HR 9005C 2003
1 House Resolution
2          A resolution recognizing the Hellenic ancestry of today's
3    inhabitants of the Northern Province of Greece.
5          WHEREAS, Philip II of Macedonia, his son, Alexander the
6    Great, and Aristotle were born and raised in what was then a
7    province of Greece known as Macedonia, and
8          WHEREAS, the language and culture of the ancient
9    Macedonians had Hellenic roots, as did the ancestors of the
10    inhabitants of northern Greece today, and
11          WHEREAS, the Macedonians, along with the rest of the
12    Hellenes of antiquity, believed in the 12 gods of Olympus and
13    participated with their fellow Hellenes in the Olympic Games,
14    and
15          WHEREAS, Pella, the birthplace of Alexander the Great, and
16    Vergina, the burial site of the Macedonian kings, are located in
17    today's northern Greece, NOW, THEREFORE,
19          Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
20    Florida:
22          That the House of Representatives acknowledges the Hellenic
23    ancestry of the ancient Macedonians and recognizes that the
24    current inhabitants of the Northern Province of Greece are the
25    descendants of the historic Hellenes.
26          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives
27    recognizes that the history of ancient Macedonia has been
28    Hellenic for more than 3,000 years and continues to be so today.
29          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be
30    presented to Stelios Sevastos, Southeastern District Governor of
31    the Pan-Macedonian Association, Inc., as a tangible token of the
32    sentiments expressed herein.