1 | House Memorial |
2 | A memorial to the Congress of the United States, urging |
3 | Congress to support the passage of the Calling for 2-1-1 |
4 | Act of 2003. |
5 |
6 | WHEREAS, 2-1-1 provides access to more than 2,400 social |
7 | programs and services in Orange, Osceola, and Seminole Counties, |
8 | including domestic abuse programs, clothing and furniture needs, |
9 | youth programs, services for people with disabilities, volunteer |
10 | opportunities, service for elders, housing assistance, child |
11 | care, and counseling services, and |
12 | WHEREAS, since its launch at the Heart of Florida United |
13 | Way headquarters in July 2003, 2-1-1 has helped more than 40,000 |
14 | Orange, Osceola, and Seminole County residents gain access to |
15 | vital health and human services, and |
16 | WHEREAS, 2-1-1 is the national abbreviated dialing code for |
17 | free access to health and human services information and |
18 | referral and is a universally recognizable number that makes a |
19 | critical connection between individuals and families seeking |
20 | services and the appropriate community-based organizations and |
21 | government agencies, and |
22 | WHEREAS, as the leading source of information and referrals |
23 | in Orange, Osceola, and Seminole Counties, 2-1-1 serves as the |
24 | link between those who need help and the more than 435 local |
25 | charities that can provide it, encourages prevention of human |
26 | service emergencies, and fosters self-sufficiency, and |
27 | WHEREAS, prior to the introduction of the federal Calling |
28 | for 2-1-1 Act on September 17, 2003, United Way of America |
29 | worked with Senator Dole (R-NC), Senator Clinton (D-NY), |
30 | Representative Burr (R-NC), and Representative Eshoo (D-CA) to |
31 | draft bipartisan legislation that will authorize a dedicated |
32 | federal funding source to support 2-1-1 development nationwide, |
33 | and |
34 | WHEREAS, the proposed legislation?s matching funds would |
35 | allow the local 2-1-1 to leverage the generous support it has |
36 | received from many of Central Florida?s leading organizations, |
37 | thereby providing better service to local residents, and |
38 | WHEREAS, examples of improvements that the Calling for 2-1- |
39 | 1 Act would facilitate include expanding 2-1-1?s local service |
40 | by implementing a disaster plan, providing three-digit calling |
41 | access to cell phone users, increasing call handling capacity, |
42 | setting up an overflow system for use during times of crisis, |
43 | and increasing the efficiency of operations, NOW, THEREFORE, |
44 |
45 | Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
46 |
47 | That the Congress of the United States is requested to pass |
48 | the Calling for 2-1-1 Act of 2003. |
49 | BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be |
50 | dispatched to the President of the United States, to the |
51 | President of the United States Senate, to the Speaker of the |
52 | United States House of Representatives, and to each member of |
53 | the Florida delegation to the United States Congress. |