, and related
208    administrative expenses; or for such other purposes related to
209    the financial obligations of the fund as the board may
210    determine. The term of the bonds may not exceed 30 years. The
211    board may pledge or authorize the corporation to pledge all or a
212    portion of all revenues under subsection (5) and under paragraph
213    (b)subparagraph 3.to secure such revenue bonds and the board
214    may execute such agreements between the board and the issuer of
215    any revenue bonds and providers of other financing arrangements
216    under paragraph (7)(b) as the board deems necessary to evidence,
217    secure, preserve, and protect such pledge. If reimbursement
218    premiums received under subsection (5) or earnings on such
219    premiums are used to pay debt service on revenue bonds, such
220    premiums and earnings shall be used only after the use of the
221    moneys derived from assessments under paragraph (b)subparagraph
222    3. The funds, credit, property, or taxing power of the state or
223    political subdivisions of the state shall not be pledged for the
224    payment of such bonds. The board may also enter into agreements
225    under paragraph (c)(b) or paragraph (d)(c)for the purpose of
226    issuing revenue bonds in the absence of a hurricane upon a
227    determination that such action would maximize the ability of the
228    fund to meet future obligations.
229          2. The Legislature finds and declares that the issuance of
230    bonds under this subsection is for the public purpose of paying
231    the proceeds of the bonds to insurers, thereby enabling insurers
232    to pay the claims of policyholders to assure that policyholders
233    are able to pay the cost of construction, reconstruction,
234    repair, restoration, and other costs associated with damage to
235    property of policyholders of covered policies after the
236    occurrence of a hurricane. Revenue bonds may not be issued under
237    this subsection until validated under chapter 75. The validation
238    of at least the first obligations incurred pursuant to this
239    subsection shall be appealed to the Supreme Court, to be handled
240    on an expedited basis.
241          (b)3.Emergency assessments.--If the board determines that
242    the amount of revenue produced under subsection (5) is
243    insufficient to fund the obligations, costs, and expenses of the
244    fund and the corporation, including repayment of revenue bonds,
245    the board shall direct the OfficeDepartment of Insurance
246    Regulationto levy an emergency assessment on each insurer
247    writing property and casualty business in this state, referred
248    to in this subsection as an assessable insurer, and on those
249    insureds procuring one or more lines of property and casualty
250    business in this state pursuant to part VIII of chapter 626,
251    referred to in this subsection as assessable insureds.
252          1. Pursuant to the emergency assessment, each such
253    assessableinsurer shall pay to the corporation by July 1 of
254    each year an amount set by the board not exceeding 32percent
255    of its gross direct written premium for the prior year from all
256    property and casualty business in this state except for workers'
257    compensation, except that, if the Governor has declared a state
258    of emergency under s. 252.36 due to the occurrence of a covered
259    event, the amount of the assessment for the contract year may be
260    increased to an amount not exceeding 54percent of such
261    premium.
262          2.a. Pursuant to the emergency assessment, each such
263    assessable insured shall pay an amount set by the board not
264    exceeding 3 percent of the gross written premium each year for
265    all property and casualty business procured in this state except
266    workers' compensation, provided, however, if the Governor has
267    declared a state of emergency under s. 252.36 due to the
268    occurrence of a covered event, the amount of the assessment for
269    the contract year may be increased to an amount not exceeding 5
270    percent of such premium.
271          b. The emergency assessment on each such assessable
272    insured shall be collected by the surplus lines agent at the
273    time such agent collects the surplus lines tax required by s.
274    626.932 and shall be remitted by the agent to the Florida
275    Surplus Lines Service Office created pursuant to s. 626.921 at
276    the time the agent pays the surplus lines tax to the Florida
277    Surplus Lines Service Office. The emergency assessment on each
278    assessable insured procuring coverage and filing under s.
279    626.938 shall be remitted by the insured to the Florida Surplus
280    Lines Service Office at the time the insured pays the surplus
281    lines tax to the Florida Surplus Lines Service Office. The
282    emergency assessments collected shall be transferred to the
283    corporation or to the fund pursuant to subparagraph 5. on a
284    periodic basis as determined by the board. The Florida Surplus
285    Lines Service Office shall verify the proper application by
286    surplus lines agents of the emergency assessments and shall
287    assist the board in ensuring the accurate, timely collection and
288    payment of assessments by surplus lines agents as required by
289    the board. The Florida Surplus Lines Service Office shall
290    determine annually the aggregate written premium on property and
291    casualty business, except workers' compensation, procured by
292    assessable insureds and shall report such information to the
293    board in a form and at a time specified by the board to ensure
294    that the fund and the corporation can meet their financing
295    obligations.
