Senate Bill sb1154c1
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Florida Senate - 2004 CS for SB 1154
By the Committee on Health, Aging, and Long-Term Care; and
Senators Peaden and Jones
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to a health care practitioner
3 workforce database; creating s. 381.03015,
4 F.S.; providing legislative intent with respect
5 to a health care practitioner workforce
6 database; providing definitions; creating the
7 Florida Health Care Practitioner Workforce
8 Database within the Department of Health;
9 authorizing the database to be implemented in
10 stages; giving priority in the database for
11 information concerning allopathic and
12 osteopathic physicians; specifying data
13 elements of allopathic and osteopathic
14 physicians for inclusion in the database;
15 requiring that data for the health care
16 practitioner workforce database be gathered
17 from existing data sources; requiring certain
18 entities to provide data elements to the
19 department; authorizing the department to
20 create an advisory committee; requiring the
21 department to adopt rules; providing that the
22 act will not take effect unless funds are
23 specifically appropriated for this purpose;
24 prohibiting the use of a specified trust fund
25 to administer the act; providing an effective
26 date.
28 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
30 Section 1. Section 381.03015, Florida Statutes, is
31 created to read:
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Florida Senate - 2004 CS for SB 1154
1 381.03015 Florida Health Care Practitioner Workforce
2 Database.--
4 (a) The Legislature finds that the state health
5 policies designed to expand patient access and improve the
6 quality of health care delivery must take into consideration
7 the supply, distribution, diversity, academic preparation, and
8 utilization of the state's health care workforce. The
9 Legislature further finds that the absence of accurate,
10 objective, relevant, and timely data concerning the health
11 care workforce in this state is a barrier to developing and
12 implementing optimal programmatic and fiscal policies relating
13 to the education and training of health care practitioners and
14 the delivery of health care services.
15 (b) In order to eliminate these barriers, it is the
16 intent of the Legislature to create the Florida Health Care
17 Practitioner Workforce Database within the Department of
18 Health. The database shall provide the capacity for the
19 collection, compilation, maintenance, and analysis of data
20 concerning the state's health care workforce. It is further
21 the intent of the Legislature that the workforce database
22 serve as the official state repository of data that can be
23 used by the Legislature, the Executive Office of the Governor,
24 state agencies, and state, regional, and local entities
25 involved in planning, analysis, and policy development for the
26 health care workforce and in the delivery of health care
27 services.
28 (2) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:
29 (a) "Department" means the Department of Health.
30 (b) "Health care practitioner" has the same meaning as
31 provided in s. 456.001.
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Florida Senate - 2004 CS for SB 1154
3 (a) The Florida Health Care Practitioner Workforce
4 Database is the electronic repository of data elements for
5 each health care profession identified by the department for
6 inclusion in the database. Data elements shall be maintained
7 for as many years as necessary to allow for an analysis of
8 longitudinal trends. To the maximum extent feasible, data
9 elements must be collected and maintained using standardized
10 definitions in order to allow for multistate or national
11 comparisons of this state's data.
12 (b) The workforce database may be implemented in
13 phases; however, the highest priority must be given to
14 including the data elements for allopathic and osteopathic
15 physicians in the database. Inclusion of data elements for
16 other health care practitioners may be accomplished in
17 subsequent phases, as resources allow with priority given to
18 the inclusion of health care practitioners who are subject to
19 the practitioner profiling system under s. 456.041. The
20 department shall develop an implementation plan that
21 recommends the priority order in which other health care
22 practitioners may be added to the database, identifies the
23 data elements to be collected for each group of health care
24 practitioners, and provides an estimate of the cost associated
25 with the addition of each group of health care practitioners
26 to the database. The data elements collected for nurses shall
27 be identified by the department, based upon recommendations
28 made by the Florida Center for Nursing. The implementation
29 plan shall also provide an analysis of technical issues and an
30 estimate of the costs associated with collecting the following
31 data elements for allopathic and osteopathic physicians
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Florida Senate - 2004 CS for SB 1154
1 through the licensing processes of the Board of Medicine and
2 the Board of Osteopathic Medicine under s. 456.039, or through
3 the profiling process for health care practitioners under s.
4 456.041:
5 1. The physician's secondary practice location, if
6 any, including the street address, municipality, county, and
7 zip code.
8 2. The approximate number of hours per week spent in
9 each practice location.
10 3. Each practice setting, by major category of
11 practice setting, including, but not limited to, office-based
12 practice, hospital-based practice, nursing home, health
13 maintenance organization, and county health department.
14 4. Whether the physician is a full-time member of a
15 medical school faculty.
16 5. Whether the physician plans to reduce his or her
17 practice volume by a significant percent within the effective
18 period of the currently held license.
20 The implementation plan shall be submitted to the Governor and
21 Legislature by December 1, 2005.
22 (4) The data elements for allopathic and osteopathic
23 physicians shall include the following:
24 (a) Data elements for each allopathic and osteopathic
25 physician licensed to practice in this state:
26 1. Name.
27 2. Date of birth.
28 3. Place of birth.
29 4. Gender.
30 5. Race.
