HB 1235CS


1The Committee on Insurance recommends the following:
3     Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
6An act relating to health maintenance organization
7provider contracts; amending s. 641.19, F.S.; defining the
8term "schedule of reimbursements"; amending s. 641.315,
9F.S.; requiring a contract between a health maintenance
10organization and a provider to disclose a complete
11schedule of reimbursements for contracted services,
12including changes and deviations; providing criteria,
13requirements, and limitations; providing a definition;
14providing an effective date.
16Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18     Section 1.  Subsections (16) through (20) of section
19641.19, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (17)
20through (21), respectively, and a new subsection (16) is added
21to said section to read:
22     641.19  Definitions.--As used in this part, the term:
23     (16)  "Schedule of reimbursements" means a schedule of fees
24to be paid by a health maintenance organization to a physician
25provider for reimbursement for specific services pursuant to the
26terms of a contract. The physician provider's net reimbursement
27may vary after consideration of other factors, including, but
28not limited to, bundling codes together into another code and
29member cost-sharing responsibility according to the terms of the
30contract between the health maintenance organization and
31provider. The reimbursement schedule may be stated as:
32     (a)  A percentage of the Medicare fee schedule for specific
33relative-value services;
34     (b)  A listing of the reimbursements to be paid by Current
35Procedural Terminology codes for physicians that pertain to each
36physician's practice; or
37     (c)  Any other method agreed upon by the parties.
39Specific non-relative-value services shall be stated separately
40from relative-value services, and reimbursement for unclassified
41services shall be on a reasonable basis.
42     Section 2.  Subsection (4) of section 641.315, Florida
43Statutes, is amended to read:
44     641.315  Provider contracts.--
45     (4)  Whenever a contract exists between a health
46maintenance organization and a provider, the health maintenance
47organization shall disclose to the provider:
48     (a)  The mailing address or electronic address where claims
49should be sent for processing.;
50     (b)  The telephone number that a provider may call to have
51questions and concerns regarding claims addressed.; and
52     (c)  The address of any separate claims-processing centers
53for specific types of services.
54     (d)1.  The complete schedule of reimbursements for all the
55services for which a health maintenance organization and a
56provider have contracted and any changes in or deviations from
57the contracted schedule of reimbursements. The health
58maintenance organization may satisfy this requirement by:
59     a.  Providing the schedule of reimbursements or changes in
60or deviations from the schedule by electronic means to the
61provider; or
62     b.  Providing a written copy of the schedule of
63reimbursements or changes or deviations from the schedule if
64requested by the provider.
65     2.  The schedule of reimbursements is subject to the
66nondisclosure provisions of the contract, and the provider shall
67maintain the confidentiality of the schedule. For purposes of
68this paragraph, the term "provider" means a physician licensed
69under chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 460, chapter 461, or
70chapter 466.
72A health maintenance organization shall provide to its
73contracted providers no less than 30 calendar days' prior
74written notice of any changes in the information required in
75this subsection.
76     Section 3.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2005.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.