Bill No. 1073
Amendment No. 750763
Senate House

1Representative Roberson offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Remove lines 606 through 607 and insert:
5     Section 12.  Section 409.819, Florida Statutes, is amended
6to read:
7     409.819  Identification of low-income, uninsured children;
8determination of eligibility for the Florida KidCare Kidcare
9program; alternative health care information.--The Department of
10Health shall develop a program, in conjunction with the
11Department of Education, the Department of Children and Family
12Services, the Agency for Health Care Administration, the Florida
13Healthy Kids Corporation, local governments, employers, and
14other stakeholders to identify low-income, uninsured children
15and, to the extent possible and subject to appropriation, refer
16them to the Department of Children and Family Services for
17eligibility determination and provide parents with information
18about choices of health benefits coverage under the Florida
19KidCare Kidcare program. These activities shall include, but not
20be limited to,: training community providers in effective
21methods of outreach; conducting public information campaigns
22designed to publicize the Florida KidCare Kidcare program, the
23eligibility requirements of the program, and the procedures for
24enrollment in the program; and maintaining public awareness of
25the Florida KidCare Kidcare program. Special emphasis shall be
26placed on the identification of minority children, including,
27but not limited to, Hispanic, Haitian, and African-American
28children, for referral to and participation in the Florida
29KidCare Kidcare program.
31================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
32     Remove lines 60 through 62 and insert:
33reference; amending s. 409.819, F.S.; providing additional
34requirements to identify children for the Florida KidCare
35program; providing appropriations; providing

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.