Senate Bill sb1200c2
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Florida Senate - 2004 CS for CS for SB 1200
By the Committees on Finance and Taxation; Transportation; and
Senator Sebesta
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to highway and vessel safety;
3 amending s. 316.085, F.S.; prohibiting driving
4 outside of authorized lanes or within pavement
5 markings or traffic control devices except
6 where explicitly permitted; providing
7 exceptions; prohibiting vehicles from entering
8 queues of certain slow-moving traffic; amending
9 s. 316.605, F.S.; clarifying that portion of a
10 license plate which must be clear and plainly
11 visible; amending s. 316.613, F.S.; eliminating
12 authorization for the Department of Highway
13 Safety and Motor Vehicles to expend certain
14 funds; creating s. 316.6131, F.S.; authorizing
15 the department to expend certain funds;
16 amending s. 318.1451, F.S.; conforming
17 provisions to changes made by the act; amending
18 s. 319.29, F.S.; directing the verification of
19 identity for certain title certificates;
20 amending s. 320.01, F.S.; clarifying the
21 definition of the terms "apportionable vehicle"
22 and "commercial motor vehicle"; amending s.
23 320.05, F.S.; providing that certain motor
24 vehicle and vessel information is available
25 free of charge on the department's website;
26 amending s. 320.06, F.S.; correcting a
27 cross-reference; amending s. 320.0607, F.S.;
28 directing the verification of identity for
29 certain vehicle license plates and
30 registrations; amending s. 320.0843, F.S.;
31 requiring that an applicant eligible for a
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1 disabled parking plate be noted on the
2 certificate; amending s. 320.0848, F.S.;
3 requiring the verification of identity for
4 certain disabled parking permits; amending s.
5 320.086, F.S.; revising provisions relating to
6 historical license plates; amending s. 320.58,
7 F.S.; authorizing inspectors employed by the
8 department to enforce certain provisions
9 relating to off-highway vehicles and vessels;
10 amending s. 322.025, F.S.; authorizing the
11 department to offer a once-in-a-lifetime
12 opportunity to attend a basic driver
13 improvement course for drivers who meet certain
14 criteria; requiring the department to deduct
15 points from a driver's record upon proof of
16 completion of the basic driver improvement
17 course; requiring the department to record on
18 the driver's record that the offer of the
19 improvement course has been accepted and used;
20 providing that this opportunity is not
21 available to any driver who has attended a
22 basic driver improvement course within the
23 previous 12 months; amending s. 322.09, F.S.;
24 requiring the signature of a secondary guardian
25 on a driver's license application for a minor
26 under certain circumstances; amending s.
27 322.11, F.S.; providing for notice to a minor
28 before canceling the minor's license due to the
29 death of or withdrawal of consent by the person
30 who co-signed the initial application; amending
31 s. 322.20, F.S.; authorizing the department to
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1 charge fees for electronic access to specified
2 information; requiring that certain driver's
3 license information be available free of charge
4 on the department's website; creating s.
5 327.375, F.S.; regulating commercial
6 parasailing; amending s. 328.11, F.S.; revising
7 requirements relating to the issuance of a
8 duplicate certificate of title for vessels;
9 providing an effective date.
11 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
13 Section 1. Present subsection (3) of section 316.085,
14 Florida Statutes, is redesignated as subsection (5), and new
15 subsections (3) and (4) are added to that section, to read:
16 316.085 Limitations on overtaking, passing, changing
17 lanes and changing course.--
18 (3) A motor vehicle may not be driven outside of the
19 authorized lane of travel or over, across, or within a
20 pavement marking or traffic control device for the purpose of
21 overtaking or passing another vehicle except where the
22 pavement marking or traffic control device explicitly permits
23 such overtaking or passing. This prohibition does not apply to
24 maneuvers taken to avoid disabled vehicles or obstructions.