296          3.Any assessment authority not used for the contract year
297    may be used for a subsequent contract year. If, for a subsequent
298    contract year, the board determines that the amount of revenue
299    produced under subsection (5) is insufficient to fund the
300    obligations, costs, and expenses of the fund and the
301    corporation, including repayment of revenue bonds for that
302    contract year, the board shall direct the OfficeDepartmentof
303    Insurance Regulationto levy an emergency assessment up to an
304    amount not exceeding the amount of unused assessment authority
305    from a previous contract year or years, plus an additional 32
306    percent if the Governor has declared a state of emergency under
307    s. 252.36 due to the occurrence of a covered event. Any
308    assessment authority not used for the contract year may be used
309    for a subsequent contract year. As used in this subsection, the
310    term "property and casualty business" includes all lines of
311    business identified on Form 2, Exhibit of Premiums and Losses,
312    in the annual statement required of authorized insurersby s.
313    624.424 and any rules adopted under such section, except for
314    those lines identified as accident and health insurance. The
315    annual assessments under this subparagraph shall continue as
316    long as the revenue bonds issued with respect to which the
317    assessment was imposed are outstanding, unless adequate
318    provision has been made for the payment of such bonds pursuant
319    to the documents authorizing issuance of the bonds. An
320    assessable insurer or assessable insuredshall not at any time
321    be subject to aggregate annual assessments under this
322    subparagraph of more than 32percent of premium, except that in
323    the case of a declared emergency, an assessable insurer or
324    assessable insuredshall not at any time be subject to aggregate
325    annual assessments under this subparagraph of more than 86
326    percent of premium; provided, no more than 54percent may be
327    assessed for obligations arising due to losses inany one
328    contract year.
329          4.Any rate filing or portion of a rate filing reflecting
330    a rate change attributable entirely to the assessment levied
331    under this paragraphsubparagraphshall be deemed approved when
332    made, subject to the authority of the OfficeDepartmentof
333    Insurance Regulationto require actuarial justification as to
334    the adequacy of any rate at any time. If the rate filing
335    reflects only a rate change attributable to the assessment under
336    this paragraph, the filing may consist of a certification so
337    stating.
338          5.The assessments otherwise payable to the corporation
339    pursuant to this paragraphsubparagraphshall be paid instead to
340    the fund unless and until the OfficeDepartment of Insurance
341    Regulation and the Florida Surplus Lines Service Office havehas
342    received from the corporation and the fund a notice, which shall
343    be conclusive and upon which theythe Department of Insurance
344    may rely without further inquiry, that the corporation has
345    issued bonds and the fund has no agreements in effect with local
346    governments pursuant to paragraph (c)(b). On or after the date
347    of such notice and until such date as the corporation has no
348    bonds outstanding, the fund shall have no right, title, or
349    interest in or to the assessments, except as provided in the
350    fund's agreements with the corporation.
351          6. Emergency assessments are not premium and are not
352    subject to premium or surplus lines tax, fees, or commissions,
353    however, the failure by an assessable insured to pay an
354    emergency assessment shall be treated as a failure to pay
355    premium.
356          (c)(b)Revenue bond issuance through counties or
357    municipalities.--
358          1. If the board elects to enter into agreements with local
359    governments for the issuance of revenue bonds for the benefit of
360    the fund, the board shall enter into such contracts with one or
361    more local governments, including agreements providing for the
362    pledge of revenues, as are necessary to effect such issuance.
363    The governing body of a county or municipality is authorized to
364    issue bonds as defined in s. 125.013 or s. 166.101 from time to
365    time to fund an assistance program, in conjunction with the
366    Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, for the purposes set forth
367    in this section or for the purpose of paying the costs of
368    construction, reconstruction, repair, restoration, and other
369    costs associated with damage to properties of policyholders of
370    covered policies due to the occurrence of a hurricane by
371    assuring that policyholders located in this state are able to
372    recover claims under property insurance policies after a covered
373    event.
