Bill No. 1187
Amendment No. 078025
Senate House

1Representative Poppell offered the following:
3     Substitute Amendment for Amendment (152357)
4Remove line(s) 425-432 and insert:
5     (7)  A manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler may sell or
6lease new equipment for use within the state. If the
7manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler makes a direct sale and
8the equipment is prepared for delivery or serviced by a dealer,
9the manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler shall reasonably
10compensate the dealer for the preparation and delivery of the
11new equipment and shall pay to the dealer a commission equal to
12no less than three-fourths of the dealer's previous year's
13percentage of gross profit of equipment sales as reported by the
14dealer to the line manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler.
15When a direct sale is made by the manufacturer, distributor, or
16wholesaler, the units sold shall be applied to the dealer's
17total annual sales. This

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.