25 (4) A motor vehicle may not be driven from a direct
26 course in a lane on a highway until the driver has determined
27 that the vehicle is not entering a vehicular queue at a point
28 ahead of the last vehicle in the queue. As used in this
29 subsection, the term "queue" means more than one vehicle
30 proceeding in the same direction, traveling at less than the
31 posted speed limit, and aligned in one or more lanes for the
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1 purpose of exiting or entering a roadway, merging, or
2 traveling through a designated construction zone.
3 Section 2. Subsection (1) of section 316.605, Florida
4 Statutes, is amended to read:
5 316.605 Licensing of vehicles.--
6 (1) Every vehicle, at all times while driven, stopped,
7 or parked upon any highways, roads, or streets of this state,
8 shall be licensed in the name of the owner thereof in
9 accordance with the laws of this state unless such vehicle is
10 not required by the laws of this state to be licensed in this
11 state and shall, except as otherwise provided in s. 320.0706
12 for front-end registration license plates on truck tractors,
13 display the license plate or both of the license plates
14 assigned to it by the state, one on the rear and, if two, the
15 other on the front of the vehicle, each to be securely
16 fastened to the vehicle outside the main body of the vehicle
17 in such manner as to prevent the plates from swinging, with
18 all letters, numerals, printing, writing, and other
19 identification marks upon the plates regarding the word
20 "Florida," the registration decal, and the alphanumeric
21 designation shall be clear and distinct and free from
22 defacement, mutilation, grease, and other obscuring matter, so
23 that they will be plainly visible and legible at all times 100
24 feet from the rear or front. Nothing shall be placed upon the
25 face of a Florida plate except as permitted by law or by rule
26 or regulation of a governmental agency. No license plates
27 other than those furnished by the state shall be used.
28 However, if the vehicle is not required to be licensed in this
29 state, the license plates on such vehicle issued by another
30 state, by a territory, possession, or district of the United
31 States, or by a foreign country, substantially complying with
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1 the provisions hereof, shall be considered as complying with
2 this chapter. A violation of this subsection is a noncriminal
3 traffic infraction, punishable as a nonmoving violation as
4 provided in chapter 318.
5 Section 3. Subsection (4) of section 316.613, Florida
6 Statutes, is amended to read:
7 316.613 Child restraint requirements.--
8 (4)(a) It is the legislative intent that all state,
9 county, and local law enforcement agencies, and safety
10 councils, in recognition of the problems with child death and
11 injury from unrestrained occupancy in motor vehicles, conduct
12 a continuing safety and public awareness campaign as to the
13 magnitude of the problem.
14 (b) The department may authorize the expenditure of
15 funds for the purchase of promotional items as part of the
16 public information and education campaigns provided for in
17 this subsection and ss. 316.614, 322.025, and 403.7145.
18 Section 4. Section 316.6131, Florida Statutes, is
19 created to read:
20 316.6131 Educational expenditures.--The department may
21 authorize the expenditure of funds for the purchase of
22 educational items as part of the public information and
23 education campaigns promoting highway safety and awareness as
24 well as departmental community-based initiatives. Funds may be
25 expended for, but are not limited to, educational campaigns
26 provided in chapters 316, 320, and 322 and s. 403.7145.
27 Section 5. Subsection (4) of section 318.1451, Florida
28 Statutes, is amended to read:
29 318.1451 Driver improvement schools.--
30 (4) In addition to a regular course fee, an assessment
31 fee in the amount of $2.50 shall be collected by the school
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1 from each person who elects to attend a course, as it relates
2 to ss. 318.14(9), 322.025(2), 322.0261, 322.291, and
3 627.06501, which shall be remitted to the Department of
4 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles and deposited in the Highway
5 Safety Operating Trust Fund to administer this program and to
6 fund the general operations of the department.
7 Section 6. Subsection (4) of section 319.29, Florida
8 Statutes, is amended to read:
9 319.29 Lost or destroyed certificates.--
10 (4) The department shall implement a system to verify
11 that the application is signed by a person authorized to
12 receive a duplicate title certificate under this section if
13 the address shown on the application is different from the
14 address shown for the applicant on the records of the
15 department. If the title is being delivered to someone other
16 than the owner of record, the identity of the person to whom
17 the title is delivered must be verified and the documentation
18 of the verification must be maintained by the department.
