HB 0005B 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to public records exemptions; amending s.
3    1004.43, F.S.; expanding the public records exemption for
4    proprietary confidential business information owned or
5    controlled by the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and
6    Research Institute to include information relating to
7    methods of manufacture or production, potential trade
8    secrets, potentially patentable material, and proprietary
9    information received, generated, ascertained, or
10    discovered during the course of research, and business
11    transactions resulting from such research; expanding the
12    public records exemption to include information received
13    from this or another state or nation or the Federal
14    Government which is otherwise exempt or confidential
15    pursuant to the laws of this or another state or nation or
16    pursuant to federal law; providing for future review and
17    repeal; providing a statement of public necessity;
18    amending s. 1004.445, F.S.; creating a public records
19    exemption for proprietary confidential business
20    information owned or controlled by the Florida Alzheimer's
21    Center and Research Institute; categorizing specified
22    types of information as proprietary confidential business
23    information; defining "managed care"; providing for access
24    to proprietary confidential business information by
25    specified agencies; providing for future review and repeal
26    of the exemption; providing a statement of public
27    necessity; providing for construction of the act in pari
28    materia with laws enacted during the 2003 Regular Session
29    or the 2003 Special Session A of the Legislature;
30    providing an effective date.
32          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
34          Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subsection (8) of section
35    1004.43, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
36          1004.43 H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research
37    Institute.--There is established the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer
38    Center and Research Institute at the University of South
39    Florida.
40          (8)
41          (b) Proprietary confidential business information is
42    confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and
43    s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. However, the Auditor
44    General, the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government
45    Accountability, and the State Board of Education, pursuant to
46    their oversight and auditing functions, must be given access to
47    all proprietary confidential business information upon request
48    and without subpoena and must maintain the confidentiality of
49    information so received. As used in this paragraph, the term
50    "proprietary confidential business information" means
51    information, regardless of its form or characteristics, which is
52    owned or controlled by the not-for-profit corporation or its
53    subsidiaries; is intended to be and is treated by the not-for-
54    profit corporation or its subsidiaries as private and the
55    disclosure of which would harm the business operations of the
56    not-for-profit corporation or its subsidiaries; has not been
57    intentionally disclosed by the corporation or its subsidiaries
58    unless pursuant to law, an order of a court or administrative
59    body, a legislative proceeding pursuant to s. 5, Art. III of the
60    State Constitution, or a private agreement that provides that
61    the information may be released to the public; and which is
62    information concerning:
63          1. Internal auditing controls and reports of internal
64    auditors;
65          2. Matters reasonably encompassed in privileged attorney-
66    client communications;
67          3. Contracts for managed-care arrangements, including
68    preferred provider organization contracts, health maintenance
69    organization contracts, and exclusive provider organization
70    contracts, and any documents directly relating to the
71    negotiation, performance, and implementation of any such
72    contracts for managed-care arrangements;
73          4. Bids or other contractual data, banking records, and
74    credit agreements the disclosure of which would impair the
75    efforts of the not-for-profit corporation or its subsidiaries to
76    contract for goods or services on favorable terms;
77          5. Information relating to private contractual data, the
78    disclosure of which would impair the competitive interest of the
79    provider of the information;
80          6. Corporate officer and employee personnel information;
81          7. Information relating to the proceedings and records of
82    credentialing panels and committees and of the governing board
83    of the not-for-profit corporation or its subsidiaries relating
84    to credentialing;
85          8. Minutes of meetings of the governing board of the not-
86    for-profit corporation and its subsidiaries, except minutes of
87    meetings open to the public pursuant to subsection (9);
88          9. Information that reveals plans for marketing services
89    that the corporation or its subsidiaries reasonably expect to be
90    provided by competitors;
91          10. Trade secrets as defined in s. 688.002, including
92    reimbursement methodologies or rates; or
93          11. The identity of donors or prospective donors of
94    property who wish to remain anonymous or any information
95    identifying such donors or prospective donors. The anonymity of
96    these donors or prospective donors must be maintained in the
97    auditor's report;.
98          12. Information relating to methods of manufacture or
99    production, potential trade secrets, potentially patentable
100    material, or proprietary information received, generated,
101    ascertained, or discovered during the course of research
102    conducted by the not-for-profit corporation or its subsidiaries
103    and business transactions resulting from such research; or
104          13. Any information received by the not-for-profit
105    corporation or its subsidiaries from a person in this or another
106    state or nation or the Federal Government which is otherwise
107    exempt or confidential pursuant to the laws of this or another
108    state or nation or pursuant to federal law.
