HB 0009C 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to charter school conversion; amending s.
3    1002.33, F.S.; authorizing an educational facilities
4    benefit district to apply for a conversion charter school;
5    providing a procedure for certain counties to participate
6    in a pilot program to convert public-school-feeder systems
7    to charter-school-feeder systems; providing a definition;
8    providing participation requirements; providing an appeals
9    process; providing for equitable funding; authorizing
10    creation of an educational facilities benefit district for
11    purposes of participation in the pilot program; providing
12    for construction of the act in pari materia with laws
13    enacted during the 2003 Regular Session, the 2003 Special
14    Session A, or the 2003 Special Session B of the
15    Legislature; providing an effective date.
17          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
19          Section 1. Subsections (3) and (10) of section 1002.33,
20    Florida Statutes, as amended by House Bill 55A, 2003 Special
21    Session A, are amended to read:
22          1002.33 Charter schools.--
24          (a) An application for a new charter school may be made by
25    an individual, teachers, parents, a group of individuals, a
26    municipality, or a legal entity organized under the laws of this
27    state.
28          (b) An application for a conversion charter school shall
29    be made by the district school board, the principal, teachers,
30    parents, and/or the school advisory council at an existing
31    public school that has been in operation for at least 2 years
32    prior to the application to convert, including a public school-
33    within-a-school that is designated as a school by the district
34    school board, or by an educational facilities benefit district.
35    An application submitted proposing to convert an existing public
36    school to a charter school shall demonstrate the support of at
37    least 50 percent of the teachers employed at the school and 50
38    percent of the parents voting whose children are enrolled at the
39    school, provided that a majority of the parents eligible to vote
40    participate in the ballot process, according to rules adopted by
41    the State Board of Education. A district school board denying an
42    application for a conversion charter school shall provide notice
43    of denial to the applicants in writing within 30 days after the
44    meeting at which the district school board denied the
45    application. The notice must specify the exact reasons for
46    denial and must provide documentation supporting those reasons.
47    A private school, parochial school, or home education program
48    shall not be eligible for charter school status.
49          (c) District school boards in counties with populations in
50    excess of 1.5 million persons, as reported on the most recent
51    United States Census or by the University of Florida Bureau of
52    Business and Economic Research, are authorized to accept
53    applications from educational facilities benefit districts for
54    the purpose of establishing a pilot program in each such county
55    to convert no more than five feeder systems of public schools
56    per county to conversion charter-school-feeder systems.
57    Applications for up to four of the conversion charter-school-
58    feeder systems must be from educational facilities benefit
59    districts located within municipalities with populations in
60    excess of 58,000 persons, as reported on the most recent United
61    States Census or by the University of Florida Bureau of Business
62    and Economic Research. At least one application must be from an
63    educational facilities benefit district located in the
64    unincorporated area of each county. Not more than one
65    educational facilities benefit district within a municipality
66    may be awarded a conversion charter-school-feeder system. In
67    evaluating applications, priority shall be given to applications
68    to convert poorly performing feeder systems in which the high
69    school received a performance grade category "D" or "F," as
70    reported in the most recent annual report of school performance
71    grades pursuant to s. 1008.34, unless no high school within any
72    feeder system in the municipality or unincorporated area
73    received a performance grade category "D" or "F."
74          1. For purposes of this section, a conversion charter-
75    school-feeder system is defined as one high school and the
76    middle schools and elementary schools where more than one-half
77    of the students are zoned to attend that high school and must
78    include at least one high school, one middle school, and one
79    elementary school.
80          2. To participate in the pilot program, all schools
81    included in the conversion charter-school-feeder system must be
82    located within the boundaries of the educational facilities
83    benefit district applying to participate in the conversion pilot
84    program.
85          3. Decisions of the school district regarding the
86    establishment of a conversion charter-school-feeder system may
87    be appealed to the State Board of Education.