374          2. In order to avoid needless and indiscriminate
375    proliferation, duplication, and fragmentation of such assistance
376    programs, any local government may provide for the payment of
377    fund reimbursements, regardless of whether or not the losses for
378    which reimbursement is made occurred within or outside of the
379    territorial jurisdiction of the local government.
380          3. The state hereby covenants with holders of bonds issued
381    under this paragraph that the state will not repeal or abrogate
382    the power of the board to direct the OfficeDepartmentof
383    Insurance Regulationto levy the assessments and to collect the
384    proceeds of the revenues pledged to the payment of such bonds as
385    long as any such bonds remain outstanding unless adequate
386    provision has been made for the payment of such bonds pursuant
387    to the documents authorizing the issuance of such bonds.
388          4. There shall be no liability on the part of, and no
389    cause of action shall arise against any members or employees of
390    the governing body of a local government for any actions taken
391    by them in the performance of their duties under this paragraph.
392          (d)(c)Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Finance
393    Corporation.--
394          1. In addition to the findings and declarations in
395    subsection (1), the Legislature also finds and declares that:
396          a. The public benefits corporation created under this
397    paragraph will provide a mechanism necessary for the cost-
398    effective and efficient issuance of bonds. This mechanism will
399    eliminate unnecessary costs in the bond issuance process,
400    thereby increasing the amounts available to pay reimbursement
401    for losses to property sustained as a result of hurricane
402    damage.
403          b. The purpose of such bonds is to fund reimbursements
404    through the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund to pay for the
405    costs of construction, reconstruction, repair, restoration, and
406    other costs associated with damage to properties of
407    policyholders of covered policies due to the occurrence of a
408    hurricane.
409          c. The efficacy of the financing mechanism will be
410    enhanced by the corporation's ownership of the assessments, by
411    the insulation of the assessments from possible bankruptcy
412    proceedings, and by covenants of the state with the
413    corporation's bondholders.
414          2.a. There is created a public benefits corporation, which
415    is an instrumentality of the state, to be known as the Florida
416    Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Finance Corporation.
417          b. The corporation shall operate under a five-member board
418    of directors consisting of the Governor or a designee, the
419    Comptroller or a designee, the Treasurer or a designee, the
420    director of the Division of Bond Finance of the State Board of
421    Administration, and the chief operating officer of the Florida
422    Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
423          c. The corporation has all of the powers of corporations
424    under chapter 607 and under chapter 617, subject only to the
425    provisions of this subsection.
426          d. The corporation may issue bonds and engage in such
427    other financial transactions as are necessary to provide
428    sufficient funds to achieve the purposes of this section.
429          e. The corporation may invest in any of the investments
430    authorized under s. 215.47.
431          f. There shall be no liability on the part of, and no
432    cause of action shall arise against, any board members or
433    employees of the corporation for any actions taken by them in
434    the performance of their duties under this paragraph.
435          3.a. In actions under chapter 75 to validate any bonds
436    issued by the corporation, the notice required by s. 75.06 shall
437    be published only in Leon County and in two newspapers of
438    general circulation in the state, and the complaint and order of
439    the court shall be served only on the State Attorney of the
440    Second Judicial Circuit.
441          b. The state hereby covenants with holders of bonds of the
442    corporation that the state will not repeal or abrogate the power
443    of the board to direct the OfficeDepartment of Insurance
444    Regulationto levy the assessments and to collect the proceeds
445    of the revenues pledged to the payment of such bonds as long as
446    any such bonds remain outstanding unless adequate provision has
447    been made for the payment of such bonds pursuant to the
448    documents authorizing the issuance of such bonds.
449          4. The bonds of the corporation are not a debt of the
450    state or of any political subdivision, and neither the state nor
451    any political subdivision is liable on such bonds. The
452    corporation does not have the power to pledge the credit, the
453    revenues, or the taxing power of the state or of any political
454    subdivision. The credit, revenues, or taxing power of the state
455    or of any political subdivision shall not be deemed to be
456    pledged to the payment of any bonds of the corporation.
457          5.a. The property, revenues, and other assets of the
458    corporation; the transactions and operations of the corporation
459    and the income from such transactions and operations; and all
460    bonds issued under this paragraph and interest on such bonds are
461    exempt from taxation by the state and any political subdivision,
462    including the intangibles tax under chapter 199 and the income
463    tax under chapter 220. This exemption does not apply to any tax
464    imposed by chapter 220 on interest, income, or profits on debt
465    obligations owned by corporations other than the Florida
466    Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Finance Corporation.