110          As used in this paragraph, the term "managed care” means systems
111    or techniques generally used by third-party payors or their
112    agents to affect access to and control payment for health care
113    services. Managed-care techniques most often include one or
114    more of the following: prior, concurrent, and retrospective
115    review of the medical necessity and appropriateness of services
116    or site of services; contracts with selected health care
117    providers; financial incentives or disincentives related to the
118    use of specific providers, services, or services sites;
119    controlled access to and coordination of services by a case
120    manager; and payor efforts to identify treatment alternatives
121    and modify benefit restrictions for high-cost patient care.
122          Section 2. Subparagraphs 12. and 13. of paragraph (b) of
123    subsection (8) of s. 1004.43, Florida Statutes, are subject to
124    the Open Government Sunset Review Act of 1995 in accordance with
125    s. 119.15, Florida Statutes, and shall stand repealed on October
126    2, 2008, unless reviewed and saved from repeal through
127    reenactment by the Legislature.
128          Section 3. The Legislature finds that it is a public
129    necessity that information relating to methods of manufacture or
130    production, potential trade secrets, potentially patentable
131    materials, or proprietary information received, generated,
132    ascertained, or discovered during the course of research
133    conducted by the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research
134    Institute or any of its subsidiaries, and business transactions
135    resulting from such research, be made confidential and exempt
136    from public disclosure, because the disclosure of such
137    information would adversely impact the not-for-profit
138    corporation or its subsidiaries and would create an unfair
139    competitive advantage for the persons receiving such
140    information. If such confidential and exempt information
141    regarding research in progress were released pursuant to a
142    public records request, others would be allowed to take the
143    benefit of the research without compensation or reimbursement to
144    the research center. The Legislature further finds that
145    information received by the not-for-profit corporation or its
146    subsidiaries from a person in this or another state or nation or
147    the Federal Government which is otherwise exempt or confidential
148    pursuant to the laws of this or another state or nation or
149    pursuant to federal law should remain exempt or confidential
150    because the highly confidential nature of cancer-related
151    research necessitates that the not-for-profit corporation or its
152    subsidiaries be authorized to maintain the status of exempt or
153    confidential information it receives from the sponsors of
154    research. Without the exemptions provided for herein, the
155    disclosure of confidential and exempt information would place
156    the not-for-profit corporation on an unequal footing in the
157    marketplace as compared with its private health care and medical
158    research competitors that are not required to disclose such
159    confidential and exempt information. The Legislature finds that
160    the disclosure of such confidential and exempt information would
161    adversely impact the not-for-profit corporation or its
162    subsidiaries in fulfilling their mission of cancer treatment,
163    research, and education.
164          Section 4. Subsection (9) of section 1004.445, Florida
165    Statutes, is amended to read:
166          1004.445 Florida Alzheimer's Center and Research
167    Institute.--
168          (9)(a)The following information is confidential and
169    exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I
170    of the State Constitution:
171          1.(a)Personal identifying information relating to clients
172    of programs created or funded through the Florida Alzheimer's
173    Center and Research Institute which is held by the institute,
174    the University of South Florida, or theState Board of Education
175    or by persons who provide services to clients of programs
176    created or funded through contracts with the Florida Alzheimer's
177    Center and Research Institute;
178          2.(b) Any medical or health records relating to patients
179    heldwhich may be created or received by the institute; and
180          3.(c)Proprietary confidential business information. As
181    used in this subparagraph, the term "proprietary confidential
182    business information” means information, regardless of its form
183    or characteristics, which is owned or controlled by the
184    institute; is intended to be and is treated by the institute as
185    private and the disclosure of which would harm the business
186    operations of the institute; has not been intentionally
187    disclosed by the institute unless pursuant to law, an order of a
188    court or administrative body, a legislative proceeding pursuant
189    to s. 5, Art. III of the State Constitution, or a private
190    agreement that provides that the information may be released to
191    the public; and which is information concerning:
192          a.Materials that relate to methods of manufacture or
193    production, potential trade secrets, potentially patentable
194    material, actual trade secrets as defined in s. 688.002, or
195    proprietary information received, generated, ascertained, or
196    discovered during the course of research conducted by or through
197    the institute and business transactions resulting from such
198    research;
199          b.(d) The identity of a donor or prospective donor to the
200    instituteFlorida Alzheimer's Center and Research Institutewho
201    wishes to remain anonymous, and all information identifying such
202    donor or prospective donor;
203          c.(e)Any information received by the institute in the
204    performance of its duties and responsibilities which is
205    otherwise confidential and exempt by law; and
206          d.(f)Any information received by the institute from a
207    person from this oranother state or nation or the Federal
208    Government which is otherwise exempt or confidential or exempt
209    pursuant to this or anotherthatstate's or nation's laws or
210    pursuant to federal law;
211          e. Internal auditing controls and reports of internal
212    auditors;
213          f. Contracts for managed-care arrangements, including
214    preferred provider organization contracts, health maintenance
215    organization contracts, and exclusive provider organization
216    contracts, and any documents directly relating to the
217    negotiation, performance, and implementation of any such
218    contracts for managed-care arrangements;
219          g. Bids or other contractual data, banking records, and
220    credit agreements the disclosure of which would impair the
221    efforts of the institute to contract for goods or services on
222    favorable terms;
223          h. Information relating to private contractual data, the
224    disclosure of which would impair the competitive interest of the
225    provider of the information;
226          i. Corporate officer and employee personnel information;
227          j. Information relating to the proceedings and records of
228    the credentialing panels and committees and of the governing
229    board of the institute relating to credentialing;
230          k. Minutes of meetings of the governing board of the
231    institute, except minutes of meetings open to the public
232    pursuant to subsection (10); and
233          l. Information that reveals plans for marketing services
234    that the institute reasonably expects to be provided by
235    competitors.