88          4. If the educational facilities benefit district provides
89    operational funding for the conversion charter-school-feeder
90    system, the district's contribution per full-time equivalent
91    (FTE) shall be reduced on a dollar-for-dollar basis to maintain
92    equal funding per FTE throughout the district.
93          5. If the educational facilities benefit district provides
94    capital outlay funding for the conversion charter-school-feeder
95    system, the district's contribution per FTE shall be reduced on
96    a dollar-for-dollar basis to maintain equal funding per FTE
97    throughout the district.
98          6. Notwithstanding s. 1013.355(3)(b), for purposes of
99    participating in the pilot program, an educational facilities
100    benefit district may be created by the county or municipality
101    within whose jurisdiction the educational facilities benefit
102    district is located, pursuant to the adoption of an ordinance
103    establishing the educational facilities benefit district and
104    approval by the electors within the educational facilities
105    benefit district at a general election.
106          (10) ELIGIBLE STUDENTS.--
107          (a) A charter school shall be open to any student covered
108    in an interdistrict agreement or residing in the school district
109    in which the charter school is located; however, in the case of
110    a charter lab school, the charter lab school shall be open to
111    any student eligible to attend the lab school as provided in s.
112    1002.32 or who resides in the school district in which the
113    charter lab school is located. Any eligible student shall be
114    allowed interdistrict transfer to attend a charter school when
115    based on good cause.
116          (b) The charter school shall enroll an eligible student
117    who submits a timely application, unless the number of
118    applications exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade
119    level, or building. In such case, all applicants shall have an
120    equal chance of being admitted through a random selection
121    process.
122          (c) When a public school converts to charter status, or in
123    schools that are part of a conversion charter-school-feeder
124    system,enrollment preference shall be given to students who
125    would have otherwise attended that public school.
126          (d) A charter school may give enrollment preference to the
127    following student populations:
128          1. Students who are siblings of a student enrolled in the
129    charter school.
130          2. Students who are the children of a member of the
131    governing board of the charter school.
132          3. Students who are the children of an employee of the
133    charter school.
134          (e) A charter school may limit the enrollment process only
135    to target the following student populations:
136          1. Students within specific age groups or grade levels.
137          2. Students considered at risk of dropping out of school
138    or academic failure. Such students shall include exceptional
139    education students.
140          3. Students enrolling in a charter school-in-the-workplace
141    or charter school-in-a-municipality established pursuant to
142    subsection (15).
143          4. Students residing within a reasonable distance of the
144    charter school, as described in paragraph (20)(c). Such students
145    shall be subject to a random lottery and to the racial/ethnic
146    balance provisions described in subparagraph (7)(a)8. or any
147    federal provisions that require a school to achieve a
148    racial/ethnic balance reflective of the community it serves or
149    within the racial/ethnic range of other public schools in the
150    same school district.
151          5. Students who meet reasonable academic, artistic, or
152    other eligibility standards established by the charter school
153    and included in the charter school application and charter or,
154    in the case of existing charter schools, standards that are
155    consistent with the school's mission and purpose. Such standards
156    shall be in accordance with current state law and practice in
157    public schools and may not discriminate against otherwise
158    qualified individuals.
159          6. Students articulating from one charter school to
160    another pursuant to an articulation agreement between the
161    charter schools that has been approved by the sponsor.
162          (f) Students with handicapping conditions and students
163    served in English for Speakers of Other Languages programs shall
164    have an equal opportunity of being selected for enrollment in a
165    charter school.
166          (g) A student may withdraw from a charter school at any
167    time and enroll in another public school as determined by
168    district school board rule.
169          (h) The capacity of the charter school shall be determined
170    annually by the governing board, in conjunction with the
171    sponsor, of the charter school in consideration of the factors
172    identified in this subsection.
173          Section 2. If any law amended by this act was also amended
174    by a law enacted at the 2003 Regular Session, the 2003 Special
175    Session A, or the 2003 Special Session B of the Legislature,
176    such laws shall be construed as if they had been enacted at the
177    same session of the Legislature, and full effect shall be given
178    to each if possible.
179          Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.