HB 0107 2004
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to educational facilities; creating s.
3    1013.135, F.S.; requiring each district school board to
4    adopt and implement an indoor air quality program;
5    requiring annual reports to the Department of Education;
6    requiring uniform air quality inspections and evaluations;
7    providing requirements for educational facility sites and
8    project plans; providing requirements for heating,
9    ventilating, and air-conditioning systems; requiring
10    maintenance of records; requiring school district or
11    educational facility indoor air quality committees;
12    requiring indoor environmental quality training programs
13    for staff; providing an effective date.
15          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17          Section 1. Section 1013.135, Florida Statutes, is created
18    to read:
19          1013.135 Indoor air quality of educational facilities.--
20          (1) Each district school board shall adopt and implement
21    an indoor air quality program using the guidelines of the United
22    States Environmental Protection Agency's Indoor Air Quality
23    Tools for Schools Program to provide for ongoing maintenance and
24    facility reviews necessary for the improvement and proper
25    maintenance of the indoor air quality of its educational
26    facilities.
27          (2) Each district school board shall annually report to
28    the Department of Education on the air quality condition of its
29    educational facilities and the action taken to implement its
30    indoor air quality program and long-range building program
31    through the district educational facilities plan and district
32    facilities work program.
33          (3) Prior to January 2009 and every 5 years thereafter,
34    each district school board shall conduct a uniform air quality
35    inspection and evaluation of its educational facilities built or
36    renovated after January 1, 2004, using the United States
37    Environmental Protection Agency's Indoor Air Quality Tools for
38    Schools Kit. Educational facilities built prior to January 1,
39    2004, that are not scheduled for renovation shall be subject to
40    such inspection and evaluation every 2 years beginning with the
41    implementation of the school district's indoor air quality
42    program. A district school board conducting an inspection and
43    evaluation pursuant to this subsection shall make available for
44    public inspection at a regularly scheduled district school board
45    meeting the results of the inspection and evaluation.
46          (4) Prior to approval for new construction, a district
47    school board shall provide for an environmental site assessment
48    relating to air quality pursuant to s. 1013.365. A district
49    school board shall not approve an educational facility site or
50    project plan if:
51          (a) The site is in an area of moderate or high radon
52    potential, except where the project plan incorporates
53    construction techniques to mitigate radon levels in the air of
54    the facility; or
55          (b) The standards of the State Uniform Building Code for
56    Educational Facilities Construction for heating, ventilating,
57    and air-conditioning systems are not met.
58          (5) Each district school board shall ensure that the
59    heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems of each of
60    its educational facilities are:
61          (a) Maintained and operated in accordance with the
62    prevailing maintenance standards, such as the standards of the
63    American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
64    Engineers (ASHRAE), at the time of installation or renovation of
65    such system.
66          (b) Operated continuously during the hours that students
67    or school personnel occupy the facilities except during
68    scheduled maintenance and emergency repairs or during periods
69    for which school officials can demonstrate to the department's
70    satisfaction that the quantity of outdoor air supplied by an air
71    supply system that is not mechanically driven meets the ASHRAE
72    standards for air changes per hour.
73          (6) Each district school board shall maintain records of
74    the maintenance of its heating, ventilating, and air-
75    conditioning systems for a period of at least 5 years.
76          (7) Each district school board shall establish an indoor
77    air quality committee for the school district or for each
78    facility using the guidelines established by the United States
79    Environmental Protection Agency's Indoor Air Quality Tools for
80    Schools Program to increase staff and student awareness of
81    facets of the environment that may affect the health of the
82    occupants of the facilities, including, but not limited to, air
83    quality and the presence of radon.
84          (8) Each district school board shall develop an indoor
85    environmental quality training program for facilities,
86    maintenance, and custodial staff. New employees must complete
87    the training program within the first 60 days of employment.
88    Existing employees must complete the training program within 1
89    year of implementation of the program. In the case of new
90    construction, extension, renovation, or replacement of an
91    educational facility, building maintenance staff responsible for
92    the facility shall be trained, or must be receiving training, in
93    the appropriate areas of plant operations, including, but not
94    limited to, heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems.
95    Such training shall be incorporated in the current training
96    manual for certification of master custodians.
97          Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2004.