19 Section 7. Subsections (25) and (26) of section
20 320.01, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
21 320.01 Definitions, general.--As used in the Florida
22 Statutes, except as otherwise provided, the term:
23 (25) "Apportionable vehicle" means any vehicle, except
24 recreational vehicles, vehicles displaying restricted plates,
25 city pickup and delivery vehicles, buses used in
26 transportation of chartered parties, and government-owned
27 vehicles, which is used or intended for use in two or more
28 member jurisdictions that allocate or proportionally register
29 vehicles and which is used for the transportation of persons
30 for hire or is designed, used, or maintained primarily for the
31 transportation of property and:
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1 (a) Is a power unit having a gross vehicle weight in
2 excess of 26,001 pounds or more;
3 (b) Is a power unit having three or more axles,
4 regardless of weight; or
5 (c) Is used in combination, when the weight of such
6 combination is exceeds 26,001 pounds or more gross vehicle
7 weight.
9 Vehicles, or combinations thereof, having a gross vehicle
10 weight of 26,001 pounds or less and two-axle vehicles may be
11 proportionally registered.
12 (26) "Commercial motor vehicle" means any vehicle that
13 which is not owned or operated by a governmental entity, which
14 uses special fuel or motor fuel on the public highways, and
15 which has a gross vehicle weight of 26,001 pounds or more, or
16 has three or more axles regardless of weight, or is used in
17 combination when the weight of the such combination is exceeds
18 26,001 pounds or more gross vehicle weight.
19 Section 8. Subsection (3) of section 320.05, Florida
20 Statutes, is amended to read:
21 320.05 Records of the department; inspection
22 procedure; lists and searches; fees.--
23 (3)(a) The department is authorized, upon application
24 of any person and payment of the proper fees, to prepare and
25 furnish lists containing motor vehicle or vessel information
26 in a such form as the department may authorize, to search the
27 records of the department and make reports thereof, and to
28 make photographic copies of the department records and
29 attestations thereof.
30 (b) Fees therefor shall be charged and collected as
31 follows:
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1 1. For providing lists of motor vehicle or vessel
2 records for the entire state, or any part or parts thereof,
3 divided according to counties, a sum computed at a rate of not
4 less than 1 cent nor more than 5 cents per item.
5 2. For providing noncertified photographic copies of
6 motor vehicle or vessel documents, $1 per page.
7 3. For providing noncertified photographic copies of
8 micrographic records, $1 per page.
9 4. For providing certified copies of motor vehicle or
10 vessel records, $3 per record.
11 5. For providing noncertified computer-generated
12 printouts of motor vehicle or vessel records, 50 cents per
13 record.
14 6. For providing certified computer-generated
15 printouts of motor vehicle or vessel records, $3 per record.
16 7. For providing electronic access to motor vehicle,
17 vessel, and mobile home registration data requested by tag,
18 vehicle identification number, title number, or decal number,
19 50 cents per item, except that information provided via the
20 department's Internet website is free of charge.
21 8. For providing electronic access to driver's license
22 status report by name, sex, and date of birth or by driver
23 license number, 50 cents per item.
24 8.9. For providing lists of licensed mobile home
25 dealers and manufacturers and recreational vehicle dealers and
26 manufacturers, $15 per list.
27 9.10. For providing lists of licensed motor vehicle
28 dealers, $25 per list.
29 10.11. For each copy of a videotape record, $15 per
30 tape.
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1 11.12. For each copy of the Division of Motor Vehicles
2 Procedures Manual, $25.
3 (c) Fees collected under pursuant to paragraph (b)
4 shall be deposited into the Highway Safety Operating Trust
5 Fund.
6 (d) The department shall furnish the such information
7 without charge to any court or governmental entity.
