Bill No. CS for SB 1172
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 471572
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                  WD/2R          .                    
       04/23/2004 10:24 AM         .                    
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10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Fasano moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         On page 2, between lines 6 and 7,
16  insert:  
17         Section 3.  Subsection (6) of section 322.08, Florida
18  Statutes, is amended to read:
19         322.08  Application for license.--
20         (6)  The application form for a driver's license or
21  duplicate thereof shall include language permitting the
22  following:
23         (a)  A voluntary contribution of $5 per applicant,
24  which contribution shall be transferred into the Election
25  Campaign Financing Trust Fund.
26         (b)  A voluntary contribution of $1 per applicant,
27  which contribution shall be deposited into the Florida Organ
28  and Tissue Donor Education and Procurement Trust Fund for
29  organ and tissue donor education and for maintaining the organ
30  and tissue donor registry.
31         (c)  A voluntary contribution of $1 per applicant,
    1:47 PM   04/22/04                              s1172c1c-11e0i

SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1172 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 471572 1 which contribution shall be distributed to the Florida Council 2 of the Blind. 3 (d) A voluntary contribution of $2 per applicant, 4 which shall be distributed to the Hearing Research Institute, 5 Incorporated, for the purpose of infant hearing screening in 6 Florida. 7 (e) A voluntary contribution of $1 per applicant, 8 which shall be distributed to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation 9 International. 10 (f) A voluntary contribution of $1 per applicant which 11 shall be distributed to the Children's Hearing Help Fund 12 administered by the Sertoma Speech and Hearing Foundation of 13 Florida, Inc. 14 15 A statement providing an explanation of the purpose of the 16 trust funds shall also be included. 17 18 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 19 20 21 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 22 And the title is amended as follows: 23 On page 1, line 6, after the semicolon, 24 25 insert: 26 amending s. 322.08, F.S.; providing for a 27 voluntary contribution of $1 from applicants 28 for a driver's license which shall be 29 distributed to a specified foundation; 30 31 2 1:47 PM 04/22/04 s1172c1c-11e0i