Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1214
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 915968
Senate House
1 7/AD/2R .
04/21/2004 02:53 PM .
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4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 Senator Constantine moved the following amendment:
13 Senate Amendment
14 On page 20, line 27, through page 22, line 4, delete
15 those lines
17 and insert:
18 representative of the municipalities located within the Wekiva
19 Study Area of Lake County.
20 (c) One municipal elected official to serve as a
21 representative of the municipalities located within the Wekiva
22 Study Area of Orange County.
23 (d) One municipal elected official to serve as a
24 representative of the municipalities located within the Wekiva
25 Study Area of Seminole County.
26 (e) One citizen representing an environmental or
27 conservation organization, one citizen representing a local
28 property owner, a land developer, or an agricultural entity,
29 and one at-large citizen who shall serve as chairman of the
30 council.
31 (f) The ad hoc nonvoting members shall include one
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Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1214
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 915968
1 representative from each of the following entities:
2 1. St. Johns River Management District.
3 2. Department of Community Affairs.
4 3. Department of Environmental Protection.
5 4. Department of Health.
6 5. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
7 6. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
8 7. Department of Transportation.
9 8. MetroPlan Orlando.
10 9. Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority.
11 10. Seminole County Expressway Authority.
12 (2) Voting members shall serve 3-year, staggered
13 terms, and shall serve without compensation but shall serve at
14 the expense of the entity they represent.
15 (3) Meetings of the commission shall be held in Lake,
16 Orange, or Seminole county at the call of the chairman, but
17 shall meet at least twice a year.
18 (4) To assist the commission in its mission, the East
19 Coast Regional Planning Council, in coordination with the
20 applicable regional and state agencies, shall serve as a
21 clearinghouse of baseline or specialized studies through
22 modeling and simulation, including collecting and
23 disseminating data on the demographics, economics, and the
24 environment of the Wekiva Study Area including the changing
25 conditions of the Wekiva River surface and groundwater basin
26 and associated influence on the Wekiva River and the Wekiwa
27 Springs.
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