8 (e) When motor vehicle, vessel, or mobile home
9 registration data is provided by electronic access through a
10 tax collector's office, a fee for the electronic access is not
11 required to be assessed. However, at the tax collector's
12 discretion, a fee equal to or less than the fee charged by the
13 department for the such information may be assessed by the tax
14 collector for the electronic access. Notwithstanding paragraph
15 (c), any funds collected by the tax collector as a result of
16 providing such access shall be retained by the tax collector.
17 Section 9. Subsection (4) of section 320.06, Florida
18 Statutes, is amended to read:
19 320.06 Registration certificates, license plates, and
20 validation stickers generally.--
21 (4) The corporation organized under chapter 946 may
22 manufacture license plates, validation stickers, and decals,
23 as well as temporary tags, disabled hang tags, vessel decals,
24 and fuel use decals, for the Department of Highway Safety and
25 Motor Vehicles as provided in this chapter and chapter 328
26 327. The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is
27 not required to obtain competitive bids in order to contract
28 with the corporation.
29 Section 10. Section 320.0607, Florida Statutes, is
30 amended to read:
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1 320.0607 Replacement license plates, validation decal,
2 or mobile home sticker.--
3 (1) A Any law enforcement officer or department
4 license and registration inspector may at any time inspect a
5 license plate or validation decal for proper display and
6 legibility as prescribed by chapter 316. A damaged or defaced
7 plate or decal may be required to be replaced.
8 (2) When a license plate, mobile home sticker, or
9 validation decal has been lost, stolen, or destroyed, the
10 owner of the motor vehicle or mobile home for which the plate,
11 sticker, or decal was issued shall make application to the
12 department for a replacement. The application shall contain
13 the plate, sticker, or decal number being replaced and a
14 statement that the item was lost, stolen, or destroyed. If the
15 application includes a copy of the police report prepared in
16 response to a report of a stolen plate, sticker, or decal,
17 such plate, sticker, or decal must be replaced at no charge.
18 (3) The department shall implement a system to verify
19 that the replacement application is signed by a person
20 authorized to receive a replacement license plate or duplicate
21 registration if the address on the application is different
22 from the address for the applicant on the records of the
23 department. If the replacement license plate or registration
24 is being delivered to someone other than the owner of record,
25 proof of identity for that person must be verified and the
26 physical documentation of the verification must be maintained
27 by the department.
28 (4)(3) Except as provided in subsection (2), in all
29 such cases, upon filing of an application accompanied by a fee
30 of $10 plus applicable service charges, the department shall
31 issue a replacement plate, sticker, or decal as the case may
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1 be if it is satisfied that the information reported in the
2 application is true. The replacement fee shall be deposited
3 into the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund.
4 (5)(4) Any license plate, sticker, or decal lost in
5 the mail shall may be replaced at no charge. A Neither the
6 service charge or nor the replacement fee may not shall be
7 applied to the this replacement. However, the application for
8 a replacement must shall contain a statement that the license
9 plate, sticker, or decal was lost in the mail of such fact,
10 the audit number of the lost item, and the date issued.
11 (6)(5) Upon the issuance of an original license plate,
12 the applicant shall pay a fee of $10 to be deposited in the
13 Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund.
14 (7)(6) All funds derived from the sale of temporary
15 tags under the provisions of s. 320.131 shall be deposited in
16 the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund.
17 Section 11. Section 320.0843, Florida Statutes, is
18 amended to read:
19 320.0843 License plates for persons with disabilities
20 eligible for permanent disabled parking permits.--
21 (1) An Any owner or lessee of a motor vehicle who
22 resides in this state and qualifies for a disabled parking
23 permit under s. 320.0848(2), upon application to the
24 department and payment of the license tax for a motor vehicle
25 registered under s. 320.08(2), (3)(a), (b), (c), or (e),
26 (4)(a) or (b), (6)(a), or (9)(c) or (d), shall be issued a
27 license plate as provided by s. 320.06 which, in lieu of the
28 serial number prescribed by s. 320.06, shall be stamped with
29 the international wheelchair user symbol after the serial
30 number of the license plate. The license plate entitles the
31 person to all privileges afforded by a parking permit issued
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1 under s. 320.0848. If more than one registrant is listed on
2 the registration issued under this section, the eligible
3 applicant for the license plate shall be noted on the
4 registration certificate.