31 6. Social security number.
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Florida Senate - 2004 CS for SB 1154
1 7. Name of medical school.
2 8. Year of graduation from medical school.
3 9. Location of medical school.
4 10. Name of each graduate medical education program
5 completed.
6 11. Year of completion of each graduate medical
7 education program.
8 12. Location of each graduate medical education
9 program completed.
10 13. Type of each graduate medical education program
11 completed, such as internship, residency, or fellowship.
12 14. Each medical specialty or subspecialty that the
13 physician practices.
14 15. Each medical specialty board certification held.
15 16. The primary practice location, including the
16 street address, municipality, county, and zip code for each
17 location.
18 (b) Data elements for each graduate of a Florida
19 allopathic or osteopathic medical school:
20 1. Name.
21 2. Date of birth.
22 3. Place of birth.
23 4. Gender.
24 5. Race.
25 6. Social security number.
26 7. Name of medical school.
27 8. Year of graduation from medical school.
28 9. Name and location, by state and country, of the
29 graduate medical education program that the graduate plans to
30 enter.
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Florida Senate - 2004 CS for SB 1154
1 10. Type of graduate medical education program, such
2 as internship or residency, which the graduate plans to enter,
3 including the identification of graduate medical education
4 programs during postgraduate year 1 and postgraduate year 2,
5 if applicable, for graduates entering preliminary or
6 transitional positions during postgraduate year 1.
7 (c) Data elements for each allopathic or osteopathic
8 physician completing a graduate medical education program in
9 this state:
10 1. Name.
11 2. Date of birth.
12 3. Place of birth.
13 4. Gender.
14 5. Race.
15 6. Social security number.
16 7. Name of medical school.
17 8. Year of graduation from medical school.
18 9. Location, by state and country, of the medical
19 school.
20 10. Name and location, by state and country, of the
21 graduate medical education program.
23 intent of the Legislature to minimize the cost of creating and
24 operating the Florida Health Care Practitioner Workforce
25 Database and to avoid unwarranted duplication of existing
26 data. Therefore, to the maximum extent possible, the data
27 included in the workforce database shall be derived from
28 existing data sources except as provided in paragraph (6)(a).
29 New data shall be collected for inclusion in the workforce
30 database only when the department determines that such data
31 are essential for evaluating and analyzing the health care
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Florida Senate - 2004 CS for SB 1154
1 professions and when the data cannot be obtained from existing
2 sources.
3 (6)(a) Data elements sought to satisfy paragraph
4 (4)(a) shall be obtained from the licensing processes of the
5 Board of Medicine and the Board of Osteopathic Medicine under
6 s. 456.039, and from the profiling process for health care
7 practitioners under s. 456.041. In addition to the data
8 collected under ss. 456.039 and 456.041, the Board of Medicine
9 and the Board of Osteopathic Medicine shall collect the
10 following data from each person applying for initial licensure
11 or licensure renewal to practice medicine or osteopathic
12 medicine as a physician after July 1, 2005, and the Department
13 of Health shall enter the data into the database used for
14 licensure or an equivalent database:
15 1. The place of the applicant's birth.
16 2. The state and country of the medical school from
17 which the applicant graduated.
18 3. Each medical specialty or subspecialty that the
19 physician practices.
20 (b) Each medical school in this state shall annually
21 submit the data elements described in paragraph (4)(b) to the
22 department, in a manner prescribed by the department, for each
23 medical student who provides written consent to the medical
24 school authorizing the release of his or her data to the
25 department.
26 (c) Each graduate medical education program in this
27 state shall annually submit the data elements described in
28 paragraph (4)(c) to the department, in the manner prescribed
29 by the department, for each intern or resident who provides
30 written consent to the residency program authorizing the
31 release of his or her data to the department.
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Florida Senate - 2004 CS for SB 1154
2 (a) The Secretary of Health may establish an advisory
3 committee to monitor the creation and implementation of the
4 Florida Health Care Practitioner Workforce Database.
5 (b) The department may employ or assign agency staff
6 or may contract, on a competitive-bid basis, with an
7 appropriate entity to administer the workforce database.
8 (8) RULEMAKING.--The department shall adopt rules
9 under ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to administer this section.
10 Section 2. This act shall not take effect unless
11 sufficient funds are allocated in a specific appropriation or
12 in the General Appropriations Act for the 2004-2005 fiscal
13 year to fund the Florida Health Care Practitioner Workforce
14 Database. The Medical Quality Assurance Trust Fund may not be
15 used to fund the administration of this act.
16 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
17 law.
20 SB 1154
22 The Committee Substitute revises the data elements for
Florida-licensed allopathic and osteopathic physicians, for
23 graduates of a Florida allopathic or osteopathic medical
school, and for Florida allopathic or osteopathic physicians
24 completing a graduate medical education program in Florida
that must be included in the health care workforce database
25 created by the bill. The Committee Substitute deletes
requirements for the confidentiality of data that the
26 Department of Health obtains from any governmental entity,
medical school, or university for the purpose of compiling the
27 workforce database or substantiating other information or
records submitted for that purpose.
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