237          As used in this subparagraph, the term "managed care” means
238    systems or techniques generally used by third-party payors or
239    their agents to affect access to and control payment for health
240    care services. Managed-care techniques most often include one or
241    more of the following: prior, concurrent, and retrospective
242    review of the medical necessity and appropriateness of services
243    or site of services; contracts with selected health care
244    providers; financial incentives or disincentives related to the
245    use of specific providers, services, or service sites;
246    controlled access to and coordination of services by a case
247    manager; and payor efforts to identify treatment alternatives
248    and modify benefit restrictions for high-cost patient care.
249          (b) The Auditor General, the Office of Program Policy
250    Analysis and Government Accountability, and the State Board of
251    Education, pursuant to their oversight and auditing functions,
252    must be given access to all proprietary confidential business
253    information upon request and without subpoena and must maintain
254    the confidentiality of information so received.
255          (c)Any governmental entity that demonstrates a need to
256    access such confidential and exempt information in order to
257    perform its duties and responsibilities shall have access to
258    such information and shall otherwise keep such information
259    confidential and exempt. This section is subject to the Open
260    Government Sunset Review Act of 1995 in accordance with s.
261    119.15 and shall stand repealed on October 2, 2006, unless
262    reviewed and saved from repeal through reenactment by the
263    Legislature.
264          Section 5. Subsection (9) of s. 1004.445, Florida
265    Statutes, is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act of
266    1995 in accordance with s. 119.15, Florida Statutes, and shall
267    stand repealed on October 2, 2008, unless reviewed and saved
268    from repeal through reenactment by the Legislature.
269          Section 6. The Legislature finds that it is a public
270    necessity that proprietary confidential business information
271    owned or controlled by the Florida Alzheimer's Center and
272    Research Institute; internal auditing controls and reports of
273    internal auditors; contracts for managed-care arrangements and
274    any documents directly relating to the negotiation, performance,
275    and implementation of any such contracts for managed-care
276    arrangements; bids or other contractual data, banking records,
277    and credit agreements; information relating to private
278    contractual data; corporate officer and employee personnel
279    information; information relating to the proceedings and records
280    of the credentialing panels and committees and of the governing
281    board of the Florida Alzheimer's Center and Research Institute
282    relating to credentialing; minutes of meetings of the governing
283    board of the institute; and information that reveals plans for
284    marketing services that the institute reasonably expects to be
285    provided by competitors be made confidential and exempt from
286    public disclosure. The institute must compete directly with its
287    private-sector counterparts. Its economic survival depends on
288    the institute’s ability to so compete. As such, these exemptions
289    are necessary because release of such information and records
290    would adversely impact the institute in the competitive health
291    care and medical research environment. Disclosure of such
292    information and records would place the institute on an unequal
293    footing in the marketplace as compared with private health care
294    providers that are not required to disclose such confidential
295    and exempt information and records. The highly confidential
296    nature of Alzheimer-related research discoveries necessitates
297    that the institute be authorized to maintain confidential
298    information it receives from, or generates for, the sponsors of
299    its research. Accordingly, disclosure of such information and
300    records would impede the effective and efficient administration
301    of the Florida Alzheimer’s Center and Research Institute and
302    would create an unfair competitive advantage for persons or
303    entities receiving such information. Also, such information and
304    records contain information of a sensitive, personal nature
305    regarding corporate officers and employees. Disclosure of such
306    information could be harmful to the officer or employee.
307          Section 7. If any law amended by this act was also amended
308    by a law enacted at the 2003 Regular Session of the Legislature
309    or at the 2003 Special Session A of the Legislature, such laws
310    shall be construed as if they had been enacted at the same
311    session of the Legislature, and full effect shall be given to
312    each if possible.
313          Section 8. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.