5 (2) All applications for these such license plates
6 must be made to the department.
7 Section 12. Paragraph (f) of subsection (2) of section
8 320.0848, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
9 320.0848 Persons who have disabilities; issuance of
10 disabled parking permits; temporary permits; permits for
11 certain providers of transportation services to persons who
12 have disabilities.--
15 (f) To obtain a replacement for a disabled parking
16 permit that has been lost or stolen, a person must submit an
17 application on a form prescribed by the department and must
18 pay a replacement fee in the amount of $1.00, to be retained
19 by the issuing agency. If the person submits with the
20 application a police report documenting that the permit was
21 stolen, there is no replacement fee. The department shall
22 implement a system to verify that the application for a
23 disabled parking permit is signed by a person authorized to
24 receive a replacement or duplicate disabled parking permit if
25 the address on the application is different from the address
26 for the applicant on the records of the department. If the
27 replacement or duplicate disabled parking permit is being
28 delivered to someone other than the owner of record, proof of
29 identity for that person must be verified and the physical
30 documentation of the verification must be maintained by the
31 department.
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1 Section 13. Subsection (4) of section 320.086, Florida
2 Statutes, is amended to read:
3 320.086 Ancient or antique motor vehicles; "horseless
4 carriage," antique, or historical license plates.--
5 (4) Any person who is the registered owner of a motor
6 vehicle as defined in this section and manufactured in the
7 model year 1975 1974 or earlier, may apply to the department
8 for permission to use a historical Florida license plate that
9 clearly represents the model year of the vehicle as a
10 personalized prestige license plate. This plate shall be
11 furnished by the such person and shall be presented to the
12 department with a reasonable fee to be determined by the
13 department for approval and for authentication that the
14 historic license plate and any applicable decals were issued
15 by this state in the same year as the model year of the car or
16 truck. The requirements of s. 320.0805(8)(b) do not apply to
17 historical plates authorized under this subsection.
18 Section 14. Section 320.58, Florida Statutes, is
19 amended to read:
20 320.58 License inspectors; powers, appointment.--
21 (1)(a) The department shall appoint as many license
22 inspectors and supervisors as it deems necessary to enforce
23 the provisions of this chapter and chapters 317, 319, 322, and
24 324, and 328. In order to enforce the provisions of these
25 laws, the inspectors are empowered to enter on both publicly
26 owned and privately owned property and to issue uniform
27 traffic citations to persons found in violation thereof. The
28 department is further empowered to delegate the power to issue
29 uniform traffic citations to persons acting as its agents for
30 the purpose of enforcing the registration provisions of this
31 chapter, which may include, but are not be limited to,
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1 personnel employed by district school boards as agreed to by
2 the school board and the county tax collector.
3 (b) License inspectors appointed under pursuant to
4 this section and agents delegated by the department are not to
5 be considered for membership in the state high-risk retirement
6 program.
7 (2) Any person who fails or refuses to surrender his
8 or her driver's license, registration certificate, and license
9 plate upon lawful demand of an inspector, supervisor, or
10 authorized agent of the department commits is guilty of a
11 misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s.
12 775.082 or s. 775.083.
13 Section 15. Section 322.025, Florida Statutes, is
14 amended to read:
15 322.025 Driver improvement.--
16 (1) The department may implement programs to improve
17 the driving ability of the drivers of this state. Such
18 programs may include, but are shall not be limited to, safety
19 awareness campaigns, driver training, and licensing
20 improvement. Motorcycle driver improvement programs
21 implemented under pursuant to this section or s. 322.0255
22 shall be funded by the motorcycle safety education fee
23 collected under pursuant to s. 320.08(1)(c), which shall be
24 deposited in the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund of the
25 department and appropriated for that purpose.