467          b. All bonds of the corporation shall be and constitute
468    legal investments without limitation for all public bodies of
469    this state; for all banks, trust companies, savings banks,
470    savings associations, savings and loan associations, and
471    investment companies; for all administrators, executors,
472    trustees, and other fiduciaries; for all insurance companies and
473    associations and other persons carrying on an insurance
474    business; and for all other persons who are now or may hereafter
475    be authorized to invest in bonds or other obligations of the
476    state and shall be and constitute eligible securities to be
477    deposited as collateral for the security of any state, county,
478    municipal, or other public funds. This sub-subparagraph shall be
479    considered as additional and supplemental authority and shall
480    not be limited without specific reference to this sub-
481    subparagraph.
482          6. The corporation and its corporate existence shall
483    continue until terminated by law; however, no such law shall
484    take effect as long as the corporation has bonds outstanding
485    unless adequate provision has been made for the payment of such
486    bonds pursuant to the documents authorizing the issuance of such
487    bonds. Upon termination of the existence of the corporation, all
488    of its rights and properties in excess of its obligations shall
489    pass to and be vested in the state.
490          (e)(d)Protection of bondholders.--
491          1. As long as the corporation has any bonds outstanding,
492    neither the fund nor the corporation shall have the authority to
493    file a voluntary petition under chapter 9 of the federal
494    Bankruptcy Code or such corresponding chapter or sections as may
495    be in effect, from time to time, and neither any public officer
496    nor any organization, entity, or other person shall authorize
497    the fund or the corporation to be or become a debtor under
498    chapter 9 of the federal Bankruptcy Code or such corresponding
499    chapter or sections as may be in effect, from time to time,
500    during any such period.
501          2. The state hereby covenants with holders of bonds of the
502    corporation that the state will not limit or alter the denial of
503    authority under this paragraph or the rights under this section
504    vested in the fund or the corporation to fulfill the terms of
505    any agreements made with such bondholders or in any way impair
506    the rights and remedies of such bondholders as long as any such
507    bonds remain outstanding unless adequate provision has been made
508    for the payment of such bonds pursuant to the documents
509    authorizing the issuance of such bonds.
510          3. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any pledge
511    of or other security interest in revenue, money, accounts,
512    contract rights, general intangibles, or other personal property
513    made or created by the fund or the corporation shall be valid,
514    binding, and perfected from the time such pledge is made or
515    other security interest attaches without any physical delivery
516    of the collateral or further act and the lien of any such pledge
517    or other security interest shall be valid, binding, and
518    perfected against all parties having claims of any kind in tort,
519    contract, or otherwise against the fund or the corporation
520    irrespective of whether or not such parties have notice of such
521    claims. No instrument by which such a pledge or security
522    interest is created nor any financing statement need be recorded
523    or filed.
525          (a) The board may procure reinsurance from reinsurers
526    acceptable to the Office of Insurance Regulationapproved under
527    s. 624.610for the purpose of maximizing the capacity of the
528    fund.
529          (c) Each fiscal year, the Legislature shall appropriate
530    from the investment income of the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe
531    Fund an amount no less than $10 million and no more than 35
532    percent of the investment income based upon the most recent
533    fiscal year-end audited financial statementsfrom the prior
534    fiscal yearfor the purpose of providing funding for local
535    governments, state agencies, public and private educational
536    institutions, and nonprofit organizations to support programs
537    intended to improve hurricane preparedness, reduce potential
538    losses in the event of a hurricane, provide research into means
539    to reduce such losses, educate or inform the public as to means
540    to reduce hurricane losses, assist the public in determining the
541    appropriateness of particular upgrades to structures or in the
542    financing of such upgrades, or protect local infrastructure from
543    potential damage from a hurricane. Moneys shall first be
544    available for appropriation under this paragraph in fiscal year
545    1997-1998. Moneys in excess of the $10 million specified in this
546    paragraph shall not be available for appropriation under this
547    paragraph if the State Board of Administration finds that an
548    appropriation of investment income from the fund would
549    jeopardize the actuarial soundness of the fund.
550          Section 2. If any law amended by this act was also amended
551    by a law enacted at the 2003 Regular Session of the Legislature,
552    such laws shall be construed as if they had been enacted at the
553    same session of the Legislature, and full effect shall be given
554    to each if possible.
555          Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.