26 (2) The department may offer once during a driver's
27 lifetime to each driver who receives a points-warning letter
28 under s. 322.27(3)(f) or a restriction letter under s. 322.161
29 the opportunity to attend, within 60 days after the date of
30 such letter, a basic driver improvement course approved by the
31 department. If the driver completes an approved course and
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1 presents proof of completion to the department, the department
2 shall deduct three points from the citation that caused the
3 action from the driver's record and permanently record on the
4 driver's record that the one-time offer has been accepted and
5 used. This election is not available to any driver who has
6 attended a basic driver improvement course within the previous
7 12 months.
8 Section 16. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
9 322.09, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
10 322.09 Application of minors; responsibility for
11 negligence or misconduct of minor.--
12 (1)(a) The application of any person under the age of
13 18 years for a driver's license must be signed and verified
14 before a person authorized to administer oaths by the father,
15 mother, or guardian, by a secondary guardian if the primary
16 guardian dies before the minor reaches 18 years of age, or, if
17 there is no parent or guardian, by another responsible adult
18 who is willing to assume the obligation imposed under this
19 chapter upon a person signing the application of a minor.
20 This section does not apply to a person under the age of 18
21 years who is emancipated by marriage.
22 Section 17. Section 322.11, Florida Statutes, is
23 amended to read:
24 322.11 Revocation of license upon death of person
25 signing minor's application.--The department, upon receipt of
26 satisfactory evidence of the death of the person who signed
27 the application of a minor for a license, shall, 90 days after
28 giving written notice to the minor, cancel such license and
29 may shall not issue a new license until such time as the new
30 application, duly signed and verified, is made as required by
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1 this chapter. This provision does shall not apply if in the
2 event the minor has attained the age of 18 years.
3 Section 18. Subsection (11) of section 322.20, Florida
4 Statutes, is amended to read:
5 322.20 Records of the department; fees; destruction of
6 records.--
7 (11)(a) The department is authorized to charge the
8 following fees for the following services and documents:
9 1. For providing a transcript of any one individual's
10 driver history record or any portion thereof for the past 3
11 years or for searching for the such record when no record is
12 found to be on file......................................$2.10
13 2. For providing a transcript of any one individual's
14 driver history record or any portion thereof for the past 7
15 years or for searching for the such record when no record is
16 found to be on file......................................$3.10
17 3. For providing a certified copy of a transcript of
18 the driver history record or any portion thereof for any one
19 individual...............................................$3.10
20 4. For providing a certified photographic copy of a
21 document, per page.......................................$1.00
22 5. For providing an exemplified record..........$15.00
23 6. For providing photocopies of documents, papers,
24 letters, clearances, or license or insurance status reports,
25 per page.................................................$0.50
26 7. For assisting persons in searching any one
27 individual's driver record at a terminal located at the
28 department's general headquarters in Tallahassee.........$2.00
29 8. For providing electronic access to driver's license
30 status by name, gender, and date of birth, or by driver
31 license number, per item................................$0.50,
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1 except that information provided via the department's Internet
2 shall be free of charge.
3 (b) The department shall furnish the such information
4 without charge to any local, state, or federal law enforcement
5 agency or court upon proof satisfactory to the department as
6 to the purpose of the investigation.
7 Section 19. Section 327.375, Florida Statutes, is
8 created to read:
9 327.375 Commercial parasailing.--
10 (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 327.37,
11 commercial parasailing is permitted on the waters of the state
12 except where prohibited by this section or by local ordinance.
13 (2) "Commercial parasailing" means any device for hire
14 with a rider towed by a power vessel by means of a tow rope
15 where the rider ascends into the air by the tow line being
16 extended from the vessel and remains suspended in the air as
17 the vessel runs its course.
18 (3) The commission shall regulate the use of
19 commercial parasailing by requiring, at a minimum, the
20 licensing of persons engaged in commercial parasailing and by
21 requiring minimum liability insurance necessary for commercial
22 parasailing. The commission may impose a fee to be established
23 by rule, not to exceed $500, for recovering the associated
24 costs of regulating commercial parasailing.
25 (4) Any person engaged in commercial parasailing
26 operations shall meet the following operation requirements:
27 (a) Vessels engaged in commercial parasailing
28 operations must be designed by the manufacturer for towing a
29 rider, and must be equipped with a rear launch platform and
30 powered winch used to release and retrieve the tow line.
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1 (b) All commercial parasail operators shall have a
2 captain's license for carrying passengers for hire issued by
3 the United States Coast Guard.
4 (c) All commercial parasailing operations shall
5 include an observer 18 years of age or older at all times to
6 monitor the progress of the airborne parasail rider and
7 parachute.
8 (d) All commercial parasail riders shall wear a United
9 States Coast Guard approved type I, type II, or type III
10 personal flotation device of the proper size and must be
11 connected to the tow line and secured in a seat harness
12 attached to an ascending type of parachute.
13 (e) Commercial parasailing conducted in the Atlantic
14 Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico shall be restricted to not less
15 than three-eights nautical mile from the shore. This
16 restriction applies to the entire commercial parasailing
17 apparatus, including the vessel tow line and rider.
18 (f) No commercial parasailing shall be permitted
19 within 600 feet of bridge span, concrete bridge supports,
20 barriers, other vessels, or persons in the water.
21 (g) Commercial parasailing shall not be permitted on
22 bodies of water less than 1,200 feet in width from shore to
23 shore.
24 (h) All commercial parasailing towing vessels shall be
25 equipped with a functional VHF radio.
26 (i) Commercial parasailing shall be conducted only
27 from one-half hour after sunrise to one-half hour before
28 sunset, and at no time during restricted visibility.
29 (j) Commercial parasailing is prohibited when
30 sustained winds are 25 knots or more and seas are 5 feet or
31 higher in the area of operation.
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1 (k) Tow lines may not exceed 500 feet in length.
2 (l) Persons who are intending to provide commercial
3 parasailing shall notify the sheriff of the county nearest the
4 area of operation 24 hours in advance.
5 (m) Commercial parasail operators shall launch riders
6 only from the flight deck of the vessels.
7 (5) A person convicted of violating this section
8 commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as
9 provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
10 Section 20. Subsection (2) of section 328.11, Florida
11 Statutes, is amended to read:
12 328.11 Duplicate certificate of title.--
13 (2) In addition to the fee imposed by subsection (1),
14 the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall
15 charge a fee of $5 for expedited service in issuing a
16 duplicate certificate of title. Application for such expedited
17 service may be made by mail or in person. The department
18 shall issue each certificate of title applied for under this
19 subsection within 5 working days after receipt of a proper
20 application or shall refund the additional $5 fee upon written
21 request by the applicant.
22 Section 21. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
23 law.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 2004 CS for CS for SB 1200
2 CS/SB 1200
4 The committee substitute prohibits driving outside of
authorized travel lanes or without pavement markings or
5 traffic control devices for the purpose of overtaking or
passing another vehicle except where explicitly permitted.
The committee substitute prohibits a motor vehicle from being
7 driven from a direct course in a lane on a highway until the
driver has determined that the vehicle is not entering a
8 vehicular queue at a point ahead of the last vehicle in the
queue. The term "queue" is defined.
The committee substitute requires the signature of a secondary
10 guardian on a driver's license application for a minor if the
primary guardian dies before the minor reaches 18 years of
11 age. In addition, the DHSMV must provide 90 days notice to a
minor before canceling the minor's license due to the death or
12 withdrawal of consent by the person who co-signed the initial
driver's license application.
The committee substitute provides for the regulation of
14 commercial parasailing by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation
The committee substitute allows the DHSMV to offer once during
16 a driver's lifetime, the opportunity to attend drivers school
after the driver receives a points-warning letter.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.